East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 26, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 6

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    JrY PflPeB
Can anyone suppose
that we would double
the necessary cost of
our brewing without a
I vital reason?
Would wc spend so much on
cleanliness ? Would we cool the
beer in plate glass rooms ? Would
I we filter all the airthat touches it ?
Would we age it (or months ?
Would we sterilize every
' bottle ?
We do it to attain
absolute purity to avoid
the remotest possibility of germs
to make Schliti Beer healthful.
Why accept a com
mon beer, brewed with
out any of these pre
cautions, when Schlitz
Beer costs no more ?
Your dealer may prefer to fur-
Inish a beer that pays a little more
I profit : but does it pay you to per-
Imit it? Isn't pure beer Schlit:
IBeer worth asking for ?
Ask Sir tkt Bmitrj BMlinz.
Phone Main 1781.
The Kosa Ice & Cold Storast)
Co.. 414 Main St.,
Has Many Advantages, Chlefest of
Which Is Simplicity and Economy
One Man Acts as Engineer, 8tok
er and Helper The Invention of a
308 Court Street
i Best Regular Meals I
jQYou'll enjoy your
meals if you lioard t
with us t
I t
TicketB, 21 Meals. . . . $4.00 .
j Single Meals 25c
I Insurance at Cost i
Now York, Oct. 2G. Engineering
o.'perts who have b"' i piivilogod to
Inspect a llttlo launch that for hcv
oral weeks past has been flitting
about tho Erie Basin and by It3 speed
nnd ovolutions has bcon attracting
tho greatest attention from niurl.io
n.on nnd others, nro of tho opinion
thnt America Is nbout to contract an
other debt of g.-atltudu to Swedish
Ingenuity. Tho rovolutlon wrought
In naval architecture by' tho monitor
of John Ericsson promises to find a
counterpart In tho realms of peace
ful Industry In tho oil onglno Invented
by H: A. Ilertheau, nn eminent Swed
ish engineer nnd Invontor lately nr
rlvetl hero from Stockholm.
Experts who have examined the en
gine nnd whoso high standing givs
weight to their opinions unite In de
claring that the onglno is tho per
sonification of simplicity and that tho
sovorcst tests only tond to verify the
claims of tho Inventor. From all ap-
nenrauccs tho engine, which 1b as
readllv adanted to a railroad locomo
tive or a hoisting crano as It Is to a
launch or a cargo boat, possesses m
numerable advantages over steam as
a motive power. Ono of tho most
Imnortant of these advantages and
tho first tn suggest Itself to the oh
server is tho apparent ease with
which the onglno is controlled and
Independent of slzu tho engine Is
started without any exertion ana an
maneuvres are controlled by a singlo
Great Advantage of Cheapness.
As a motive power for passenger
boats, tugs, lighters ana cargo hoats
the engine possesses the Incalculable
advantagu of cheapness. Crude oil,
which Is perhaps tho most abundant
as well as tne cheapest fuel product
known to mankind, may ho employed
as readily and with ns good remits
as refined petroleum. Thon, agnli;,
tho engine requires but ono man tu
run It, thus saving tho expense of
stokers, heavors nnd others necessary
In tho operation of marine steam ui.
gines. Another Important Item not to
be overlooked Is tno great saving of
space, as tho oil engine requires no
room for Immense hollers and coal
hunkers. For river boats and other
( vessels where light draught Is ncc-
t Ulr. .1 ... n .... la nf thn crnflt.
est value. As a means of propulsion
for small launches, automobiles and
other purposes where the gasoline
motor is now commonly employed
tho Bortheau engino possesses tho
double advantage of cheapness and
A 30-foot launch equipped with a
10 horsepower engine has been tied
up In tho Eric Bnsln, closo under
the stern of Sir Thomas Llpton's
two challengers. Shamrock I anil
Shamrock III, for several weeks, dur
ing which time it hns been Inspected
hy thn engineering experts of several
largo railroad anil steamship compan
ies, all of whom have expressed their
unqualified approval. Not tho least
interested of those who Inspected tho
.cngino were heads of the great com
pauy which onjoys a monopoly of the
petroleum .business In A,merlca, and
alp jopresontativea of soveral of the
great railroads, of the West and
.Southwest tliat for years hnvo been
tindeavorlng to employ oil as a mo
'tlvo jiower for their engines.
