V" DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1903. 4 ': i Winter Underwear ru'lervoiir to keep warm. Just the thing or the approaching cold weather, have them in cotton atnl wool. I i 4 1 IIIIIHHHIIIIMmUHIIHI 114)1111111 : : t x t t X 4 Ml I Mil 4 4 H I I H I I I I I l 4 4 4 ! I 4 i I I 50c 75c i 50c ij 50c 1 i Cotton Ribbed, per garment Extra Quality Cotton Ribbed, per garment Very Heavy Cotton Ribbed, per garment . Extra Weight rleecc Lined, per garment Heavy Wool, per garment Extra Fine Grades in Wool .... t $1.75, 2.00, 2.50 to 3.50 Each of our Belfast Mash Linen J It will pi ase yon. t HENS OF MILTON PLEASING RECITAL BY MISSES PLANT AND DOVER. Ball at the Opera House. With John son's Orchestra Furnishing Music Thrown From a Bicycle, a Broken Leg Resulting Many Comings and Goings of a Live Community. I Caledonian Gathering. J , Thore will bo a gathering of Scots nt Fossil, on October 2T and 2S. Gil ! linm rounty tins several large Scotch ! t-oMlements ami nn enjoyablo time ( it anticipated. Some ot the most , noted Scotchmen of the state will bo i ' present and lake pari. Twenty-two per cent o ftho stock.of the Illinois ucnirai ruuwuy is owned In Europe, mostly in nngiana. Milton. Oct. 23. Miss Ilertie Elnm ...$J. 00J. 25, J. 50 f weeks' visit with friends In Spokane miss neien wnson. a lormer Mil Try a uit Untie wear. BAER & DALEY,! One-Price Clothiers and Furnishers GENERAL NEWS. HOTEL ARRIVALS. King Edward has sent a blooded greyhound to the York. Pa., fire com pany as a mascot. The gasworkers of Barcelona, Spain, are on strike, and the city is in darkness. Many arrests of labor leaders have been made. Leonidas Hubbard, assistant editor of "Outinr;," is lost in Labrador, which he started out to explore about August 10. With him are two com panions. An Italian genius has contrived a successful method of wireless tele graphy by which the earth instead of the atmosphere is used for the transmisson of energy. A new missile, harmless almost, but very effective for breaking up street meetings In cities, is being nsed in New York. It Is a paper bag filled with water and dropped upon the speaker from a height. When the bag breaks from the concussion, the water flies in every directon. A slight but vastly significant issue ! Is now on between Canada and Great J Ilritian. High Canadfan officials are demanding that she be allowed to I spend her own money in her own way for her own military defense and de velopments. Instead of having it Fpent for her by the war office at London. Hotel Pendleton. Emel Judell. San Francisco. Mrs. Bunder and daughter. Athena. A. T. Voncler. Philadelphia. Fred F. Mldlcton. D2troit. E. F. Fay. Portland. Julius Hutc, San Francisco M. A. Crawl. San Francisco. II. E. Gunley. San Frnnciseo. F. Graham. Jr.. Boston. I- P. Sandbule. Ssn Francisco. H. B. Cotton. Portland. Tommy Cain. Seattle. A. J. -amero-.t. North Yakima. C. Ottershagin. Portlr.nd. T. J. Armstrong. Portland. J. C. Dodd and wife. Peoria. J. A. Huron. Chlcsgo. It. S. Butler. S.-.n Francisco. Geo. H. Sutherland. Walla Wt.lla. R. C. Long. Spokane. T. B. Whitaker. Kansas City. Mrs. Etta Porter. Baker City. NORTHWEST NEWS. F. Morgan, an Oregon Indian war veteran, died at. Eugene Friday, from an attack of paralysis. The German steamship Elba, left Portland Friday for the Orient, with a cargo consisting of 190.000 bushels ot wheat. ; An effort is being made to e tab list a creamer" at Kalama, Wash., a local corporation for the purpose be ing now organized. Baker county has sont one ot the finest fruit exhibits ever collected in ; Eastern Oregon, to the rooms of the 1 Orecon information bureau in Port land. Golden Rule Hotel T. H. Witnpey. Helix. J James. Helix. J. H. Cox and family. Heppuer. H. H. Conover and family. Heppner. George C. Francis, Yale, . J. S. Mead and wife. Walla Walla. Lee Cunningham. Portland. Doug Belts. Pilot Rock. Frank Duprat. Heppner. C. !. Pinkerton. Weston . M. Loner. Weston. S. Atkins. Weston. L. V. Henderson, Pilot Rock. W. P Allen. Long Creek. R. P. Lainhart and wife. Albany. G. L. Pierson and wife. Sutherland. B. F. Sparrow, La Grande. H. Jones, Boise. J. 1- Payne. Colorado Springs. Mrs. E. S. Douser. Colorado Springs I). B. Campbell. Bellevlew. J. N. Shaeffer. city. T. K. Beard. Modesto. R. A. McLaughlin, urdane. W. H. Morgan, New York. tonite. but later of Pendleton, is here visiting at tho home of her brother, O. F. Wilson. .Mrs. Guy Edwards returned Wed J nesday from Dayton. Wash., when she had been visiting relatives. Mrs. J. E. McQnary is In Walla Walla, the guest of her daughter Mrs. J. F. McRae. Mrs. P. J. Moore, of Seattle, arrh ed here Wednesday nnd is a gnet of her sister. Mrs. I J. Pierce. Mrs. Nathan K, Buck came down Tuesday from her home at Spokane and is visiting friends and relatives . Mr. nnd Mrs. L. B. Hogan returned i this morning rrom Wnlla Walla, i where they had been visltlne and nt- j tending the races. w. W. Dorothy came down Tnes-' day from Northport and is visiting bis ' parents. Mr. nnd Mrs. R. M. Dorothy Very PUasing Recital. The recital given Tuesday evening by the Misses Plant nnd Dover, of, Columbia College, was largely attend- j ed and thoroughly enjoyed. The; young ladles are certainly artists in their lines, and acquitted themselves admirably. I Ball in Opera House. Tonight a ball will be given in the new opera house hall by the stock- holders Johnson's orchestra, of Athena, will furnish the music Broke a Leg. Monday, while riding at a rapid rate. D. J. Kirk was thrown from ' his bicycle and one of the small bones j of his right leg was broken. T)r Thomas set the fracture and at last accounts Mr. Kirk was resting com- l fortnbly. i The 1903 Immigration from foreign , country mostly Europe, will reach i ' MKi.tino probably. . j - 1 , If Suddenly Called j abroad, would you convert j your estate into cash and leave . it in the care of your family to j be invested? Or would you, see that it was safely invested 1 before leaving? Do you rc-j gard a safely invested estate! rlip best thinp- to have, as well as the best asset to leave your j family r You can secure an invested estate yielding a good income to yourself if you live, to your family if you die, by purchasing 5 Per Cent. 20-Year Gold Bonds on the Instalment Plan. In wrliine for terms ctve youragt, nd thi mount uf income you wish lo ccure. The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York Kiciiau A. McCvuor, Frnidtot. Alma D. Katz. manager, Boise, Idaho. Frank L. Hammond, District Manager. Pendleton, Oregon. A SEASONABLE and reliable friend for thtso cold nights is one of our HOT WATER BOTTLES Now is the time lo buy one because it may save a severe sickness by hav ing one ready in case of sudden chills or colds. Heat cures many pains and this is the best way to apply it. We guaran tee every one of them. Don't forgot that Tamarack Cough Balsam cures. Guar anteed. F. W. Schmidt's The Reliable Druggist Poitufiice Block. rhone Main Sji Oil and Sweet Spirits of Eden Are guaranteed to cure any case of Rheu matUui Money back if they fail. A C. kocppen & Bro.,AgU. for Pendleton s You May Hai ToT 'bar reaM because thwS.JP! Call and .:" -uuue KfiAGLE BEOS, n' "KVUWIOrSovB A v-nance of a Life' All facia! LI leavingthe&cts withontltathrm Call on TWO LETTERS ABOUT TRIB. ; Man Who Was Willing to Try and Fire in the Miners' Home, a board-1 Was Convinced. I SUNDAY AT t THE CHURCHES J M. E. Church, South Eleven a. m., theme. "Christ Feeding tho Mul titudes." Sunday school. Id a. m. Epworth League 1-.':Jii.l serv..w at C:30 p. m.. led by Mrs. Tivis i.lo- Broom; 7:30 p. m., preaching, theme. Healing and Casting Out Evil Spirits." First Christian Church Sunday school. 10 a. m. The contest between the "Keds" and the "Blues" is bring ing many new pupils. We had an in crease of 54 last Sunday. I'reacldng, 11 a. m.. subject. "Like Him." Preaching 7:30 p. m.. subject, "What Is Man?" Christian Endeavor. C-.30. Sunday evening. Prayer meeting nnd choir practice Wednesday evening. All are cordially invited to attend tbene services. N. H. Brooks, pastor tug Douse at uurke, Idano, rTlday "V r , ' I First Presbyterian Church 10 a, morning, destroyed about JMflOO 1. 1W2. wrote: . nae beeni m sundav school; 11 a. in., sermon worm of property, including 15 real-; by the pastor: CMS p. m.. Christian lew iieupiu urauh uiuru umu i. ii I c..i-, " . ... ., dences. Wholesale vaccinations in the sub urban schools near Portland, have been ordered by the board of health on account of the unsanitary condi tions found to exist. The Interstate Printing and Manu facturers' Association, a business or ganization, made up of printing estab lishments and practical printers, has just been formed In Spokane. A rush of land hunters has been precipitated at Vancouver, Wash., on account of the announcement of the opening to entry of 17.545 acres of Jand in that district next Monday, Oi to u or C. A strong movement is now on foot in Wyoming to remove the state cap- itol from Cheyenne to some more central point, Emerson being fflea tioned as a prospective candidate for the honor. Daniel Rogers, colored, aged 103, died at 8anta Cruz. Cal., Friday. Rogers was a slave, and was brought to California by bis master, in 1849, from Georgia. He purchased his freedom and went back to Georgia to buy his wife, when he was again sold into slavery, and compelled to purchase himself a second time, which lie did, including bis wile. 4B0 Acres Of 40 bu. wheat land Smiles from 1'endletnn. SO acres st to alfalfa. Hunnlng water, grod Improvements. One-half sec. uf fine wheat land, on Tutullla, 4 hiI1m from Pfiidlfton. Plenty of water, good Improvement. 160 are which can be set to alfalfa, all subject to Irriga tion. Ditch through it. !0 acres of flue dairv and stock rnch. Cuts 100 tuns uf wild hay and ICO tons grain hay. Two running streams, abundance uf pine Umber Place all under fence Open xaiuce near bv. 460 kcres good wheat land one mile from town. 3G0 acres nummer fallow. 2000 acrelandonButtercre-k Well ailapud to runalna hep, tlooa improremcr.u. including 1'iedi. psi.aU. etc. W til wlntlr ui uerp. iir. irm maiuocrT homf and camp ontnu Included We hve a lonr lltt of property Juit Ukatbli la latca and 1111111 ttaclt, and ws can ul jrou on the price, com; and bec is E. T. Wude a. Son I' 0. Hoi !Bi 'Phone Black Jill Uflice in E. O. Bld( your TRIB is a cure I want it." On May 15, 1&03. Mr. Burroughs wrote "It is a pleasure lor me to recom mend TRIB as a cure for the liquor habit. It has now been six months since I completed a cure with 'TRIB, I have never bad better health. I eat well and sleep well. I believe It Is the best cure for the liquor addiction yet placed upon the markot. Tallman & Co., local agents. Notice. It having been called to the atten turn of the management of the Pen aleton Woolen Mills that certain stores have sold blankets under the representation that they were made by the Pendleton mills, the public Is hereby warned that Pendleton man kets are Bold only at the stores ot the Alexander Department store, peoples Warehouse. Fair Store and James Crawford, How Thl? We offer Ooe Flundred Dollars Kcward for ui caae of catarrh that can Dot k cored br Ilall'a Catarrh Core. R J. CHENEY & CO- Toledo. O, W. the nndarelraed. hare known P. J. Cheney for tbe last IS years, and beUere mm perrectiy nonoraaie in an ooaineaa tranaaetlooa and financially able to carry ont any ooiijraiiona taaoe 07 ueir arm. tt'KHT & TltUAX. Wholesale LrrocsUta, Toledo. O. WA.LD1NG, EINNAX a MARTIN, Whole- aaie irruffKiais, oieao, u. Ilall'a Catarrh Cur Is taken Internally, actios dlrartly upon tbe blood and mucous aariacea oi ue aaieDi. xeaiimooiais aent free. tYlce 75c per bottle. Bold by an nnireiara. liana family 1'iiu are tne best. If you are troubled with impure blood. Indicated by sores, pimples. headache, etc., we would recommend Acker's Blood Elixir, which we sell under a positive guarantee. It will always cure scrofulous or syphilitic poisons and all blood diseases. 