East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 26, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 8

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Take a Look at the
New Fall Shoes
We Are Showing
The styleB are the
newest. Wo fit the
"hard to fit," as
our line is large
and we have the
son & i
;er, Wil-
Good shoes
fO,C h c a p
Subscribers are requested to
notify this office If there is any
irregularity In the delivery of
of their paper, and' the fault
will be promptly corrected.
We urgently request each sub
scriber to put up a box at his
gate post There will be but
little danger of the paper blow
ing away or becoming lost If
the paper is placed In a box.
We are anxious to have good
delivery service and will be
grateful for the co-operation of
our subscribers.
J Exquisite uew Designs ill
Most beautiful collection ever
piapUyed In Pendleton.
See our window but better
still come in niul
Get Our Prices
Leading' Driifrslsts
h ......... . . .
1 1 . i j 1 1 1 ii i
a Little niarner in
Price, but-
We wish to call your especial attention to butter. The Gold
Medal Brand has a reputation well established to which we
can add nothing: and we would say if there has ever lwcn a
customer dissatisfied with this Butter, it was no fault of the
creamery. In order to have GOOD BUTTER there aic two
very IMPORTANT things to be considered: first, nil Butter
must be well taken care of.
The d old Medal Brand
comes to us in excellent condition, well covered with parch
ment paper, and is placed in our refrigerator at once, which
. keeps it from being exposed to the changes in temperature,
and it will not become rancid. Another thing, always order
THE GOLD MEDAL BRAND, as it is properly tikeu
care of from the time it leaves the cow until it reaches your
table We make a specialty of this butter, having fresh
arrivals frequently, and can assure you perfect satisfaction
at all limes; therefore it 'will be to our mutual advantage if
you will
Give It a Trial
Diverse Conditions Surrounding the
Same Problem In Different Parts
of the State The State Associa
tion Will Be the Agency for Great
Betterment of the Highways.
0. A. Hartmon has returned from
a trip to Portland, where he went ns
a uoiegaio to tno stato convention or
n l"
tho Good Roads Association. The
juago rcpariB a very piensam uuu
profitable visit.
Tho convention was a good one
and will have beneflclol results,
Some good plans wcro discussed, nnd
some very able papers woro read and
anooni.oa mn,in vnotnrn nrnmii iu
vnrv nnnriv rnnrunntmi in nmnortinn
to tho rest of the stato, thoro being tor handle his dally growing bus!- whore they established n largo dredg
but a vory few delegates present ness. or and now have employed 100 now
from this section. I With .the two rooms and balcony, 1 8toel ballast cars of 100,000 pounds
Tho Interests of the two parts of
tho stato nro exactly dlvorso. In tho
valley tho great problem is to keep
out of tho mud, whilo hero It Is to
escape tho dust. In tho vnlloy tho
minds of the road masters aro em
ployed all tho time In devising some
plan that will prevent tho Improve
ments mado to tho roads from sink
ing out of sight In tho mud of win
ter, whilo here the attempt Is to
keep the dust down, so that you enn
follow tho road nnd see tn drive.
Hut the association Is fast devising
ways of road building that will havo
much to do with tho ultimate good
of tho stato In general. What will
prevent mud will also go far towards
preventing dust, and In this respect
the same plans are good for both
Bides of tho stnte.
Systems Improving,
in the nast It has been the custom
of the road-makers In the valley to
plow ur their roads In the fall and
spring, run a roller over them, nnd
then leave thorn to become quagmires
when tho rains come. This epoch
has passed, and each year moro and
bottcf roads nro being constructed
on a plan that will last, so tnat in
tlmo nil of tho valley roads will be
good the year through. This coun
try will tnko pointers from tho other
side and tho construction will he
lasting here also.
Hut tho conditions here arc not tno
same as tnoy aro in tno vaney.
