TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1903. riAii v cart nppr.nMiAN PPNni.PTON. OREGON. t'ublU)ii ery nftetnoou (eiccnt Sunday) t Pendleton, Oregon, by the ..111.1,1,0,1 i,v t'm nciilHMl "rich" man. ! In the only capitalist In the commun ... ,, ; ... . ,i,,,i i' Ity. It Is doubtful It this oxtromo will probacy bo remembered on ft-1 wI) ovor ,)() ronllml but lf tll0 lure election days. It Is not ..difficult . Now jjeainiul experiment proves sue- to say harmful thlnss of the poor cosaful, other nations will almost cor EAST OREGONIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY.. M'hatie, Mnlu 11. SUIISOUIITION IIATIIS linllv mi jrear by mall Dallj, l monlliH by mAII Dally, tiiroo niouttis by mall D.illy, iop montU by mull ....... D.illy. pt-r month by carrier Weekly, one year by mall ,. Weekly, nix month by mall Weekly, four month by mall . . . Seml-Wikly, one year by mall .. Semi Weekly, six months by mall Semi-Weekly, three month by mall The lloat llremmlan Is on sale nt It. H. Itlch'a New, Htanilsi at Hotel Portland and Hotel Perkins. Portland. Oregon. llember SerlppsMollae News Associa tion. San Francisco Ilurenu, 408 Fourth St. Chleain llureau. 000 Security Ittiltdlng. Washington, D C. llureau. BO I 14th St., N. W Kntere.1 at Pendleton pnt"01ce as seccoiul clasa matter. man, hut it is n very tuiucuu uung tti romedy the wrong dono him. Uo has few enough defenders, now. The hand of society bars tho door ncninst lilm, whorovor possible. The politic ian makes him n pack mulo. The rich" man denies him tho rlsht to iffor any counsol In lormlng the laws 01 fixing the policies under which by 11 U3t live. If I to someone can reveal a nobler vlow Of life and work; If I can reach some spirit true With but one word, If that wind mean his betterment, Though without recognition, I shall die content. If 1 can serve the cause of truth and liberty, If I by deed or song can help to make men free, If l can lift some bur.Son from tho tolling poor, Although unknown and friend less, I will ask no more. J. A. Kdgerton In Wllshlre's Alngnzlne. .Miss Ware is . not tho only be smirched angel In the land office ser vice in Oregon. She waB probably thn must original schemer In the business in the state, but her opera lions were limited. Tnere are others coming to the front as fast as the iron hand of Investigation can tear, away the veil. This will be a busy year In the federal courts of Oregon. Somebody connected with tho Alaskan boundary convention made an awkward blunder In giving out ', the news of the American victory i last Saturday. It will be In order now for tho commission to take up the boundary between facts and lm-' agination. In relation to ItH actions, and ascertain where that shall be fixed, so the nnxlous reporters may not get mixed again. Tim one-ess of 'he Oreth airship, which sailed triumphantly over tin city of San Francisco for two hours last Sunday, and then alighted In the bay only through a miscalculation of the operator. Is the best promise of aerial navigation yet given out by way of tho numberless scientists, who have been going crazy, at the jute ot saveral dozen each year.' Tho avigatlon of tho air, on a greater 01 less degree, will no doubt bo ac complished soon, and these fllckeilnj; Miccea&es arc but Index fingers point ing to what will be the ago of mir acles. The success of steam navi gation was accompanied by almost us many failures and misgivings at first as the navigation of tho air is now attendrd with. It Ib only a mat ter of experience and experiment. There Is no doubt about the possibil ity of Ihe navigation of tho air, under proper methanlcal and scientific con ditions. P.nt'lesH trials, endless ex pense ot money, brains and muscle, will finally hit the right system, and then the next great problem will bo lc reach some olher planet, after the atmosphere f tho earth hai been i-.jnfiiieretl by the timid airship. Tho moat dangerous policy which iver gained entrance Into public af Itirs Is that one which ridicules tho Miggestlonti of the "man who has i,over accumulated anything." Ho tauso a man In not a largo property holder, Is sufficient reason for him 10 be relegated to tho rear, his counsel despised and his proffered iId In making tho laws of the coun try coldly turned down, with a cer