50 cts. and Jl.OO. F W Schmidt & Co, druggists. Best shoe repairing at Teutsch's I STAT10SERY WEEK ATFRAZIER'S $ Bpeclal sale of fancy box statlou- g -ery this week only 3 One lot flOc sale price 30c S One lot 80c sale price 26c Jj One lot 40o sale price 20c 5 One lot 85c sale price 15c Jot of odds and ends at b and J 10 cenu. iFrazier's stlrV 1 0 nery Endeavor: 7:30 p. m., sermon Strangers In the city and all people who have no regular place of worship are cordially Invited to all the servl ces. Robert J. Dlven, pastor. The Temple and Pleasant View Rev. Robert L. Alter will preach in the Temple Chapel at 11 a. m., and at Pleasant View at 3 p. m. on the sec ant! and fourth Sundays of each month, and at South Juniper on tbe first and third Sundays. All people are Invited. Methodist Episcopal Church 10 a. m.. Sunday school. A. J. Owens, superintendent; 11 a. m., service of special interest to the children, at which time the sacrament of baptism will be administered to any desiring It. Patrons of the Sunday school are especially invited to be present and to arrange for the children remaining to tbe 11 o'clock service. At 12:15 p, m class meeting. Rev. G. W. Rigby, leader; 3 p. ra Junior League; 6:30 p. m.. Epwortn League: 7:30 p. m, preaching. All are cordially Invited to these services. R. Warner, pas tor. Church of the Redeemer Divine service tomorrow at hours as fol lows: Early celebration of the holy communion at 8 a. m.; Sunday school at 10 a. nr.: morning prayer and ser mon at 11 o'clock; confirmation class at 3:30 p. m.; evening prayer and address at 7:30. Congregational Church Sunday services as follows: Sunday school at 10 a. m., morning worship and preach ing at 11. subject, "The FnilU of Christianity; a Proof of Its Divinity. Young people's service at 7:30. Sub ject. "The Blessing of Giving." A cordial welcome to ail. Jonathan Ed wards, pastor. West End Chapel West Webb and Maple streets. Sunday school at p, m. J. Edwards, superintendent. Special Services The evangelis tic services to be held at the Congre gational church, beginning Monday evening, November 2. will be of extra ordinary interest Rev. Dr. House, of Portland, has Oiled some of tno prom inent pulpits of Massachusetts, both or the Methodist and Congregational denominations, and has been very successful In all his pastorates. Rev. Dr. Kautner has filled the pulpit of tho first church In our Capital city for a decade with acceptance and ef ficiency. Rev, Poling, of The Dalles, j is une or ui0 most promising of the younger ministers of the state. All are Invited to these sorvtces. PRACTICE ECONOi NOT ONLY IN THE BUYING OF YOUR STOVE OR HEA1 BUT GET ONE THAT CUTS DOWN YOUR FUEL COLE'S ORIGINAL HOT-BLAST HEATERS Burn Hard and Soft Coal or Wood and cost less to operate than any heatiay I hey are ouilt on an entirely new principle and have revolutionized siovesa" a complete nock of Cole's Hot Blast and Coal Heaters, all sizes and at price saving tc purchasers. Prices rane from $4.00 to $40.00 The Cole's Hot Blast Heaters are Sold with the Following m IMiIrnnl Tol'i: Hnl Hlmi In K tl, Tir.U rt?CT tf, rnll CtOV6 made. We guarantee a saving of one third the fuel over any lower draught soft coal -tf til A zarTt cifo i We guarantee an absolute uniformity of heat day and night with soft coal, mJ we guarantee that the rooms can be heated from one to two noursw- the soft coal, slack or sittings put in the stove the night before. We guarantee the feed door to be smoke proof. We, guarantee the stove to hold fire twenty four hours without attention. It is the cleanest, most economical and most convenient stove on tbe nn j Steel Ranges and Cook O N our floor can be seen the most we handle The "Superfc and "Monar C...l Uonnoe or.,1 C nnt itOVCS. V0U' tHVJ JttllfaS AMI www.- I, fl . 11 result vince you tnat our 0111:1 b win you. TMYLQ THE HARDWARE MAN J.R Ml ia ii up.1 vent r58 of on prom ii M of i U do encyo f is nef. R the 1 with fpeited SOL Pou