East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 17, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 8

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$ Gold Bonds
can be bought on the instal,
ment plan, becoming your
property in ten, fifteen or
twenty years, or in case o
your death becoming . the
property of your wife or other
These bondi ire luurd by
The Mutual Life Insurance
Company of NewYork,
Richard A. McCurdy, rmldent.
The largest financial
institution in the worl3.
If you wish to know terms on which these
bond are offered add r cm, staling your age and
toe amount of Income you would like to begin
Richard A. McCunly. president.
Alma D. Kntz, manager, Boise, Idaho.
Frank u Hammond, District Manager,
Pendleton, Oregon.
Save Money
By buying Matting
Lace Curtains, Rugs
Looking Glasses,
Etc. Etc. of
Sole agent for the genuine
Ostermoor mattresses
to do yo UK-
Painting and Paper
You'll gel the
Best work
And lowest prices
111 Court Street.
Enjoy Life
We will make your leisure
hours pass pleasantly.
Bowline ulloys, pool, billiards
and shooting gallery, .Every
thing ilrstt'laHS.
WENTS and cigars. Musical
entertainment every evening.
Robinson's Parlois I
Under W. & 0. Depot.
all descriptions. S&eli,
Doors, Blinds, Mould
ing, llullding and Tar Paper.
Bring Your Bill to Us and
Get Our Figures,
Grays' Harbor Com. Co.
Opp. W: & C It. Depot
, the most dreaded and deadly ol all
'dteeases, as well as pneumonia, ami
11 Lung Troubles aro relieved at
r Bce i and cured by Acker's English
jjV JUwaedy "tho king ol all Cough Cures
' ' Jarea coughs and colds In a day. 25
Mats. Tour money back it dlssatls-
iea. write Tor froo sample, w. H.
looker & Co., Buffalo, N. T. V. VT,
Schmidt & Co.
ffHSfm BEER j
S. visitor: ".uocs your wnoic inmiiy cinnK neerr
jm Host: "Just Schlitz beer no other. Our physi-
I D cian says that Schlitz beer is good for them."
Visitor: "Why Schlitz beer and no other?" Visitor:
Host: "Because Schlitz beer is pure. There are
no germs in it. Schlitz beer is brewed in absolute
mk cleanliness, and cooled in filtered air. The makers
0 go down 1400 feet for the water they use in it. They
filter the beer, then sterilize every bottle by Pas
M teur's )roccss after it is sealed."
H Visitor: "But beer makes me bilious."
kThe Beer That Made Milwaukee ramo
Now York, Oct. 17. Ono of tho
most posltlvo signs that tho fashions
aro yenrly accommodating thorn
selves moro to tho dictates of com
mon senso is found In tho fact that
each season brings a smaller sur
plus of needless novelties. Tlmo was
when ono was almost afraid to buy
anything at the beginning of tho Rea
son for fear that after tho modes
i.ad been authoritatively settled tho
purchases mado early would not bo
ndequato for tho demands of nn ultra
smart wardrobe.
Nowadays few changes aro mado
and they aro comparatively speaking,
inconsequential. Of course ovory
smart opening ims Its extreme modes
but as these aro intended principally
lor display no ono is expected to
follow tnem.
Revival of Velvets,
Thero Is a uoticeubic revival of
velvet costumes tills fall and thoy
aro seen in charming new colorings,
bluet is ono of tho prettiest. This
peculiar shade of bluish violet has
been used in former years, but Its
favor has been uncertain because
generally speaking tho color is un
becoming. Previously Its greatest
voguo was In military effects whoro
thoro was a better chance of getting
it away from tho face by massing
bunches of blucttcs around tho
crown or at the back of tho brim.
The effort to reproduce tho tint In
velvet, which h.ts not mot with suc
cess until this season, is doubly com
mendable, because the cold motallic
lustre has been softened consider
ably and with a few touches of laco
of white it is possible for almost any-
ono to wear a bluet velvet gown.
somownat ornato design has tho
skirt trimmed with bands of tho
samo shade taffeta stitched on to
stimulate a flounced effect thero be
ing nnnarcntlv thren of tlio finimi-i-a
A plaited velvet skirt is rather a dar-
IHf n rf vnntlffn nvnn fii. n nlnnjn. '
tigure, but such was successfully ac
compllslied In this tollot'.e. The plaits,
extend an roumi tho waist, out are
stitched very flat.
