DAILY EAST ORE GONAN, PENDLETON. OREGON. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1903. IBAER & 729 MAIN GOOD DEPENDABLE CLOTHING FOR FALL AND WINTER r t z t t Men's Suits Men's Suits Youth's Suits Boy's Suits Men's Overcoats . Boy's Overcoats All Goods Guaranteed Satisfactory I I HHKH H'HH'I I ! !"' GENERAL NEWS. The government of Peru gives of ficial and ready sanction to the plan for a permanent international peace commission with arbitration powers. Charles H. Leonard, who Is accused of getting $10,075 on forged checks at Orange, K. J., has been captured at Vancouver. B. C. and returi"d to Orange. The reconstruction of the Central Pacific railway between Ogden and Reno includes uoring four new- tun nels, 1,900. L600. S.SO0 and 1.70U feet long, respectively. "Happy Dave Holjrook." for ninny years one of the most popular come dians in the United States, died Sun day at Worcester, Mass., of consuiap-j Hon, and in poverty The fourth Santa Fe wreck in one week between Albuquerque and Den ver points and the Kansas state line took place ilonday morning when an engine left the track and killed the fireman. There have been many fights and several small riots in Manhattan. Kan., between students and the bum element of the-town. There are be tween 1,200 and 1,300 students at the Agricultural College. Rev. Dr. R. 1 Paddock, rector of the Church of the Holy Angels, New York City, declares that a high offic ial recently refused a bribe of $300. 000 to permit gambling to go on unin terruptedly in that city until Janu ary 1. An elevated railroad car n New York, with 50 passengers in it. col lided with another car and was de railed. It was so nicely balanced that when relieved of its load of passen gers it Immediately toppled and fell to the street below, 30 feet. NORTHWEST NEWS. Charles Kobertson, a Southern Pa cific fireman, was- killed in a wreck near Ashland, Monday morning. The Baker City high school foot- hall team won the game from Union ; on Saturday, by a score of 53 to 0. Francois Moy, a French sailor, was . instantly killed at the Portland docks . Monday, by falling from the wharf to j iome logs below. . The baggage car belonging to the! "Floradora" onera company, was de stroyed by fire in a wreck near Teha ma, Oregon, Monday. The socialists of Salt Lake City, claim that their vote in the munici pal election will be increased this year by over 100 per cent. Thomas Stevens, aged 20. jumped off a moving street car in Portland. .Monday, and escaped from the city rock pile gang, on the streets. The Northern Pacific ha3 cut down tbe forces in the Spokane shops about "0 per cent, reduced the working hours from 12 to 8 and will work but five days per week, owing to the dullness of the winter season. Le Combat, a French paper pub lished in Montreal. Canada, comes out boldly for annexation to the United States, saying that Canadian indepen dence Is impossible, and that annex ation ia the next best move. The Dayton-Turner cut-off, on the Washington division of the O. R. & N. will probably be built in the near future, as a force of company engln ur. nm in k sent there at once. The branch traverses about 14 miles of rugged country. 480 Acres Of 40 bu. wheat laud 2 niilen from Pendleton. 20 acre net to alfalfa. Running water, grod improvement. One-half .we. of fine wheat land, on TutuilU, 4 miles from Pendleton. Plenty of water, good Improvement. 100 ntrtn wbicb can be set to alfalfa, all subject to Irriga tion. JJitcli through it. 020 acres of fine dairy and stock rincb. Cuts 100 tons of wild bay and 150 tons grain bay. Two running streams, abundance of pine timber Place all under fence Open range uear by. 460 kerns good wbeat land one mile irom town. 3uu acres uminer fallow. y0 acresland on Buttercreek T Well uUpltd to tunning bcvp, 7 Good Improvement. Including I i'ikH. pneU.el WMwlutlrxtu ,4, bep. Hj, larm marhlnarr hnM and eamn autflu Included w km a lonr Uct ol nrouertr luit like this In uuk and mall IracU, and we can tull you on tue price. 1 COME AND SEC VB i K. T. Wade & Bon I f O, llox Sli TUmio Black Ml timet Jn E. 0. Bld( 't'T't'T'T'f'T'T't't' DALEYi.Ul ELOQUENCE STREET $ 5.00 to $ J 5.00 J 2.50 to 25.00 4.00 to J 4.00 J. 50 to 5.00 . 