BAER & t 729 MAIN GOOD DEPENDABLE CLOTHING FOR FALL AND WINTER ' Men's Suits Men's Salts Youth's Suits Boy's Suits Men's Overcoats Boy's Overcoats I All Goods Guaranteed Satisfactory $ X GENERAL NEWS. Tho Amorlean-Franco oxtrailltlon treaty is being amended to Include extradition for bribery. "Mm T.mile Ivnrsrm nf Pnnlflfi Qrove, Cnl.. while insaiio from rolls- Iou8 unbalance, Klllurt her three small children Saturday last. All Incoming steamers are lieluR watched for thieves who stole $100, 000 worth of Jewelry from Knight, Frank & Kutloy, of London, October IS. Henry Walscheid. of Chicago, yes terday shot and killed his stepfather, Nicholas nolle, as tho latter was in tho act of striking the boy's mother with an Iron bar. E. A. Sorrells and Samuel Flynn, attendants In Ilartonvllle, 111., Insane asylum, arc accused of beating a pr.Ment to death. Hall has been re quired of each In tho sum of ?10.)00 Dr. I. D. Rood, of Dos Jlolnos, In.. Sunday last accidentally inoculated himself with anti-tetanic serum. Ho has calmly announced that he ex pects to die some time next week, and Is arranging Lis affairs to that end. Hov. A. E. Gammaze, pastor of the Lawn Avcntio Kaptlst church, Kan sas City, has been dismissed becauso ho believes and preaches divine heal ing. He will establish an independ ent Baptist church, as many of his parishioners will stay by him. Strenuous but more or less spas modic efforts to secure Sunday clos ing of saloons in Now York City are being made. Six men and nlno wo men were yesterday sentenced to six months in the city Jail for being found in a saloon tho day before. NORTHWEST NEWS. The Oregon Good Hoads Associa tion will hold tho noxt annual meet ing at Salem, in October, 1904. The fear of famine In the Tanana mining district of Alaska, has driven most of tho miners out of that sec tion of the north, for tho winter. Ella Davis, of Ilutto, committed suicide Monday on account of tho shut-down of tho mines, which forc ed her lover to go away to seek work elsewhere. A would-bo assassin fired through thn window of tho residence of An- tone Parrelle, of Portland, Monday morning, but missed his mark, 'liio family was seated at the breakfast. table at tho time. Tho vault of tho courthouse at Da ker City was burglarized Monday, and $10 In stamps anu ennnge WKen. There is no clue to tho robber. It Is thought to bo tho work of someone having dupllcato keys. Fifteen business men and miners of Sumpter have contributed $2,000 each toward building an electric road between Sumntor and liourne. a alS' tnnco of seven miles through a steep mountain canyon. N. McDrlde, of Portland, who was ordered to stop by a thug, Sunday nlcht. refused to oboy ana was siod bed In the arm with a dirk. His cries brought a policeman to tho scene and tho robber escaped. Ceorce Fry. 9 years old, of Uwaco, Is a condemned housebreaker, hav ing beon caught robbing neighbors houses on several occasions. He la thought to bo a kleptomaniac and his caso will bo altonoea to oy me ru form school. 480 Acres i Of 40 bti. wheat laud 2 lit ilea from Pendleton, HQ acres set to alfalfa. Ilmmlng water, Kcod Improvements. One-lmlf nee. of fine whear land, nil Tutllilla, 4 miles from Pendleton. Plenty of wuter, good improvements. 1C0 aares which can bo set to alfalfu, all mibjeet to Irriga tion. Ditch through It. U20 acres of line dairy and stock ranch. 1,'uIh 100 tons of wild hay mill 150 ton.-t grain hay. Two running streams, abundance of pine timber I'lacoult under fence Open range near by. -ISO bcres good wheat land one mile from town. 300 acres summer fallow. 