Sixty Thousand Dollars State Money
Will Be Used for Demonstration
Purposes Great Expansion and
Increasing Importance of the Sys
tern In That State.
An appropriation of $60,000 mado
by tho California legislature lost win-
tor for tho development of Irrigation
In tho stnto, tho greater part of which
Is being exponded by tho United
States Geological Survey, has sorvod
to exploit greatly tho latent capacity
of tho statu for devoloplng Irrigation
as well as to emphasize tho urgent
need of deflnlto policies for future
work alone similar lines.
Tho topographic and hydrogrnphlc
branches of tho survey have togothor
undertaken the manning of tho irri
gablo lands of tho Sacramento valloy
nnd are pushing tho work vigorously.
Durlne tho coming winter thoro will
he surveyed at least four 15-mlnuto
quadrangles on a Bcalo of ono mllo to
tho inch, with contour Intervals of 5
feet. It is tho intention, it tcaBioio,
to complete tho survey of tho Sacra-
mento valley on this Bcalo from this
appropriation. Other topographic
work Is boinc carried on simultane
ously in tho dralnago basin of Kings
Work of stream gaugings in Cali
fornia has bcon greatly extended by
tho Burvey and gauging stations are
now maintained on 5 streams, in
addition to this, a general reconnais
sance Is beinc carried on In tho draln
ago basin of tho Sacramento river
for tho purpose of discovering exist
ing reservoir sites, and for the survey
Under the direction of Mr. J. B.
Lippincott, supervising engineer, his
nsslntnnt. Mr. E. H. Green, is making
a careful examination of this whole
drainage basin, with a view of detor-
mining upon a comprcneustvo scuemu
for tho irrigation of tho Sacramento
valley. Unusual opportunities are of
fered hero becauso of tho fortuity of
tho soil, tho mild character of the
climate, which permits of semi-tropic
fruits, and tho ahununnco oi uic wa
ter supply.
The Salve That Heals.
U'ltlmiil Innvlllirn near Is DeWltt's,
The name Witch Hazel is applied to
many salves, dui imjyyhvs nriiuu
Hazel Salvo is the only Witch Hazol
snivn mml that contains the pure
unadulterated witch hazel. If any
other Witch Hazol Salve Is offered
im. It fa a rniintnrtniL. 13. C. DC-
Witt Invented Witch Hazol Salvo and
DeWltt's Wlteh Ilflzcl naive is mo
linnt anlvi In thn World for CUtS,
burns, brulsos totter or blind, bleed-
Ing, Itching ana premiums iiue.
Sold by Tallman & Co.
Of Insurance in force
A Strictly Mutual Home
Tnotif itfinn . '?
M. H. RICE, Hreewator,
Agent for Umatilla County.
J. P. WALKER city agent for
Tiie Telephone Livery Stable
I .a Cure For Dyspepsia,
I hud dyspppaJa: ti Its worst form
and felt mlaraUkr-Moat all tho time.
Did not opjoyinjjff until aftor I
ius6d' -Kod'ol'?I)$iienBia Cure, which
,1ms '. completely) vcbied me. Mrs. W.
V?A SoVlor. ;i11Il!ard Pa. No annotite.
'! loss of strength.' nervous headache,
constipation, bad breath, sour risings,
Indigestion, dyspepsia and all stom
ach troubles are milckly cured by tho
use of Kodol. KjSJoI'j represents the
natural juices oi-.iUj;oBiion comuineti
with tho greatest '-"known tonic and
reconstructive properties. It clenn
ses, ptiriflOB and sweetens the stom
ach. Sqld. by Tallman & Co.
Opponltn Court TIoiimv
Hinglt and double rigs. Feeding
nnd earing for funiiern-, hones a
MiKJt'lalty. OIU3N DAY & ANIGHT.
Weighing scale for the general
Court St. Phone Main 3-1.
Cleaned, Pressed
and Repaired
Work called for and delivered
J nes & Cooper
Ml Oarden Street, Comer ebb
Kaiser's .Influence Is Organlznn
Frankfort, OcL 24. Delegates .from
25 workmen societies, representing nn
! nggregato membership of COO ,000
men, nro hero for tho congress which
begins" tomorrow nnd which has for
its avowed object tho consolidation of
tho Interests of worklngmen who nro
not socialists.
