East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 19, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
Tonight ninl Tuesday fnlr.
NO. 48751.
a i I .
tement on AiasKan
.1 A I
Question is Musu
I0O o."'U'.7t "
Is Impossible for Any'
the Result -as the
s Themselves .Do Not
19. Secretary Carter
boundary commission,
tho correspondent
claims before It had
t all was settled in
a except tho Portland
hout foundation.
"The statement pur
ine commission's ver-
taken a vote. Nclth-
ere uui uujuuuy viuv
tho result will be.
inn win TinKHimv nn
throuchout the week
Is tho same as the
announce, it will bo
nn n rnmfinflnra
announcement could
pr innn n minfln inp
nvnnnv in unnw ,nn
mnie reason mat mo
themselves don't
9 Rfnp- TiTnnnrH In.
members of tho
arrived at by tho
It was announced to
Mr innnec
Twenty-ninth Annual Convention at
"Sam Francisco.
San Francisco, Cal Oct. 19.
Evory incoming train today has
brought largo parties to the twenty
ninth annual meeting of tbo Ameri
can Bankers' association, which con
venes at 10 o'clock tomorrow morn
ing m the Cainornia Theater. At
the headquarters of the local secre
tary there was a busy scene today.
Tho registers were tho objective point
or a largo crowd of bankers and visi
tors from abroad, who had to wait
and take their turn at registering
and receiving credentials in the form
of a neatly engraved enrd and case,
and a button to .. splay- on the lapel
of the coat.
The exercises will bo opened by
president Caldwell Hardy, of Norfolk,
Va., and addresses of welcome will
be dolivered uy Governor Pardee.
Mayor Schmltz, and Hon James D.
Pholan, representing tho San Fran
cisco bankers. The president's ad
dress and tho reading of various re
ports will occopy the remainder of
tho day.
Subordinate Orders Also In Session,
at Albuquerque.
Albuquerque. N. M Oct. 19. This
Is Masonic week for Albuquerque and
tho capital will overflow with promi
nent members of the various Ma-
0111 JO S).U3d J!" WCU SOjaa08 Dt!0S
territory. During tho week, besides
tho meeting of tho Grand Lodge of
Free Masons, there will bo meetings
of all the various subordln.i"i mid
affiliated bodies, including the Grand
Chapter of Itoyal Arch Masons, the
Grand Commandory of Knights'
Templars and the Grand Chapter of
tho Order of the Eastern Star.
Their Mangled arid Distorted Forms Are Recovered From the
Wreckage of Bridge and Barge.
Horrible Disaster Is Caused by Moving Crane Beinn 'Overburdened The
Load Crashes Upon the Bridge and Violently Carries Away a Pot
tlon of It Men Are Pinned Beneath the Ruins and Some Are Dashed
to a Watery Grave.
Pittsburg, Pa., Oct. 19. Nine men
were killed and five moro or less seri
ously Injured by a falling derrick at
tho new Wabash railway bridge, on
Water street this morning.
Tho accident was caused by the
breaking of a traveling ernne. which,
It Is supposed, was ovcrb"rdenetl.
The breaking caused the projecting
of tho unfinished section of the
bridge, on which the men were work
ing, lo give way.
Carried Into the River.
All were carried down with the
wreckage Into the river. The portion
fell on the barge -nded with steel,
on which several other men "wero
working, which also sunk. Those
working on the bridge were crumbed,
some being instantly killed when the
ernne and , derrick fell.
The government snagboat, "Wood
ruff, working near the bridge, imme
diately came to the rescue an'd took
four mangled bodies from tho river.
Another man was rescued alive, but
uieu oeioro no reaenert tho shore.
A passing tugboat picKed up two
of the Injured. Tho skiffs took two
bodies from tho bargo wreckage and
five who weru' seriously injured. It
Is believed that none of those on tho
barge e?capedJfrom death or injury.
Recover Mangled Forms.
The list of mslslng Is Incomplete.
Seven of tho dead are In the morcuo.
all being mangled and distorted, ex
cept one, whp met death through
drowning. Four have been identified
ns James -icCloud, George Wells,
William Kempton. At tho hospitals,
proirauiy laiauy injured, are An
drew Fowler, Adolph Vosburg and
rrank Hoover,
Nine Are Killed.
The officials of tno bridge say the
roil call snows eight killed, four in
jured and oue body pinned beneath
'the sunken barge.
