East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 05, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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V . .ICY x "1
Eastern Oregon Weather
Tonight nnd Frldny occasional
ruin. warmer tonight.
-he Ef , t
it n-pp'"" J
.rid we 1 " I
NO. 4S8S.
: -- V e " ' Ml
hi m -iaMk. ----r m
-j- .---v n
Forty Thousand
borers Threatens
British troop6 In South Nigeria. The
tribesmen, natives of Ibbatoos, tried
to kill the British commissioner at
SkaL Five hundred troops were sent
out and engaged toe nat.ves. The
troops returned with -wo wounded,
Shock Mistaken for an Earthquake in
Portsmouth, Nov, B. Half a ton of
gun cotton exploded at me naval na
tion this morning. No one was in
jured. Tho entire district was shak
en and a' small panic ensued, as the
people believed it to be an earthquake.
Two Killed and Others Hurt In an
Ohio Wreck.
Canal Dover, 0.. Nov. j. As the re
sult of a headend collision of freight
trains at Reedruns, on the Clevelan.
ves Railway Employ- & Pittsburg railway this morning, the
,, i dead are Fireman Bassett and rcngl-
Houses Messenaer, r shailpnbcrKerf aDv fatalI buTt
it Indianapolis om- r.-ngincer aioiiiemeir.
Note of Warning! olfen , - Quartz
Istnal Reaction Will BvPr City. Nov. 5. John W Mc-
Phee manager of the Golden Wizard
I mine, near McRwen, a property cbn-
5 The first of a ncuigun capitalists, is in
that may involve'""' ' w lu urulrB ,rom lm nres-i-
rorkmen was Inaug-1 mediately .he construction of a loo
king when 1,100 tan-' tun mill. Air. McPhee has made all
i struck at the Aruer-! arrangements and the work win com
.. I nienee nt once.
ner ompanj wiie i
er ween ann n iu . . . . .
nftsauiicu a v i- umuuv,
more serious movA-j La Grande, Nov. 5. William Mc
thls moraine when i Kay. a saloon "rounder" of tlils city.
M the Chfcaco CILv assaulted D. N. Edwards last cenlngJ
balloting on a strike ' wun a neavy wmsney douio. innici-
irlll tie up every road "K severe, uiougn no- nocesbary la
! of the city If It car-1 tal Injuries. McKay fled on foot to
i cigm msi nigni auer me irouoie,
Irades council this where he was captured today.
conference relative
Bona r-ixca at 34, lha.
Portland, Nov. 5. The bond of Guy
Huff, indicted for forgery in land
frauds, was fixed at $4,000 by Jndce
Bollinger, last evening.
Colombian Patriot at Colon is
Threatening and Refuses to
ike at the stock-
for Peace.
5. The stockyards
today In a compro-
1.500 laborers' in the
fcnts, ho struck for
cents per hour, ac-
lof one cent an hour
work, having been
kibiltty that Lie sau-:
pacxers will come
efore night, thereby!
Boys Strike. J
Iit 5. The A D. T.
Itruck at 10 this i
apany ia employing i
OS, !
(ids a Warninn.
k'ov 5 President
Monday's muetlng of
Labor will sound
I Is an address con-'
I industrial reaction
General Health in the Institution is
Good Total Expenses for October j
57,163.99 Daily Per Capita Ex. I
pence 31.9 Cents.
Salem, Nov. o The board of trus
tees of the Ineanp asylum at tbe reg-
at labor must face , ular meeting yesterday afternoon re-
ngnt lor j celvej and approved the report of Su-
br Gompors relec-1 P'rIntPn'lent -T- F. Calbr-ath for the
brighter Vice-' """it" or ueioner.
wuc has been i Dr. Calhreath - rorortK the genenil
i head th Mit'-hdi health of the Inmates as cxcentlon-
Ihave arnounced to ally fine, nnd that the dally average
wi i't seek the number or naupnt- for last month.
Gompers with-1 1330 22-31, as being ls than that for
contest Gompers . the month of September, which was
do this 1330 1C-30.
