East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 20, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 8

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Take a Look at the
New Fall Shoes
We Are Showing
The styles are the
newest. We fit the
"hard to fit," as
our line is largo
and we have the
Dindinger, Wil
son &
Good shoes
;0tC heap
Subscribers are requested to
notify this office If there Is any
Irregularity In the delivery of
of their paper, and the fault
will be promptly corrected.
We urgently request each sub
scriber to put up a box at his
gate post. There will be but
little danger of the paper blow.
Ing away or becoming lost If
the paper is placed In a box.
We are anxious to have good
delivery service and will be
grateful for the co-operation of
our subscribers.
01 4 1 1 1 1 '! I M I HtH
tuau n t
i iiicy uu
It Do pirn in
m a dm gam
jVillDtttlEREB. The time
for transferring plant is
here and we will make It an J
object to buy your Jardinieres
Addresses by Blsnop O'Rellley, Gov.
Chamberlain, Gov. Morrison and
Other Notables Hospital Is a
Finely Equipped Modern Instltu.
tlon, Rivaling Any In the State.
Yesterday afternoon Illshop O'lleU
loy, In conference with the 8lstera of
St. Francis, ucclded to nostp&no the
uedlcntlon of the now hospital from
tho first of the month until tho after
noon of tho 6th, in order to have tho
pleasuro of tho presence of Gover
nors Chamberlain, of Oregon, and
Morrison, of laano, ai mo raviuua.
Both of these gcntloraen havo ox
pressed a deslro to bo present and
lond tholr efforts toward making the
dedicatory services an epoch In tho
history of tho city, and as they will
be horc In attendance on the irriga
tion convention, it was decided to
hold tho services In connection with
the opening of tho hospital on tho
day ueforo tho convention In order
to save the distinguished visitors tho
Inconvenience of an extra trip here.
The now hospital lias been, or will
bo by tho 8th, completed and ready
for occupancy, and on that day It will
ho thrown opon to the general public
for tholr Inspection, that they may
bo uulo to Bee before It is occupied
all of tho conveniences and advan
tages which It possesses.
Finely Equipped.
The St. Anthony's hospital, as the
now edifice will bo christened, will
bo ono o fthe best equipped Institu
tions on the coast when It Is finished
and In operation. Not that it will
ho as large ns some, but It will bo a
far hotter Institution for Pendleton,
taking Into consideration tho slzo of
tho two places, than is St. Vincent's
hospital for Portland. Tho surgery
Is us good us can ho found In any of
the institutions on the coast, and
has been constructed out of the ex
perience of the past and with the
knowledge of tho present. It is com
plete In every detail, and as near
perfect In equipment as tho thought
and efforts of the management could
Dedication Begin November 8.
On tho afternoon of November 8,
nt 3 o'clock, tho services of dedlca-
tln mill liniHn. Thn cnnnrnl ilnill
cation of tho building will bo held
first and will ho In the open air, ns
will all of tho oxorctsos and ad
dresses. Tho church will havo oxciu
slvo charge of the first part of tho
service, In which tho hospital will bo
given, acconung to mo muni oi ino
church, to the service of God nnd to
tho nmolloratlon of tJio Bufferings of
man. Tho ritual In connection with
tills sorvlco Is simple' yet lmprosslvo
and will be a fitting and eolomn opon
lng for tho services of tho day.
Address by Bishop O'Relley.
I Following the general dedication,
I Bishop O'Rolloy will make tho open
ing address -of the day, In which ho
will explain the purposes of tho Insti
tution, Its scope. Its past history nnd
Its futuro expectations. Ho will opon
It to tho puhnc and dedicate It in
words to the good of humanity.
i Governor Chamberlain nnd Gover
nor Morrison will speak after tho
bishop has finished and Mayor T. Q.
Halloy will mako the address of wel
come to tho visitors and tho general
public. Judge Kills will also ho pres
ent and speak, and tho medical staff
of the hospital will have one of tholr
number address the people In bohalf
of tho medical profession.
I A general Invitation will he extend
ed by tho bishop to all of tho mom
uors of tho medical' profosslbn of tho
state to attend tho services nnd lend
intorest to the proceedings by their
A band and other music will ho
provided for tho occasion nnd tho
day will bo made ono of tho memor
able ones In tho history of tho city.