There the population is denser, and
It Is easier to work tho roaus. Hero
thev stretch out over largo reaches
of territory and are harder to work
The next tlmo your stomach be
comes weak nnd you suffer from Loss
of Anoetlte. Belching, Heartburn
Nausea, Cramps, Indigestion, Dy
nensla or Constipation, wo urgo
trial of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters
You'll bo well nleased with tho re
suit, because it posltiw cures such
complaints. Humlreus of sickly men
nnd women havo testified to Us ef
flracv. Got tho genuine with our
Private Stamp over the neck of hot
Stomach Bitters
and tho burden Is greater on tho In
dividual. )3ut In tho regions close to
tho cities It will not bo long until
tho roads aro pormnnont and as good
In wlntor as In mimmor, for tho rain I
here Is loss, and tho soli Is such '
that It takes but little work to mnlto
a solid and serviceable roadway.
C. E. Roosevelt Will Sell
Dry Goods and Handle
Out His
I and Shoes Exclusively.
Tho Boston Storo will soon bo an
exclusive clothing and shoo storo,
' tlB tho drv pnniln Rtnnl? will tin nlnn.
ej out nnd tho two lanro roomB utll-
zad (or tho above mentioned lines.
Air. liDfiRnvnll nrnnrlpfnr nf flin
Mr. noosovolt. nronrlotor nf tho
Boston Storo. stated that his reasons
ror retiring from tho dry goods was ius""S ruiiuu m imisiuwi -v-
I that tho great increaso In his bust-, son.
ness necessitated moro room which! Last season tho company finished
ho was unable to obtain In his pres-nS th? w 80 aml,90 pound stool
on! location, so ho had concluded to talis and a fow wooks ago dlscov-
devote his efforts to tho clothing and ored a splendid quality of gravel for
hnn iiiiBini.Q nnri Hnin- thic h ballast purposes in tho bed of tho
' rniiiii with thn innmnan ini.n i,i.
he says'that ho will bo ablo to carry
'"So cities and can supply tho wants
of all these linos.
Ho stated that men's furnishing
goods would bo mado a specialty and
in this lino no city In tho WeBt would
carry a moro complete and faalnon
able stock than ho would.
Continuing tho Interview, Mr.
Iloosovclt said that ho proposed to
dispose of his entire stock of dry
goods and would do so In tho short
est possible tlmo and In order fo
make tho goods move, would cut tho
prices on every article In tho Btoro
as his objectlvo point would bo to
close out the stock tn tho shortest
possiblo space. Ho stated that the
doors of tho dry goods department
would bo closed Tuesday and Wed
nesday to mako preparations for tho
salo which would start Thursday
Small Audience Greeted
Which Had Been Seen
the Play
Here Be-
Saturday evening a vory poor au
dlonco greeted tho production of
"Nell Owynne." by tho Josslo Shir
ley company. Thero wero too many
other attractions at tho same time
for tho show to compcto with, and
the attendance was poor. Tho play
wan ono of llttlo plot and not much
Thoro was ono character In it that
appealed to the audience nnd was ap
preciated by U, and that was tho
star, Miss Shirley- Her actiug was
clever and the Interpretation of hor
part was ouo that gained applause
from tho houao time and again, but
in the other parts of the piny there
was no chance for thp cast to show
whether they could act or not, While
not particularly bad, It was not startl
ingly good, and tho fault is more
with tho nlay than tho players.
It was unfortunate that this play
was put on the boards at this place
having been produced here before,
but It was forced upon tho company
by circumstances that could not be
helped. The Shirley company has
some good plays In their repertoire,
and In tho futuro It Is to he hoped
that thoy will favor tho theater
goers of tho city' with the presontO'
tlon of some of them.
House and Lot Sold.
The Bently-Hnrtmnn Abstract Co
sold a houso and lot on Saturday
afternoon for M. A. i.lumfonl to Leo
Baker for S1.1E0. Tho house is ono
In tho same block as tho old Acad
omy building, and tho transaction
was a cash one.