The derrick has slnco been raised
nnd it has been found that tpther
bargo workers .have been Injured.
He Makes rive Hold-Ups In Four
Hours Robs a Train, Stabs a Lone
Man 'and Escapes After a Running
Fight With a t-ollceman He
Leaves a Note Saying He Was Un
der Influence of a Drug.
an Who U RannMwH
na in is Mnrn hh
. g.
i! ,,.n..i.t . i .
--. i.nnuin v.. 110-
Foreman, Is Brut-
OV DlcharnH r
' U fc-in-
' jw i -iti til
was murdered by F.
no used a ltnlfn nnrl
MT linM II.aI.
' - U,VIC
has KOnn Inln l.o
Portland, Has
h In Pendleton,
Yl i
tuiuunu, me rep
. M, Acheson Tall
that place, lo in che
oi Sullivan &
9lr ennria fm.
cbks to look after
Bales a full linn r,r
SBlUIOtnon'B pnnria
m ... -
. l' u injiuimiuni
, w tuumry.
c"y again on Sat-
- vflio ana uo
the donnmmnilnt.
" been with
lOniV nno I. At.
--t iig lull, mo
1 In n flhnrf tlm
whero ho will
nui'iiiiiii -
In V "apira-
bw. mio a city
"Mo to havo a
?. occasionally. He
'h the gloves, nn.l
future l" imze
Ine llvlmr
R is able-
vvumnn r r
a avem' ...
ohw .mie8. UB!
Oakland, Cal., Oct. 19. Gcorgo
Nottingham, who Saturday night, at
8 o'cloc kheld up a saloon; at 10 held
up anothor; at 12 held up a freight
train; nt 1:20 held up and stabbed
Laruo Carr and nt J;4B had a running
light with a policeman, suicided at his
wn home this morning.
His homo was watched by deputies
who suspected him. He left a note
saying ho was under the Influence of
n drug on Saturday night.
Eludes Officers by Jumping Through
Pullman Window.
Philadelphia, Oct. 19. Albei't XJsll.
alias Crosby, accused of the theft o
a mall pouch from which he took
$50,000 negotaable paper, and whs
vtus arrested at Denver, escaped at
IJroad street station this morning,
t!i!o.:ch a toilet room on n i'ullina.i.
eluding Deputy Marshal Davis, .,vho
had him In charge.
Cut His Throat With Razor.
Chicago, Oct. IB. Homer S. Curt
field, one of tho best-known newspa
per writers in America, suicided nt
a west side sanitarium last night oy
cutting his throat with a razor, lie
was taken to tho sanitarium Thurs
day, suffering from alcoholism.
Blackmailers Want $15,000 From the
Great Northern Railway Company,
Helena, Mont, Oct. 19. It has de
veloped .today that the Great North
ern has received a lettor demanding
?lfi,000 on the threat of dynamiting
a train. It Is believed to be the samo
blackmailere who have been intimi
dating tho Northern Pacific. The se
cret service men have gone to the
Cascade, whero the letter was mailed.
Tho company Is given until tomorrow
to reply.
Ninety-nine Are Killed.
Uaku, Oct. 19. Dispatches today
state that 99 Persians were killed by
an earthquake yesterday, Instead of
D2, as first reported. Eight villages
were destroyeu.
Petitioner's Say Perygne Is Not Capa
ble of Looking After Hls'Property.
Judge Ilartmnu is this afternoon
ongagod In hearing tho pot. ..ion of
Horace Walker and Thomns Gllli
land in tho case of Joseph Perygne.
The petitioners claim that Perygne
is not capable- of transacting business
and ask that guardians bo appoini
od. The latter is the owner of valu
able real estato worth about $4,000,
which ho wants to sell Ju order to
havo the money to spend. He claims
thnt ho is of leeal age and capable
of uttending to his own business. Tho
witnesses In tho case are j. u. uoog
ins, W. J. Chastam, former guardians
of Perygne.
Tho court is also hearing this
afternoon somo exceptions taken to
tho final account in the ostato of
Martha Mayan, which havo boon filed
by Mrs. Sarah McDougal. It. M. Pow
ers, of Weston, is tho attorney for
tho petitioner.
Millers Paying 90 Cents in the Inter-
lor of Oregon.
Wheat is quoted nt Prlnovllle
Flouring Mills at bD cents cash, and
90 !ents on accounts, says tho Crook
County Journal. Tho former price
Is unusual at this season of the year
and In fact is 10 cents higher man
tho market quotation in Portland.