tain class of politicians, who aro found in municipal, county and state governments. The suggestion tomes to tho surface so often In tho discussion of public affairs, that its eady use proves that It Is tho un derlying principle of the man. Us application to tho worklugmcn, poor, imt nolo men. who are Interested In tho affairs of the country, Is 0110 of the very agencies which dlvldos and keeps apart tho .classes. In dis cussing tho advisability of Increasing Ihe efficiency of -.the Pendleton flro department, tho morning' ipaper; re- 1 era: to tho figuros ot and recommon Uatlons of 'J. iH.'Pearo,-, chief of tho Ui Grande flro department, as 'tho .Miggestlon of a !man who .Iibb never pecumulated anything." This Insult 10 tho Intelligence and ability ot tho wurkl.ig classes, which tako an Intor (hi In municlpnl affairs, and nro thus Pendleton can take a valuable les son Irom Ogden In the way of ac commodating her guests during tho irrigation meeting. The .11011103 ot Ogden wore thrown open to tho vis itors, the residents promising the local committees that they would not charge, above a stated price for the accommodations. After the hotels were filled the local reception com mittees, each of which were assigned to u state delegation, look the dele F.ates to the residences, which had placed a list of rooms at the disposal of the committees, and the delegates were placed in good quarters, with the least possible trictldn or confus ion. Everything was satisfactory, and Ogden In this way accommodat ed 1200 visitors, whore she had made preparations lor hut BOD. The rosl ('.ents of Pendleton should make u list of the accommodations they can furnish, Ihe prices they will charge lor tho same, and hand the list to the hotel accommodation committee, consisting of Leon Cohen J V. Tall man and C. E. noosovoU. so they can got their work organized and be pre pared to provide tor tbe visitors. The convention will proba'ilv attract 100 people to Ihe city. Including visitors ntitl delegates. Tho East Orogonlau lakes 1MI3 method of warning Its readers and the citizens ot Umatilla county, in general, of tho presence in the coun ty of an outfit representing somo pho tograph enlarging institution The practices of these grafters aro so well known that It soenis useless to re peat them, yet, for fear that sonip one may be taken in by them, thl.i word of warning Is sounded. Thh outfit Is preparing to travel through tiie southern and western portion of Umatilla county, by team, and will soon ho In ovldenco In the country districts around Echo, Pilot Rock, Uldge, Alba and Ukinh, and the peo pie should steer clear of them. Tnelr methods nro questionable, and joii will be defrauded If you deal with them. Don't allow them to take any hard cash out of Umatilla county this .season.' If you want work In this line, patronize somo of your home Institutions on which you can nepend, and which in return, patron izes other home institutions, and keep tho money in circulation In tho country. Howaro of tho picture enlarging outfit, nnd when you aro solicited by them. Just shiu 'be door and say that you read thrlr history Ir tho East Oregonlan A DANGEROUS MAN. Tho .Milwaukee Sentinel has the following to say In regard to Gover nor Ijx Follotte, of that state: "And this Is tho record ho is making from day to day, Tho governor of Wisconsin, chosen by tho people to wisely and Impartially execute tho laws, is going about tho state with the unblushing impudence of a paid agi tator who has nothing to loso en deavoring to foment discontent. Uo Is poisoning the wells from which tho people drink. He Is sowing the Bc-cds of social and Industrial disced. Ho differs from the ordinary breedui' of class hatred in that ho appeals first to 0110 and then to the other class wit ha plea that he believes will fit the tlmo and placo. "Mind to tho honors that have been conferred upon him, greedy for tnoro power, and careless of tho conse quences of his acts so long as ho can secure a temporary victory, tho man whom the people of Wisconsin have elovated to tho highest place In their gift Is now playing tho part of a po lltical avltator whoso stock In trado Is falsehood, misrepresentation and half truths, tho latter of which aro worse than falsehood, "Governor I-a Folletto Is a danger ous man. Those