Forty-Acre Tract Sold.
W. P. Daniel and Jlinnlo Daniel
his wlfo, havo Bold to Joseph Snyder
for $1,000. tho southwest quarter or
tho southeast quarter of section 7,
In township 2, north of ran go Ti
cast, being a tract of lnud In the VI
clnlty of Swift's Station.
Will Help In the Warehouse.
J. D. Orcgolro. of Adams. Is In tho
city, having come to assist Arthur
Knight In tho warehouse for a couple
of weeks. The company has a large
shipment of wheat from tho Mission
warehouse, and Mr. Orcgolro will
oversee It.
Has Finished Seeding.
T. J. Kirk, of Athona, Is iu the
city today. Mr. Kirk has Just fin
I shod seeding his largo ranch, and
Is now ready for the rain to come
nnd start tho coming hnrvesj.
Dr.. House to Portland.
Df. Willlnm House of Weston has
nreuptcd a position ns assscinui med
ical director of tho Mt. Tabor Nerv
ous eur.niarium, suuaicu in a miuuru
,f i'i rtland, with down town offices nt
t03 and 608 Murauam butldlr.g.
Stroke of Apoplexy.
Mrs. P. B. MeDuff loft this after
noon for Olympln, whero she was call
ed by the illness of her mother, Mrs.
D. Orout, who sintered Tin attack of
apoplexy a day or two ago.
Ship Ten Cars Sheep.
Charles Cunningham will ship 10
cars of sheep out ovor tho W. & C.
this ovenlng for North Yakima.
tore thoy will bo fed for a tlmo and
then sent to tho markets of Seattle.
Daughter Born.
Fililuj aftcrn in a daughter was
bom to Mm. 1 a-d Gordon, at tho
family homo on Willow creek.
The fV-.flwnts' Cafe.
Keops cons' - 1. on hand Import
, lleborwi e . frankfurters, Ham
burg eels, cr. w,,dh, crabs, oysters,
all kinds nf r at mo. Merchants' 'hot
lunch dallv 'ri'tr 1;30 a. tn. to 2 p, m.
Tko ItlT I nu lluinlDe Tablet. All
uu rcmnil , money II It falls lo euro.
, , .
0. R. & N. Has Two Thousand Men
Doing Trackwork Between La
Grande and Huntington Enlarging
HIS H'HI 1 . ....
Diners Have Arrived.
La Grande, Oct. 20. Tho magnifi
cent fall weathor now prevailing has
ullmnlnlnd In ifmntnr nnMvltv thn
oh..m. w pj " . .
work of tho O. It. and N. Co. in bai-
. Grande Hondo river, near La Grande,
capacity each in naming out ii..h
1 crave! and sureading It along tho
'lino east of tho Blue mountains.
Botwcon Meacham and Huntington
1500 or 2000 mon nro at work on tho
track tamping In tho hnllast, putting
In now ties nnd bringing tho roadbed
up to a' standard which compares ta
vorobly with tho Pennsylvania Cen
tral or Lako Shore roads.
One hundred workmen nro busy en
larging tho height and width of tho
tunnel near North Powder so ns to
allow tho freo paBsngo of larger cars
nnd engines, and It Is announced thnt
a I - .1 I. Ml .,. (...! t..
new iruiu huuuuuiuu win uu laauuu in
the near future. Tho now dining cars
for trains 5 and 0 havo arrived from
Pullman, Illinois, and will bo put In
commission at once. This will give
complete dining car service on every
train on the main Hue.
On January 1 tho 10 now mogul
engines nro expected to arrive, which
will greatly add to tho , facilities of
tho Eastern Oregon division und will
old In moving tho heavy traffic.
Eleven Cars, of Sheep.
