East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 05, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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I by 5.000 majority, and Beckham, the
democratic fcovernor of Kentucky, Is
rc-oh-ctcd by a strong majority. The
lopubllcan victory In Ohio makes
robiiAiirtl ei'tr n-'trmoon (eiiTnt sundj- 'Mark Ilanpn tho strongest republican
1,pll,MJU- "r tht candidate for president, on account of
, the loyal support given his candidate
for governor, Myron T. Hcrrick. Even
the popularity of Theodore Roosevelt
ennnot overshadow this last triumph
of Mr. Hnnna.
Ttmu, SUlu II
tall uue ft uy Diull
Dallr. nix luunttis tlx uinll
Pally, tlirrc mimttin by urn 1 1
Dally, one aiuutli by mull
Daily, ht tumuli br carrier . . .
Wfkly, one year by mull
WMtjr. lx oiuntbH br lunll
Wwalr, four muntlu liy mull . . .
6eml Weekly, uua year by mall . ,
KeailWwkly, nil niomlm by mall
ml Wrvkly, tlirw nioutba fay mail
. .J.-..IH)
. l.r.o
Tlie UaBt Orccnnlan la nil hhIa ( n n
nirb'g Ncwa Miami U Hotel l-urtland and
uutri i-crKiiw, i-wriiaun, iiregon.
Member Hcrtpim Mrllne
Ncw Assot'ls
N. W
Shu t'raurlM-o lliirrau. -IDS rnurth St.
Chicago llureau. SO!) Security UulldlnR.
"akliliifitmi. o o llureau. 5U Uth St.,
Eoteml at fenitlpton iroatullice as aecvond.
clahfc matter.
Life's environments, life's
struggles, life's successes, life's
failures, life's duties, all empha
size the necessity that man
should lean upon his fellow,
should co-operate with his broth
er, should link heart, with heart,
grasp hand la hand, that the
three-score-and-ten of earthly
years should have a finger
touch with the divine. Max
well's Talisman.
At Kenyon, Minnesota, the farmers
know how to co-operatively sell their
grain. Their co-operative company
was organized about seven years ago
with n cash capital of $3,500. It now
owns an elevator property worth ?14.
000. has paid 125 per cent dividends
on its original investment in six
years. The report at hand snows that
nearly -100.000 bushels of grain and
seeds were handled during the year,
dividends paid. $2,420, and cashln
bank at end of year $8,525.47. It is
the belief of the manager, a very
conservative man, that the presence
of this elevator has made the aveiage
price of grains and Bceds at least
four cents a bushel higher than It
otherwise would have been. This Is
a matter of $16,000 saved to tho ele
vator patrons alone In one year, and
this has been nearly duplicated every
year of tue company's life.
New Zealand has done the most
daring thing ever attempted by any
modern government. The New Zea-
j landers claim that New Zealand is
j a country without strikes. Laborers
and employers have
Schmitz, the musician-mayor of San
Francisco, is re-olected and will lead
the municipal orchestra for another
their disputes
. , . 1....
wiuuii; s ui&t-w Here, nui one cannot
quit work, or the other lockout work
men, pending a settlement of the ills-'
putes In courts. It is also a country
without paupers or poorhouses. for
injured workmen are cared for by
their employers. The aged workman
Tammany was not so dead as Its a pensioned by the government as a
opponents thought it before Tues- j soldier of industry worn out in the
d-v s election. The tiger like the t ranks. The government owns not only
c seems to have Innumerable lives. I tne postal system, but the express
j service, the telegraph lines and the
Although Tom Johnson wa not . railroads. Recently It has purchased
eiected. he is not defeated Such a a Mai mino tn sm,i.. K inM,mn,K-.c
of saving the books. Let us warm
our hands in tho blaze and got some
thing out of It now. if wo worry and
fret our loss is tho groator. To cry
over the loss to borrow disappoint
ment from tho morrow why that Is.
to multiply tho loss by two; that Is
to pilo upon today's sorrow the sor
row of yesterday and of tomorrow
There Is no othor day. Yesterday '
Is gone. Tomorrow never conies.'!
oise may be done? There Is no hopol
Why spoil today bewailing yesterday. I
or rearing- tomorrow? Vhv retrret
what cannot be heled or dread what
cannot bo foreseen?
Wo -can retrieve yesterday today
We can make the destiny of tomor
row today, and today only. There
is only one day today.
Yes, that's Emersonian, but
Men are always to be blest tomor
row They are going to be content
ed and rested "some day." is it
not so?
wnorcas the only way to bn con
tented and comfortnhle and happy ,4s
iu ue conicmeu nun comrortable and
happy today. And if your library Is
burning, and you cannot possibly
save it, enjoy the flames now.