2000 acreolandon Buttercreek Well adaptrd to Tutmlng ihtep, Clooil '.ImpTOTemcuU. Including thedf, pmeli, nr. Will nlntlraoi liep. liny, Irm tnhlaary bomi and 'camp oulflu Included. We hT a long lUtol property luit UkethUln large and traall tracia.aud wa can nuM you on inn price. i COMK AND HUE US IT. T. Wucle a Son 4- 1'. O. liox .1J1 I 'l'liono niack 1111 ofllce In E. O, Bid j!..4..... DALEY STREET $ 5.00 to $t 5.00 1 2.50 to 25.00 4.00 to J 4.00 J. 50 to 5.00 5.00 to 20.00 2.50 to J 0.00 HOTEL ARRIVALS. Hotel Pendleton. James Watch, Portland. E. E. Herrloy and wlfo, Missoula. Herbert Kelccy. Miss Kffle Shannon and mother. Miss Winona Shunnoh. F. Emery, Portland. D. Salter. Portland. J. E. Dodd, Peoria. P. H. Wobbor, Kochostcr. Larry Cain. Dollin, Portland. U. H. Cnston, Spokane. R. Mosor. Portland. S. M. Cleland, Spokane. Itubo Smith, Pilot Rock. F. J. Walsh, Portland. H. Cregg and wlfo. Boll, Spokane. C. I j. Cox, Alba. Golden Rule Hotel F. M. LoeKWOod, Helix. J. O. Hamll, Echo. S. A. Pennlck, Adams. Claude Crowe. Davenport. J. A. Faull. Portland. Mrs. J. Thomns. Walla Wnlln. L. J. WlUfong, Mesa. M. Poo, Mesa. E. 11. Itedmnn and wife, La Grande. M. Lee, Moscow. E. Anderson, Walla Walla. E. Armstrong, 'Walla Walla. F. J. Gardner, Portland. E. W. Peringer. Lcho. T. H. Hentho. Weston. Doug Holts. Pilot Rock. J. W. Oakley, Pilot Hock. J. Johnson, Pilot Rock. A. A. Roberts Wolser. M. Fluner, Wolser. F. J. Hanor, Portland. Ed Perry and family, Spokane. Mrs, M. F. fcuwards, Spokane. Mrs. A. U. McEwenO Athena. AN OLD SAYING. Showing How Cause and Effect Are Never Far Removed. It Is an old saying. "Whore there's honey, thoro's bees" not less true In one which science has coin ed raoro recently. "Where there's dandruff there's germs" and to push tho Inferenco still furthor we may truly say, "Whoro there's dan druff cured, Nowbro's Herplcldo has beon at work." . Tho reason of Horpicldo's Isolation ns a genuine cure for Dandruff lies In tho fact that it attacks and de stroys the root of the whole trouble a parasitic germ which feeds upon tho material which nourishes tho hair follicle. Other so-called remedies aro not directed at this truo cause of tho disease. Accept no aubatitute, there Is none. Sold by loading druggists. Send 10c In stamps for samplo to Tho Herplcldo Co., Detroit; Mich. F. W. Schmidt & Co., special agenis. Notice. It having been called to tho atten tion of tho management of the Pon uloton Woolen M1113 that certain stores havo sold blankets under tho representation that they wero mado by tho Pendleton milts, tho public Is horebv warned that Pondloton blan kets aro sold only at the stores of tho Alexander Department storo, peoples Warehouse, Fair Storo and James Crawford, How's This? We offer One Hundred IJoltars Uewanl tor any cane of catarrh that can not be cured by Hallfe Catarrh Care. . K. J. CIIKNHV & CO.. Toledo, O. We, the underalgned. bare known K. J. Cheney for the laat IS yean, and believe blai perfectly honorable In all bualnee trarmucllonn anil financially able to carry out any obligation made by tbelr firm. WICHT & TUUAX, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. O. WAIJJI.NO, KINNAN & MARVIN. Whole- sale Druggists, Toledo, O. IUH'b Catarrh Cure la taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous aurracea of the ayateoi. Testimonials nt free. Price 75c per bottle. Bold by all ilruxglnts. Hull's Pninlly I'llli are the beat. Smallpox From The Dalles. Turn fnnn nf smnllnriv now con fined In tho Portland post houso, lmvo been trnceu 10 tho uaues. fcTATiflNRHY WRP.K aTFRSZIRR'S Special Mile of fancy box station ery this week only One lot 60o sale price 80o One lot 60c salt price 26o One lot 40o Hale price HOa One lot. 850 Bale price 15c Lot of odds and onds at 6 and , 10 cento. ' Bee our window rorjnt-VSta 1 1 o n.ery i luaui o biore OF MRS. DAVID TAYLOR'S HEALTH IS IMPROVING. John Wright Is Building a Livery Barn Rain Is Needed to Start Fall Seeding Operation for Sciatic Rheumatism Death of Mrs. Pen nington Athena Has a New Har ness Shop. Atlienu, Oct. 1!G. Mrs. Fay Lu Grow Is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Howls of Walla Walla, while Mr. Lo Grow is looking after his sheep lu tho moiinulns. Mrs. David