5.00 to 20.00 2.50 to J 0.00 HH Hit t 1 I I It I I I I 1 1 t I I HOTEL ARRIVALS. Hotel Pendleton. Frank L. iloore. Baker City. O. E. Bade. Portland. H. D. Sill. Portland. O. N. Risser. A. S. Bean. Eugene. J. K. Weatherfortl. A. -any. J. E. .Miller. Julius Green and wife, Portland. Ethel J. Galbralth, Portland. G. R. Jugler. Jr., i-.ansas City. Hugh B. Mecy, Washington. P. W. Coning. San Francisco. Mrs. Julius Green. W. H. Wilson. The Dalles. H. Haile. Stockton. H. Caswell, Portland. J. A. Wolf, San Frauclsco. A. J. Smith, Spokane. L. M. Schott. Louisville. A. P. Han. Spokane. T. J. Armstrong. Portland. Golden Rule HoteV ' C. Lavant. Portland. John Rhode and family. Kent. F. Walnian and wife, city. P. J. Dillon. Pierce City. J. M. Lieuallen, Weston, .iirs. M. Shaw, Weston. Mrs. L. Shaw. Union. John Wall. Carlton. H. A. Mitchell, Eugene. It. H. Vannice, Dayton. -F. J. Gardner, Portland. M. Suly and lanilly. Milton. E. P. Kelly. Portland. W. R. Thomas, Por-.and. C. Carpenter and wife, Adams. Karl Lees. Helix. Sidney Kase. Bridgcfield. MORE IRRIGATION. Propositions to Reclaim Rich Tract In Washington. Conconuliy. Wash.. Nov. 3- Propo sition is on foot, backed by prominent business men and a number of farm ers owning lands west of here, far tho digging of a ne.v irrigation ditch, which, if carried out. will be the means nf watering 500 acres of ex cellent bench land. j ' I'"' J "-o " uunug me pubi wltk uuuer luuuij i Surveyor Gardiner locating a line for the proposed ditch. Tne ditch will tap the middle fork of Salmon creek at a point aoove the falls, about five miles from Conconuliy. It will necessitate the expenditure of about $5,000. and will probably be constructed in the spring as soon an the snow leaves. How's ThlsT We offer One Hundred Dollar IleKanl for aor caae of catarrh that can Dot ke cured br llall n Catarrh Core. K. J. t'HKNEV & CO.. Toledo, O. We. tbe underslcned. bate known K. J. Cbeney for tbe last 15 rears, and believe lilm perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obtlcations made by tbelr firm. WKST & TKUAX. Wboleaale Drugslsta. Toledo. O. WAI.DIKC. RINNAN 4 MAKVIN, Whole sale Drusslsts. Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken IntrroallT. actln: directly upon tbe blood and mucous surface ot tbe system. Testimonials sent free. Ilee "5c itr bottle. Bold by all rirnsgUta. Hall's family Tills are tbe best OKLAHOMA TORHADO. Small Town Demolished and Three Were Killed. Oklahoma City, Oct. 31. Three were killed and several badly injur ed In a tornado which' demolished u.o.it of the houses in Hydro last night. The place had a population of 200 and is not on a railway. Young Women's Christian tion Meeting, at Albany, Assecia Or, No- vember 641, 1903. For the above occasion a rata of one and ono-thlrd faro on (he certi ficate plan is authorized to Portland, tickets on salo any three days prior to opening day. For particulars, call on or address F. F. Wamsley, agent. Chambarmalds Wanted. Chambermaids are wanted at Hetei Pendleton. In a fight yesterday at Springfield, Mass. over a crap game, Arthur Du ford killed Tony Pepo with a blow over the pit of the stomach. 1 STATIOHERY WEEK ATFBAZIEB'S Special Bale of fancy box at atlon- 2 ery this week ouly 9) One lot UOc sale price 20c One lot 50c bale price 13Sc S One lot 40o sale price 20c Obs lot SSc Hale price 16c Lot of odds and ends at h and 10 cents. if Bee our window 'o Stationery o store CHIEF MOSES SPEAKS , Head of the N Perces Makes a Striking Speech at Close of thei"6""-g00ds wcre taken away Lewiston Fair Recalled Pioneer from ner ano she disappeared. Her , Conditions in the Northwest. I The Lewiston correspondent of the Spokesman-Review gives the following version of tho speech of Chief Moses of the Nez r"erces, at the conclusion of the Lewiston Interstate Fair Sun day. The correspendent says: "The speech of Cuief George Moses of the Nez Perces at the conclusion of the war dance yesterday, was a model of Indian eloquence. Prefac ing his remarks by stating that the war dance just concluded had been given with a desire to assist in the imtertnlnrnent of the nipsts nf the Lewiston Interstate Far association. 1 once Destroy the Dandruff Germ, and Moses said: ! Hair'Grows Luxuriantly. "In the circle of warriors back of , oup cnn uave nlce ,mlr lf ne me. who have just given a war dance i h dandruff, which causes for your pleasure, are the sons of h , , h uni bal(1. those chiefs and warriors of the tribe ! 