Difficult? Yes. New? No. A
greater than Emerson said lone neo
"Take no thought of (Do not worry
about) the tomorrow." Also- '"Let
the dead bury the dead."
Live today. Seattle Star.
Sghlitz Means
The best materials the best that money can buy.
A brewery as clean as your kitchen; the utensils as clean.
The cooling done in filtered air, in a plate glass room.
The beer aged for months, until thoroughly fermented, so
it will not cause biliousness.
The beer filtered, then sterilized iu the bottle.
You're always welcome to the brewery for the owners are
proud of it. Tbone Main 1781,
..... ... ... The Hoss Ico A Cold Storaite
And the size of it proves that Co.. t Main.su,
people know the worth of Penaioton
His poll- Kith fue an(j t intends to compote
man never suffers defeat.
i-.es ami acuviues spring perennial wjth private mines in the sale or coal
wherever there Is a wrong to right, or to the public far enough to keep the
a battle to be fought between thej,)rice of coal down to a reasonable
masses and the classes. I ficure. There Is not a tiauiiur in Nu-
The only objection anybody finds
to the candidacy of I)r. Cole for the
mayoralty. Is the manner in which he
was selected. The people should lie
Siven a chance to nominate candi
dates for. mayor In open meetings.
There is no emergency before the
city, which justifies closed doors in
selecting candidates which all the
people have a right to choose.
"When Emerson's library was burn
ing in Concord," says Louisa M. Al
cott. 'i went to him as he stood with
the fire-light npon his strong, sweet
tace, and tried to express my sym
pathy, but he answered cheerily,
'Never mind, Louisa, see what a beau
tiful blaze they make. We 'will enjoy
that cow.' "
Dr. Holmes used to say he
was "seventy years young."
Some men are old at half
that figure.
Age is not in years. It is
in the blood. Scott's Emul
sion helps to keep you young
by keeping your blood young;
by supplying it with an
abundance of rich, pure, vital
nourishment; carrying con
stant life and renewal to
every fibre of your body. It
will help you to rob advancing
years of half their sting.
We'll tend you a sample free upon request.
SCOTT & HOH'NK, 409 Fearl.Street. New Voit
It is an absolute fact that tho in
crease "of railroad traffic is outrun-
Ah, my dears
Suppose that library had been yours
nr mine TJVinm whnf. 11 filR tft.-irK.
ning the capacity of U-e car factories j maybe, or the wringing of hands, or
even cursing. 1011 see. wt- nave not
reached the heights of Concord pall-
sad locomotive works to such aa ex
tern that almost every vVostern rall
rtud is handicapped by a lack of cars
and power. Tho aci.im of the Port
Hand Chamber of Commerce in urging
the Southern Pacific to increase its
carrying facilities will fall upou deaf
ears. If the railroads c-ould get cars. 1
under any reasonable conditions, they
would do so without any persuasion
from cities or individuals
osophy. And most of us never will
get that far along But the lesson
of it.
"We will enjoy that now." What
I The people of Weston, in entertain
ing the teachers attending- the county
institute, freo of all charge, hare set
in example of Western hospitality
which will last as long as Weston
stands.' With the. -.strict paying the
teachers full salaries, while attending
the institute, and the city of Weston
entertaining them free, they should
certainly hold a beneficial session.
.Prom the reports of the work betas
done, and the large attendance it is
evident that they are improving the
time. Umatilla tcounty has Increased
the pay of he? teachers during the
past year more than any other county
'in the state, and this is an invitation
in them to become still niorv profic
A study of the comparative valuini
pf irrigated and uun-irrigated lands,
tn Umatilla county, published In yes
terday's East io'ttsonlan. will con
Evince anyone that irrigation conven
tions and irrigation societies are not
organized In vain. The Echo desert
land, which, in ita native state, sells
Je prices ranging from $2 to $5 per
acre. Increases id value 800- per1 cent
by the application or water. The
gravel soil of the Milton and Free
water district sells at 30 to 5.0 per
cent more per acre than the beat
wheat land on the Pacific Coast. If
these examples of the importance of
'irrigation iu the West are not suffic
ient to awaken tho people to the
'meaning-, of the word ifrlgatkm,
otlier appeals are useless.
The elections held on Tuesday gave
the democrats uu overwhelming vic
tory in Greater New York, which
gives them 'hopes of carrying the
state next year. Senator. Qornian
won' victory 'in Maryland, which
will give add,pd irnpeUw to his
iiresidontial boom. In republican
Rhode Island, Garvin, the democratic
fonriirfntf, for covernor was clectod
"I've Lost Tea Pounds
A man says. "Look at this." And he
over-lapi Ins coat to show how loose it
is. There are some people who can. lose
fat to advantage, but the loss of flesh is
one of the accepted evidences of failing
health. As flesh-making processes begin
in tue stomacu, m
naturally when,
there is loss of
flesh we look first
to the stomach (or
the cause. And.