Hie bodice Is closetltting and is
plaited nbovo a deop glrdlo to meet
n yoke made iu transverse folds of
bluet satin. Bordering the girdle In
clerical effect aro bands of hluu and
whlto ombroldory touched hero and
thoro with .dull orange, while the1
uordor of the embroidery is of a 1
lighter shade of blue. Medallions of
rlph prnrim Inpn n rn nnnlfnilArf nvflr I
the plaited yoke which is also fin
isued with bands of tho embroidery.
The tops of tho sleoves aro trimmed
with laco and embroidery and below
the elbow tho full puffs Is caught
Into a tight fitting plaited cuff bound
with stltchlngs of the silk used to
trim the skirt.
A Louis XIII silk beaver hat trim
med with black plumes completes
tho costume.
Plaid Chevoits for 8treet Gowns.
It would bo difficult to find any
thing prettier than the plaid chovolts
which aro tho most formidable rival
of velvet for street gowns. Those
In two or three shades of Clio samo
color aro oxtremely effective Es
pecially is this true of tho uiue-greys.
An important walking dress of steel
blue has a deeper blue plaid threaded
through It so closely that tho lighter
tone is scarcely preemptible. Tho
contrast is marked uy a nappy silk
cord of Llack running through tho
cheviot defining a larger Bquare than
that outlined by the darker blue.
Tho skirt Is mane qulto plain abou
tno nips anu nia laumossiy. vrounu th0 provinco ot piaits al)0V0 tl)0 )olt
liiu mm;u wiiu a oui.- jjn0 to mnny f tho .bodlCOS. This
tary fold of the same material piped uea ,s oxempiflGu moro , nt homo
Host: "Schlitz beer will not, that's another ad
vantage. Biliousness is caused by 'green' beer beer
hurried into the market before it is sufficiently aged.
Schlitz beer is aged for months in refrigerating rooms
before it is bottled."
"And what do you pay for it?"
I lost : "Just what you pay for other beer. I
secure the most careful brewing in the world for
what you pay without it. I get a beer that costs
twice as much as common beer in the brewing, by
simply demanding Schlitz."
Visitor: "I'll do that next time."
Host: "Yes, and ever afterward. People are learn
ing these facts, and Schlitz sales now exceed a million
barrels annually. Ask for the brewery bottling."
Phone Main 1781,
The Ross lea 6s Cold StoraffO Co ,
414 Main St., Pendleton
Rheumatism Positively Cured
By Oil and Sweet SpirlU of Kdcn
Jioncy-back Goods. A. C. KOKl'PBN &
XROS,, Sole Agents for Peadleten.
with velvet. Above tho knees tho
flounce is headed with three rather
wide applied tucks, but tho velvet
piping is not repeated here.
Tho blouso has only a medium deep
h.p.flounco and this Is trimmed sim
ply with a stitched fold of tho che
viot. Tho girdle is of steel bluo satin
faced cloth stitched with black silk
braid. It is rather narrower than
most ot the belts seen Just now and
clasps at the front -with a hamlsomo
bluo and ho!'-'- enamelled buckle.
A distinctive feature o tho blouso
is a shoulder trimming of very 6iuii
work braid stitched over bluo taffeta.
Thla extends from tho collar ovor
tho shoulder seams and down tho
sleoves to the elbow whoro it is An
lshed with silk passementerie. Me
dallions of tho samo braid finished
with lareo buttons matching tho but
tons on tho glrdlo adorn tho blouso
front. Below tho ulbow too sleeves
are "mado In lull puffs with three
tucks and gathered Into a cuff of
braided cloth. An ermino toque trim
mcd with bluo silk and ostrich pom
pons Is worn with tho gown.
Orange Will be Much Worn.
Although it Is somownat too pro
nounced for entire gowns, orango Is
a color that will bo very much worn
this season. Ono sees It on many ot
tho smart waists, hats and garni
tures, especially whero whlto or brown
predominates. Nothing makes a more
effective lining for the exqulslto nut
similes than orango taffeta.
A "handsomo soparato bodico of
whlto -chiffon generously trimmed
with thread laco has a dainty bertha
effect fastoned nt the front with a
curiously twisted knot of two shades:
of ornngo-cnlqred velvet. Descending
from tho coreaga Is a doubio twist
of tho velvet which meets a glrdlo of
tho same caught with a handsomo
gold bucklo BJt with rough topazes.