San Francisco. ( Work in all department" is well
5 - The decision : Mp: tne !10'loes are an aug aim sior-
fcrn ctrnrt r-illn.uv l u "iiu wuue uie UUUlliy lt illli:
kslon har jea down'5',eld !s sma"' omparatively. The
inrrea,'.P of 10 ner' ' iiera nam ouen uioveu iuuj my
loyc , twr years' I al'w stauIf aDd the horses win ue
er '2Et to those meir new quarierB iuii
erv ce The lmiirs vt:eK- a'ho reimriu mai m-vif
the v,oLf i nt.. i wing In in readiness to begin repairs
uni 'upon the tower 'bulldmg at tho farm
writ-H- v riarar ine'ioiai amount oi txpoDBi-s ir
Ittd ji , v MBj,on ! "l0 institution for the mcmUi was
i pense per capita was fy.t,6 y-iu, anu
i MURDER I ne " l"'r capita npn' was J
v-iu ceniF.
! The statistical report for th- month
I shows that thero wore 1332 patients
at the instituion on Sepemlir 3pjand
Gloiitdcipber 31jf. an. ipereaftt of
ralftntifffor thfmontlij,
pr Is Furious Over
5 The Indian
rccel ed a flla.
Agent Brennan.
m wlurh he rges
nerar-1113 l ,,r' : Quotations Furnished by Coe Commis
Mcr arr nn turili . '
, olon. Company B. ,E. Kennedy, Lo-
w Jon(tn b jndlg-i cal Manager, .. .
Pendleton, Nov. 5 Wheat ruled
quiet today, owing- to lower cables.
Uosslp says the g men are bullish
but professionals are bearish. ,
The stock market was weak. S S.
making- a now record, going as low
as 10?i, closing at 11. The Mor
ton Trust Company are bullish on B.
11, T. ir-N.
Chicago, Nov. 5
Wheat . Opening.
Dec 78
May ... ,...'... 78J4 '
Minneapolis, Nov.
Wheat Opening.
Ptc. -Mi
May 77
Chlcapo Wheat.
Chicago. Nov. C Wheat
"8, closed 767.
ES Of hr Inillnne
pen at, mn'cfcr and
lend themselves
lifcUffg j3ti wa8
Pler the drcum
yyoralng i,a8 been
1 ibe m soners.
Mire Runs .
SenaMrm I.
Fc rlrr f. k,.
M Romberg wife
V Wi' h.
iMeutp nnt ii "
l"vcd. b"
I lu ... "
w,th Natives of
fllSDat.'h r
E 'Z
On Hunting Trip.
A hunting i)arty consisting of Wes
ley Matlock, William Hocb, Chug
Clark. J. V. Tallman. Albert Humph
rey, otto Turner and Joe Nolf left
this artweoon for Arlington, after
gecso. They took with them loads
and loads of ammunition and expect
to charter a car to bring back the
gqweMboy kill.
Presence of American Cruisers Con
sidered, Necessary to Prevent Blood
shed General Torres Planning' to
Send Loyalist Troops to Panama .
Squadron of Four Warships Order
ed to Panama From Acapulco.
Panama, Nov. 5. 'ine situation on
the isthmus this morning is most se
rious. General Torres, commanding the
Colombian troops at Colon, refused to
follow the example of Panama and
secede from Colombia, and has threat
ened to send troops from Colon to
Panama In case the latter city uoes
not? surrender.
It is reported that the Colombian
soldiers at Colon threaten to burn
the city and murder all sympathizers
with the revolution as well as the
American residents. Tho latter have
appealed for protection to tho crulsor
Nashville, which is in Colon harbor.
Marines and Sailors Landed.
Washington, Nov. 5. The navy de
partment has received a cablegram
from Commandant Hubbard of tho
Nashville, stating that ho. last eve
ning landed a force of sailors and
marines at Colon to protect the lives
oi Americans.
Critical Situation at Panama.
