DAILY EA8T OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1903, f! Published eterr nflernoon (except tUluilajr) t t I'enillctnn, Oregon, by the EAST OREGONIAN PUDHSHING COMPANY. 'Phone. Main 11 Si;itSCI!UTION ItATKS. DalW une jenr by mnll 15.00 Dallf, six month br mall !.&0 Dally. tlir- mouths by mall l.-.'i Dally, one mouth by mall no Dally, per month by carrier (t.1 Weekly, one year by mnll l.ni) Weekly, all mouths by mall ....... .75 Weekly, four months by mnll fit) Semi-Weekly, one year by mall .... 2.1)0 Meml-Weckly, alx month" by mall .. l.tii) Senil-Weekly, three motitlu by mnll . . .GO The list Dreffonlna la on sale nt II. II. Itlch'a Newa Stands nt Hotel Portland and Hotel IVrklrw, Portland, Oregon, Member Scrlmw Mclifte (Ion. Newa Aesocla- Ban Francisco Ilureau, 4n$ Fourth St. Chicago Ilureau, UOO Security Ilulldlus. AVaahlnitton. D. C Iturenti, B01 nth St.. Entered at Pendleton postofllce ax aeccond class matter. I Sometimes the dross of error i dark and deop The Truth confines; I Sometimes, through aeons, cost ly Jewels sleep In dusky mines. And those aloue who lth a pur pose -pure That dross assail, Shall find that Truth is ovor strong and sure. And miiBt prevail. Selected. TO ADVERTISERS AND READERS The evening nowspaper Is the medium that reaches the greatest number of people and brings you business. The phenomenal growth of afternoon papers on the Pacific coast nnd the fnllure of tho gTeat morning papers to keep pace with this growth ie undoubted evidence of this fact. The Spokane Press, tho liolse Capital News, the Seattle Star and the Oregon Dolly Journal have grown up, seemingly In a day, to bo recog nlzed leaders as advertising mediums and news gatherers, in fields already covered by morning papers. The reason for this growth and this success Is easy to find. Eighty live per cent of the live news of the day happens between 10 In the morn ing and 4 o'clock In the afternoon, The afternoon paper covers the 'field while the news is live. The wires gather the happenings of the world and the afternoon paper prints them on the same day they occur and within two hours after the busy ar teries of commerce and trndo close for the day, the afternoon paper lays that day's happenings on the parlor confer table in the homes of the land to be perused at leisure under the evening lamp. In the morning the world Is awak ening to new tasks. Everybody is engrossed with the duties of tho day. Not one man In a hundred roads any thing but the headlines in the morn ing. There is no time for reading. Competition is keen and everybody is watching the corners with mind and energy concentrated on the duties of the day. Not one housewife In a hun dred has time to study the advertise ments In the morning. Her work and social duties consume her time during the day. But at nightfall, af- tor the day's work Is done and the jostling tasks are completed, she sets down to rest, look for her bargains and read the news. With .only lfi per cent of the total amount of the news of the world happening between 4 o'clock in the afternoon and lu o'clock next day, tho morning paper must necessarily be a rehash of what happened the day before, and which has already been read In yesterday evening's pa por. From the advertisers' standpoint and from the readers' standpoint, the logical, profitable paper for each Is that paper which can bo studied at leisure, around tho firesides, after the cares of the day are forgotten. That paper Is read by the women of tho yvorld, and the women do nlue-tcntus of tho shopping nnd look for every new feature of the mercantile world in the ndvo'tlscmcntB in tho home paper. They get results from the evening paper, for they have time to study It. .Merchants got results from It because it reaches its readers lu u leisure time nnd advertisements are read and studied. Thoso who wunt plain news get 85 per cent of tho world's happenings on tho date of tho happening and can take time to read, because the few hours at homo in the avonlug is tho only tlmo deft to tho busy professional or bus iness man In which to pursue In quiet, Ills goneral reading. Tho evening paper Is tho logical family paper becauso It comes at the right time to be appreciated. fivnator Fulton, since Mh arrival at Washington, and after survoyliiK the canal situation, lino decided that the Panama schemo Is a fnrce and a blind of tho railroad to block canal legislation, and has announced that ho favors the Nicaragua route. Sun ntor Morgan of Alabama, has fought long and nattontly for tho Nicaragua canal and had his Htatcmunslilp been heeded by the hoodlcrs who have fill ed their pockets from the Panama scheme, an Isthmian canal belonging to the United States, protected by American forts and guns, built by American capital and operated for the tho purpose ot stimulating Amor lean commerce, would now be built. As It Is nothing has been done. The railroads across tho continent still hold the reins, the people have been treated to a little soporific statesman ship, intended to blind them while the Panama Bchomo Is being discuss ed, and no dirt has been moved on any canal route. Senator Pulton'B i action In this matter is sensible and timely. Portland grandmothers have heon thrown into another spasm of ox. cltomont by the presence of n North ern Pacific surveying party on the . north bank of tho Columbia. There Is no relief for the patient In spasms There Is no use to try to scare away the gallant horo, Progress, by slink , ing antiquated skirts and emitting old-matdlsh scieec.ios. The Northern Pacific will ' build down the north , side of the Columbia In time, for it is n river grade to the sea and In- I j vltes that enterprising company to I improve on Nature's benoflclout of . ters. The only way Portland can get even on this move is to build into Central Oregon nnd comer that trade before It Is corralled by aan Frauds co. Portland has the capital, she has the commercial facilities and tho nat ural advantages to enpturo and han dle tho trade of tho Inland Empire, nut It will tako some-thing more than one of the periodical siuisms, on hor part, to accomplish this. ART IS NOT APPRECIATED. That the national contemporary art is not duly appreciated at homo, the painters, tho potters, the sculptors, nnd oven the musicians, declare. The annual exhibitions of the various so cieties do not awaken any more pop ular Interest than they did twenty-five years ago, and in the number of vis itors and the amount ot sales not unfrequently show an nctual decrease as compared with previous years. Tho portrait painters complain that they, the natives, are neglected by the wealthy clusses of society, who import foreigners to execute their numerous nnd lucrative commissions (these foiclgners being, in their turn, Ignored by tho native societies nnd committees); tho anomaly Is also presented, tho painters assert, of a national capital (of the nrts, at least) I cherishing In its bosom an avenue 1 full of dealers all sworn to discourage the national and encourage the cheap foreign. ... For American artists such social positions, such authority, such resi dences, as thoso pf Lelghton, of Alma Tadema, or of the great Parisian ar tists of the Iustltut and the Acnde-', mie, arc wildly impossible. The Uni ted States is, moreover, distinguish ed from all other Important civilized countries by possessing not one peri odical of any Importance devoted to the arts. The lack of a national standard around which to rally, so to speak tlie aosonce of patriotism, noisy or otherwise Is curious, nnd somowhnt Interesting. It docs not arise from any critical rejection of the work of the native contemporary artists as unworthy, because equally unworthy work from across the sea Is accepted; and high vision and sound thinking In art arc much more rare than good technique In all countries. From Tho I'lrld of Art, In the Novc71l.fr Scrip- ner Often The Kidneys Are ' Weakened Ijr O.er-Weik. Unhealthy Kidneys Hoke Impure Blood. It used to 1 considered that only urinary anil bladder troubles ywere to be m. - traceu to Uie tmneys, Wl 9 I,,., . , m n , nrtt science Droves that nearly all diseuso6 ' liave their beginning in me uiaurucr ui these most important orgins. The kidneys filter nnd purify theblood that is their work. Therefore, when vour kidneys art- weak or out of order, vou can understand how quickly your entire body is affected and how every organ seems to fall to do Its ' "ijou are sick or "feel badly," begin taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Kwnlill-Koot. because OS soon as your kidneys are well they will help all the other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. If you are sick you can ruaue no mis take by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild nnd the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer Swamp-Koot, the great kidnev reuiedv. is soou realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases, and is som on its merits by all druggists in fifty-cent aim one-uounr sue bottles. You may have o sample tattle uy man iree, uiso a pammuei telling you now to nun out ii you nave iciuuey or bladder trouble. Mention this paiier when writing to Dr, Kilmer & Co., Iling hamton, N. Y. I)r -i't make any mistake, hut remember the name, Swamp-Koot, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Ilinghamtoii, N. Y. , on every bottle. CRIME AMONG EDUCATED. Indeed tho number of crimes com mitted by tho highly educated Is an' alarming feature ot the situation. Tho list of defaulting bookkeepers, bank tellers, clerks and conego graduates constantly lengthens, reflecting a lu rid light upon the theories of those who attempt to account for the origin of nil sin, vice nnd crime by Ignor ance. I ... I Thoso who attribute nil erlmo to In temperance are also silenced, since ' mnny prevalent crimes arc Incompat ible with that vice, for they require the keenest Intellects, tho most con cuntrnted attention, It Is noteworthy also that representatives of tho cler ical tho legal, and tho medical pro- j fessions nro furnishing nn increasing , number of crimes of dishonesty, vlo- j lonce ami pollution of domestic life, i J. SI. Uuckley In November Cen tury. SUCCESS WITHOUT MONEY. j The brisk attack on snobbery that! was a leading feature of the October Everybody's has boon followed up In ' the Novembor Issue by a significant ' article on "Successful .Men Who JVro Not rtlch.'" Success without money seems nnomalous to the modern i American; jot, on rollectlon, the most eager' dovoteo of plutocracy cannot deny that such men as Senator Hoar of .Massachusetts, Presldont Eliot of , Harvard, Dr. Italnsford and General Joe Wheeler arc, In tho best senso of t tho term, successful. And tho prlvnto income ot the most successful man in tho United States todny Thco-1 dorc Itoosovolt Is said to ho well un-1 der $7,C00 yenrly. It Is good to he re minded of these triumphs that are not measured lu dollars. HAT STEM kiflJk m. k taVv mm jmm, w m -m wf AN UNHEALTHY HAIR! DANDRUff FALLING HAIR finally BALDNESS Dutroy the cause, you remove the effect. Kill (he Dandruff Germ WITH NEWDRO'S HERPIGIDE The only preparation (hat will destroy those parasite. -.EXCELLENT HAIR DRESSING... For Sale by all Druggists. PRICE SI.OO. TONIGHT 10, 20 & 30 CENTS Now on Sale at Brock & JYlcComas' Drug Store SATURDAY MATINEE At 2 O'clock 27 m i SHIELD'S I PARK h jn THEATRE 3 m i ill huffs Ftinay Polks fH fremoA L I ' TIipv Smnlce ImMH If in Cig'arland BSl f I - m The Largest Selling Wm Br&nd of Cigars WJw mm in me woriu mm &W I H The Band is the Wg j Smoker's Protection MM J Main NEW GUARD CHAINS A complete- assortment of the newest uml daintiest patterns in gold mid gold filled. If you prefer a fob or a chatclette I have tlicm In many different styles at varied prices. Cull in and see them. GLENN WINSLOW Jeweler and NtAK FttSTtllKll'l , COAL Let us hll your bin witli .... ROCK SPRING GOAL Recognized as the best and most e ouomical fuel. We are prepared to con tract with you for your winter's supply. We de liver coal or wood to any part of the city. Laatz Bros. Main Street Near Depot insOreIn Reliable Companies That pay their ses promptly. Our companies stand at the head of the list. Hartford Fin Insurant Co.Jlsllcw.OTt Alliance Assurance Co . ,. 'J9,089,9(V London & Lancashire Fire Iusuranoe Co 2,M4,W North British & Mercantile Co 1W, 606,974 Royal Insurance Co r.',Hfl7,IS3 PRANK B. CLOPTOH A6ENT 800 MAIN STREET pkompt, reliable; berviok A. J.jBEAN HAULING OF AIL KINDS Uooda taken Uit ot csre ot, Imts ordtu m TitrocH'a. I'bone llulumi, Th Oregon Dally Journal can be found on tale at Frazler's book ator, T m PiB t ...........A. cjh wiM r i w LllT u mm v-CvW T MONTERASTELLI BROS. - Marble and Granite Works jlONt'MENTS, IIF.VDSTONKfl, COP INCH AND BUILDING STONE We o our own work mid unarniitt-u the lainout loweit price. Entlmnte slveu an nil kind ot Gut Stone, We bate a large stock unci wou'a le pleaa eri to have you examine It. :::::::: : Street Pendleton, Oregon Near O. R. IN. Depot .UIIANCH 8dOI' AT HKl'I'NEll, OltE. Optician Pi:ndi.i:ion, Oiu:. WE PLEASE THE FASTIDIOUS with our laundry work why not you' The more critical you are about your linen, the In tier we'll like it, for we cater to the hest class ol patrons in Pendleton. On mail, messenger, personal or 'phone order, we call for and deliver pcntlemen's and family washing, and ask now only for a "try" at your wfek's washables. The DOMESTIC LAUNDRY Leave Your Orders With DESPAIN & CLARK FOR; COAL All towns along the line of the W. A Columbia River Railroad aan buy from us iu carload lotuat veiy leasouable prices. 514-514 MAIN STREET Phone Main 1741 LET US SUPPLY YOU WITH Building... ...Material DIMENSION LUMBER OK all deucrlptlons. Bash, Doors, Blinds, Mould ing, Building aud Tar Paper. Bring Your Bill to Us and Get Our Figures, Grays' Harbor Com. Co. ppp. W; & C. R. Depot The Eaet Oregonlan la Eaatern Ore Bon'a reprenentatlve paper. It leadt and the people appreciate It and ehovt It by their liberal patronage. It la tht advertising medium of this section. Real i No,e,hZ ilOUSP from lliln Tlll was zm , Choice Rihorn&Si E. D. B( Has Real Egutetj "D8 foil lit th UMt. ..7 of Pendleton, ml lariu 01 ft Ing Wheatland. Csil C. D. B0V). DUTTI Is back at and in charge of t tionary h ainess. guarantee thai CLASS SERVICE I given. CANDIES, B TAFFIES, ETC. Tslephone m n Prompt delivery. The Got The ft Restau Best 25 cent IWJ Private Dili 1 CUS LaFONTH Sleep Soup Enjoy w USOU nu r- H ft when nignis- mote sweet iW plyyou wiJJ tresses and W prices th' fl" t' . m It It (1 Stove, V. Si 1