'To' nn dandruff it is neces who SIS years ago welcomed the li;lsarv t0 ,ne germ thnl causCs 1L trepid explorers, Captains Lewis and I , Newbro's Herpi- Clark. when they had crossed the, u JConieUus Grew, Colfax. Bitter Root mountains and entered i,.sn Bavs- the land of- the Nez Perces. Their; . , nf Xo..Ws nerolclde forefathers then rece ved the white; man as fr ends Of their few goods' they gave largely. The Indians' slender stock of camas and couse. and driea roots, berries, venison, elk meat and fish was de pleted that the starving party of whites might be fed. The party was guided to safe camping places. Tho Indians assisted in the construction of canoes of which the party of white men made the voyage down the Clear-1 water. Snake and Columbia rivers to ' the sea. All this was done in loving ! friendship. Unbroken Friendship. ' "All through tne intervening years the Nez Perces as a race have held tne white man in blood brotherhood. At all times have the great majority of the tribe been as willing to protect j and defend the family of the white man as his own. With tms tinuisput ed history of the Nez Perces1 peace- the sntH,p raising business. Mr. Am ful and friendly association with the ! urost, has goId nls nay and pasture to white race before you. we ask that . j p vilmoth. you look upon otir fading rare with j Wm. Paul, of Monument, has sold respect. We ask your friendship and auollt rlU0 nead of t.OWs and calves to assistance in fitting ourselves for tbe j ,)artt.s ia Idaho for $20 per cqjv and duties of American citizenship. Help calf The cattle passed thnragh Long us to the benefits of free schools and i rro.k vesterdav enroute to Welser. churches and other good gifts that wmie men enjoy ana prom oy. e are ready to appreciate the benefits of citizenship and would willingly ex- ercise the voting privilege In assist- ing in securing good government, But we are still children in compre- henslon. The complex objects and aims of tbe white man's government are to us mysteries. We only know the rule of the chiefs nnd patriarchs the law making of iae council fires, with the execution of its decrees on the warpath, marked with the bodies of the scalped and Hlaln." "Oh. while man!" continued the orator, standing with outstretched right arm, the hand grasping an eagle inuuei. .m uic folded about him his blanket robe of somuer coior - iooK ttl t.u. the few feeble remnants of our once Ull i ill n tri 1 111 tiiiucu -im.' . ' u v in them only the faded shadow of a once all prevailing power among the savage nations of the northwest. Time was when we ruled these hilis and valleys and no man came or went save by the consent and desire of the tribe. "This jKilnt where v-anus a pros perous city, trading and trafficking for wealth, was once the meeting place of all the scattered branches of our ieople. Here we assembled on each recurring autumn to offer thanks to the Great Spirit for his watchful help and to supplicate the continuance of his favoring smile. Passing, Traditions. "Then the Net Perce was a king free an a bird whose winged flight the river mirrored. Ilia thought was of the highest of wblch he knew. Kind to his friends, Bevere to his en emies, he gave of his beta to the Great Spirit ungrudgingly. "And yet the- white man came, was received as a brother and the glory of the- Nez Perce departed, never to return. Tne sun no- longer gilds the deer Bkln tepees on a thousand bill Hides; the warrior does not count the scalps he haft taken, in battle and in ambush by the eagle featbera in his war bonnet; the modest Indian maid en .no longer has the Great Spirit for a brave husband, nor the young wife make offerings for handsome boys. With the- conquest of the white man has apparently etime to the Indian only the vices of his con queror. "Yet I see tbe light of bettor days to come. The remnants of tbe race will know and appreciate tbe good. ambitions of tbe white man, and will follow them. When this comes, there will be the dawning of a new and bet ter day. The old glories of our race will not return, but better gloriett will have taken their place. The boast of the Nez Perces a hundred years ago: 'We have conqueiwd our enemies will be changed .to the- hap py cry, 'We have contfuered our selves.' " Given Close Attention. The manner of tne orator through out was dignified and impressive. .More than G.000 people crowded the grandstand and listened in alienee and with close attention to tbe Indian's address, and its interpretation by Albert Moore, a full-blooded Nez Perce graduate of Carlisle Indian school and former undergraduate of Idaho university." Notice to Horse Buyers. J. F. Stcacb will be at the Qolden Rale hotel, Pendleton, Wednesday, October 28, where be will be pleased to meet anyone wishing to buy horses. SHOPLIFTER CAUGHT. Boise Woman Carryln- Away Val- uables Under Her CoaL tinian riiv. Nov. 3. Mrs. Lisle Moore, who resides at 1C05 Eastman street, was detected in the act oi , i.,nviiiV nnltlwell's dry goods store last evening with a bolt of silk and , a worsted shawl tucked under her cloak which she did not obtain In the description was given to umcer Brough who soon located tho woman and brought her back to the store where she was Identified and placed under arrest. When arraigned before Judge Her- rlck later In the evening, Mrs. Moore pleaded guilty and "was committed to the county jau to await sentence to morrow morning. She pleaded hard lo be released on ball but the Judge had no alternative other than to com mit her as she did not wish to con sult counsel. NICE HAIR FOR ALL. d me of jandnlff, Ul,ck. and ,t has stop. ped my hair from falling out.' 11 makes hair soft and glossy as silk; delightful odor, and refreshing hair dressing. It permits the hair to grow abundantly and kills the dandruff germ Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c in stamps for sample to The Herplcide Co., Detroit, Mich. F. H Schmidt & Co. special agents. LIVESTOCK SALES. Several Head Change Hands Near Long Creek. Long Creek. ov. 3. W. B. Kidd has sold 52 bead of two-year-old steers to North Yakima parties, receiving $24 per head. John W. Ambrose has sold his en tire lot of sneep to different pari.es frnm tho outside and will retire from idnhu. where they will be wintered. T THERE ARE NO FAILURES. j j Dr, Garfield, of Victoria, B- C. Tells j of Three Hundred Cases Wherein He Recommended the Use of TRIB. Dr. James G. Garfield or Victoria. H. C. when asked , do you indorse TRIB as a cure lor the liquor and tobacco haiiit? said: "I do. I have known your remecy long before it was sold to you. and can tell you of three hundred people that I haree ad vised to take it. I never knew of a failure to cure- where tbe party tak ing it was sincere." rKaastrous Wrecks caegm T VesponsW for ranway wreck and the same caucs are maklng huma wrvcK1! of sufferers from Throat and T.ung troubles. Put since the advent of Dr. King's New Discover- for Con sumption. Coughs and Colds, even the worst cases can be cured, ana" hopeless resignation is no longer necessary. Mrs. Lois Cragg of Dor chester, ilass., is one of the many whose life was saved by Dr.. King's New Discovery. This great remedy Is guaranteed for all Throat and Lung diseases by Tallman & CO.. druggists. Price 50c and IL00. Trial bottles free. Farms for Sale. We now have listed for sale some of tbe best wheat farms and stock ranches in tbe county. All' tbe places are well Improved and well supplied with water. Also some very desir able city property. Call1 and. get prices. F.ENTLEY & IIAUTMAN. A Runaway L'lcycle,. Terminated with an ugly cut on the leg of J. B. Orner PranUita Grove III. IC developed a stubborn ulcer unyielding to doctors and remedies for four years. Tlnm Encklen's Arnica- Salve cured. It's Just as good for Burns, Scaluc, Skin Krup ticms and Piles. 