East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 30, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 6

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    , -mm
Love and Death are
bath depicted as arch
ers, when Love sets
his arrrow in a wom
an's heart and she
turns and follows,
seeking healing of
-btr hurt, Cdhm were
-llt audit sadder then
that she should be led fay very Love Into
the ambush where Death , arrow on string,
waits to plant his deadly shaft in her
breast? Yet so it is. Time and agxin
Love proves to be Death's decor. And
often when the grim archer fails to in
flict mortal hurt, he leaves the suffering
woman to creep through life like a
broken-winged bird.
Why does love lead to suffering J
Many a woman has asked that question
piteously and passionately. She has for
saken father and mother to cleave unto
her husband in the belief tliat so she was
achieving woman's highest happiness.
But instead of happiness she has found
misery, struggled with it until struggle
seemed useless, and at last has come to
accept her misery ns the " cross" laid up
on women wlvo love and marry.
There is no real reason why almost
every wife and mother should not enjoy
sound health. The causes of her misery
lie in diseases which affect the delicate,
womanly organism. Disagreeable drains
re carrying away the vital force. In
flammation has lighted its fire for slow
torment. Ulceration is eating into the
tender tissues. Female weakness is
making life a daily martyrdom. Is it
any wonder that the nerves are racked,
that appetite fails, and night, which
should bring rest, brings only restles
uid troubled dreams?
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription cures
the womanly diseases which undermine
the general health. It dries the drains,
puts out the fire of inflammation, heals
the ulcerated tissues and cures female
weakness. In a word, it makes weak
women strong and sick women well.
"Favorite Prescription'' is a true tem
perance medicine. It contains no alcohol,
neither opium, cocaine, or other narcotic.
Sick and ailing women are invited to
consult Dr. Pierce by letter, free of
charge. All correspondence strictly pri
vate and sacredly confidential. In a
little more than thirty years Dr. Pierce,
assisted by his 6taff of nearly a score of
physicians, has treated and cured over
half a million women. Write, without
fear or fee, to Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief
consulting physician to the Invalids' Ho
tel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y.
' "It is with feelings of sincere frratitude that I
sain write to yon, says Mrs. lurry A. Brown,
m Orono, Penobscot County, Maine. "I wrote
So you concerning my health last Spring (I
think it wu in June), and you advised me to
lake yonr Favorite Prescription and ' Golden
Medical Discovery.' which I did according to di
rections, and continued taking them lor five
months. I took nine bottles of ' Favorite Pre
scription,' six of -Golden Medical Discovery,'
ad four vials of Dr. Pierce' Pellets, Mydisease
was displacement and ulceration of the uterus,
and I was in a terrible condition with pain and
weakness, and had Riven np all hopes of ever
being well again. Had doctoral with lour dif
ferent doctors within four months, and instead
of getting better was growing weaker all the
time. I decided to try your medicines, as I had
beard of the many cures resulting from their
sc. I bought five bottles nnd felt to much bet
ter after using them tliat I kept cn until I am as
well as ever in my me, ana 10 ut. ntret an me
praise is due.
Before I began taking your medicine I only
weighed iso pounds. 1 now weigh 160 pounds.
I gained forty pounds in six months. 1 shall
doctor no more with doctors, as it is only a
waste of money. No matter what my trouble
is, I shall write to Dr. Pierce every time. I am
wow in perfect health, thanks to Dr. Pierce."
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps
to pay expense of mailing only. Send
31 one-cent stamps for the paper-bound
bock, or for cloth binding send 31
stamps. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Reliable Companies
Tliat pay their losses
promptly Our companies
stand at the head of the list.
Hartford wire lusurnuce Co.Jl2,ot.,u"h
Alliance Auirance Co .. 29.0.W.WS
London & Lancashire Fire
Insurance Co 2,644,98
North JlrltMi & MenutH
Co 1D,B05,874
Boyal lununtncf Co.. . . 22,8(17.15?
enro Dyspepsia and all disorders
ariHlng from Indigestion. Endorsed
by physicians everywhere. No euro,
o pur. 2G cents.