Tho increasing width of girdles
has caused a flutter of fashion's do
main. Madamo 1-a Mode c oins de
termined to mako it an Important
part of winter dress trimmings and
thero is almost a gestural outcry
against It becaueo- of Its n-uistlons.
The only figuro to whleh U In pos-
simo is a very sipnaor, long waiitted
ono, and ovon thon. If the wearer is
too tall, ,tho style is not c rtaln to bo
becoming. Whero tho nuro will
permit, howovor, no do'alla lond moro
catcnot to a go n,
Dodlces, 8tocks and wollar.
Smart contouriores aro oxtcndlng
gowns though than In street toilet
tes, becauso tho pllablo fabrics used
for houso toilettes aro more adapta
ble to plaits and folds. An nt homo
gowii that displays moro than ordi
nary originality is russott brown
vollo ovor applo green taffeto. Tho
skirt has threo partly tucked flounces
bordered with a wido fold of cloth
and joined with an open Mexican
stitching dono with embroidered silk.
These flounces open over a plaited
front piece of the vollo,
Tlio bodico has a partly tucked
loose oton effect falling ovor a glr
dlo of russet brown panne, tinder tho
eton effect Is a walat of white laco
over chiffon. Tho bishop sleeves
havo a top pleco of tho laco nnd this
is bordored very simply with a strip
of brown embroidery which extends
ovor tho bodico forming a border fur
the rich laco yoke. Deop cuffs of
silk from which fall folds of soft laco
completo a puff of vollo falling from
shoulder to wrist.
It Is predicted that later in tho sea
son fashion will revert to very nigh
stocks and collars. It has beon found
that the narrow comfortablo bands
that aro, .now so highly favored will
not bo ablo to withstand tho cold of
winter and fashion does not earn to
bo responsible for soro throats and
aching chests, Although collars may
bo ljlgh, however, thoy will bo soft,
tlio,. most dcllcato supports being
used to hold them tip. Anything
stiff and formidable looking will bo
discarded as ungainly and unfeml
nine, but thero aro so many dainty
designs to chooso from that ono
stands llttlo chance of fallli.g Into
such a sartorial error.
A Love Letter.
Would not Interest you If you'ro
looking for a guaranteed salvo for
soros. burns or piles. Otto Dodd. of
Pondor, Mo., writes: "I suffered with
an ugly soro for a year, hut a box of
Bucklcn's Arnica Salvo cured mo.
It's tho best Salvo on earth. 25c at
Tollman & Co.'u drug store
Farm, for 8nlo.
We now havo listed for sale some
of tho best wheat farms and stock
ranches in tho county. All tho places
aro well Improved and well supplied
with wator. Also somo Tory desir
able city property. Call and get
Olearance Sale
of Wall Paper I
gPEClAL Bargains will J
(be offered on tho re- i
tnainder of our Btook of
Wall Paper.
All this season's pat
terns all new, nattj' and
up to date.
C. C. Sharp
Opera House Block.
Seventh Street.
Let us fill your
bin with ....
Recognized as the best
and most economical fuel.
We are prepared to con
tract with you for your
winter's supply. We de
liver coal or wood to any
part of the city.
Laatz Bros.
Main Street
Near Depot
You May Have Come
To Town on .a Rail
but we can repair your rig in first-class
shape rvoHonably. We have all the
modern annllauces for doing the work.
and BUGGIES. Tlit-y are the beat
because they are made of dried timber.
Call and examine our rigs.
Agents for Stover Gasoline Engines,
Ttilopliono Mttln 4
A A fc J..K iti f 1 il ill if 1 1 1 1 ill A J 1 ill Ji iti JmTi r It rfi
I Insurance at Cost
Of Insurabce in force
SOCIATION. A Striotly Mutual Home
M. H. RICE, Fteewator,
Agent for Umatilla County,
J. P. WALKER, olty agent for
.. . Dl
5r,u,niz & Greulicn,
.,M..,Mi nnd retail
BeTrPoTk ana
Meats and Sausages -
607 Mam aire",
Walter's Flouring
Capacity, 150 barrel"
nnr nvrlinnced 10' " ,
Flour. Mill Fend, CWWV.
etc., always on m"10-
Oil and Sweet Spiral
guonuiteeu 10 ",(6) "A
Ism-Money back ing!
A C. Koeppen Dros.,A'
T .-..I I
Th Oregon iJLv,
unfl on sale ot Frwlf