''I ORE GONIAN, PENDLETON, nnrnnM. THURSDAY, OpTQBER 22, 1903- Publla!iil evcrf atwnoon (cxcent Humlayj nr I't'tullctim. Oregon, by tlie EAST OREGONIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. Thorns JUtu It. sntSt'Ull'J'IOX ItATKS Dallv. unc jwr lj mail f.VOti Dallr. lx rauttiun by tun 1 1 .nu Ilnllv. thrw months bv.'mall 1. Da 1 1), duo month by mall .50 Dally, nor month by currier 3 V-eklr, one renr by mntl 1.51) WV.'klv. lx month br ma Wwhlyi four months by mull fiO Neoil vteeklr. "tic year by ninll .... "J. no bemlNVi-klT, tlx months by mail .. 1.00 Serai-Wwkly, three montbii by mall . . .(10 The Ka.ic Orecoulan ti on title nt II. It. ftli'hs News tStnmU nt Hotel t'ortlnad anil itotei I'ermun. rortmtui. uiegim. Member Si-rlpps-Mcllne News AksocI.i tlon. Sua r-'nnclsco llureait, -4US fourth St. Cbirao Itureati. non Security ltulldlng. Wa.shlnstou. I). C Iturenu. r.ol Hth St., K V Entered at IVuilletfm postofflre tin seecontl clans matter The Inbur movement in Its 1 forcartcst terras Is the effort of men to live tlie lives of men. U la a systematic, organized struggle of the masses to obtain piimnrily more leisure nntl lnrg ' er economic resources; but that ' Is not by nny means all. because the end and purpose of all is a richer existence for the toilers. and thnt with respect to mind, soul and body Half conscious though It be, the labor move , ment Is a powor pushing toward the attainment of the purpose of humanity: in other words, the end of the growth of man kindnamely, the full and liar mouious development in eacn individual of all humau facul ties the faculties of working, perceiving, knowing, loving; in fact, the development of what ever capabilities of good that there may be In man. Profes- sor It. T. Ely. Xo wonder the wood trust advises the people ti burn coal. There is more profit In $S coal thnu there Is in $7 wood. It reminds one of the remark made by a French empress, when told that the poor had no brend to eat. "Bless their souls," said she. "why don't they eat cake?" The president Is 'very nnxIotiK to have the Panama canal treaty dis cussed and further negotiations open ed with Colombia, at the extra ses sion of congress. Thnt presidential railroad excursion around the circle this summer lixed the Isthmian- ca nal niiBS'lo'1- N canal will be built during Roosevelt's term. Taking a tip from the morning pa per's bold gtimbling story yesterday morning, the gamblers stood on the sidewalks until midnight last night, so the police force and district attor ney could walk down the streets unil see for themselves that they were not In the games. It was an awful chilly night for such an experience, but the gamblers were equal to the occasion. Pendleton has produced some of the greatest horses ever seen on an American track, yet when her liorso men wish to enjoy a race meet, they must go away from home. Before another year passes, an agricultural and racing association should he fennel! here, and the surrounding country Invited to . help celebrate. Where are the business men and horsemen of Umatilla county at. nny way? It Ik uo wonder that laws aro vio lated and Information against crimi nals is lacking when occasion de mands, whore hut one-fourth -of the legnl voters of city register nnd qualify to take part in a municipal election in which a mayor and five councilman nre to be chosen. Can you blame criminals for taking ad vantage of such lethargy? The com munity must hack the law or It Is of no force. The government Is going to probo the land frauds to the bottom. Yes, hut caro wll) be taken that they will not bo probed deep enough to hurt anybody's .political chances, it all hinges on that point, Can somebody without a reputation at stake, be pinched? Can some clerk or under strapper be, roasted without scorching the whiskers of the real criminal in the next pew? It may be a close shave, but It won't hurt anybody big. To be a iiewspaper man Is general ly to bo liberal and fulr toward all men under nil circumstances. Wm. aiassman, editor of the Ogdon Stand ard, la tho ropubtlcaa candidate for miiyorj' ondat ,the! hea of tho olector ,alcbiumnaiSlte (prlnUuthlB.,.c;bmmenda tory?:nuttco,' ofvhlH., opponent: i "Jeter - Andorson,' (the democratic, -'nominee for mayoriu a Irlettd'of the editor of the Standard, and, though he id a democrat and our opponent, we are tree to admit that ho Is a man of worth. Uo has hoeu a resident, of (igden for many years and bus la bored lor the best Interests of .the community. Wo cannot say ns to his nunllflcntlons hi n executive wny for mayor, but wc do know he Is n man of honor nntl Integrity." The wreck of the uteamor South Portland, ami the loss of IS lives on the Capo Illnuco reefs, brings an im usual disaster for Oregon, to our very doors. Compared to the Atlantic coast, the shipping of the Pacific coast has been most fortunate Happily, a very Insignificant proper tlon of the lives Involved In coast traffic has been sacrificed to the sen On the Oregon coast. Its perilous reefs nre by-words with fcnlloru, too. The spectacle of the Now York po lice removing .Mrs. Nation from the Dowlto meetings for "disturbing the peace," Is unbelievable. . Why New York City would wish to separate these two cgotlsjs and spoil two houses In the city nt the same time. Is beyond understanding. Howie got mad because Carrie asked him n question which he coludn't answer. nnd asked to have her thrown nut. instead of throwing her out, tho po lice should have hnndcuffed them to gether anil made them fight It out. Kansas has turned out cranks. JIany of them have honored the state. But she never did produce such n fungus growth us Dowte. All of the elements of hor worst ernnus combined never bred a hybrid of the Howie type. Mrs. Nation would bo a valuable as set In Uowle's collection. But Dowlo don't want her. She has plenty of nerve but no money. He can't use her. "Zlon" is not her home. Judging from dispatches to Portland palters, the entire time of the Oregon delegation to congress Is taken up In quibbling over appointees for federal offices In this state. No wonder Oregon has such little weight In discussing national affairs. The Influence nnd labor of the represen tatives aro expended largely In per sonal and factional matters, portnln Ing In uo way to the welfare of the people. Instead of concentrating their forces on the enactment of n law that will stop the land frauds in this state and restore the exploit ed public domain to the people, the Oregon delegation is now waxing warm in a fight to determine which faction shall name the next United States attorney for this state. Ore gon needs half a dozen federal nuildings. Her cities are no longer hamlets, but are at a point where substantial improvements must lie made. If the members of tho dele gation would look over the Held they would find plenty of work to Io work that would bo appreciated by a long-suffering people. Fetternl btii.u Ings ure needed In Oregon, land .laws need more rigid administration, the government needs encouragement and aid In extending the irrigation laws now being executed in the state, yet potty personal difficulties con sume the time of the delegation, It the Washington dispatches nre true. A DYSPEPTIC OPINION. The opinion of Charles Francis Ad ams on the subject of street car own ership was elicited by R. T. Snedeck er. a Kansas City municipal owner ship advocate, who had asked ills opinion on tho subject. The reply wus emphatic, comprehensive nnd salu tary". -Mr Adams described hU study of public ownership In Europe, in cluding the Glasgow experiment, say ing that such street' car service as thoy had In Olasgow would create a riot in Kansas City, and added: "The fact Is, when it comes to handling private business nny und every government Is. In my opinion.' utterly incompetent look at our school system. It is one mass of Job bery from beginning to. onil. if you aro looking for another object lesson, study tho government printing oirico at Washington. Every document pub lishedlumbering, clumsy, useless- costs notoriously twice what it' would cost if Issued by a private presB. And the .poatofllce.,. Jimt look nt the sys tem of fraud, bribery anu stealing now being brought to light. Don't talk to me of doing business through governmental machinery. It is one colossal exhibition of wasto, extrava gance and Incompotenco." Chicago Chronicle. MANGLED