Panama, Nov. 5. Tho presence of
the American cruiser Colon is un
doubtedly the only cause of uvold
ancc of bloodshed. - Should General
Torres carry out' hfs threat to Bond
his troops to Panama, they will bo
compelled to walk tho entire distance
The gunboats Padalla and Chuclto
left here today to search for the Co
lombian gunuoat Bogota."
Pacific Squadron at Panama.
Washington. Nov. 5. Admiral
Glass' entire squadron, now at Aca
pulco. Mexico, has been ordered by
Secretary Moody to proceed to Pan
ama for the protection of American
lives and property and to maintain
an uninterrupted transit across tho
The squadron Includes the Wyom-'
ing, Marblehead, Concord and oBston,
The latter ship Is alieady on the
Secretary. Hay, Admiral Walker and
Chairman Canal Commission lyjug,
iicid a conference with Itoosovelt to
day. Nothing is made public, but it
is understood Hay and Walker agree
ibui the revolution will result in ben
efit to the United States.
Organized Provisionally.
Washington, Nov. C Tile state de
partment today received a formal no
tice from tho ,cepublic of Panamai
that a provisional government has
been established which Is capable or,
maintaining order. Vbo notification
tiin.iil i,v ihriu' consuls selected by
the revolutionists to conduct tho at-,
fairs of the new government tomporJ
amy. Tueir names nro uoyu, atuiik
and Aras.
New Government Doing Finely. 1
Panama. Nov. C Advices from C-.
Urn -a the fcfcond day lias passed
.i.ftiinMt nnv cfrllflm. ilpvntnnmnnt.
Colombian soldiers without officers,'
aro camped?outsIdo the city ana win.
I... wltlirint frmil nr ninev. TIhw
probably Vlllfuot attempt tho .5-mllu,
ruarcn lo aiiacK tno insurgent. ,
The consular corps heio has been
ofBojally notified that Panama has
withdrawn from tho Colombian gov
ernment and formed a republic. Tho
consuls - have' been-asked' tn acknowl
edge receipt of the notice.
Naval Department Excited
Washington, Nov. C Officials state
that the navy department Is moro
concerned at the situation on tho
Isthmus Advices from tho comman
der of tho Nashvlllrj worn received
this afternoon showing a serious con
dition at Colon, A conference is be
ing held at the headquarters of tho
marine corps by high ranking offlc
ers, which it is believed looks to tho
sending of a large additional force of
marines to the isthmus.
Only Routine Business Being Trans
acted as Yet,
The county court has been engaged
in u I nL- over tho accounts of tho
past month all day, and there Js
nothing but rouiino ouisiiieas uvihs
transacted, nor will thero bo until tho
bills aro out of the way.
Ti,,, ,.mmiv Measurer filed his re
port today, a synopsis of which was
given several days ago. It shows tho
county to bo In -.no best of condition
financially, with plenty of funds avail
aole for all purposes,
Scion of a Famous Family of
Financiers is Under Arrest
at Seattle.
Has Himself Been a Heavy Dealer on
Wall Street, Where He Has Had
Associations for Thirty Years Is
Accused of Swindling me St. Louts
& Iron Mountain for Nine Thousand
Dollars on Bond Issue,
Seattle, Nov. 5. --Frank B. Poor,
president of tho Citizens' Light nnd
Power Company, was arrested this
morning on a telegraphic communi
cation from Now York, charging him
with grand larceny In nine counts.
Poor is being held on a fugitive war
rant. The New York authorlt.es have
been notified and aro asked for more
Poor came here last sttmmcr to or
ganize the above gas company to
fight the old company with tho same
As a member of the famous Poor
family Jn New York, he Is connect
ed for more than thirty years with
tho New York Stock Exchange, and
was a member of tun Murquand &
Trask Company, Wall street brokers,
which failed in tho crash of two years
Thero are six charge. of grand lar
ceny against Poor, one of which is for
taking $9,000 on bonds of mo St.
IaiuIs & Iron ...nuiitnlu railroad.