Tho kaiser's government has somo
what over-reached Itsolf in striving
for tho success of tho congress, as
its activity in tho mattor has served
to incrcaso tho suspicions of the
masses against workmen's unions
supported by tho Btato.
euro dyspepsia and all disorders arts
ng from Indigestion. Endorsed by
jhyslclans everywhere. Sold by all
druggists. No cure, no pay. 25 cents.
Trial package free by writing to W.
H. Hookor & Co., Buffalo, N. T. F.
yt. Schmidt & Co.
A Perfect Painless Pill.
Is tho ono that will cleanse the
system, sot tho liver to action, ro
move the bile, clear the complexion,
euro hendacho and lcavo a good
taste in tho mouth. The famous llt
tlo pills for doing such work pleasant
ly and effectu .ily nro DoWltt'3 Ut
ile Early Risers. Bob Moore of Iafa
yetto; lnd says; "All othor pills I
havo used gripe and sicken, whllo
DeWltt's Llttlo Early Illsors are
simply perfect." Sold by Tallman L
Is to Be Built Up in Northwestern
Corner of Indiana.
TnrilnnnnnllR Oct. 24. In the north-
woatorn mrnur nf Indiana, a short dis
tance from Chicago, Governor Durbln
Is to bo tho central figuro in simplo
ceremonies this nftornoon that will
mark tho beginning of a new epoch
for that section and mean more for
its Industrial welfaro than anything
that has ovor taken placo before.
Tho event is the beginning of work
In tho construction of tho East Chi
cago ship canal, a colossal undertak
ing that so far has attracted llttlo
attention outsldo of tho section Im
mediately interested, but tho general
importance of which can hardly be
Tho canal Is to lead from iJJko
Michigan to Wolf i.ako and Its most
Important result will bo to mnko a
great port for tho town of Hammond
and tho surrounding district lying
south nnd east of Chicago across tho
Indlnnn lino. Tho district 1h already
tho location of many Immense manu
facturing enterprises and It 1b pre
dicted that with the. complotlpn of tho
canal It will soon rival Chicago Itsolf
in tho extent and Importance of its
The canal Is to bo three and ono
halt miles In length, 100 feet wide,
nnd of sufficient depth throughout its
entire length to accommodato tho
largest ships on tho Great Lakes.
Under, the terras of tho contract tho
first mllo of tho canal Is to be finish
ed within ono year nnd two years Is
tho time limit fixed for tho entlro
completion of tho waterway.
WhllaThere Is Life There. Is Hope.
I was afflicted with catarrh; could
neither tasto nor smell and could hear
but llttlo. Ely's Cream Halm cured
It. Marcus G. Shautz, Rahway, N. J.
Cream Balm reached mo safely
and tho effect is surprising. My son
says tho first application gnvo decid
ed relief. Respectfully, Mrs. .Franklin
Freeman, Dovorr N. H.
The Balm does not Irrltato or causo
sneezing. Sold by druggists at CO cts
or mailed by Ely Brothers, CG Warron
street, Now York.
Germ Infected Air.
Malaria is not confined exclusively to the swamps
which arc breathed into the lungs nnd taken up by the
Wood and transmitted to cvcry.part of the body. T. im
beirta to feel out of sorts without ever suspecting the
Cse. No energy or appetite, dull hcadacl.es, s lccpj -and
tired ind completely fagged out front the slightest excr
t on are some of the deplorable effects of this enfeebling
malady As the disease progresses nnd the blood becomes
wore deeply poisoned, boils and abscesses and dark or
yellow appear upon the skin. When the poison is
left to icnueut ana uic xnitiuia uu " - .
the blood. Liver and Kidney troubles and other serious compilations often
arise As Malaria begins and develops in the blood, the treatment to be
arise. a I1"",um -I t,;,, ftipr(, trw. S. S. S. destrovs
the germs and poisons nnd purifies the polluted
blood, nnd under its tonic effect the debilitated
constitution rapidly recuperates nnd the system is
.. i, f nil cin-tic: nf tlii: di-nreKKimr disease.
w buuil utui w .... --- -i - ---r. - --
S S S. is a guaranteed purely vegetable remedy, mild, pleasant nnd
harmless. Write us if you want medical advice or any special jniona.
tion abottt your case. This will cost you nothing.
