- ..... . . ij nernnpit 11. 1903. , I . rPay as J 1 Much I for an inferior beer ) H SchDtz beer costs twice H what common beer cosn , in the brewing. One-half ( pays for the product; the other half for iu purity. One-hilf is spent in cleanliness, in filtering even the air that touches it, in mW filtering the beer, in ster- ilizing every bottle. And 'B IB it pays the cost of aging mW we deliver it; iH If you ask for Schlitz you get purity and age, you pay no more than beer costs without them. Ask for the ! , H IM Fhone Mala' 1781. F The Itosa Ice A Cold Stores Co.. 414 Main St. M I M Pendleton t I IK1 IAIUOftQl MOOTwAR IN KANSAS GET MURPHY TO DO OUR- Painting and Paper Hanging. MANEUVER3 OF REGULAR ARMY FOR TWELVE DAYS. An Area of Two Hundred Twenty Five Square Miles Will De Covered by the' Operations National Guard From 8even States Will Partici pate. Fort IUloy, Kan.. Oct. 16. Begin ning today and continuing until Octo ber 27, the army reservation horo Is to bo the scene of the greatest mili tary mnneuvers over conducted in the United States. The success or the .maneuvers hold hero Inst fall In spired the war 'department to lay the. pinns tins year on a much larger scnle. Tho movements of the troops will extend over an area of 225 snuare miles, lnstcnd of being limited to 19 squaro miles, as they were a year ago, and the number of troops has boon doubled. The game will be largely one of strategy. All tho arms of tho sen vice will take part In it. Tho artll lory will be represented by nine light batteries tho largest and strongest force of Meld nrtlHery that nas ueen urougnt togotner in mis country Since the Civil War with i Major William H. Coffin in command I There will bq a brigade of cnvalry, i under Gen. fo. C. C. Carr, nnd bri , gades of Infantry commander by nrigadiors Generals Fred D. Grant, J. Franklin noil and Thomas H.Bar ry. In command of nil the operations Is Major-Genoral John C. Bates. One of the most Important, not o say picturespne, features of tho war UllIU Will UU till illlUUK UJHJH U I'UU- voy of food supplies. A 'supply train composed as It isof 'a string of 'load ed wagons miles in length, is obvious jy vulnerable to assault nnd corre spondingly difficult 4o. defend. Tho problem Is to fetch it through, In order that the vlctiiles in question may not go to recruit tho larder of the foe To Control the Railroad. Where n railroad runs through a scene of military operations, as in this neighborhood, the control of It often determines the success of an nrmy Hence tho Importance of se curing the mastership of traffic over the Union Pacific road. Wuichover i force, tho blue or tho brown, obtains, theoretically speaking, the advantage ; will be in a position to cry "mate" to I Its ndversary. ' Questions of this sort will bo de- I termlned by officers of high rank I appointed by the war department. inoy. win tieciue wmcn wins, tne bine nrmy or the brown army, when anV attack is made upon a fortified .village. ' It will be ith'elr function to determine wheiner -an 'intrencliqd position, lias been (technically.) 'cap- t.t-.A . 1 n:lm,l.h. '. 1, ! .. . !..... 1 You'll get the Best work And lowest' "price's ' jE; J. MURPHY i 111 Court Street. I may .Life f , leisure We will make yuur hnure najH pleasantly Jlowllog'alleys, tool, billiards i and shooting gallery. Every- f tiling llrst-class. ' : .4 TEMPERANCE JtEFKESH WEKT6- and oigtUB. .Miwk-ul entertainment every evening. 3 I Robinson's Parlo'si? i? 4- LET US SUPPLY j WITH Building... TOtI l?Hl 5 r im ensi.dk i. V-m bbh qf i j all descriptions. Bash, M : Doors, fBllrids; M6rH- tafr, "Untitling and -Tar'i'apcr.