MOTRER TONGUE. Tho telephono girl Is progressive. For years and years in repeating a number which had a zero Included, sho would always call it "ought." iFor, Instance, if a subscriber called for "twenty-four thirty," tho tdlephono girl would ropoat, "Twenty-four three ought." When Bomo mibscrtbor who had a littlo fooling of compassion tor tho king's English, which was bo lus so cruelly murdered right before hU ears, would gently object, nnd say, "'vwo.rouritnreo-naugni," mm girl would again repeat, "ought." nnd tell tho , subscriber .to "loolc in tun dictionary." ' But tho w'prid moves. Tho "nmiBht" Is commencing to bo realized :ln tho most occlusive telophone clrtles. It could not rbo expected thatwliho tele phone girl would . surrender all at o'neo. .Bbe has -fought for that "ought." too long to drop It .Immedi' ntoly, nnd thus confess that she has been .wxons. , ' oo, while sho Iiub dropped the "ought." sha has taken up "o'" in slund, So now ,h)io rupouts 243p in this maimer, "two-three-four-O." It Is a splendid victory for English undefllcd. OptlmlstB can now see dawning that glad day whon tho tele phone girl will say "naught" right out loud, THE LOST GALLEON. llnr decks nru drowned In sen-wrack, her guns are mini; In sand. Where she lies In the still water, hard by the Irish strand; There are dead In her gilded cabins, there ace white bones In her hold, With hor coffers rotting plank from plank, brimming o er with golti, ( Broad o'er the benm they built her , that they might load hor deep, They sowed a goodly harvest for the fierce salt seas to reap. They freighted hor with merchandise with gold they weighted herj well. 1 Ere they steered full slowly to hor ' bourne their castled citadel Rod rest their souls where they 11' low, where she swirled down of yore With chanting .priest and shrieking slnve. a stone's throw from the shore! Nor nil -their plled-up Ingots, nor all , thole rrnlrl rmilil R.ii'fw Tinder the cliff together, the Don ami tlie ennined slave. Far o'er the gray-green waters goes sound of gull and gale; While caps are on the breakers and But she lies lost and mouldered, with the sun on a patched sail ; her captains swart and bold I Dead In her gilded cabins and weight ed down with gold. C. Fox Smjth, In Outlook. starved out. Manv a trarrison has lieen forced to give up the light anil hang out the white nag of surrender, when lack of food has weakened the men past all power to continue the struggle. Many a man is similarly starved out of business. His digestion is , impaired. His toon docs not nourish him, and for lack of strength to carry on the struggle he turns his store over to an other, i Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and other or gans of digestion and nutrition. Jt , restores strength to weak, nerv ous, run-down men mid women. "About ten vears airo I1 began to be nfltieted with itomach trouble, also diar rhea." write Mr. Wm. Walters, of Antrim. Mo. In warm weather it jrrew worse, until U would throw me into a crampmc: chill. Was troubled so otteu that I sometime thought mv end had come. Tried nmuy remedie.. but they gave only temjiorary relief. In November, 189). thought I would trv Doctor Pierce's Gotilen Medical Dircoverv, I Rot six bottles and took tiveinaucceviiou, then thought I would wmt for a time ami take the one left. Soon found I hail symptom of the trouble comiiiff buck, to tool, the sixth bottle and it cured me. I have enjoyed the lest of iicuiui ,1113 MiiuiuCT. nun uic creiiii nil oeiungr I to your 'Golden Medical Discovery." I can't ' express my many thanks to Dr. Tierce lor hU remedy, for it did so much for me. Wonts can- ' not express how severely I suffered. , "If any doubt the above statement let then i andres me, and I will take great pleasure in i answering." f Dr. Pierce's Tleasant Pellets cleanse the bowels and stimulate the sluggish lives. 1 o FRAZER THEATRE One Night Only Saturday, Oct. 24, Jessie Shirley In the HpurklliiK Comedy NELL GWYNNE Popular Prices .25, .50 and 75 Cents Seats on sa!e todiy ar io a, m. at Brock & McComas Drug Store A ITER an .anxious, fretful 'day, you need somothtiifr wli loh shall fit your tired ImxI.v uh a well worn slipper tits a tired foot. It must be somuthlug more tliun food or drink. If you want to taste Hirvaua und forget ull your tire and fatigue, take a mi p of one of Chase it Baiiborn'H "Original I'aukugo" leas. These aro tlie leaveo which tlie natives tliomselvei drink with nil their vittor imprisoned. Ii'h a very dlllerenl drink from ordinary ten. Try a half-pound. "OltlOINAl, PACKAGE" TEAS. Orloff (Formoi Oolong). Koh.l noor (Ens;. Hresklsjt) Orange ruc(liiula.l:Cejlon), Sold In Pendleton exclusively by C. ROHRMAN -comer htkeict There is no beveraEe the richt kind of beer. a food and a tonic. Only 3H Per nt of alcohol just enough to aid digestion. But get the right -beer, for some beer is not healthful. Schlitz ii the pure beer, the 'clean beer, the filtered and terilized beer. No bacilli in it-nothing but health. And Schlitz is the aged beer that never causes biliousness. Call fur the Brewery Bottling. The Bar that made Mllwaukmr famouM. Phone Main 1781, The Ross Ice & Cold Storage Co,. 414 Slain St.. Pendleton ELATERITE Is Mineral, Rubber. VOf MAYJNII mvIMH0 nKJ,,iACE A wiMIV-OUT 0OF ELATERITE ROOFING , reniperc for nil climates. Reasonable In cost. Sold on merit- Ouaran. ted It will pay to ask for pricoBand Information, t THE ELATERITE ROOFING CO. , .vorccster Building. "" I YOU R P LUMBING !, Have it done lij a Scientific Plumber anil on will not lie liothcnul with tiad breaks. Let us figure on your work, , BECK, THE PLUMBER COURT STREET Building Material Of all Description Sash, Doors & Windows Made to oidtr. BuildinR paper, lime, cement, brick and sand, wood putters for barns and dwellings a spec ialty, Oregon Lumber Yard Alu St, Opp. Com t House INSURE IN Reliable Companies That pay their los-scs promptly. Our companies stand at the head o( the list. AstieUi Hartford 'ire Insurant? Co.f 12,559,07b Alliance Aw urn nee Co 29,03&,il6o London ft I,nnoalilo' Klre IliHiininoe li S,M4,ttH Nortli Hritisli & Mercantile Co 10,695,974 Koytil IiiHtirance Co 23,897,183 PRANK B. CLOPTOH AGENT aOO MAIN STREET LET US SUPPLY TOU WITH Building ...Material D1MJENHION LUMilKH OF all descriptions. Basil, Doors, Bllndx, Mnulil ing, ltulldlng and Tar l'aer. Bring Your Bill to Us and Get Our Figures, Grays' Harbor Com. Co. Orp. Wl ft C. R. Depot PItQMPI'. KKLIABLK! BEHV10E A. J. BE A'N HAULING OF AIL KINDS (ioodt taken bt ot care of, Levo orders at kvtw;ii-i, 1 Douviaiii l.r(l, The Eatt Oregonlan l Eattern .Ore. flon' reprtMntatlvo paper. It lead) and the people appreciate It and ahow It by their liberal patronage, tt la tht advertising medium of thle aoctlon. , I I.LC.I t,n? more ncaiunm ... Barley malt and hops Olearance Sale 1 of Wall Paper gPEUI A L bargains will 1 be offered on the re,- 3 v. mahider ot our stock of 3 4 3 Wall Pnper. 5 3 All this s aeon's i at- 3 terns all new, ratty and 2 3 up to date. I C. C. Sharp 3 2 Opera House Block. 5 Z StTHiilhHiruet. 4 T7VVTVTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTH The Colombia Lodging House Well ventilated, neat anil comfortabl rooms, good bed1:, liar in connection where best (oods art" served. Main Street, centerv-of' block. between'Alta and Webb Streets. F. X. Schempp Propriet of Schwaiz Si Gretilich, .Iirops, Wholesale uml retail dealer i Heef, J'ork uml JIuttou, Cured Meats and Satmt;es of ull kiiils. 607 MniK Strict. I'liOne ttll. v 1 - " 11 1 1 1 "in ' - I Ref rigeiratea ; I Meat l i I Conrad Platzoeder Jl cArf All kinds ol Fresh , ' Meats' .always,, pn, ,. .band.. . iunaifMcon, Hams, and Sausage. Prices as low as tbe lowest Money BackKK full to cure RiKiimntWipj Ji'or Sole by A: C. Koe'ppen&Bros, AgU. for J'elull'n. "O5e'heroll0 It ifta-aa It ra!j A . .. - fixmi h(,,. r' IT on.Um- T . ,7roon W? ! from Mien 1 Tf,:..7u"rt. vi juu want hi. urnrwri jf",.. I !-.. Ha&RealEiihi R blndskflil residence to most nioili TRIM in the limili dl of Pendletnn ,J farm of a fn KOOd sjfjj thousand rfj wheat land. Addrca C. I). BOYD. J The Fi Rsstai Be:t 25 cent! Private Dii Elegant FonB Comic GUSiaFONlj 633 wM Sleep' So Enjoy U softind .I. on riiacd springs, i"J nignisct'u" rnote iwettw We are'prtj i nn wiib Si tresses aJl prices in" ' saviuB- . See us W Stove. V. S! CompW8' It .bat and in d3 nonary ' '