who countenance and aid him In furthering his political ambition nro In part responsible for the consequence of his acts. Tho day will surely como when thoy will re gret the part thoy nro playing In cur- rent events which will come to bo known as marking ono of tho histor ical periods In Wisconsin that would best bo forgotten." WILL IMITATE NEW ZEALAND, One effect of government ownorshlp and management of the chief Indus tries of tho land Is that government employment, or a "government bllle. is tho chief ambition of nearly overy man. Aside from farming, almost the only lines of business opon to pilvata oiiierprlso aro navigation, manufactur ing and mcrcantllo pursuits. About ono man in every six throughout tho lKianuB is in somo form of government oniploy, or Is In recolpt 0f o pension from the government. Now Zealand has probably gono further than any other' nation In real izing tho Ideal stnto of tho socialist. where tho government owns all tho tnlnly enact similar laws, and tho state, Instead of private corporations, will bocotno tho great capitalist and tho great employer of labor. When this occurs, t is needless to say, tno days of tho multbrnllllonalro will bo numbered. From "Tho socialist le Legislation ot Now Zealand," by Uf. Uicleu C. Warner, Hi tho American Monthly Review of Reviews for October. SCARED AT TOM JOHNSON. That Tom Johnson has frightened the republican leaders to tho point of desperation Is plain enough ; and lf the Intensity of their fears is evidence , of tho drift ot things In Ohio, Jour son must bo making headway agalnf their enormous majority there. Sena tor llannn's blllingsgatu vocabulary has been called Into play, always a sign that he Is scared, nnd Seciotnry Shaw, of President Roosevells cam not, has taken the Ohio stump wit 11 a mouthful of well cooked statistics. it l now ov dent that Hanna now realizes that he Is no match for John- soli In a political contest. From the freedom with which ho uses power terms, however. It would appear tlm ho might mako a hotter showing In the groat American game. I-ouls Post's Public. The best of barley, hops and yeast, selected by one of our partners. Pure water, from 3ix wells driven down to rock. Pure air, which has first passed through an air filter. Every drop of Schlitz Beer filtered by machin ery throuijh masses of white wood pulp. Every bottle sterilized, so that it contains no germs. Thus we double the necessary cost of our brew ing to make purity ccrtain-to make Schlitz Beer healthful. Will you drink common beer, and pay just as much for it, when Schlitz IJeer can dc iwu i the asking. Ask for the llrewery Bottling. mmnc Main 1781. Tho Ross Ice & Cold Storage Co,. 414 Main St., Pendleton 258-7 11 S L-'.l,?v t iMaaW K:''kVa:rMaaSBw The Star tit In married life is generally made on an equal footing of health In man and wife. Hut how soon, in many cases, the wife loses the start and fades in face and fails in flesh, while her husband grows even more rugged nud robust. There is one chief cause for this wifelv failure nnd that is, the failure of the ' womauly health. When I ti,r.. .- i..i,i.. .,! unhealthy drain, inflam mation, ulceration or female weakness, the gen eral health is soou im paired. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription cures woman ly tiiseases. It establishes regularity, dries unhealthy drains, heals iifil.inmiatioii and ulceration and cures female weakness. It makes weak women strong and sick women well. A, little over a vcar aeo I wrote to you for advice," pays Mr, lillrflbcth J. Fi slier, of Diana, V Va. "You ndvinctl me to use Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription nmi Golden Medical DU envery,' which I did. and with the most happy result. I nnt troubled with female weakness and beanng-down pains. Had a very"1 Pn me lime in neart v nil the time and headache. Was so weak I could hardly 1 my left fide, nervousness walk across mv room. , Could not! sit tin onlv just a little while' at a time. My husband got me some or I)r Pierce' medicine And I began Its use. He fore I had taken two bottle I was able to help do my work. I ut-ed three bottles in all and ft cured me. Now I do all my house work. It is the best medicine 1 ever used." The Common Sense Medical Adviser, In paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay extwnbe of mailing only, Audress Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y. 5 Shieids'ParkTheatre TONIGHT La Vern's Big Vaudeville Company ; 10, 20 and 30 Cents Now on Salt; tit lirock it lMcOoinus' Drug Store "u 'ouo i room i f"'Malu.3K: i If you wnl 1. 