Tho ndvanco prico this year is
duo however, to tho general impres
sion that flour is in ns groat a do
main! as it was last year when the
timber rush was at its height and
flour was flndlnu many avenuos or
escape which this year are closed.
Tho flour mills hero in mo vn
ttrnctnnt ni-n riinntnir fl'Om 18 to 20
hours a day with a total outpnt of CO
barrels In that time, besides from
eight to ten tons of feed when tne
chopper Is being operated, On Oct.
8th, 1.190 bushels of wheat wero de
livered at the mill which is mo largest
amount over unloaded thero In one
Sold Four Years Ago.
a ,nU m.wi In tho olllco of tho
county dork this afternoon in which
Antono Nolta transfers to h. E, W
for $1,000. lot C in block 2, of tho
town of Pilot Ilock. Tho dood was
oxecutod February 13, 1899, and has
never boon rocordod until today.
Was There Over Sunday.
George Harlman, Jr., was th.' guest
of friends in Portland over Sunday,
returning on the early train this
O. R. & N. Attorney Fighting the In
surance Company Viciously,
Tim time of tho circuit court has
been taken up today by hearing t'io
testimony in tho caso of tho Nor
witch Kiro Insurance Company
against the O. It. & N. This caso
has been heiore the court since noon
Saturday and Is being stubbornly
fotight by the attorneys on both sides
of the ease. It is probable thnt it
will go to the Jury somo time this
afternoon lu which caso tho court
will take a recess until tomorrow be
fore beginning the consideration r.f
another case.
Confederate Veterans Will Hold a
Reunion Durlnn the Week.
Halelgh. N. C. Oct. 19. The North
Carolina stnto fair opened today undr
tho most favorable auspices. Tho
plays of tho varied resources and
Industries of tho Rtatu ever gathorod
together. In selecting high grade and
attractive nmusomcnt features tho
management has been equally suc
cessful. Tho fair is to continue until tho
end of tho week ami everything points
to a largo attendance. The attend
ance will bo swelled by tho presence
of veterans from un parts of tho
state and members of other societies
and orders thai will hold meetings
and reunions hero during tho week.
Forty-four Thousand Bulbs From Hoi.
land to World's Fair.
St. Louis, Mo Oct. 19. Tho first
shipment of flornl bulbs sent from
Holland to be used In tho noral deco
rations at the world's fair has reached
St. ixiuls. Tho shipment comprises
44,000 bulbs, Including tullqs of a
largo variety of species and colon,
hyacinths, crocuses and Iris. Tho lot
Is valued nt upwards of $25,000.
Tho bulbs will bo planted In two
designs on the slopes of Agricultural
Hill. Ono design -will consist of nn
American flag and a flour do Us with
the nnmes of Jefferson and Napoleon
In an artistic scroll. Tho second de
sign will havo ns Its principal fea
ture a shield of tho United States
with thj names of McKInloy and I
Itooscvclt In a similar scroll. I
Municipal Corruption Equal to
the Ames Episode Exposed
in Minneapolis.
Two Aldermen and an Ex-Alderman
Are Under an Indictment Suther
land Has Absconded and Is Believ
ed to Be in Montana or Cuba Evi
dence May Show They Had a Per
feet System of Getting In Their
Strikers Are Defeated.
Minneapolis, Oct. 19. Tho defeat
ed striking millers have conceded.
This morning every mill Is running
In full force.
Minneapolis, Oct, 19. Another nx
posed municipal corruption, bidding
fnlr to equal the notorious Amos epi
sode Is promised, with two nldermon
and nn e.vnldcriuan under Indict
ment. Nothing Is missing. Threo
Mint Indictments nre still out. Thn
trrainl htrv meets tnmnrrnw cnn.
, Unite tho investigations.
! HvAldernuin Sibley was urwlgnod
j iIiIh ii. lining on the charge of ny.vw
j lug lo aeoept bribe. Ho wns lcloas
ed on ball. Kx-Aldcrmnn Sitthmlniio,
, who disappeared, Is believed to bo
, either In .Montana or on the Isle of
Pines, off tho Cuban coast. Sensa
tlonnl disclosures nro expected, In
which will be oxposcd nn orgnnlzod
system of grafting by a gnng of 1C
Engineer, Mail Clerk and Two .Brake
men Are Killed Instantly and
Many Are Fatally Wounded A
Special Train Is Carrying Physic
ians Who Hasten to the Relief of
the Dying.