Taylor, molhor of tho sheriff, Is Improving very fast ntter hor recent illness. John Wright Is putting up n lino livery barn. It Is fifty by one hun dred foot. Theodore Russell of Spoknno is a visitor horo and It Is reported thnt his Intoutlon Is to take with him on his return his llttlo daughter Helen, who has been stuylng with her aunt, .Mrs. George Danlster for tho past three weeks. Calvin Ogle, who has been viBltng at the homo of his uncle, I). F. Ogle, .loft for his homo Wednesday, I). F. Ogle rocoived today tho news of tho death of his sister Mrs. Ma. Ilnda Pennington, who died at Le banon, Kansas, Friday, Oct. 10, at tho ago of CI. Sho died of Ilrlght's disease. Mrs. Charley Nolson spent Wed nesday In Walla Walla visiting hor daughter. Miss Garilold or Walla Walla Is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Char ley Nolson, nnd aunt Mrs. David Taylor, Samuel Iloohor n few nights ago foil from a ladder and received a se vere wound on his arm. It was hurt badly but not dangerously so. Mrs. J. D. Plamonucn and mother, Mrs. C. A. Harrutt spent Wednesday In Walla Walla. Mrs. Al Hoohor's cousins Mr. and Mrs. Ruddy of Kansas City, aro vis Itlug at tho Boolier homo. Mr. and Mrs. Ruddy will mane their homo here In tho future. Rain is Needed. Farmers of this vicinity aro very anxious to seo It rain, for the recent dry hot weather has entirely stopped the plowing In this vicinity. Sciatic Rheumatism. Walter, tho llttlo son of Mr nnd Mrs. J. W. Williams, who was strick en with sciatic rhoumntlsm, was tak en to Hot Lake. There the doctor told Mr. Williams thoy could do him no good and advised them to take him to Walla Walla, whoro ho under wont a surgical operation. They split his leg and scraped tho bone. Tho llttlo fellow stood the operation tlnoly and Is out of daugor. New Harness Shop. ' W. C. Miller, with tho assistance of Mr. Ualley. opened a now harness shop Wednesday. Thinks Trlb a Good Remedy. H. F. Gray, Portland, Oregon, July 10th, 1902, writes: "1 believe your remedy for the liquor and tobacco habits, 'Trlb,' a good one. I took tho Kecloy euro and It cost mo ?150. I think Trlb Is honestly tho best cure of the two. If J ever can bo of any assistance to you, let mo know. I consider you havo duno much for me." Tollman & Co., local agents. Raves Two From Death. "Our llttlo daughter had an almost tutal attack of whooping cough and bronchitis", writes Mrs. W. K. Havi land, of Arrrionk, N. Y "but, when all other remedies failed, wo saved her llfo with Dr. King's New Discovery. Our nleco, who had Consumption In an advanced stage, also used this wonderful medicine and today she is perfectly well." Dosperato throat nnd lung diseases yield to Dr. King's New Dlscovory as to no other medi cine on earth. Infallible for coughs and colds. 50c' and l bottles guar anteed by Tollman & Co. Trial hot tlos free. Art Exhibit Successful. Tho Salom art exhibit, under tho auspices of tho public schools, has closed, after two weeks' successful sessions. Tho exhibit netted $200 for the benofit of tho public schools, besides furnishing an opportunity for tho pupils to view tho roprlnts final a'l tho masterpieces. Tho exhibit is owned by A. W. Klson, of Bosfoi, and Is a traveling Institution, which will noxt display Its collection in Tho Dalles. Acker's Blood Elixir positively cures Chronic Wood Poisoning and Scrofu lous affections. At all times a matchless system tonic and purifier. Money refunded If you aro not satis fied. COc. and $1.00. For salo by F. W. Schmidt & Co. Farms for Sale. Wo now have listed for sale some of the best wheat farms and stock ranches In the county. All tho places aro well Improved and woll supplLJ with wnter. Also some very deelr ablo city property. Call and sot prices. BENTLEY & HAKTMAN. A Love Letter. Would not lutorest you If you're looking for a guaranteed salvo for soros, burns or piles. Otto Dodd, of Ponder, Mo., writes: "I suffered with an ugly soro for a year, but a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salvo cured mo. It's tho best Salvo on earth. 