Salt Lake Mayoralty,
Salt I-ake, Nov. 5. The majority
of Morris, mayor of Salt Ijike City, s
found to bo 2.202. Morris Is n- demo
crat and-th'o landslide Is attributed to
bolting republicans joining with the
democrats to defeat the Kearns-Perry
Governor of Idaho Writes a Letter
Saying Business Will Keep Him at
Mayor T. G. Halley has received a
letter from Governor John T. Morrl
win, of Idaho, stating that owing to
the pressure of official business at
tho lime of the Irrigation convention
ho will bo unablo to bo present hero
and take part In the discussion, as
was intended,
Mr. Morrison expresses dcop regret
tnat business cares aro so heavy and
fo important at iis time as to pro
cludo the posslUllty of his coming.
Ho recognizes tho good ho would do
rive from his visit hero and tho prof
It that would accrue to his puoplo
as the lesiilt of the discussions, but,
nevertheless, will have to auk the
committees lo excuse him fiom at
teiidanc' owing lo llio reason staled.
Both In Colorado and Are Heavy Es
tablishments, Pneljlo. Col., Nov. C Tho Pueblo
Tile Trust Company, ono of tho larg
est banking institutions In tho city,
failed to open Us doors this morn
ing. It Is capitalized nt $2M,000 nnd
was recently purchased by tho
Woods investment Company, of Crip
ple Crook, who are tho owners of the
First National Bank of Victor, which
failed cstcrday.
Cripple Creek Bank Falls.
Cripple Creek, Nov. 5. Tho Blnw
tnlllo Bank failed to open Its doors
this morning. It is Indirectly Involv
ed In tho failure of tho First National
of Victor, It is capitalized nt $100,
000 and has nearly $250,000 deposits,
Eminent German Philosopher
Scientist's Funeral.
Berlin, Nov. C. Professor Momm
sen was buried today. The funeral
oration was by Professor Herrlck, the
closest friend of tho deceased. A
number of promlnoilt persons attend
ed, Including Crown Prince Ftcdorlck,
who represented tho kaiser. Tho lat
ter went to Wolslnrgen this morning
to return tno visit of tho czar.
Negroes Who Went to Liberia Have
Returned Broke.
New York, Nov. t. On the Majes
tic, which arrived today were 12
American negroes who went (o Li
beria to experiment in cotton culture,
with n vlow to future colonization of
negroes from tho United Stnt t. Tho
experiment was a failure, and the ne
groes had arely enough money to re
turn homo.
From the Vatican .o St. Louis.
Rome, Nov. 5. Tim popo today re
ceived William Curtis, representative
of the St Iiuls opposition, and In
formed him ha would send u commis
sioner to tho Worm s Fnlr probably
Should Remedy the Assetcmtnt Law
and Adjourn Trouble Oply tor
Some Counties and Towns, Should
it Not De Held.
Growing Importance of Pen
dleton as a Center ot Postal
Union County Towps Will Send a
Good Representation to the Coming
J. M. Church, F s. Urnmwell and
George Stoddard have been appoint
ed as delegates to the meomig of the
fatato irrigation Association, In the j
city, by Mayor Slator, of Ln: (Irando,
mere aro soveral Irrigation compa
nies In Union county, which will also
send delegates. .Union will hciiiI huv
eral, Klgln and Cove wll also bo rep
resented, and Medical Springs, one of
tho oldest irrigated districts lu Union
county, will probably fccnd a rcpresen
Rapid Growth of the Carrier System
In Pendleton Twelve New Street
Boxes Put Up Lately Great In
crease Lately In the Package Bus
iness Decrease Number of
Boxes Rented,
lu Just one particular has tlicro
boon a decrease lu tho ninnunt ot
business douu lu (he postolltce and
that la In the 'box rent. During th
last qunrter tho routs ol boxes In the-(
locnl postolllro have decreased $10.
This is not owing to n fulling off in
tho business, but to tho fact that the
tree delivery service Ih being appre
ciated and patronized more and moro.