- Bring Your Bill to Us and Get Our Figures, Siays1 Ilafbor Com Co. CONSUMPTION the 'moat dreaded' and deadly ot iall 'diseases, aa 'well as pneumonia, and all Lung Troubles are relieved at once and cured by Acker's English pemedy "tho king ot all Cough Cures,'' Onres coughs and colds Jn a day, 25 cents. Your money back If dlssotls .ted. Write for free uample. W. H. Sooker & Ca, Bnffalo, N. T. T. W. ieteldt ft 0& ,tured and whethfcr, this regiment pr that brigade has been (constructive ly) wticd out. From their decision there will be no appeal. ' 'In ,h ;coure fit the (jpjirdtlpns, an entire division will be marched out and deployed for battle. An attack in force wia be niauo upon hu -outpost. dftOr preliminary sKirmishlng and reconnolssance. and the "blue and j brown armies will -finally come into collision. The forces lining pretty evenly matched, the losses on both I uldeH may be expected lo be large, though tho wounded will not require hospital treatment, and the dead -will happily come to life again after the fray. One of the most Important objects of Mho jaauerfverB ls'tcf .affortlttp' offi cers 'nlUho several fnrm's.nn opportun ity for observing .tho evolutions nnd capabilities of the other arms., Thus the cavalrymen will see what the in fantry and artillery are doing and tho artillery will get a .mpre definite notion of the sort of doo"poratl6n which may be expected from the in fantry and cavalry. The vnluo of this is obvious. Of course1, the en gineers will have their own import ant part to play in tho operations, constructing pontoon bridges and throwing up eurthworlts, while the signal corps, with telegraphs, tele phones and a balloon, will attend "to the business of conveying Intelli gence. "Where the Troops are ro'm. The regular troops engaged in' tho maneuvers, and the most of which u ro now on tho fields, come from Fort Leavenworth and Riley, Kas.: Rill and Reno, Okla.; Niobrara and Rohinsou, Neb.;., Logan, Cplo.: p. A. Russell, Wyb'.;1 Douglas, Otrthj 'Snell lng, -Minn.; Lincoln, N. D.; Myor, ya.; Kcoiigh, ; Montana, and Joffor-hj. son Barracks, Wp. Besides tho rpgular troops thercl will be an army' of national guard nresent as follows. Kansas, one brigade, icouslstjug of two regiments' of infantry .and tw.o battalions ot hold artillery; ussouri, lown, Ne braska and Arkansas, one regiment of infantry eaehi Coloradoj 'Olio ibat- tal.lon. pf Infantry; iseprnuka, a sig nal corps of nbout sixty men. - Thcworfr'of'cstnUlishing tho camp .was .practically, .completed today. The camp 'extends several 'miles along the .Kansas rlv-'?. jruealto Is well draind'd'and there exists' a'splen tlful supply" of pure water. Tho 'work lP4 of Jeejlihgt tl(u 'nrmy during the tlitrleeh Haytf IK in 'charge of Captain' A 3t navls", thd commissary of the departmejitof the Missouri. A depot commissary Is erected near the camp, where' all artlcleb which the troops may need may he purchased. Arrangements have ,l)ee,n .perfected to Dupjjiy t,uv iruups ,wiiu i run ll pcci, Ireah'Wegotablo'a 'ahd' ifresh bread every day, yhlle thy-areienajnpddl bread will comfe-ffpm' the' arrnjT bak ery at Fort Rlloy which will bo op erated night and day during the next two weeks. " ! A "MISTAKEN VIEW. Fi H. Newelr Says There Is no E v thusfasm In, OreooHi In an Interview nuotod In. n recent, Washington dlspntcn, unlet tiyuro- grnphor. F. H. Newell of the Goologl cnl surveymade thorcmarkablo state-1 ment thnt there was no onthuslam displayed by the actual Irrigators of Eastern Oregon, nnd that the only" Interest taken in the subject at tho recent' meotlng of tho National IrrI cation, concress. was by men directly .interested In private Irrigation genomes. When It is remembered that nbout CO of the dolegntes from Oregon to the congress, were from Eastern Oregon, and about 40 of this number were actual Irrigators, , It will bo shown thnt Mr. Newell did not stijdy the Oregon delegation closejy, or has been misquoted by the ''Washing' ton correspondent. Mr. Newell Is reported to' hav said: "Tho people of Oregon, In contrast with residents of other Western states, monlfest little or no Interest in tho grent subject of irrigation. "The few men who nro actively booming Irrigation," snys Mr. Newell "are those who control large tracts of lands lying under proposed IrrI gntlon projects, and these men are working solely in their own behalf. "There, Is ,an absolute lack of pub lie enthusiasm, however, which Is remarkable. 