Uie cause is uca-
erallv found to be-
diseaee of the
stomach and di
gestive and nutri
tive tracts, result
ing in loss of nu
trition and cotise
q u e 11 1 physical
Doctor Pierce's
Golden Medical
Discovery restores
the lost flesh; by
curing diseases of
the stomach and
other organs of
digestion and nu
trition and ena
bling tlie perfect
digestion and as-
.sunllation of food
from which flesh
and strength are
My wife n fot
fire yeam troubled
wtb inilljteitiou of
itomach and buweb,
bloating and acrerc
pain at lunea iiiinae
the entire five yea re," write Mr. I. Bllltoa
Unger, of McConnelUburg, Pa. "Her heart wo
fleeted, and the- took a purgative every feir
day Imt only received temporary relief. tUie
got very poor In flcxh ami I bought one bottle
of Ir, Herce1 ftolilen Medical liucovery from
oar druggUl and after taking it she aaitl "lie fell
tike a new woman, Ills uo more trouble vrilb
stomach and bowel, nnd tia. no pain uor bloat
ing, llai gained fifteen pounda iu weight.
Dr. Mcrce's Flcasant Pellets cure cos
situation and biliousness.
Suffered Eight Months
I can heartily recommend Acker's
Tablets for Dyspepsia and Stomach
Troubles. I havo been suffering for
eight months and tried many rem
dies without any relief, until I got
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets, which I
used only a short time and am now
perfectly well. Thanking you for
the speedy recovery, I am greatfully
yours, Francis I. Cannon. Vancouver,
Wash. For salo by F. W. Schmidt
& Co.
Send to W. II. Hooker & Co., Buf
falo, N, Y., for a freo trial package.
(Nothing Like Them.)
111; tflVPJ
Candy Kitchen
J. A. Herron Successor
to C. R. Dutton
A Specialty
Your Patrouagc is Solicited
Phone Main 2531
Of all Description
Sash, Doors Windows.
Made to order. Building
paper, lime, cement, brick
and sand, wood gutters for
barns and dwellings a specialty,
Oregon Lumber
Alta St, Opp. Court House
Our Glasses
(Jive rest to tired eyes.
After iu uking thorough ex
amination to locate every de
fect we give you the proper
lenses and adjust the frames
to your face, thus IiikujuIs a
jierfect correction. We give
you the best glasses It itrpos
albie to produce. ,
A. Blackburn, oio.
Graduate Optician
Room 45 Despain Blk.
for Ikt
The Beer That Made Milwaukee Famous
4 BBjWjffiEB
Are Combined In
Cole's Original Air
Tight' Wood Heaters or
Hot Blast Coal Stoves
They have proven their real worth.
Hundreds of satisfied people in Pendleton
and Umatilla users of Cole's stoves and
heaters always recommend them to their
friends. Sold only, in Pendleton, by
I I I TV " I TI3
JL. .aC. aJU I IWbC
Tlie Hardware Man
marble and Cranite
We uo our own work auil irraraiitep tlx ui at
lowvtt price stlniau vilr.o on all klnilt at Cut
Htona, We bue a large Block and wuu'a he plean
eil t Uavo you eiamtne it.
;f?L Main Street Pendleton, Oregon
with our laundry work why not
voti The more critical you art- about
your linen, the better we'll like it,
for we cater to the best class ol
patrons in Pendleton. On mail,
messenger, personal or 'phone order,
we call for and deliver gentlemen's
and family washing, and ask now
only for a "try" at your week's
A complete assortment of tbe newest ami daintiest patterns m goitl
and gold ailed. If you prefer a fob or u chatelette I have them tn many
different styles attuned prices. Call iu nud see them.
Jeweler and Optician
Nkar PosToincL, PENi.i.tioN, Oku.
Mrs. PARK, Assistant
Consultation and Examination Free.
Office, 61Q Johnson Street
New Electrical Supply House,
With you on Wiring your
building for ELECTRIC
BELL, or Electrical work
of any kind.
COURT STREET, west of Boston store.
tiowne ef them. A foil supply always kept in stock.
it ,n KiVxH
1 sasa
I "oh.bamonT'.!
1 tiij
I th6Pe8ti
1 Rihorn&S
E- D. B(
Has RealEstattfc
"loai modem !
In tliollmll. ...
of I'endleu,n,is3
anil 0! I ret,
IhniiQunit. .
whratland. fjl
Address " j
C D. BOVD. Ill
Now on
Brock &l
Drug St,
mm. it lift
- Vork s1.