For Bomo llruo It was thought tbnl
tueru would have to be more boxes
put In the (i lllco, but Ibis tlmo hna
passed, and there nre now boxoa for
all that wish them. People who here
tofore had boxes, now have tholr
mail mint lo their residences, and the
chief pationa of the boxes now aro
the business houses.
Tho stamp Hales for Mm ipiartor in
creased. In the preceding quarter
they amounted to $1,013.29, and ln the
ono just closed they were J1.0D4.GG
an Increase uf $11,37.
Volume of Mall Increasing,
Tho volumo of tho mall has bogun
to Increase, as It always does at this
time of the year, mid from now on
until after the holidays there will bo
little rest for the piMtotlkrc. ixioplc. It
is cstlmuted that at least one-fourth
more mall wan handled during the
last month than for some months be
fore, and thin will grow from now on,
The request ol the department that
the people of the city havo their mall
addressed to their houses and street
numbers tins hud its effect, and It Is
now becoming easior for the carriers
to glvo satisfaction than In Hie past.
If n fev more people will lalio tho
tioiib'e in have their mall rightly
droHPfil It will Insure the speedy aud
safe delivery of their mall during the
holidays and all of the limn.
Twelve New Street Boxes,
Twelve now hones have been plac
ed on the strcctB tor tho use and ac
commodation of tho public diirlng'the
pnst month. Four wore put on the
north shlu of Die river as follow:
on,, on the corner of Wilson and
O'u lixiil, on' nt Jackson aud Oarfloltl,
one at I'erkliiH Avcmiu 'mid Mark
Btrr.et, nnd one lit llio Intersection of
Jefferson and Washington streets.
Four were placed west of .Main, at
Chestnut nnd Itirllroud, 1 Ami nnd
Webb Ann nnd Court, nnd nt Main
nnd Bluff Three wnro placed east
of Main, nt Orange uud l.owlxi Clay
mid Webb anil at Union nnd Webb.
Tho remaining ono hitfi.not as yet
lieon Hct up owing to tho fact that
I inc iiepariuiuiii is noi ooenum u .iu
Portland, Nov. 5. Stato Treasurer
Moore, In responso to n question lo
gaidlng the condition of the statu
funds, said this morning lo the Ore
gon Dally Journal:
"Funds aro on hand suilU cnt to
pay the expenses of tho Rtnte up to
February 1. If a special K-ssion Ih
not called to remedy the lax laws,
wnrrants will have to tie t-iidomeil
after that date. AppropriatliuM Unit
have been made will require, during
tho year, about $1,000,000, running mi
an average about sl inuiitbs at about
$30,000 interest.
"My opinion of tho now law J that
It Is all light and should stand with
an nnienilment making a levy undei
tho old luw legal ho as to provide
revenue foi next year, then allowing
the new nr t to tnko effect for the
"Tl.e UiiUlatHio ought t ili.el nn.j , ii,u i,ai liicntlun for it.
remedy the assessment law and ml ' ,
Joiirn. as (hero Is no othor lgltilition COUNTERFEITING UMATILLA,
required now. Only one rotninltfee .
need have any work at the spw lul I Ruse of Eastern Merchants to Sell In-'
session, tho committee on nnwasmeni ,., -,, .,, .,, ,nmm.,n,irf
H. W. Stewart Will Return to Reside
Permanently In .Willamette Valley,
H. W. Stowart, accompanied by his
brother-in-law J. L, Stratford, of
Kugene, is in tho ilty for a fow days,
Mr. -Stowart was called homo a cou
ple of weeks ago by tho death of Ills
father, ono of tho oldest pioneers of
tho Willamette valley.
Ho will return to his home tlieio as
soon as ho can arrango tho packing
and transportation of his household
effects. It Is tho wish of his aged
mother' that ho icmaln at homo and
attond to ..io largo nstato left by his
Shipment .of 5,000 Sheep,
The large sheon shipment by Halo
aud Welch, which was noted somo
time ago. was sent nit over tho O.
It. & N. this afternoon to Stockton,
Cal. The sheep wcro gathered lot-other
from several parts of tho
county and wera 6.000 In number.