S. J. Canioron, nf North Ynklma,
will ship clover, cars of sheep to thai
place this evening over tho W. and
U. u wiiere in: win wiiuur mum iui
the 3prln.T market, Tho sheep aro
range sheep bought of ( Charles Cun
ningham of this city, nnd will ho sold
to the mnrkots in tho spring.
Moved to Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Frnnk Martin, who
havo for many years resided on their
ranch on tho reservation, near
Athona, have lensed their property
there and will rcsldo iu the futuro
to Pendleton, having como hero sev
eral days ago in search of a nome.
Clyde Bellinger in Town.
Clydo Ilolllnger, of Portland, was
In the city yesterday for u short visit
with his brother, Clifford llelllngcr,
of .the Umatilla Implement House,
Mr. Bellinger left for Echo this
morning In tho Interest of the Imple
mont houso for which ho trnvols.
Attending Whitman College.
OrVillo G. Edwards returned
Walla Walla this morning nftcr
short visit In the city with his pa
rents. Itov. nnd Mrs. Jonathan Ed
wards. Mr. Edwards is attending
Whitman College.
Will Return to Roseburg.
Mrs. David Roberts and two child
ren will return to their homo In Iloso-
burg tomorrow morning, after a visit
in this city nt tho homo of Mrs,
Robert's parents, Hov. and Mrs
Jonathan Edwnrds,
Special Prices.
Thero nro four specials at special
prices for Tuesday only. See tho
advertisement nf tho Peoples Wnro.
Baking Powder
The remarkable Increase in consumption
(roves its purity and wholetomcncss,
With a Coupon
Two lights Only Commencing
Tuesday. Oct. 27
Patulous Scottish Hypnotist, Mugisi
cian and Mitid-Kvnder, Instructive us
well as amusing.
Prices 25, 35 & 50
Scats on salo Monday at Brock'1
& McOomns Drug Store.
C3 nn nnil ntltlllnl m UntltlEr ftfil nrtvi T
rlgatlon Association, Pendleton, Nov-)
v ana iu.
Washington Teachors' association,
Tacoma, Doc. 28-30.
North Pacific conference bf Unitar
ians. In Spokano Oct. 26, 37, 28.
Washington SportBmon'u assocla-
1 tlon, Scnttlo, Oct. 29-81.
( Lowiston Interstate, Oct. 8C-81.
Lowlston gun tourney, Nov. 4-6.
Jockey club, Prlnevillo, Oro., Oct.
27-29. . .
,, THt,.l t .1
tuto, Weston, November t, G, 6.
Exhlbltea creamery rroaucu. m
George Maplo has returned from I
" o . - - , r.
a trip to Boiso , uiiy, wit uko city g
uUU i-uuhu, muu
I place Mr. Mnplo Is Intorostcd In a
creamery and ho bad tho products of
the Institution on exhibition at the
Boise City fair, whdro they took tho .
prom urn. Tho firm now hold first
premiums In tho states Of washing-
ton and Idaho. Mr. Maple was In
Salt Lnko City
for some time on a
pleasure visit,
Tho East Is wild over P. I. II.
jlsu uui wegwti. iu ctitena out
, -
1 tiesdav and Wednesdav rw
ana zo.
Largest Line of Gents' Underwear fa the
DU5 1 UN 9TU
Dy Goods Depart
ment will be Closed
Tuesday and Wednes
Sec Ad in Tomorrow's Issue
-ar "i
W. T. rJLARKT? & fn 's 2.1 Court
Are Combined In
HOW HO YOU vnii have t
The new store can never be
known .unless It advertises
i uoffm
1 I a '
- -VAll
The Best is
rnu.i unimit mi
rwple coated
is superior to any
Jt'B ill Class vj w'
rii -.1 XV ft
Li I
Cole's OffeigjL
111 m 17 1
their M
and Umatilla users of We,'
i... i..,0.,e rrnmmend tnew
ucmuia ninyo ii
(riends, Sold only, in PendW
- nannie i .
mm m f -vii nnvc tv -
mm mm t mm m