Banquet Last Evening.
Last ovenlng a banquet was ten
dered to Bishop O'ltollcy by the Sis
tors of St. Francis, at which tho
mourners of tho staff of the hospital
and other Invited guests wore pres
ent. It proved a great treat to those
fortunate enough to be present to be
ennhlod to meet the bishop nnd hear
from him the plans he has for the
work In this part of tho state, and
ills expectations of the good that will
come from tho work.
Tho feast In Itself was something
to mako mankind forget the sorrows
of life, hut It proved of small Inter
est besldo the pleasures of tho bis
hop's presence.
Sold His First Crop.
Conductor Frank Coykendall, who
Is now on tho passenger run of Mnr-
tin Anderson, on tho O. It. & N has
i just sold his first fruit crop, nt La
Grande, nnd Is proud of tho record.
Ills orchard is only flvo years old, all
of tho Gano variety, and this year
he has Just sold l.UUO boxes from U7U
trees, and In that number of boxes
but four were culled, or second-grade
apples. The price paid was 75 cents
per box.
A. t . !.,,,.
I 1 1 1 11 1 I 1 1 1 1 I l"H"W"l' 1 11
Ming Powder
The remarkable Increase In consumption
troves its purity and wholesomencsa.
With a Coupon
To Sell Theater Tickets.
Manager Nixon, of tho Frazor
theater, has decldod to placo tho seat
sales at Brock & McComas' drug
store, on account of th3 Ingonveii'
lence of tho box office, for Hie patrons
of the thpster. Ills tlmo Is taken up
with other details of bis growing
business, and for this reason the
change will bo made. Hereafter the
seats will be found at this placo.
Echo Plant Is Slaughtering Cattle
and Puttlnp In Cold Storage,
j c Koontz, of Echo, Ib In tho city
for' a 'short visit on business Mr.
Koontz Is of tho opinion thnt tho
rabbit crop around Echo is as good
.. .. 1- l...t on fnr thn Rphn
tins year ua mm uu.
I cannery has not thinned thorn out for
for their machinery nas nni urwvuu uuu
t vo do ne buslnoss.
An- wiuy uiu - " i,.i,r.
DO Y01)
Peoplo arq asking for P. 1. P..
Verdict for Norsltch Company
. i th. n a. A. N-
$3,u b"i' 1,ho cannery has noon hiiuikihuijhk
other Damage Case for $4,259, Is nowov(!,. ona sending them to
-r.l.A Uhlrh Also Orlo- 1 'i.i .Inrnm lllnllt Til tlllfl CHV,
NOW ueing men, - -
inated With a Fire.
Tho Jury In the case of the Nor
sltch Union Flro Insurance Company
vs the 0. K. & N., was out all night
and nil of the foronoon. They wore
unable to agree for a long tlmo on n
or,iirt. nnd mado soveral attempts to
bo discharged, but foiling In this at
noon today settled on a verdtel.
On the convening of tho court this
nrtornoon they woro called and
awarded their decision, tho amount
claimed by the plaintiffs in the case,
$3 709, together with tho costs anil
disbursements of tho nctlon.
Another Damage Case.
Tho circuit court took up tho con
sideration of another O. II. & N. dam
nsi! enso this morning, when It con
vened nt 9 o'clock. ThIs tlmo it is
the case of the Manchester Assur
ance Company and Virgil Moore
against the O. It. & N. The plaintiff
is represented by tho Arm of llallorny
6 McCourt. whllo the railroad has
Charles II. Carter, W. W. Cotton and
H. F. Connor to look after Its inter-
STho complaint alleges that on Do
comber 3. 1902, Virgil Moore had In
the warehouse at Barnhart Station,
7 098 bushels of bluostem wheat,
of the value of 71 cents a bushel, or
tho aggregate value or $5,033,58.
This wheat was insured by the plnln
tiff company in the sum of $4,259. On
the morning specified at about 5
o'clock, the ware.iouse was sot on fire
by n passing engino belonging to the
O It. & N. and totnlly destroyed, to
gether with tho wheat contained.
The plaintiffs have nover received
nny reparation from tho railroad for
the damage done, and therefore they
ask Judgment and costs of the com
pany In the sum of $4,269, which the
ii.,i,.,air.f Assurance Company
paid to Moore as por policy, and the
further su mor ?u.uo, mo uuiuum.
lost by Moore In excess of his Insur-nnro.
Tim naan la linlnrr tried before n
Jury composed of John McKeown, G.
W. Ilugg. W. E. Potts, J. S. Harris, 12.
L.' Cheney, George Glnn, W. P. Dan
iels, Jesse M. Baskett, Lee Teutsch,
Henry Lorcnzen, James Derrick and
(5, DeGraw.
80 suPerior ,0-
an I I,.,.... ,i
namuui ol tea ,.
iuw nours
nnd CM ...I.. . . .
the cold storage plant In this city, , ' a lit,j,
where they will bo held lor we mar
hot later In tho season. ... Vpp Til a
H c Willis, tho promoter of the OCC UIC
rcchn cannery, has been sick for near
ly a weok, having suffered an attack w ,
rnonmhilne anonlexy sovoral days I vvt ",,vc n
ago. Ho is recovering, nnd will bo articles to be absorbed k-j
out again In a short time. ""M
j . ' ' L V-J ,
rk. Mr-h9rttK' Cafe. I
ifpena constantly on hand Import-1
ed lloborwurBt, Frankfurters, Ham-,
hiinr oolff. crawfish, crabs, oysters,
all kinds of choesc. Merchants' hot
lunch dally from a. m. o & v. m.
A Little Higher in
1 1 lVVr) UHI"
We wish to call your especial attention to butter. The Gold
Medal Brand has a reputation well established to which we
can add nothing; and wc would say if there has ever b:en a
customer dissatisfied with this Butter, it was no fault of the
creamery. In order to have GOOD BUTTER there aie two
very IMPORTANT things to be considered; first, all Butter
must be well taken care of.
1 TheGold Medal Brand
comes to us in excellent condition, well covered with parch
ment paper, and is placed in our refrigerator at once, which
keeps it from being exposed to the changes in temperature,
and it will not become rancid. Anothtr thing, always order
THE GOLD MEDAL BRAND, as it is properly taken
care of from the time it leaves the cow until it reaches your
table. We make a specialty of this butter, having fresh
arrivals frequently, and can assure you perfect satisfaction
at all times; therefore it will be to our mutual advantage if
you will '
Blve It a Trial
Will Hear Nordlea Sing,
Soveral young men of this city
aro contemplating a visit to Port
laud, to hear Nordlea sing at tho
Armory, in that city, next Saturday
night. The famous artist will ho ac
companied by a musical company of
CO persons. Hor net Income at Spo
kane was over $6,000, and It Is ex
pected alio will double that amount
in Portland.
Will Lecture Toriight.
Mrs. M. N. Graves, of Centralla,
Wash., will lecturo at t-o Baptist
church tonight at 7:30, on tho sub
ject: "Is tho Young Man Absalom,
Sato?" Sho will be assisted by Mrs.
M. M. Wade, and the lecture will be
for tho benefit of tho Men's llesort.
No admission will bo charged. All
aro cordially Invited to attend.
The Great McEwen 'Coming.
Tho "Great McEwen," ono of the
most noted hypnotists of the cen
tury, will be seen at tho Frazer on
next Tuesday night. Ho comes to
Pendleton with high compliments
from his Eastern tour, and this now
departure In tho line of attractions
coming this way will add a zest to
his appearance.
Word has been received In tho city
announcing the coming raarrlago of
Charles A. Townsend nnd Miss Fan
nlo Wolf, In Vancouver, on tho even
ing of October 29. Mr. Townsend la
well known here, having been tho
guest of friends In this city at vari
out times. Ho is an old cmployo of
tho Wolls-Fargo Express Company,
being tho cashier In the Portland of
fice. Mr. and Mrs. Townsend will
reside In the lattor city.
, Dowle at 8pokane.
Spokane has a Dowlo colony num.
boring 40 and as soon aa tho cijm-
rnlirn In flrpntnr NnW York III (MKlK'J
un army will march on tho city by
the falls. Two memuers or ukj rtpo-
lr.nn nnllitcrnnl nrn linw tvltll tllO
UUUU bUUMIIRV.lt ...w ...... .....
rt.tli fnvnna In Mow Vnrl.V Abhllt
...... ... tu.WWM ,,, . . V ' " - . . .
nix mcrabors from Sentllo nre also
wltli the army.
O. R. & N. General Attorney.
iw w rvittnn hn f) H Kr N -at.
ini.nnv nf Pnrtlnml In nt 'thn Hotel
itanfllatnn linvlni- t'nmn hnra tn tako
part In tho caso that Is before tho.
. . i !...... 1. .(.... ilnmairAa
CQUn lOUUy, lUVUnrillB uminvw
against the company.
Recoverlnn From Gunshot.
Henry Harrison, of tho Younger
grocery storo, Is at his post again,
rni. t. nrot limn ulnpA hn mnt with
his accldont ol several weeks ago, In
which bo shot himself through tho
Take lxttlv Bromo Qumloe Tsblsts. 'All
drugs UU refund the monx II II una tosurt
m. W, Grove's sliaatura on mu Imx. ate,
Crescent Baking
Too limy to write an ail you will hear from us again lain j
keep in mind u you want oottom prices you
must trade at
Largest Line of Gents' Underwear In theCit
Season Opened Last Night at Armory
(Hall With a Good Attendance.
rni, nnnnlnc nnrformanco at the
i,n... mi,tnr In Artnorv hall, was
greeted with a good attendance last
night. The hall has been wen arrang
ed for tho purposo and the seating
capacity was about all occupied to
witness the opening program.
Tho work- or Lavorn, uie Hinging i
nnaoin TiVcrn. the slindowgrniih
work of Travello and lenders, the
Juggling of ltaynor and tno moving
pictures were an oxceueiu.
Tim "iinnm nf ileath" bv IaVome,
was one of the most novel and mys
tifying performances ever seen 111
this city, and tho shadow work of
Raynor wes especially worthy of
mention. It was a whole show Itself,
..Manager Nelson Is well pieaaeu
with tho nrosnects at tho beginning
of tho season, and will Improve and
add to tho progrem as last as possi
ble. The moving picmres i:
rtlnunlvlnc vtnwn WOfO bettor tllllll
nnv seen here last summer, and the
features of the winter theater prom
ise to be novel nnd entertaining
throughout the season.
Attending Court.
Conductor Harris, of the O. H. &
N. passenger run between this city
and Portland, ono of tho oldest and
handsomest men in tno service, aim
one of the most genial conductors
running outside of Arkansas, Is lay
ing off a few trips to auenu mo :
slon of circuit court In this city.
Cloak Departing
When is a cough more
than a cough?
When it's a settled cold.
When it hangs on in spite of
all you can do. , Cough mix
tures won't cure tit because
they are merely for a cough
and this is something more.
Scott's Emulsion cures the
cough because it cures the
something more. It heals
and repairs the inflamed
tissues where the cold has
taken root and prevents its
coming back.
We'll lend yoa simple Irte upon rtqutit.
SCOTT & ItOWNE, 409 Purl Strt, N Yerk.
Goodi taken belt of care nf, h.ivte itln t
Walter's Flouring Mills
Opacity, 1B0 barrel a day.
Flour xchanged for -whwit,
Flour. Mill Feed, Oiwpped
etc., always on band.
Will, as usual, be the center of attraction
during this week.
UEntire stock of Suite, jackets, Capes
Walking Skirts, Silk (VaistB, Pettico&te,
Furs, Flannel Waifts, Brosfing Saques
all at remarkably
Low Prices
II Ask to see our Ladies' Sweaters
TlOur $5.00 Ladies' Coats are very line
H$1. 25 nnd $1.50 Petticoats all at i)8c
1I$1 25 and $1.35 Woolen Waists at 98c
1120 per cent off 011 all Silk Waists
The Big Boston Stoi
The Best is
The Cfaeapflt
'The MBU'iie imp"
ruplc ecated
i superior lo ay '
... , 1-.. h ItsiK. '
W. J. CLARKE & Cos a. court!
Are Combined In
Cole's OfagtggL
Tight WoodHeat
Hot Blast CoalJ!!
They have proven p
Hundreds oi eatished people in
and Umatilla users of Cow ( ,
heaters always recommend l tn
friends. Sold only, in Pim
Tlx Hardware
OsaOaMiNOneDaytGrp)3 Days' '