2Cc at Tollman & Co.'s drug storo. Notice. All persons having cans or tubs sent thorn containing lco croam, which aro still in their possession, will pleaso roturn samo or notify mo or my successor, at tho storo. O, It. DUTTON. ws ATHENA VICINITY BLOODED HEREFORD CALF 8ELLS fOR $150. Various Transactions In the Hide and Live. Stock Market Lumber Is Be ginning to be Shipped From the sShecp and 'Cattle are Leav. Ing the Mountains. Ridge. Oct. 24. Jns Clark of Uklnh was out In this locality a few dnys ngo nftor a ilne tlioroiighbrod Hero ford bull calf which ho had purchased of C. II. Wade, nt $150 and had boon pasturing nt tho LIusnor Btock farm. Mm. Eiunin M. Horfmnn of Pendle ton Is visiting nt tho homo of hor iiiiughtor Mrs, M. E. Fletcher. J Mullen Is driving stage between llkl'nh and Nye. Whlttnker nnd LIusnor have brought tholr cows and calves from the John Day to brnnd nnd wean. Thoy also did some dehorning a few days ago. John Brown, tho Pendleton hide dcalor, passed through hero a few days ago with o.1'"" n Ioatl- ''avlng beon out In tho vicinities of Uklnn nnd Alba. Ho was still adding to his load as ho traversed nlong. Jos. McClnughlln, who owns and operates tho Eaglo sawmill near Our dune, Is having n largo Huantity oi lumber hauled to Pendleton, C. 11. Wailo's hired man from tho Dlxlo rnnch nonr Alba, was out In this pnrt a few days ago gathoring Home rattlo that have strayed off tholr range. P. E. Fletcher's Injured unklo Is slowly but steauny Improving. Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Fahrenwnld nro visiting her pnronts Mr. and Mrs. Honsey Schmidt of Alba vicinity. Mrs. Schmidt is reported ns on the sick list. There was n lino ball nt the homo of tho Wyomures at Gurdauo Friday night. It wns largely attended ani fully enjoyed by all. Mai. Sturdevant, tho Pondloton Uklnh stngo proprietor. Is having hay hauled from Snipo vnlloy to Rldgo, a distance of 10 or 12 miles. Ho claims tho distance in tho price of hny In tho two localities Justifies tho long haul., F. E. Sherman nnd family havo moved to their now homo on Birch crook, below Pilot Rock. H. H. Har rah and family of whom ho purchased tho rnnrli, moved back lo their oia Iimtiw, In Kiiiitltwnutnrii AllHBiiurl. Robert Watt passed through bore Inst week wi.h a inrgo neni oi em tio for winter quarters, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Slmontim havo placed their daugnter, Miss Sophia, In school lu Washington. Mrs. Jas. Dnvls, who was lu St. Vincent's hospital In Pendleton for a short tlmo, with a felon on her thumb, hns returned home again. Everyono Is very busy hauling wood at prosont. It Is qulto warm and dry, we need rain very bndly. Most of our people nro through SCALP HUMOURS Itching, Scaly and Crusted With Loss of Hair Soeedily Cured by Cuticura Soap and Ointment When Every Other Remedy and Physicians Fail. Warm shampoos with Cntlcura Soup and light dressings of Cntlcura, the great skin cure, at once stop falling hair, rcmnvo crusts, scales and dandruff, sootho Irritated, Itching surfaces, do stroy hair irasltes, stimulate tho hour follicles, loosen tho scalp skin, supply the roots with energy nuS nourish ment, and make tho hair grow npon ft aweet, healthy scalp when all else falls. Millions of the world's best people use Cuticura Soap, assisted by Cntlcura Ointment, the great skin cure, for pre serving, purifying and beautifying the skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales and daudruff, and the stopping of falling hair, for softening, whiten log and soothing red, rough and sore hands, for baby rashes, Itchlngs and e&aflngs., for annoying irritations and lsfhuuniaJlon8, or too free or offensive perspiration, for ulcerative weaknesses, and many .antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women, as well as fur all the purposes of the toilet, hath and nursery. Complete treatment for every hu mour, consisting of Cntlcura Soap, to elcanse tho skin, Cuticura Ointment, to heal the skin, and Cuticura Resolvent, to cool and cleanse the blood may now be bad for one dollar. A elngle set is often sulllclent to cure tho most torturing, disfiguring, Itching, burning and scaly humours, eczemas, .rashes and Irritations, from lufancy to age, When all else falls. oU throutUMt tha votlcL CatiiirallMlTMt.Me.ta tola of UwooUu CmIM Hill, tUI ol (DvOUiW nwin . UtmI ACKER'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS euro Dyspepsia and all disorders urlslng from Indlgostlon. Endorsed by physicians ovorywhoro. No euro, no pay. za cuius. For salo by V. W. Schmidt & Co. Trial packago free ty writing to W, H. Hookor.& Co., Buffalo, N. Y seeding and tho grain looks fine ox copt for dry woathor. Most of tho sheep nro out of tho mountains. Our potato crops aro turning out nlcoly fnr hotter than for common. Cattle Doing Finely. Wm irnwnnl nt Albn ronorts cat. tie as doing lino In tho vnlloy. Ho says ho has over forty hood of good hoof far salo. Telephone Wages Cut, Tho clorks In tho Spokano tolo- phono olllco havo had tholr Bularlos reduced from $50 to $30 per month nnd five oporntors woro let out on tlrely. Tho old trouble Is not yet settled nt Spokano nnd a tlo-up Is ex- pectod nt any tlmo, as uio niiomon nnd tho public sympathises with tho girls, Siuikniin Is now oxcltod over tho report of tho city health board to the effect thnt cnntnglous dlBoanoB rnn tin nml aro often spread by the common uso of text books In tlio- pub lic schools. Each pupil should own nnd use Indlvldunl books, Is the rem edy suggested by tno uonru. MOTHER AND CHILD Scott's Emulsion is cod liver oil made almost as palatable as milk. It is easy and soothing to the weak stomach; it checks the ten dencies of children toward thinness. Scott's Emulsion gives strength to weak mothers be cause it creates healthy flesh and new blood. Nursing mothers will find a special value in Scott's Emulsion because it insures a flow of rich, nourishing milk for the baby. More and better than a medicine; Scott's Emulsion is a food. We'll i-iul you a sample free upon request. SCOTT & IIOWNK, 409 Pearl Street, New Voik, Save Money By buying Matting Lace Curtains, Rugs Looking Glasses, Etc. Etc. of FAILING Sole agent for the genuine Ostermoor mattresses Conrad Platzoeder AH kinds of Fresh Meats always on hand. Fine Bacon, t T . 1 o UdlIlttUIU OilUSilC. Prices as low as the lowest t t MMMHMMMM Refrigerated ; Meat Scliwaiz & Greulich, Props. Wholesale and retail dealers iu Beef, I'ork and Mutton, Cured Meats and Sausages of all kinds. 607 Main Street, Phone 181. YA A A A k'k'k'i nitwit iescke's eats eet The approval oi all who want the best meat most delicious but no no higher in price COURT STREET i Insurance at Cost 14,370,113.00 Of Ineuranco In force OREGON FIRC RELIEF AS SOCIATION. i A Strictly Mutual Home Institution M. H. RICE, Froewator. ! ! Agent tor Umatilla County. J. P. WALKER, city agent (or , . Pondloton. Oil and Sweet Spirits of Eden Are guaranteed to cure uuy cose of Rlieu uintltm Monev back If thev fall. A C, Kooppen & BrosAgta, for Pendleton m h Ann.. lMllOhl. -tliui u , "coo C01Q ' of our , HOT iir a ita.. M T 1 n 1 'a uecaiioo.'i -gg i . -ICM sudden nu:il" vmi f. ana this isn.i' iu aUDly it v. ---o "awn ciNL T? tit . Tin. Ii.ii. k, . " neiiawe Poitoffict Block. niii...i Sash, Doors I Made to order. and sand, wood l J I-...V uniits anu UHCIll ialty, WAVKVU ft Alta St, 0pp. 1 if4 You May Ha in iu ctwitui riintl!lt)lV. I" modern aniilhtica W ,,.,,1 HlinfiTEfl. because they ate w HEAGLE BROS., ...... (u fnr flUVtf Clothing VWW 1 , 1 n rt l I Work called b Linos u PRICIS f T 01 a ff NO OIi1 without ie""-, THE tq THE nnr tbU ...Ilrt UUU -""..J r in Agents