Richmond, Oct. 19. In a head end
collision on tho Southern railway,
this morning, near Keyeavllle, Engi
neer Atwell, .Mall Clerk Williams,
Drakemcn Dillon nnd Plnchnm were
killed outright.
A dozen passengers wcio bndly In
jured, some. It Is believed, fatufly. A
sncclal. carrvliiL- surueons. has conn i
to the scene, which Is 70 miles from . about polities
Chairman Baker, of the Republican
.State Central Committee, on
Pleasure Trip.
Frank C. Ilnknr, chairman of tho
Stnto Central Committee, wns In tho
elty todny for a short time between
frnlns. .Mr. linker linn been on n visit
to I.a Grande, but his visit has no
political significance, lie Hays. Ho Is
simply knocking around tho country
nnd enjoying the unsurpasucd cli
mate of tho enstern part of the stnto.
It was tho Intention of .Air. linker
to visit Pendleton for n short tlmo on
this trip, but the cures of IiIh office
called him homo before he wns rendy
to go. However, ho will be back In
about ten dnys nnd ho will visit lin
ker City and Pendleton on other
cities on the line. In the Interests of
the parly.
Mr. linker dues not know anything
mil on this trip, for
here. while he Is enjoying Ihu scenery ho
i iorgels that there Is such a thing ns
.... . . I politics, hut when ho comen buck In
Accident on Stage Road. ft (.0HI)p ()f W,,,(H ,, wn ,ml (m Uu)
weiser, iiinnp, uci. iy. no pns- j Harness, Still the wellfare of all his
Haltlinore, Oct 19. Allen cLay,
today was appointed receiver lor the
Maryland Trust Company, of this
city, under a bond of $1,000,000. Tho
company Is capitalized for $2,000,000.
Bank Falls at Seattle.
Seattle, Oct. 19. Tho local branch
of the International Hanking & Trust
Company, closed Its doors this morn
ing, the embarrassment being duo to
jKibted on tho doors of tho Interna
tional Hank & Trust Company this
morning, saying: "Owing to auspen
slon of our Mexico City bank, this
bank Is closed pending tho Invcstlga
Hon of tho bank commissioners."
Effected Stock Market
New York, Oct. 19. The unexpect
ed suspension of tho Maryland Trust
P,imi.ani, , T.,.1.1..,.. . . 1 .
the failure oi the Mall Hank, City of ,"'Z ".n ,n7n T ' n, ., T
Mexico, locally, there are hundreds " C. J" . anth.?.r.,une.t:
Of Small depositors, , mnrnln,, iminn Pnnlfl,. otl .u
unc viums omn riiiviw, ierreo, amaigamateu copper, all fell
san Francisco, uct. iv. inouco wns on.
Will Snunders, a fireman on the O,
R. & N.. was sand-bagged and rob
bed of his month's wages, $70. in tho
yards of tho O. It. & N about 4:30
o'clock Sunday morning, Just nfler
No. 5 camo into tho depot, and left
Insensible by the sale of tho track,
whilo It is believed his assailants es
caped on tho train,
Saunders was formerly tho fireman
on tho yard cnglno at this place, but
about two months ago was put on tho
freight run out of Grande, wtiero
ho bus been w rklng since. His fam
ily lives in this city, and they had de
cided to movo to iM Grande. Saun
tiers secured a lay-oft of a few dojs
and caino to Pendloton Sunday morn
ing to make arrangements for thj
When tho train reached tho d.-po'
Saunders stnrted back up tho yard,
carrying in his hand a i;Vlp. Whilo
opposite tho end of tho w.tritouco
across from tho light station, ho ,vus
struck in the Jioad from bebnd nnd
foiled to the ground. Ho laid 8' so
less by tho side of tho track for n ar
ly half an hour, and when regaining
consciousness mado his way to the
light station where bu was taken in,
and aiterwarus taucn to bis homo.
Ho had in his pocket part of his
month's wages, amounting to about
$70, which was taken by tho thugs.
His grip was rifled and all of his pock
ets gone through.
They Left No Clue.
