DAILY EAST OREQONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1903. Take a Look at the New Fall Shoes We Are Showing The styles are the newest. We fit the "hard to fit," na our line is large and we have the variety Dindinger, Wil- O p Good shoes SOI! & UO.C heap NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS j Subscribers are requested to notify this office If there Is any Irregularity In the delivery of of their paper, and the fault will be promptly corrected. We urgently request each sub scriber to put up a box at his gate post There will be but little danger of the paper blow ing away or becoming lost If the paper is placed In a box. We are anxious to have good delivery service and will be grateful for the co-operation of our subscribers. EAST OREQONIAN PUB. CO. BIBLE SOCIETY REPORTS. Printed and Purchased Over 2,000,000 Books Last Year. The American Bible Society has i recently issued its eighty-aeventh E'( annual repoat. Tho report shows that during tho last year the society has printed and purchased .058,989 bibles, of which 1,003,358 were Issued in .foreign countries. The statisti cian of the society states that since its organization, tho society has is sued more than 72,000,000 Bibles The total number of bibles Issued In the United States In the year ended March 31, 1903, was 746.432, of which New York received 225.735, Pennsyl vania 135,938 and Illinois 02,878. Wyoming received only 56 copies and Arizona 87, while the Philippine is lands stand charged with 11,774 copies. Among the "sales and grants" to foreign lands it is inter esting to note that Cuba received 20,398, Africa 6.725, China 1,425 and Canada only 218. Excited in Oklahoma. A scientist said that, if me earta were flattened, the sea would be two miles deep all over the world. Whereupon an Oklahoma editor prints tho following: "If any man 1b caught flattening out tho earth, shoot him on the spot. There are a whoie lot of us in Oklahoma who can't swim." The Woman's Journal. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE PAY Tuko LaxatlTC Brorao quinine Tablet!. All droggim refund the money If It falls to cure. K. M. Urove'a tlsnatureon each box. 2iC. t I 4 1 1 1 i I Kxqulsite new Designs In I REAL... CUT GLASS t Moat beautiful eollecMon ever J pioplayed lu Pendleton. X YOUNG GIRL ffinUY WALLA WALLA MISS AS A HOBO AND TOUGH. Taken In By the police and Remand ed to Police Matron Howell After, ward Put in Jail Will Be Sent Home. Last evening tho ogent of tho O. R. & N. depot telephoned to Mio office of tho recorder and asked that a po liceman be sent to the depot after o girl who wns making herself n nui sance around the placo. Tho girl was found by the police nt the depot, smoking cigarettes and talking to several young men and boys. She was taken to tho office of the re corder, where she told several differ wit stories. As thore wns no place to keep nor, she was given In charge of Mrs. Howell, of the Salvation Army, Who was deputized by the sheriff to keep her. Later In the night, however, the j;Irl was taken to the county Jail, where she wns locked up In one of the cells for the night. Is From Walla Walla. This morning District Attorney Halley nnd Deputy Shorlff C. P. Davis questioned tho clrl. and nt last, utter being threatened with the boys' and girlb" home in Portland, she broke down and admitted that her name was Myrtle Glsh, and that she wns from Walla Walla. The police of this city will return hor to Walla "Walla, whoro tho au thorities or the state of Washington enn tnke tip their own burden. Last iilght ns she was being taken to tho jail fhc broke from tho omcers and started to meet a man who was fol lowing the grout;-, saying that she had n date nnd wanted to keep It. "ODD FELLOWS' ROOM." Large Crowd Present to See the Change of Program last Nlciht. .. tajanlm ownlnR ono The Park theater was crowded last c()Wg (.vnninir nil tho Occasion Of tllO , . ,., .,,ior nf raws .milked change of program. Tonight nnd the fom. pendloton dulries is 155, .morrow night the same interesting t)0 preBent tlmC)- Bran for feed Eureka Lodge Beautifully Furnished a Room at Hospital. At its last meeting the Eureka lodge of the I. O. O. F., appointed R. Alexander, .Joe Hoch nnd Dan Kcm bel ns a committee to purchnse the necessary furnishings for a room at the hospital to be known ns tho "Odd Fellows' Room." of tho hospital. This morning the members tit the committee purchnsetl nn elegant out fit from the stores of Joseph Easier nnd It. Alexander, which they sent to tho hospital. A beautiful set, con sisting of an iron bedstead, com mode, washstand. medicine table, couch, mattress, blankets, pillows, bed linen and a Brussels art square were purchased and tho room when It Is finished, will be as comfortable and homelike as any In tho city. ACQUITTED MEANS. " Jury Trial in Case of State vs Jas. R. Means Charged With Assault and Battery. The trial of the state vs. James Means, for assault and batter', com mitted on tho person of E. P. Dodd, the editor of the Tribune, was called this morning at 10 o'clock in the justice court. A Jury composed of W D. Hansford, Otto Boottcher, Dan Kemler, Dan Brown, Harry Fowler and Charles' Cunnlnghnm, was drawn and sworn. The stato was represent ed by T. G. Halley, while J. H. Raley was the attorney for tho defense. The Jury, after soino time spent in consultation, found n verdict for the dofendant, having corao to the con clusion from the testimony offered that no assault had been committed. I Rlgnt of Way for New Line. Arlington, Oct. 30. The city coun Icil last night laid over until the next 1 meeting the application or the East iern Oregon Railway Company for a i right of way through the city. This lis tho company which proposes to build from this city to Fossil and I stops nre being taken to obtain n right of way over tho entire distance. It is becoming quite uaual for girls to take parts in tho bull fights in , Spanish cities. WILL ADDRESS THE CLUB. Tf- niHOf flf Mil If eof .ugene.10 W IVI I U Dr. Henry 8heldonv of siugene, to Speak In Pendleton Next Tuesday, November 3. Dr. Henry Sheldon, profossor of pedagogy, in tho State Unlvorslty, at .UgCUC, Will UUUIVCD j , clubs of Pendleton, on Tuesday aftor-1 l'OOli, Novemuor a, ui s:ou, ui ic - ldenco of Mrs. Llna Sturgls. The subject of tho addiess will be "Child Study," and all tho mothers and teachers of tho city, are especial W invited to bo present. ' Tk mnmlinrn nf thn women's cltlllS or the city will ralso funds to furnBh 7 . . 1. nAnnn, nvl ,itf. glass to COVUI iuu t' nnroWnnnrl liv them last win ter for tho public schooU and while increasing and other cities ate no admission. will bo charged to the n n r,80 ,n vlce. Sono'wnir Mo'nsX Miik Has sold In this city during In this coubo. Tho pictures ura very ' ti. summer nt 2.35 per quart per much In need ol protection, and It U 0Iltn nnll this price will provnll mnnrtnnt that inia muuur iiu- tended to at onco PENDLETON RATES WILL NOT RAISE THIS YEAR. Feed Is Very Costly, Mill Feed and Bran Being From $19 to 5ZZ rer Ton and Hay From $12 to $16 Milk Will Sell at $2.35 Per Quart Per Month All Winter. Pendleton dairies will not make any chango in tho prices of milk this ...t.,i.. niti.ni,!-!, tholr oxnense bills I during tho winter, although it has I. 1 ... n.i.i ill. nrl(4 Dr? SbcldoVgoes from bore to the 1 been the custom to advance il.e prlw county institute to bo bold at Wes ton. AT THE PARK THEATER. nbout 10 per cent on November 1, In the paBt. Tho total amount of milk consum ed In Pendleton Is 230 gallons per day, furnished by the four dairies near town, besides n largo amount, which It Is Impossible to tiotnnninu largely responsible for this Incrcaso in tho price or milk. Pendleton dclrlcs have tho reputa tion of boing tho most cleanly and up-to-date In tho state. Tho rich alfalfa hnetiirno Il(tff1 liv tho dalrvmen rem. tiers tho quality of tho milk excollont and tho abundance oi puro wnuir ana green feed nearly tho year through, kcop tho cows In a healthful and tnrlfty condition. Vory llttlo butter Is made in Pendleton nnd while thb city consumes about $230,000 poundB annually, it Is most all Imported and Is often scarce. COMING EVENTS. . r. ,( nnntinl rnMitlne Orpnn lr. i3V.JH - " rlgatlon Association, Pendleton, Nov 9 and 10. Washington Teachers' association, Tacoma, Doc. 28-30. Washington Sportsmen's associa tion, Seattle, Oct. 29-31. Lewiston gun tourney, ut. i-u. nmntnin Dnnntv Teachers' Insti tute, Weston, November -4, D, C. rvunnn ...lin lmvo nn acrnunt 'wIl The Peoples Warchouso will receive tickets if they pay their bills before o'clock sattirtiny auernooii. ,Bee our window but better still come in und Get Out Prices TALLMAN&CO. Ii:utlliiT HniKKlHtK m m .1 -t .fi.tiili li h Tl TrT i I III I I " GIVE IT ATRIAL Th nn-rf tmt vour stomach bo- I comes wenk and you suffer from Loss of Appetite, Belching, Heartburn, i Nausea, Cramps, Indigestion, Dys I pepsla or Constipation, wo urge a I trial of Hosteller s buiuiuku uhwio. I You'll bo woll pleased with tho ro ! suit, because it positlv.7 cures such complaints. Hundreus of sickly men . nnd women have testified to its er flcacy. Got the genuine with our ! Prlvato Stamp over tho nock or bot .tie. Hostetter s Stomach Bitters aaaAAAAaaiaAAAAlAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM4ii.iAAAAAi. 3 NOT GOOD, NOT HERE 3tttttttttttvttttttttttttttttttttvtttttttttttttttt If you want something good get our Fesh Mince Meat in bulk E Apple Butte in Jas 3 F. S. YOUNGER & SON NOT GOOD, NOT HERE t morrow night three handsome prizes will be given away. Those prizes consist of an elegant toilet set consisting of 10 pieces, the finest in tho city of Pendleton, and may bo seen nt Tho Owl Tea House; a handsome jardonlor, and an Alx minster rung. A free band concert win ue bivuh Tlran for feed costs from $19 to $as per itni mm hay from $12 to $18 per ton. The milk bill for Pendleton In ...i ....ml.n.c cnlfiilntml 11111)11 the amount Bold by the regular dairies,- is about $74 dally, or 920 qunrts ni S cents per quart. The value of the lfi6 cows used In the four dairies Is .,n,. ts nnn nml the lnun- bers of men employed In furnishing l OR ..-I v In Pnrtlntlll will On Saturday afternoon nt 2 o'clock I ,vnnco on Novomber 1 from $2 per n matinee will be held nt this 'Neater month, to $2,215, or an ad- fnr thn csnecial benefit of the school ' ., , Ti. 1)ric0 11 111- v: ol 1' - IUII1.U v i , i ' - - r.,A in TJnrHnnrt IncreaBes great ly with the winter Boason. which Is THB WHOLESOME Crescent A free banu concert, win ue berB of men om,,i0yed In furnisning by the Pendleton band in front o. Pendleton coffee and mush ., Pnri.- theater Saturday on Main J-'V" 1 U 1 fcoivta.-i - , -i.n.ir, .,. rnnnnt nttend during the week. At this meeting each chllu will be presented with a fresh sweet popcorn brick by Bessie I.aVcrn. CHURCH FAIR A SUCCESS. Helix Baptist Church Netted 156 From Their Entertainment. The church fair just given by the Baptist congregation of Helix, was highly successful, socially nnd finan cially. A largo crowd attended the fair on both days, and ,tho event net ted the church $1BG, nfter all expen ses were paid. The funtis raised win be used In re painting tho church, ,nnd building a new steeple, which, together, will cost about $200. - Some thief broke Into the building during the fair and stole a fine quilt, valued nt $20, nnd burned It up In the stove belonging to the church. SUIT f-OR DIVORCE s Husband Alleges "Cruel and inhuman Treatment." A divorce suit was Died in tho of fice of the county dork this after noon by H. E. Collier, in which John C Rhodes 'sues for separation from Lodusky Rhodes. The couple were married In North Carolina in 1890, and have four children. Three of them are In the caro of the Aid So ciety of Portland, whllo Martin, a boy aged 12, is in the care of his father. Tho rauso of tho action is cruel nnd Inhuman treatment, vile language and threats to kill. M E mi me tine TrJ anl Hand) ..J T .. ,1 at ie P" this week chased of 3 wiriB. "Mod Coffee OWLli 1ST. JOE ST0 JUST' RECEIVED BY EXPRESS Ladies' Tailon-Made WE PUT THEM ON SALE WHILE THEY I $15 We Guarantee you can't equal them anywhere fork i ..f w. tnnlrn 4lw 1, .1 . Ull aCCOUUl UI wiUMiuvni "i. uuru iuc iuw I'llTOWedO. 1 make low prices on nil our Coats and Jackets during Bale. nnn nn i tiiArt (loin in m rIvftn awdv TVn 9itK A iia. (IVUiVU u r- j i uu 1,00 purohiiMe LYONS-MERE CO, Baking Powder The remarkable increase In consumption tVoves Its purity and wholetomeness. ONE POUND 25 CENTS With a Coupon A A AAA rtit The Best fs The Tlif rtiin'in Imp ruple coated STRAHSKY 81 i 9tierior to wj 1 It's in a daft by inr Ktrain.tySltelWi W. J. CLARKE & Cos 2 11 Court Buying Cavalry Horses. Colonel E. S. Godfrey, Lieutenant Edward Caivort and Veterlnurlan John Tempany, members of the horse hoard left Sunday for points in Idaho to inspect and buy horses for tho Ninth Cavalry, says the Walla Walla Union. They expect to secure all they need this trip. Large Hog Shipment. 1.-1,1,1 in nrnthem. of Island City, vcritcrtlity shipped 2,100 hend ot hogs from Elgin to I'orunnti over uib u. It. & N. Tho hogs averaged 200 liounds each, making a total weight of 420,000 pounds. Tho prico paid In Wallown valley averaged i ccnis, making the purchase price or the en tire shipment ?1C,S00. To Washington, D. C. John Cox, In charge or his BlBtor, Miss Mary Cox, started last evening lor Wnshington, D. C, the ramlly home. Mr. Cox will bo remember ed ns tho mnn whoso bnck was "broken" 1C months ago. Ho Is- re covering slowly and porslsts in nn abiding faith that he vlll lecover. The Elks' Ball. The hlp.hly successful (tnniial ball ..ti,.. i... tli.t i?Mra Inn! nlrrht will be dciicrlbod In detill In thn soc.lnl col umns of tomorrow s Fnst oregonian New 8ugar Plant, it la rnnnrlnii hv Consul General nnnntlinr that a now nlant has been discovered In South America that promises to supplant tho sugar cane , and sugar boot, this piani i um tn nnntnin n inrcrn nmmint of saccha rine matter and a high percentage of natural sugar proponies wint.ii easy to extract. It la san. to be easy ... ..ltl..n In rllmntfR llkn tllOBO Of the Bouthorn portion of tho Unitod States nnu nccoruing to ctiiciiuiduio mm, i, l.i- tim illnnnvnror. tho director or the agricultural institute or Asun cion, this plnnt Is sold to yield a sugar which is irom iwumy iu umij times as sweot as oruinary cnuu ui boot sugar. The Merchants' Cafe. Vaana .nnntnntlv nn hand inioort- od lloborwurst, PTankfurtors, Ham- hnrff anla PFAWtlRII CratlS. OTBltJlD. all kinds 'of choose. Merchants' hot lunch dally from 11:30 a. m. to 2 p. m, Those who havo an account with The Peoples Warehouso will rocolvo tickets If thnv nav their bill before 4 o'clock Saturday nttornoon. Just a Few Ifj for Today Many Thanks forYa Our Closing Out Sale Is Proving a Success Prices convince when coupled with quality so goo all max; nnnnivP SnhprllllPS nf nHceS fail t0 W ud uiuj uppiTv.. w. - j much as observing the display; but to call your attenWj to excite your curiosity we submit the following : l2c Percale, light colors l2hc Hose, Ladies', 4 pair for. 35c Cashmere 50c All Wool Challies 25c Hose 5C , 25C ., i9c ; y 2c xi Wnictc not many jll.UU, 41 citiu 4) 1 .jo nuwi - left , , $1.50 and $2.00 Wool Walsts-not many left 5c 75c Zibeline Dress Goods j Corsets at . M Ha,f $1.25 Broadcloth, In Brown, 54ln ".c 'JL Furs at Hal 4pc $1.00 Kimonas 7sc-bilKs 75c Ladles' Pants (underwear) i9c . . i manv ripnnle COUld ot J j As liie rUsn was SU Ricai jraisiua; I"-'" ijl 11 S c nrirfe. COJltifl16 '1 department, we nope iney win tan uum, . v .jy Some lines are selling fast do not delay .and miss your oppor fl THE BOSTONSTO CLOSING OUT SALE KM