25c- at Tallman & Co.'h drug store. national pantheon is being erect ed by the Mexican government In the City of Mexico, the estimated con being $5,000,000. It ia to be at once a memorial, and sepulcher for Mexi co's groat men. WHY MOTHERS WORRY Did you ever hear a mother worry over a plump child? There is no better bank of health for a child to draw from than a good supply of healthy flesh. Scott's Emulsion not only gives a child weight and plumpness, but it feeds the brain, bones and nerves with strength and active power. Fewer mothers would worry if they knew more about Scott's Emulsion. Well Mm) you a sample Ires upon request, BCOTT & BOWNE, 404 Port Street, Ntv ViL ALBA NEWS NOTES ,w" HOWELL HAS LEASED THE BLACKSMITH SHOP. Beeves on the Range are Doing Well- Sawmill has Closed Down for the Season Miss Reppy Will Teach the Alba School A. S. Quant has Built a Cold Storage. The ancient custom of celebrating Hallowe'en was observed here last night, and every performance from tlcktacklng to putting a wagon on' top of a haystack wns committed. Tom Howeil has rented tho black smith shop, and Is prepared to servo the public with anything In his line of lnbor and material. Mrs. II. T. Connell and her daughter) Pcarle have gone to l-enaieton, ac companied by Mrs. Epple and her daughter Mny. who have been visit ing them. The sawmui has closed down for the season. There Is a largo amount of lumber on hand. , The weather is warm and pleasant, and beet cattle are doing as well as at any time this season, and that is, fine. A, S. Quant has oullt a cold storage and will lay In a largo supply of fruit and vegetables tor winter nse. , Wm. Howard has sold one carload I of beef cattle to Lonergan, tho buyer Miss Mary Reppy will teach the Alba school this winter. Miss Reppy Is from southern Oregon. Arch Kills and family have moved to Echo. I James Jones, the cattle buyer I passed through here on his way to Long Creek to buy came. Melville Wheeler, cashier of a tele phoue company, was assaulted and robbed of $5,000 in his office at Nash ville. Tenn.. Monday morning. GUTIGURA SOAP The World's Greatest y0 May Han Skin Soap, The Wor d's Sweetest p bis Toilet Soap. Sale Greater Ttan tbe World's Met of Other Stin Soaps. . 1 reiiciiAicu. Millions of the world's best people j nse Cuticura Soap, assisted by CutVcura. Ointment, the great 3 tin core, Xor-pre- 1 nerring, purifying and beautifying; the 1 skin, tor cleansing tbe scalp of crasts, 1 scales and dandruff, and tbe Btopplug,of 1 falling balr, for softening, whitening and soothing red, rough and sore hands, for baby rashes, itchiogs and dialings, for annoying irritations, or too fire or offensive perspiration, for nlcerntire weaknesses, and many sanative, anti septic purposes which readily sugsest themselves to women? especially moth ers, as well as for all the purposes ,of tbe toilet, bath and nursery. Cuticura Soap combines delicate emollient properties-derived from Cuti cura, the great skin cure, with the pur est of cleansing ingredients and the most refreshing of flower odour. Ko other medicated soap ever compounded is to be compared with It for preserv ing, purifying and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair and hands. No other .for eign or domesUc toilet soap, .however expensive, is to be-compared with It for all the purposes of the toilet,, bath and nursery. Thus ltxombloes lu.one soap at out price the most effective-skin and complexion soap, and tbe purest and sweetest toilet, bath and nursery soap ever compounded. Sola Suiaafciat Ua mil. CaOaaiaJtMtMaV - - - - ' rilM.SM lal''l WaMSa.i rhjKlralBil,l0 in, ! IMaa-On. C.,lljrt . asrtraa b -SULAMa lfc Ua.aaJ a4 COMMERCIAL STABLES C. M. FROOME. PROPRIETOR. Carryalls for picnic parties. Good teams with ramnntsmt drivers for commercial men. Speedy horses and t handsosae rigs for evening and Sun 1 day driven. GenUs horse for family use. Stock boarded at reasosanie rates. Best of cars clvan to transient stock. Opposite Hotel Pendleton "Phone Mlo 1C1. Our Glasses Give rest to tired eyes. After mtklug a tborougb ex amination to locate every de fect we give you the proper lenses nnd adjust tbe frames to your face, thus lusurntg a perfect correction. We give you tbe best glasses It Is j slble to produce. A.Blackburn, 0. D. Graduate Optician Room 45 Despain Blk. !i Sold Wherever Civilization- Has ! Clothing ClovetJ Creai yen J,'3 clear.l P'eiiojd Piiota,; was Positrti,; oi tit. F. W. r-oetoffict Black. to T(H but wecanreuhr sham; reawnablj. ftl uiouern sppuuimiii n-r.i-i t 1 . Call and examine tea iKEAGLE BEOi, IE I Agents for Stover C GOOD Cltanfil and Rtp Work ailed feri J nest' I eoi cuitoto! PRICES I j Conrad I All Mil T Meats Jfl hand. F Prices as lo AO! of a Liit l a II fodal feet. Koi1 .iuiv Urt 1 without toft" Csilos TBE 1 '.eaiitfj 0' Wl. fjr tub! l.lAf ,7'1.' Agent tg