Thero is no clue to the robbers and
it is thought that they mado good
their escape on No. 5, as It pulled out
of the depot. Sheriff Taylor and his
deputy, J. A. Blakley, wero at tho de
pot when tho train camo in, but as
thero was no disturbance, knew noth
ing of tho Occurrenco until an hour
or so afterward, when the matter was
reported to the mby Saunders.
A coupte of men made several at
tempts to gain entrance to the light
station earlier in the evening, and it
Is thought by tho men working hero
that they were the highwaymen.
However, they did not see tho men
plainly enough to give a description
of them to the officers.
This Is the first hold-up that has
boon reported this season.
sencers injured on the .Meadows-
Grnngevlllo sla;;u road, 12S miles
north of hero Inst Frlduy evening by
tho stngo conch toppling off n steep
bluff nt night, nnd rolling down tho
hnnk, for about DO feet, aro not able
to be brought to this city yet. F. II.
Frnrap and C. N, Smith, returning
miners from thu .Hinder Mountain,
wero severejy Injured, aud nro now at
a small way-station, near tho scene
of tho accident, waiting for their In
Juries to improve so they cnn bo
brought out.
Irrigation Committee Wishes to Com
plete Arrangements Tonight,
There will bo a meeting of all of
tho members of all of tho commit
tees concerned In the coming state
Irrigation congress, at the rooms ol
tho Commercial Association, tonight
at 7:30. It is desired that afl of the'
members of tho committees bo pres
ent as at this tlmo the generul ar
rangements for tho entertainment of
tho guests, as well as tho program
will be discussed nnd plans will bu
laja for the details of the convention.
jitters navo been received from a
number of tho men who havo been
invited to be present hero at tho con
vention and It is wished that tho full
membership bo present tonight to
consider them.
Mrs. McRae, of Milton, Attends Re.
union at Colfax.
Mrs. Uarhara Mcltao, of Milton, has
Just returned homo from a family re
union held at Colfax last Saturday,
Her seven brothers and three sis
ters wero all present at the meeting
and a most cnjoyabio time was had.
Ono of tho most remarkable facts
connected with tho reunion is tho
uniformity largo size of all her broth-
era and sisters. Her seven" brothers,
Matlock by name, havo a combined
weight of 1,500 pounds, tho largest
tipping the scales at 284. Tho com
bined weight of tho 11 members of
tho family Is 2.1C0 pounds. Mrs, Mc
Itao's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Preston
H, Matlock, who were pioneers of
the Palouso country, aro both dead.
This is tho first family reunion held
by tho Matiocks for 13 years.
friends of tho faltli Is of continual in.
teresl to him and he Is glint to know
that most of them am In good health
nnd he hopes In good spirits. Ho do
plores thnt there was over anything
but good spirits lu this part of tho
state and will return with n healing
balm, by menus of which tho past
will be forgotten and tho itituro will
loom bright anil clear,
Immigrants Coming to America Bet
ter Class Than Usual,
W. Hqimncu, ono of tho lending ho.
tel men of Wallace, Idaho, spent Sun
day in tho city en route homo from a
six weeks' visit lu Devonshire, Kng
land, his birthplace nnd former liomu.
Mr, Hquauco says tho clmnictor of
Immigrants coming from ICngland to
America Iiiih greatly Improved In t'lo
past fow ycarB. While the vessel on
which ho enmo over wnn crowded
wfth Immigrants, they nil have somo
money, are well drcstnd, have tho
appcaranco of being thrifty ami are
much moro ili-olraJo citizens., than
those ruining over befnro tho present
rigid Immigration law went Into ef
fect, He says the general appearance of
the ICugllsh cities does not change
us In America, It has been 11 years
since he visited Hngliiud before, and
lu that tlmo no generul Improvements
havo been made In tho appearance of
tho Devonshire cltlos aud towns.
ICd ward Ilriiuifleld Carries Away a
Gold Watch as First Prize.
Saturday ovculnu F. Itobluson. tho
proprietor of tho amusement parlors
hold n medal tournament lu shooting
nmi bowling, ut which tlmo a very In
teresting nnd exciting time, -was had.
Borne very goud shouting was dono,
as was also tho case In thu bowllug
contest. lid urumnoia carried off
tho first prizo in tho shooting tour
nament and Is now tho possessor of
a gold watch,
Tho bowling contest was some
thing or a novelty as tho contestants
bowled backwards. In this H, A. An
derson won tho first prizo, n gold
modal, with a scoro of 26U points out
of a possible 300, Tho second man
mado 248 out of the samo number
of chances.