Kor salo by F. W. Schmidt & Co.
Trial package free uy writing to
W H. Hooltor & Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
The approval of all who
want the best meat
most delicious but no
no higher in price
Tammany Candidate la Son of Gen
eral George B. McClellan His Op
ponents Are Seth Low, Republican,
and William Devery, Independent.
Now York. Oct. 30. The municipal
campaign will practically end tomor
row night and Interest in Tuesday's
election Is at fever heat. While the
issues involved In tlio contest aro
purely local the result cannot but bo
of national lntcres tand importance.
A clean and honest city government
is in reality the only Issue Involved
nnil the question is the same thnt has
been fought out or is being 'fought
out in many of the chief municipali
ties of the country.
The fusion government, composed
of both democrats nnd republicans,
Is desirous of an opportunity to con
tinue the work of reform, whllo Tam
many, tho controlling element in the
democratic party of New York City,
Is fighting with might and main to
regain control of tho city government
which It lost two years ago on tho
election of Mayor Low nnd tho fusion
In 'the present contest the republi
cans nnd the Citizens' Union, the lat
ter organization being composed of
the Independents of both parties and
-the sworn enemy of Tammany, nom
inated the following fusion ticket:
The Opposing Tickets.
For mayor, Seth Low; for controll
er, E. M. Grout, and for president of
the board of aldermen, Charles V.
Forncs. They are tho present in
cumbents of the offices named. Low
is a republican and Grout and Forncs
democrats. Grout and Fornes listen
ed to the siren voice of Tnmmany
and consented to he indorsed by It.
Tammany nominated Grout and
Fornes and the Citizens' Union and
the republicans promptly held new
conventions and named men to suc
ceed Grout and Fornes on the fusion
If became apparent corly in the
Rummer that tho Tammany lender,
Charles F. Murphy, intended to nomi-.
nate Georgo 13. McClelland, hiB good
friend and son of the famous gener
al of the civil war, for mayor. There
was an outcry from "Boss" Mc
Laughlin, of the Kings county de
mocracy, who declared McClellan
would not do, and suggested several
Brooklyn men. The retort made from
Tammany was that Brooklyn bad its
Bhare already. McLaughlin did not
see It that way and, and Insisted that
some other man than McClellan be
named. The controversy got acrl-'
monlous and McLaughlin charged
Murphy with UBlng methods of the ,
Tweed regime. McLaughlin has
continued stubborn throughout tho
campaign and it is generally conced-t
ed thnt Tammany will suffer serious-,
ly at the polls as a result of the dls-1
affection of the Brooklyn democrats.'
The revolt of District Attorney
Jerome against Mayor Low threat
ened for a time to produce an anala
gous situation in the fusion ranks.
i Mr. Jerome, howover, came around
an ngnt aiier law uau ueuu ruuuuii-.
nated and during tho past two or
three weeks has ben one of the most,
zealous campaigners for the fusion J
! The Independent Movement.
Ex-Chief of Police William Dovory's
J independent candidacy for mayor has
; contributed the comedy of tho cam
paign. Everyone makes light of the
candidacy except tho rotund and
humorous Mr. Devery hlmsolf, who
nffects to foresee his own triumph
and the destruction of Tammany.,
which organization Incurred his wrath
by refusing to recognlzo his claims
to district leadership. Charles F.
Murphy, while pretending to regard
Dovery's candidacy with contempt,
Is secretly working hard to swamp
tho former chief ot pollco for ho
knows that every vote Devery polls
will he drawn from tho Tammany
ranks. Tammany has openly charged
the fusion forces with Onanclng the
Devery campaign.
Campaign Promises,
In their conduct of the campaign
the fuslonists havo relied chiefly on
the public Improvements nnd other
good works accomplished during tho
two years of their administration to
continue them In power. Tho "red
light" district has been obliterated
and they declare that tho city never
was lioforo so free from gamblers and
the disreputable element generally i
as It is today. The rallying cry of
their fight has beon "vote for Low
and keen tho craftors out."
Georgo B. McClellan says that it
elected mayor ho will administer tno
affairs of tho city honestly and fear-
lesslv nnd will not bo tho tool ot
Illchard Croker or ot Tammany Hall.
Tho city, ho says, is normally demo
cratic and should have a democratic
government. Ho charges tho reform
administration with gross extrava
gance in the management of tho
city's Dnnnccs and says that as a re
sult of its negligcnco thousands of
children are unablo to find accom
modation in tho public schools.
In record to tho chief Issue of the
contost, howover, Tammany has seen
fit to say little. j:no lusiomsis pmui
tn tho conviction of a!" Adams,
the policy king, tho closing of Illch
ard Canflcld's palntlul gambling
establishment and tho extermination
of tho system of organlz-.d corrup
tion which disgraced tnr ponco ib
nartmont undor Tammany a3 triumphs
of tho Low administration. In refu
tation of theso charges Tammany
has been unablo to make satluai' ar
roply oxcopt to roako profuse pi n 's
es to bo good if returned t- i-jwor,
Needless to say thero will bo a big
Jam at Tho Peoples WarohjUfiO tc
morrow, as It's tho last day to uot
tlckots. Drawing at I ,p. m.
Tomorrow is tho last day to retain
a ticket with inch dollar purchase at
Tho Pcoplos Warehouse.
Bird Killed on Salmon Idaho River
Was Very Valuable,
Newton I. bbs, tho well known
mining man, is tn tho city
from Salmon, Idaho, whero
ho now resides, says the Capi
tal Nowb. Ho has with him a
curoslty tn tho shnpo of a vlnl tilled
with some hunhrad of small opals nnd
a gold nuggot wolghlng nb'ont' $1,
which were all .Kon from the crop
of a grouso killed In the opal fields, i
I uah nao uiiu HIUUI,U uim DVL'lun
to havo fed on tho wealth of the
land, and was probably a descend
ant of tho fablod fowl that laid the
golden eggs. Tho hunter who bagged
this grouse, howover, la one of the
most reliable residents ot Lemhi
county, and thorc is no fable at nil
about the story.
A Perfect Painless Pill.
Is tho ono that will cleanso the
system, sot tho llvor to action, re
move tho bilo, clear tho complexion,
euro hendacho aud leave a good
tasto in tno mouth. Tho famous lit
tle pills for doing such work pleasant
ly and effectu dy aro DoWItt's Lit
tle Early Risers. Bob Moore of Lafa
yette, Ind., says: "All othor pills I
havo used gripe and sicken, while
DoWItt's Littlo Early Risers aro
simply perfect." Sold by Tollman &
Is In Session at Toronto With Large
Toronto,, Oct. 29. A largo attend
ance and nn extraordinary display ol
enthusiasm marked tho opening day
oC o Canadian go. oral convention
of the Young Womon's Christian as
sociation. Those in attendance in
cluded prominent association work
ers from many parts ot tho Domin
ion. A rousing recoptlon was ac
corded Margaret E. Sangstor jind tho
united States.
Tho proceedings of tho convention
will last soveral days ana will con
sist of a review of tho past work of
the association ana in deciding upon
plans for its future conduct nnd ex
tension. Why
Pay as
for an inferior beer?
Schlitz beer costs twice
what common beer costs
in the brewing. One-half
pays for the product; the
other half for its purity.
One-half is spent in
cleanliness, in filtering even
the air that touches it, in
filtering the beer, in' ster
ilizing every bottle. And
it pays the cost of iging
the beer for months before
we deliver it.
If you ask for Schlitz
you get purity and age,
you pay no more than
beer costs without them.
Atkftr Ih4
Brcwtry Bottling.
Phono Mala 1T81.
The Rtna Ice & Cold Storoe
Co.. 411 Main Su,
Is Proverbial Pendleton Women No
How much wo owe to the sympathetic
side of womankind! When others
sudor thoy choerfully lond a holplng
hand. They toll you the moans which
brought rollof to them that thoy may
profit by telr oxperienco. Read tho
testimony given here by a Pendleton
Mrs. L. Hodson, of 717 Aura street,
says: "While my kidnoys havo nover
caused mo any trouble which mado
Itself apparent in the kidnoys thorn
selves nor in tho secretloua, I havo
been hothorod moro or loss by nn nch
ing neross the small of my back, then
down nnd through my kidneys. When
I caught cold It hurt mo across my
IoIiib and mndo mo fool lame nnd soro.
I got a box ot Doan's Kidney Pills
at tho Brock & McComas Co. drug
storo nnd used them. Whllo I did not
take them according to directions, us
ing n poor hand to doso myself with
mmltrlnna at nil. thnv honodted mo in
every way, making my back strojngor,
unu lulling up my wnui ojomui.
For sale by all dcalors. Price BO
coots per box. Fostor-Mllburn Co,,
Buffalo, N. Y solo ngents tor tho
United Btatos.
Ilemombor tho nama DOAN'S
and tako no other.
a Comet
in t V. a 1v rnmP-1
trie siar oi bm,
famous remtdy
I far tVin Atom
to the wean
weary despon-
ach that which U
I .,nAU in Aft far
IfcO Uiwu'v w -
ItIf o-n If hill
3 t o m ao u
troubles and
slightly disordered
Or Ovorouruonoui
etmnlipjt the natural
of digestion and
rincs the work ol the
stomach, relaxing the I
nrvn!H tension, while
thn Inflamed muscles
and membranes of that
orran are allowed lo
rest and heal. It cures
Indigestion, flatulence,
catenation of the heart.
n.rvmtt rlvsnensta and
all stomach troublesby
rtaanslnr. nurlfvlnp and
strengthening the glands,
membranes of the stom
ach and digestive organs.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
Tor Deattr Caa Supply Tn.
Bottles enhr. J 1.00 Size holdlnt SK times
the trltl ilu. which sells (or 50c
ntptrtd ky t CD. WITT 4 CO, CHICA8C
Burn Hard and Soft Coal or Wood and cost- less to operate t,.an any beating deral
They are built on an entirely new principle and have revolutionized stove raking. j
a complete ttock ol cole s not
saving tc purchasers. I'nces range lroni
The Cole's Mot-Blast Heaters are Sold with the Following Guaras
We guarantee Ole'c Hot Blast to be the TIGH TEST solt coal stove made.
We guaintitee a saving of one third the fuel over any lower draught soit coal sto
of the same size. . mI
We guarantee nn absolute uniformity of heat dav and nicht with soft coal, s'acK J
W e guarantee that the rooms
the soft coal, s nek or sittings put in the stove tiie nignt oeiore
We guarantee the feed door to be smoke proof.
We guarantee the Move to hold fire twenty four hours without attention,
It is the clcantst, most economical and most convenient stove on the market.
Steel Ranges and Gook Stoi
Candy Kitchen
J A Hcrron Successor
to C. R. Dutton
A Specialty
Your Patronage is Solicited
Phone Main 153
Refrigerated J
in.x....-T.. v. n-..i:i. nnnr
OCIIWaiA U1C.-IIIII.I1, 1 IWJ'O. jj.
Wholesale and retail dealers in J
Beef, Pork and Mutton, Cured
Meats nnd Sausages of all kinds.
607 Main Street, Phone 181. J
i 11
Blast ana -oai neaiers, uu hizls hu i - ,
$4.00 to $40.00
can be heated from one to two hours each morm i?
we handle
The "Superior
i ,.-m- Ul
ana "monarcu
. . . Vonr inspct'"?
ateei ranges anu tooit oiuvta. tm
vince von that our offers will result m m
Wall Pape,, W
All this JJ
J up to 1
c. c. sy
P HoiistJ
A. J.BEji
noupiiaen SMI-clan 1 1
Tkotscu's. rmmeUjtoBj1!
tulniriK cr 100 Mr m3
V.M.V, MMfeC UU0Q1O (--
Inlnr fftA si. "1
talnwl for
or Z) citti i boj, 1
the mo-1 ai'"k" -