City Property Sold,
Itlhorn & SwaiCgart yesterday clos
ed two ieai es.ritte dfai and sold lot
12 biocn C!t, of rewvatlon addition
for Karl Quit! o Mary J. piuIHi, for
$1,300. and a house and lot at 1007
Kast Webb, for J. W. Earl, to Mrs.
Mary J. Smith, for $1,100.
and tnxntloi, and the legislature could
glvo iih tho required nmondnient in n
very snort session.
Opinion of Secretary Dunbar.
Secretary of Stulo F. 1. Diuibui uld
lu regard to tho matter ol u h' al
"The. fullitro.lo call ji Hpbcim vi
sion of the legislatuie would nut nf
foct tho stuto government ko mm h
In fuel. It In likely that the statu pa
per would go to n prcmlmh In tin
event it were necessary to run along
without the tisuul revonim hy the is
u a nee of warrants to be provided li
later hy Did legislature.
"Tho bunion would full On the mu
nicipal governments throughout the
state, and nn some of 11m coiiutUm.
notably those Unit aro now deep in
debt. Tliuru Is Ifulcor, and I think
Union, thnt nro sovornl yearn behind
in the rodoinptlon of warrauts. iluih
counties would have entailed upon
thorn double tho usKossmnut next
year, nnd their warrants would )
discounted oven mote than ibey now
Ray Wllklns' Funeral.
The funeral of Raymond Wii-ln
was held at the resldoncii nf hilt fa'li
cr, Charles Wllklns, at tho up ins
tills morning at 11 o'oloc):. Hnvue
weio conducted by Hev. 11, J. U'v n
of tho Presbyterian church. Ti' t,
torment took pinto at O)noy f)iu
teiy this afternoon. Tho funeral tt
vlccs were attended by a large mini
bor of friends of inc family from thk
r ty
by Highest Grade. . i
A loiter from, T, B. II. flroon, now
of Oklahoma, but who settled on' Wild
Horse creek, near Weston, lu 18(W,
discloses one trh.lt of the K.inlrru .
fruit ileuleraA yvlileh worlm uli lujifti
llto to Umatilla county fruit. .
Mr. (irceji lenjntly visited KtMiMis
City with a traluload or ut cutlli,
aiid on strolling through! tho bbnlllenn
portion of the city, wun attracted by
n turn- slgtr. bearing tlii Inscription:
'Oiegon fruit for ali." ,
l bilging lor a- lu'xlh nf A genuine
Orfgon apple, ho w'otif Jiftu'tho gro
cer) store displaying the High, and
imkeil to be shown tho. fruit, from his
oh) homo ln wa.i mirnrlned to seo
n shipment of viiry ttruail, Ititorlor,
lymrb votmy npplns, ' ij'bold "NJJI
tifn Oregon " and' iminnilK-tply saw
that it yiih a rnnl fraud, an ho ni hi
ed tipplim In Oregon, JilmMijf, for 3b
ye.tr i- nnd lifur saw ouch stuff uhlp
pod out. He Ut oikii hrurtdod tho
Iriil' m a omitorio.l, uud lofmed to
be enmfortoy,
liy a little Investigation. he- found
that it wan u common pructii-p among
man) of the Hccond-cluBH .grdegrs lo
pur)ae Uio Inferior Missouri- niul
Hannah uppUm utu) laid advantage ot
the n i. illation of Oiogou and her
magi. Uli out lrult, to unload thin mi
nalnblt- stuff, ut fair prlcos. flu dldu't
bOy any Oregon apples nut of Unit
store, aud before leaving llio plat) vi
preM'grt himself Yury strongly, upun.
hiIi li j.i in i -
Trinnkcnivlnn Proclamation,
, Prcuidi ' KooKovelt has issued, his
Tho strike of coal miners In the . annual proclamation, diiliriatliig
Bllboa, Spain, district, has toen vnd I ihursday, November 2J t wTiianke-'
ed by a compromise I givlnj; day.