East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 24, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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i "Tpc mioted below before or after the hour
at prices i .
E.i r Remnant to Children's School Umbrellas,
IK qi j ..v,n .tl mil
handle Umbrella $l3oeA
lii leht Shirt from 8:30 to e.so o'clock-
rf.'fc.' .i.. 1.HA Whttn Out In Flannel fttmn ami
I ' firm Jl
. iirf nfK IE tlmtt 4 .Mlltn.nni.
L l all colors, 45(5 FR0" 8 10 8:30 ,CL0CK
rTiiriitomer. Sofa Pillows, silk floss, shifted:
Jk.l -I .a........ UOU I'll
tlOCK- pnOM S to 9 O'CLOCK
Pillow i4M.d 10 pIecea Dresa Goodg i,gho1as
weave, 75c value 40c yd
IXIOCK- FROM 9 to 9:30 0XL0CK-
Bllielee " fP- ,., Olltlnfr Flnnnpl Nll,t
PrecUll r""n- n,. nrp,,llr tr!mmf fi
X A N D E R ' S
IvouEDjoy a good article, then smoke
; made and of Uie best tobacco. A. RfHODE, Maker.
Marble and Cranite
WeuooarowD work and guarantee tbe same at
loweit price. Etttmatca eiren on all kind, of Cut
Stone. We have a larjte itoct and wonio be pleat
ed to have jou examine It. :::::::: :
Main Street Pendleton, Oreqon
Near O. K. 1 X. Depot
r rffi?yffifr' .BRA!f:11 saop AT HEfrXKR, OKK.
I customers we have the better we can do for
hat reason we do our best to serve all classes
are blessed with big purses or modest ones.
are marked in plain figures and considering
la low price.
Jeweler and Optician
hCK, ri nm.kiox, Okk.
with our laundry work why not
you' The more critical you are about
your linen, the bttter we'll like it,
for we cater to the best class ol
patrons in Pendleton. On mail,
messenger, personal or 'phone order,
we call for and deliver gentlemen s
and family washing, and ask now
only for a "try ' at your week's
iat Is Crescent
;ing Powder ?
Urj.tn.rinfa Ttnn i iiTincnn TI.'
PVener. anil Phncnli'itn tfnvAtnn in
F58 of the U. S. Dispensary is:
ketone to two ounces, it is a mild purga-
f juiC adiine enecr, is wen aaapieu
e of children and of persons of delicate
doses it is considerably used to meet
cy of phosphate in the system (the ele
X ,?uJd 10 make teeth and bones, and.
wi the digestive juices live.) It is best ad-
1 With the fnn,) rn. rn. --.I
fD , -wv4, .oyiany Willi limn, a.u
(eaied whenever there is occasion to give
round 25c, With a Coupon
V1 " 1 1 1 niiiiiiniiiiin
the p,
New York, Oct. 24. The observer
ot women and fashions will notice
that black gowns aro takinc a fore
most place on tho list of ultra-smart I
toilettes again. While It has never
disappeared from the up-to-date ward
robe c-ti-r'y, It has been neglected'
to some extent by women whose flg
tires would permit it.
Of course among tho stout sister
hood black will always be the piece
de resistance ot fashions, for noth
ing so effectively offsets the result
of nature's generosity and which is
very necessary when slendcrness and
grace are the most important ele
ments in tho feminine realm.
Ingenious and Fetching Desgns.
A fashionable modlsto who is as
generous with her advice as sho is
clover with her needle, advises that
whoro only ono black gown can bo had
to make it an evening frock. Aside
from tho fact that it can be retouch
ed often during tho season and mado
to appear as two or three different
toilettes, it can be gulmped with a
bit of handsome lace or embroidery
and worn when visiting or attending
semi-formal afternoon affairs,
A pretty design fulfilling these re
quirements is carried out in silk
crepe de chine. The skirt Is tucked
In groups around tho hips and alter
nating with the tucks aro diamond
shaped medallions of Cluny laco from
"under which the materials Is cut,
giving a glimpse ot a lustrous liber
ty tatln petticoat. From tho knees
to the feet there falls a deep flounce
of crepe de chine also tucked and embroidered.
Through tho medallions on the I
flfunrp hnwvor ore entrho an oc-i
rasional glimpse of a distracting
black and white effect which purzlca
while it pleases. The secret lies in
a double flounce of black and white
chiffon which is used to trim the
fcatln petticoat. The ruffle is edged
with a ruckling of black chiffon edged
with lace.
The bodice fits over a perfect-fitting
satin lining and has inserts of
the medallions up and down tho cen
ter of the back and across the shoul
ders. A novel idea is worked out by
having a border of black lace around
the medallions under which are
smothered layert, of black and white
chiffon; the effect gives the waist
much of tho appearance of an entire
lace bodice and Is very chic.
On either side of the front the trim
ming used in the black is repeated.
The vest is of black chiffon over
chiffon, the satin being omitted to
make tho ensemble as nolt aud grace
ful as possible. Medallions of silk
thread laco are interwoven in the
chiffon and at occasional intervals
thero are roses of black pearls with
chiffon leaves.
The sleeves arc tucked to the elbow
and fit rather close from this point
to tho wrists. The scant puff, how
ever, is slit up the back and an un
dercuff of chiffon to match the vest
Inserted. The wristband is compos
ed simply of a pointed band ot lace.
The upper part of the vest broadens
from the bust-line over the shoulders
and across the back into a yoke ef
fect finished with a simple drapery
of chiffon. This, when removed, con
verts the toilette into a delightful
evening gown
Simpler designs can be produced
after tl.e samo pattern, us'ng Valen
ciennes lace and less of It and alba
tross, wool crepe of an Inexpensive
voile. A touch of color could bo ef
fectively added also in a piping of
Dale rose rannc at tne tnroat ana
around the wristbands.
October Bridal Costumes. I
r..t ,.i l.(.Jit,.o hfivrt r-ontrHmtf.fi 3 I
number of novel ideas to tho season's I
' modes. Hich crepe de I'arls, mous-1 gr
seune anu oiu iuco uuvc
place of the lime-honored satin in I
many of the prettiest bridal dr;sses I gr
of autumn. A delicious model in CT
crepe de Paris, varying from snow to TZZ.
oyhier white, has tho skirt cut alter
the circular pattern with a round
train. Tho bottom is finished with a
High Class Druggists
Tho better class of druggists, everywhere, aro men of scientific attainments anil high integrity,
who devote their lives to tho wolfuro of thoir fellow men in supplying the best of remedies and
purest medicinal agents of known value, -in accordance with physicians' prescriptions and
scientific formula. Druggists of tho better class manufacture ninny excellent remedies, but
always undor original or officinal names and thoy nover sell false brands, or imitation medicines.
Thoy aro tho men to deal with whon in need of anything in thoir lino, which usually includes
all standard remedies and corresponding adjuncts of a llrst-class pharmacy and tho finest and
best of toilet articles and preparations and many useful accessories aild romedial appliances,
Tho earning of a fair living, with tho satisfaction which arises from a knowledge of tho benefit
conforred upon their patrons and assistance to tho medical profession, is usually their greatest
reward for long years of study and many hours of daily toil. They all know that Syrup of
Figs is an excellent laxativo remedy and that it gives universal satisfaction, and therefore they
aro selling many millions of bottles annually to tho well informed purchasers of tho choicest
roraudios, and thoy always tako pleasure in handing out the genuine articlo bearing tho full
narao of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on tho front of every package.
They know that in cases of colds and headaches attended by biliousness and constipation and
of weakness or torpidity of tho liver and bowels, arising from irregular habits, indigestion, or
over-eating, that there is no other remedy so pleasant, prompt and beneficial in its effects as
Syrup of Figs, and thoy aro glad to sell it because it gives universal satisfaction.
Owing to tho cxcellonco of Syrup of Figs, tho universal satisfaction which it gives and the
immonso demand for it, imitations have been made, tried and condemned, but thero nro
individual druggists to bo found, hero and there, who do not maintain tho dignity and principles
of the profession and whoso greed gets tho better of their judgment, and who do not heBitato
to recommend and try to sell tho imitations in order to tnako a larger profit. Such preparations,
soraotimos have the namo " Syrup of Figs" or "Fig Syrup" and of somo piratical concern,
or fictitious fig syrup company, printed on the package, but they never havo tho full name of
the Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on tho front of tho package Tho imitations
should bo rejected becauso they aro injurious to tho system. In ordor to sell tlio imitations
thoy find it necessary to resort to misrepresentation or deception, and whenever a dealer passes
pff on a customer a preparation under tho name of "Syrup of Figs" or "Fig Syrup," which
does not bear tho full name of tho California Fig Syrup Co. printed on tho front of tho package,
he is attempting to deceive and mislead tho patron who has been so unfortunato as to enter his
establishment, whether it ho largo or small, for if tho dealer resorts to misrepresentation and
and deception in ono case lie will do so with other medicinal ngents, and in tho filling of
physicians' prescriptions, and should be avoided by every ono who valucB health and happiness.
Knowing that tho great majority of druggists aro reliable, wo supply tho immonso demand
for our excellent remedy entirely through tho druggists, of whom it may be purchased every
where, in original packages onlvi at tho regular price of fifty cents per bottlo, but as exceptions
exist it is necessary to inform the publio of tho facts, in order that all may declino or return
any imitation which may be sold to them. If it does not bear tho full name of tho Company
California Fig Syrup Co. printed on tho front of every packago, do not hesitate to return tho
article and to demand tho return of your monev, and in futuro go to ono of tho better class of
J -a 1 Ml II , . .1 1 . , . it.! ! t l; 1 1.1....-!
uruggisiswuu win sen you wnatyou wisn ana tno ncsioi evcryiunig 111 ins iiiicui rcuruimi'it; nn iT,
s This week will be one of special interest to the ladies, for we are putting on
r sale the nicest lot of Walking and Dress Skirts we have shown this fall.
jfE CINEZIHEMNE Dress Skirts;
j: latest htyle
.Mixed white and black Wool Sklrft)
EC very dressy
CT Kine Broadcloth Skiit, tlalxratel.y
XZZ trimmed with nllk liands, fine
drop .Skirt, tll.00 value; our special
EC price . .
Good quality Wool Walking Skirts
from $2.25 to
Sf e these skirls before the week li gone, fin you
will surely le pleased with them.
Saturday Specials!
Men s ribbed Underwear ii-gulai 30c
grade, for one day only
Men's black and white Sli'rts, 50c grade
for Saturday, only 39c
All 5c Calico, 10 yards for . ... .)oc
Our $1 50 Bed Comfoits, large size, tilted
with white cotton; Saturday only . . . f i.a'o
Ladies' Dressing Snrques all grades, spt
cial 10 per cent reduction.
Outing Flannel. 71 grade. ionrds for 50c
on every
hot. 2U
half-inch hem above which two tucks
of the same width appear. From the
tncM nn to the edee of a hip-yoke
of rare old lace, rows ot suirruig mu
models that can serve for dressier
Somo of tho newest headgear do-
grouped a few Inches apart in I'0'1, ' hleh. narrow crowns at the base of
... ,n rl ThV T entire eown te ' tl,n wldo ,,rlm ls SlaBBCd
wbjte silk conK The 1 entire gown Is what a,)ru,lt,y at tne ,)ack, Tll0
made over white . . incsfon is mado to accommodato
Nothini; could bo simpler than tno ' ,,.,., ,hn, nrn Hn.i in
i.n,i.w it ic fuKhinnpi. wiin a ueeii.-": : - . .: . .
UUUIl'L, , k tir .--.".
-...i vnin nf tlnnlv tucked chiffon
over which is laid a deep circular col-
i. r li, I,, mntnh that unon the
lai ui -
hlp-yoko of the skirt Tho material )s
guthered very iuu across too uw
to fall in a graceful blouse over a
..i-.ii,. ,.r r.ichi.H white satin. Tho
sleeves ar3 mado with caps fitting
clobo to about four Incnes neiow ine
shoulders, when they expand suddenly
1. . Ttni-inns miff which is a mcd-
ley of chiffon appliques, tucks and
laco. , I,,
Another very handsome bridal
gown is made en princcsso of silver
whte tatln embroidered with clusters
of the cream colored wild roses,
which aro massed wiwi auu-umwu
rosebuds and green leaves. Here
,,.,u.!n iriv- wav to charming
originality' and. tho green of tho leaves
though pale, Is deeiaeu euuusii
mav h trimming on tho dress
among tho handsomest decorations
of the season.
Going Away Costume.
(Jolng away costumes, '0 It ultra
fashionable, match In color tho hair
of tho brldo. This snouiu oe a
bource of constant ueiisiu 1 y
woman whose crown of glory ls a Jo.
forever uecauso whcic ...v. -.jq ueuuiugn ovnv"-
streakB of -brown and gold that cau . t-rmingied with beaded passemcn
D . , . .i....itnn.n.l n lion, in ..I-
i. only pooriy uui.i -v - -. 11
full loops and allowed to hang un
confined almost to tno waistline.
Thero are a number of now ideas
in tho matter of trimming, both for
street, house and evening gownB,
For tho long, closp-flttlng tailor Jack
et the newest way of stitching the
seams ls with straight straps of the
same material finished at tbo bottom
to simulate a golf slick, the tiny
cross-section being of a different
An expensive, but very pretty ski.-t
decoration consists of bands of sable
of varying widths running from tho
hem to tbe ends of the hlp-yoko after
the manner of the velvet ribbon
bands that havo hitherto been fash
ionable on taffeta dress skirts.
For evening gowns there como
flowers of pearls and laco with ex
quisite shaded .green sbiffon leaves.
These can bo appllquod over the
front of the bodice and skirt or scat-.
tered over tho entire gown provided
inO CUniKIlltt Ul LJJU jjuiuu hiu iiui
exhausted before sufficient trimming
has been acquired lor mo purpiwe.
Many novel uses aro found for
fringes. Applied In scroll design they
make a deiiKhtful decoration. The
nMl.not aiiis frfnppa finvo deen-knot I
uvn" u 1 1 1 . ..-.
ted headings and sometimes are In-1
T. D. GADDIS, Proprietor
Candies, Ice Cream Soda :
Nuts, Fruits and
.... ....... ..nniips and libei't" S&fi J
u),nil lnr the lustre of
rubrics with their embellishments of
lace and embroidery.
Ilrown in all tne snauos u'j
much In demand for traveling d esses.
n ... - mi, in matc-h. trimc d
miiB uiu , .
with fur, preferably chinchilla, rc le
or ermine, and where this is tho c se
the tailor-made design is replaced by
1 i-,., u.n nr iii-n nt-n the fashiona
ble woman would havo been shocked
at tbe sight of a colored handker
chief. Now the smartest rnucholrs
match the color of tbe gown and are
bordered with tho costliest laces.
Clerical cuffs now accompany
neckwear of the same style that has
proved so great a favorlto.
Pure Goods and Low Prices
221 E. Gourt