1 ! .4 E. D. B( Has Real Estattd QEAI, ESTATSJ 1 1 KiuasanddMoj ranirinr (mm , residence to one j inom modem t ruulprtedmaiKl iti the limit of it of Pendleton.iijjj lurni ol a ftwn Kivxl alfalfa I, tlinusaudi nf i wheat land, CtW Address I). BOYD, III YOUR PLUMBING! Have it done liy a Scientific Plumber anil ou will not be bothered with -bad breaks. Let us figure on your work. BECK, THE PLUMBER COURT STREET A FT EH an niixloux, fretful day, you iiefd mietliUin which shall lit your tired body as a well worn slipper tits n tlrtd foot. It must be xomethJiiK more than food or drink. If you want to Lute Nirvana and forget all your tire and fatigue, hike a cup of one of Chawi & SanlxirnV "Original Package" teas, These are the leaves which the natives themselvei drink with nil their vigor Imprisoned. It' a very ilin'crcnt drink from ordinary Ira. Try a half-pound. 'OniaiNAI. I'ACKAIIE" TEAS. Orlolf (Fornioia Oolong). Koh-i-noor (Eng. Ilroaklait), Orange l'ekoe(IndIaA.-C'erloii, Sold ill I'endletoii exclusively by C. ROHRMAN C'UUHT STREET ELATERITE la Mineral Rubber.! ov av jvjiiwjmNG KK.ljA(;I! A WOUN.olIX ELATERITE ROOFING Takes th . placo of shingles, tin, Iron, tar anil gravol, and all prepared routings. Kor lint and steep surfaces, gutters, volleys, etc. Eatiy to lay. Temperc for all climates. Reasonable In cost. Sold on morlt. Guaran teed. It will pay to ask for prlcesand Information. THE ELATERITE ROOFING CO. Worcoator Building- Portland Nasal CATARRH Iu 1 IU tg Were thuuld bo cleanl'JMM, Ely's Cream Balu cleanMS, toothe anil hrak lbs dlxatcd rocinbrun. It cntf n catarrh and drh vitf a cold la the lii-ul oalcklr. C renin Bulm la placul Into tbo noilrlU, apreadi orer tho membrane and la aWorlM-u. Heller 14 lm- mediate and a euro follon . It la cot drjlnt; do not prodoca twniifi. Largo But, M eenta at Drug gUts or b; mall ; Trial Size, 10 centa by mall. ELY DUOTHKItS. S Warren Street. New Tort INDIGESTION Is tho cause of moro discomfort than any other aliment If you eat the things that you want and that are good for you, you are distressed. Ack er' a Dyspepsia Tablets will mnlco your digestion porfect and prevent Dyspopsta and Its attondant disagree ablo Byrnptoms. You can safely eat auythlng, at any time, lf you take ouo of these tablets afterward. Sold by all druggists under a positive guar antee 2G cts. Monoy refunded lf you aro not satisfied. Send to us for a free sample. W. II. Hooker & Co,, Tluffalo. N. Y. Money Back flrnKK ftlll tin Pl.rn 17 !...... la ... li-nw ttnln't,,. Inn,! mnnnirna nil Ihn ln,l,.a.,l ' .,,.'. it H . 1 .. .. . " "", " (n, v, iiocppcncc uros, Agis. lor l'cmirn. Building Material Of all Description Sash, Doors Is Windows Made lo order, building paper, lime, cement, brick and sand wood gutters (or barns, and dwellings a specialty, Oregon Lumber Yard AlU St, Opp. Court House f Ref figetatect 5 l$ Meat I J bcbwaiz Si Grtulich, Props. 5 I Wholesale nud retail dealers iu J lleef, 1'ork and Mutton, Cure J Menu and Sausages of all kinds. jt J 607 Main Street, Phone 1H1. 3 O SPICES, o COFFEE.TEA, BAKIN POWDER, FUlVOfflNG EXTRACTS Atfrftrftfirtty, finest Flavor, Greatest Strength. Utasowble f rices. CL0SSET&DEYER5 PORTLAND, OREGOM. Tha Oretron Dally Journal con be fouud ou sule at Fruzlor's book tor. Conrad Platzoeder All kinds of Fresh Meats always on hand. Fine Bacon, Hams and Sausage. X Prices as low as the lowest The Colombia Lodging House Woll ventilated, neat and comfortabl" rooms, good beds. Bar in connection where best goods are served. Main Streets center of block, between Alta and Webb Streets. F. X. Schempp Proprietor f The Frd Restad Be:t 25 centHetlH Private DioisgH Elegant Furnisidj uonneenn GUS LaFOMI 633 Miin Staj Sleep Souni Enjoy You nUR line ol II soft and prop when placed oil springs, will niehtscomtoWl mote sweet slfj Vc are pH nlv vou wiih'P tresses and nriccs Ilia' ijinnc. See us before? Stove. V. Stfj Complete Ho Cort DUT1 "i Is back ' and m chart'? nonary r-w; rASS SE given. r.ANDlESJ TAF, .lnhon ' Be: