East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 20, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 5

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Another shipment of Furs just received
by express. This makes the third
shipment this fall. Do you know
what that means? It moans we arc
selling three tirno3 as many furs as
we did last year. Why is it? Come
and look at our line and you will
We hiive them from $2.00 to $25.00
ee TetftschV Big Store
Corner Main and Alta
City Brevities
ii .1 .... i
i conducts the Delta.
gllnncrs at Teutscli b.
Li. nsklnir for P. I. K.
the best bread, got Ilohrnian'B.
I Rent A piano. Apply at this
I mobile caps, tho latest, fad, at
n & llond's.
r carnets and linoleums at Ita-
Ifurnlture store.
Livc.i ilailv. iresh tamales,
land crawfish at Gratz's.
ftworiiin llm best clear made.
fcs' cigar store, Court street.
Lin & Clark havo a sample
br sale. Call and examine .it.
brand now piano for sale. In
fer Joe Iiaslor. Trice very low.
kinds of Imported and domestic
i and clam cnowuor at uraiz s.
i nlncH some rare beauties.
In Mni' ever shown hore. Han-
Iraisheil inonis for rent for
leeplng. Apply at 725 Jano
nubhy Ideas in fall zuii.ngs.
fst p.iltcniK out, at Soibert &
Ismakiii);, cutting and llttlng a
ty 912 Main street. Miss II.
Kent Klvo acres good orchard,
land bam, ono mile from city.
pianos, slightly used. Great
b. Conic quick. Inland Em-
llano House, near bridge.
o er your house furniture.
In refinlsh it like new. Wilson
Bine, 'phone main black 1043.
Delta Is again In personal
of C XV. Irvin, the founder of
pre. Evcrythlne clean, fresh
I ted- A good industrious ninn
wife (no children) to tako
ot farm. Address Uox 108,
In peppers, onion pickles, cnult-
I picnics, cucumber pickles, egg
turnips, celery and green to-
at Martin's Family Grocery
U C Itader, M. A.
People arc asking for P, I. It..
Fresh fruit daily at Martin's
Got Irvln's bon bons at the Delta.
Refrigerated meats. Schwartz &
Grculich Co.
"Kantshrlnk" underwear at Sulli
van & Bond's.
New ready-made skirts arriving
daily at Teutsch'.
New hats, Dunlap and Knox styles,
at Sullivan & Bond's.
Got your fall Bult made at Joergers.
Best values for your money.
"The Fortunes or FIfl," by Lonwell,
all tho latest books. Nolf's.
Children's white and blue corduroy
caps, just In at Mrs. Campbell's.
A beautiful assortment of Indian
robes, $3 each, Sullivan & Bond's.
"A Deal in Wheat," by Frank Nor
ris, author of "The Pit," at Nolf's.
"Flexlford" collars don't break in
the laundry ; 'I for 25c. Sullivan &
For Sale A good 8-room house,
cellar and two fine lots on good
terms. Call at 038 Main street.
Lost Bay mare, branded "B. H.
on left shoulder; strayed from Bailey
Ross' pasture, at Meacnam. Reward
will bo paid for Information furnish
ed to Otto Boetteher, Pendleton, Ore.
Woodmen Consolidation.
The Weston camp of tho Modern
Woodmen has effected a consolida
tion with Tutullla Cam), the local
camp of this city, and will work with
them In the future. The Western
camp could not maintain the burden
of their organization, and have con
solidated with the lodge here In or
dor to maintain their benefits In the
:E IT:::
new designs in Sil-
plated Hollow Ware
wr plated Flatware
ftd Sterling Silver Flat-
i. Forks and odd piece. Large
w assortment of 1I the
' Who Ntvtr UUreprojtnU
District Deputy Moved Here.
S. .1. Hubbard, tho district deputy
or the Modern Woodmen, has moved
his family to this city from his for
mer home In the Willamette valley,
and will resldo in this city in the fu
ture. Mr. Hubbard has Just returned
from a visit at Cove and other towns
in that -part of the state, where ho
has linen in the intorest of his order.
Will Visit a Eugene.
Miss Hazel Arnold will leave this
evening for Eugene, where she will
be tho guest or relatives and friends
for a time. She will be accompanied
to Engeno by her guest, Miss Nina
Dunn, of that city, who has been vis
iting here for some time.
Church Work at The Dalles.
Rev. Jenkins, the pastor or the
Christian church nt Athena, was the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Lyons
last night while on his way to The
Dalles, where ho goes on .business In
connection with his church work.
Will Move to La Grande.
Fireman Will Saunders, who was
held up and robbed In the O. R. & N.
yards, Sunday morning, will move his
family to La Grande in the near fu
ture where he will reside permanently.
Your grocer's trade in
Schilling's Best is the nicest
trade there is. There are no
complaints; if there are, he
answers with money.
leal Shoulder Braces
The new .Brace for Men
Women and Children
Do not judge its value
by the small price
The Place to Buy Drugs
fi5 Steps from Main Street, toward the Court House.
H, M. Blston, of Condon, is In the
J. E. Cox, ol Heppner Is In the
R. D. Ormsby, of Elgin, visited In
tho city yesterday.
Dr. F. R. Dorn of Echo, is In tho
city for a short visit.
Dr. F. R. Dorse, ot Echo Is In tho
city on a professional visit,
J. W, Smith, of Athena, is In the
city today for a short visit.
J. Talbert, of Milton, was In the
city yesterday for a brief visit.
W. P. Allen, or Iong Creek, spent
the day in Pendleton yesterday.
Albert J. Mlnthorn, of McKay, is
In tho city today for a business visit.
Mrs. R. Caldwell, ot Baker City,
was the guest of Pendleton friends
Mrs. 15. E. Baltezoro has returned
from a visit with relatives and
friends at Elgin.
Bruco Crawford, one of Walla
Walla's contractors, Is in tho city to
day on a business visit.
J. L. McCrary, a freight conductor
on the O. R. & N., out of La Grande,
is in tlio city attending court.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry. Smith, of
Athena, havo returned to their home
nrtcr a visit in the city with friends.
. Rev. W. E. Potwino was a visitor
m Weston today, whero ho went to
hold regular services in the EplscO'
pal church.
Rev. Jonathan Edwards returned
last evening from Spokane, whero ho
was called Saturday to attend the
tuneral or a friend.
Dr. C. T. Bacon and N. K. West,
of La Grande, passed throngh the
city this morning, en route to Walla
walla to attend tho races.
J. F. huii, the driver of the' cad
emy hack, has" returned from a visit
at Elgin, his former homo, whoro ho
went to attend to business matters.
E. R. Crawford and wife aro at the
Strahon. en route homo from an east
em trip. Mr. Crawford is stttion
agent for the O. R. & N. at Pullman
Will Speak There This . Evening A
Large Audience Heard Him Last
Rev. B. E. Utz wont to Milton this
morning, where ho will hold services
this evening in the Christian church.
There was a largo crowd at the
church in this city last night to hear
the address by Rev. Utz. and his re
marks were much appreciated by all
in attendance.
From Milton Rev. Utz will return
to his home In Spokane, whero ho
has charge of the Christian churcti.
That denomination is building a now
church in Spokane which will be'.
when finished, one of the finest audi
toriums in the city for the purpose
of speaking. The edifice will bo
dedlcated during the first part of De
cember, and the church extends a
cordial , Invitation to nil Interested to
attend. !
Popular and Inspiring Play to Be
Here Saturday Night.
Mnraii'nr 'lvnn taken nleusuri) In
announcing that "Nell Gwynne," the
ever refreshing drama of tho reign
of the Stuarts, will be seen hero next
Saturday night, October 24.
The play deals with many of the
hlotnrln nnrsonaees of that nerlod. all
of whom revolve around the center
figure of the play Ts'ell Gwynne, tue
most popular actress of that age.
Jessie Shirley needs no introduc
tion to the Pacific Coast, and In her
presentation of this popular play will
be seen at her best.
Will Locate Here, With Offices In the
Judd Buildlnn.
Drs. Mary Parker and Marie Ugul,
both of San Francisco, aro In tho city
and will locate permanently, having
ninn.il In tne Judd building.
The ladles are both of tho regular
school of medicine, and are gruuuai
ed from the schools of California.
10 Per Cent Reduction
Prices Reduced for This Week
Lace Curtains
Nottinghams, Muflin, Point do Sprit, Arabian Net, Fine Swiss, in plain and
milled, Battenburg Designs and Imitation Battenburgs.
Price, 50c a Pair to $ J 5.00
In Velvets and Now Velours, Mercerized Effect, Crushed Plushes, Striped
Bagdad, Japanese Effects and Floral Designs. All colors and shades.
Prices, 50c a Yard to $ 1 .50
Siss, in p'ain dotted and figured, Point do Sprit, Bobinot, Ecru and Whilo.
Prices from .'. J 5c a yard and upwards.
Scrim, in two shades 5c a yard and upwards
Three yardb long. Ntw seasonable colors Prices, $(.85 to $7.50 pet pair
'Tis just the time for houfo decorating Curtains, Couch Covers, otc. Wo
know that the stock we carry will merit your timo. During this week you will
receive the benefit of a 10 per cent reduction.
Remember, a ticket with each Dollar you buy from now until October 3 i ,
entitling you to a chance on one of the six prizes.
Series to be Held First Week In No.
vember. Conducted By Able
During the first week in November
a series of meetings will bo held In
tne Congregational church of this
They will be conducted by tho
Rov. E. L. House, D. D., of Portland,
Rev. W. C. Kautner. D. D., of Salem,
and Rev. D. V. Poling, of The Dalles.
Services will bo held both afternoon
and evenings, The speakers are
counted among tho leaders of their
denomination on the Pacific coast.
1 Alexander, T. C. Taylor. E. R, Dlclo
son and O. A, Ilartman. Thoy will
1 have full charge of tho sale of the
I tickets, and are now at work among
I tho peoplo.
Martin Anderson In Hospital.
W. H. Kelsey returned this morn
., iir.rtt.imi where he went to
accompany Conductor Martin Ander
son to tne Hospital, suverui ubjo t--,
!.-!., Mint Mr. Anderson's
.ui, nuioc, -
condition Is somewhat Improved filnce
his arrival in I'oruauu, mm
iinn ...ii i.n npfPKfinrv. and Inat
the chances for hie speedy recovery
aro very good. wr. rtiruomuii ......
i in ...ui. n nfrpetlnn of the Kid-
ueuu in f..i - . ,
neys for the past two months, and it
was deemed uesi 10 ruuiu.u " -the
hospital a few days ago.
Bank Rcuers at Newberg.
Newberg, Or., Oct, 20. Robbers
attempted to blow open the safe
here at an early hour Monday, set
ting off nine charges or dynamite un
der the vault, and in tho door, with
out success. The robbers made so
much noise that tho little burg was
awakened and turned In a fire alarm
to call the citizens. Tho robbers
made their escapo and have not been
Irrlaatlon at Pasco.
a ,.,,i,n,. muRtliii? is to be held at i
Pasco this week for tho purpose of I
organizing an Irrigation company to
bring 'a canal from Snako river about
nn .,,11. ,u nl.m'll I 111! l-itv tl) ri'OltllUl
about 20,000 acres of sandy soil lying
near Pasco,
Returned to Ritzville.
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Vincent, 6f
Ritzville, returned to their homo this
rooming uftor a .week's visit at tho,
homo or Mr. and Mrs. Sam Endlcott ,
of this city. Mrs. Vincent and Mrs.
Endlcott are sisters.
Ladies Managing Sales for the Hos
pital Benefit.
A committee of ladles havo taken
the sale of tho tickets for the Elks'
ball to be given on the evening ot
the 29th for the benefit of the hospi
tal off tho hands of tho gentlemen
of the lodge, and will see to It tnnt
there is a good sale for that night,
Tho committee Is composed of
Mesdames F. E. Judd. T. G. Halloy,
II. F, Johnson C. K. Roosevelt, II.
lien and Boys
New Tilings JuBt Arriving
respondence paper in tablet
form with envelopes to match
colors, blue, pi arl grey, agate
blue. Other new styles,
Hemstitch Linen, Egg Shell
Linen, etc.
Little red chairs and fancy
rockers i8c to f l.'J5 Those
make beautiful anil useful
mw -!
I lit O W ,
MLB - .... J I A.
ml ;
mm 1
V :
We are agents for the "Tang
wall" and the "Moorliouse"
loose leaf ledgers and files.
Call and see the samples.
Our lines are practically com- J
nlete. New pencils, pen s
t I I -1 !l - f
s noiuers anu coior pencils.
Fish of All Kinds
Lobstcru, Crabs, salt wa
' ter foocU, Oysters -EAST
f Prompt Delivery.
Elite Fish Market
Curuar M.lo u4 AIU
P. O. ELLIOTT, Proprietor.
Rigby-Clove Mfg.
Manufacturers of the
Rigby-Clovc Combine
Repairs for all kinds of
Farm Machinery
Foundry Work it SpeoloJty
Cash paid for old cagtiagi
vvvvvv V W 9 W WW W WW w
I The Leaders
The Unsurpassed
The Always Satisfactory
The Wilton coal and wood Heaterd. Handled
horo only by ub. Coal stoves running in price from
$7 to $20. Wood Btoves ranging in prlco from
$2.50 to $20. Our stoves are now ready for your
G21 Main St. ,5 Headquarters for fishing supplies
I wfm