Interstate Commerce Commission Has
It In Hand.
Atlanta, Qa Oct. 26. Much inter
ui nrmtnra in tho mootlnc of tho In
terstate commorco commission which
began hero today, ana win continue
for sevoral days. The main question
to come boforo tho mooting Is tho
lun.l.nr rntn ran wlllnh hns 1)0011
ponding in tho courts for sonic timo.
The nennng ib mo ouiraine oi uu
iniimrtlnn nhtnlncd lu the United
States court at Macon by tho Geor
gia Sawmill Association, icmpuru.ur
restraining the Southwestern Freight
Association from raising tho rates on
lumlior shipped to tho West. Whan
tho hearing of the case came up,
Judge Spoor refused to mako the re
straining order permanent nnd slated
that tho question should bo docldod
by the commerce commission, which
his court would carry ouL A hard le
gal fight is expected owing to the
Importance of the Issues Involved.
Josoph W. Folk, prosecuting attor
ney for St. Louis, 1b an avowed can
didate for tho democratic nomina
tion for governor of Missouri.
No woman's Happi
ness can be complete
without children ; it
is her nature to love
and want them
as much so as
it is to love the
beautiful and
pure. The critical irdeal through -which the expectant mother must
pass, however, is so fraught with dread, pain, suffering nnd danger,
that the very thought of it fills her with apprehension and horror.
There is no necessity for the reproduction of life to be cither pninful
or dangerous. The use of Mother's Friend bo prepares the system for
the coming event that it i safely passed without any danger. This
great and wonderful
remedy is always
has carried thousands
of "women through
the trying crisis without suffering.
Snd far trM book eonUtnlnjr Information
ef priceless tIus lo 11 expectant mother.
Tkt Bradfleld Rtaulater C., AUtata, G.
F riend
Sash, Doors' &y
Made to order
n q rwr II. '
sand, wood fij
name J ... "lX
fa! UWe,,l"8".
AlU St, Opp. c0ul,t
of Wall
4 te offered on lti
inainder nf our staJ
: Wall Paper.
Z All this BeasonVj
terns all new.Mlljl
3 up to dale.
1 C. C. Sha
Opera House Bind
And Glass Palace is now in Pen
dleton. This is the greatest glass
uiuwiug cAiiiuiuuii uu uic ruau. nav
els in its own special car and carries
the highest salaried and most expert
15. C. Norrls, ia newspaper roan f
California, has just completed a trun-u
from Ban Francisco to Now Yor);, bo
Ing two years and two months on tho
road. His primary object was to
tho bettor of consumption, which lit
been practically cured. He has wo''
ed 8,000 mlloa and gained 40 pounds,
Annual Tournament is In Progress
at Lick Springs, Indiana.
Fronch Lick Springs, Ind., Oct. 20.
Tho Nntlonnl Gun Club, tho organi
zation which was completed nl Indi
anapolis a fow weeks ago, began Its
flrrt annual national tournament horc
today under successful auspices. The
association already glvos promise of
becoming tho foromost organization
of marksmen In tho country. Somo
(if tho gun oxports who havo been
wcihI promlnont In bringing nbout tho
organization are Hollo Helkes, J. A.
It Elliott, Tom Marshall, John Tnrk
fit nnd Charles W Sudd.
Pittsburg, St. Louis and Detroit aro
i tl making- acttvo campaigns to se
cure tho next republican national
t workers in blown glass in the world.
The exposition amuses and edu
cates. The old and young are delighted
and instructed.
Stark's Great Glass Blowing Ex
position is located in the Milarkey
building on Court street.
Performance every afternoon and
evening all this week. A beautiful
souvenir piece of glass made before
your eyes, presented to every visitor.
The approvil c
want the Usi
most delicious
no higher inpta
Save M
By buying Matj
Lace Curtnlns.Sj
I onkinsr Gil
v C7
Etc. Etc. of
Sale agent for tM
Ostermoor mattM
Conrad Plate
All kinds oi Fj
Meats a"JJ
hand. r
Hams and b
Prices as to5"
r... x- Greu!
Wholesale -m
niii""""- . a
3"u- ...I
On and alter
the Pendleton A"1" I
ii i.. J
Will UCi