'In view of tbe vast bene fits that will accrue to the Btnto of Oregon as a 'result of tho irrigation' of its arid lands." ' The Salve That Heals. Without leaving a scar Is DoWItt'8. The name "Witch Hazel Is applied1 to muny salves, but DoWItt's Witch Hazel Salvo is tho only Witch Hazel Salve mado that contains the ptiro unadulterated witch hazel. If any other Witch Hazel Salvo Is offered you It is a counterfeit. E. C. Do- 'Witt Invented Witch Hazel Salve rind DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Is the best .salve in tho world for cuts burns, bruises tetter or blind, bleed ing, itching nnd protruding piles. Sold by Tollman & Co. f SPANIARDS INSULTED. Would Not Listen to American Tunes in Slot. Machines. ' i Shortly after the Spanish-American war, one of the first American novel ties sent to Spain were the, nlclde-in t he-slot- machines tho musical kind, Unluckily, the- flrBt machines "played American airs. They wore quickly demolished. When tho next lot (of machines were imported it was care fully advertised in advance that thqse contrivances would play Spanish airs only. This was taken as a sort of nation al -compliment, and the American "slot machines Jumped Info,-, sudden favor, especially .the gambling ya rietics, as tne apanianis are very fond of all camas W. chanac. In. n place like MnlogaUh'ere- are now mora than forty such machine's, each cap- ln 9 r.n ,lalK rn thn nvnTOPP . Farms for Sale. We now have listed for sale soma of tho best wheat fnrmB and stock ranches In the county. All the places are .well improved and well .supplied with water. Also some very desir able city property. Call and got prices. BENTLET & HARTMAN, Mokl Tea positively cures Sick Headache, Indigestion and Constipa tion. A delightful herb drink. Re moves all eruptions of the skin, pro ducing a perfect complexion or money refunded. 25c nnd 60c. Write to ub for free sample W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo. N. T. F. W. Schmidt & Co druggists. THE- IBEHRENS HOUSE? 308 Court Streot -.- -i - Best Regular Meals IN THE C1TV JgirYoTa'Il enjoy-our 1 WIWI.U8. Tickets, 21 Meals. . .$4,00 'Single ,Meal8 , (k.,. .. 25o COMMERCIAL STABLES 1 fi. M. mOOME PROPRIETOR. 1 Carryalls tor nicnic parties. Good itearos with 'compctont drivers ' for commercial men. Speedy horses nndi .handsome rigs, 'for cvenlnc and Sun-' Iday 'drives. Qeptle horses tor family! iuse. Stock boarded tit .reasonable; rates. Best pf earn gv"a, to transient! stock. Opposite HuUl Pendleton., 'Phone, MpId 361. -K Mrs, Kate 'Lono'ean, 'carrying nor 2- year-oiu naoy, was lost on tho prairie near Denver, '"Wednesday night, In a snowstorm, and fell Into an irrigation ditch. Roth were frozen to death. ACKEWS DYSPEPSIA TABLETS! cure dyspepsia and all (Borden arlih ng from Indigestion. Endorsed by myslcians. icverrvherK -fHnlrt Hr nil drugglsta. No'croreJ to'pry.- 85 cent. Trial package tree b wrlUns to W. H. Booker Oo Buffalo, H. Y. T. yr. Schmidt ft 00. RISING And many other painful and 'serious ailments trom wlncn most moiuers suffer, cau be avoided by the use of W W F A CiwT is a God-send to women, carrying H WW KM m I them through their nlost criaqai VllkamP ordeal with safety and no pain. No woman who uses "Mother's Friend" need fear the suffering and danger incident to birth; for it robs the ordeal of its horror and insures safety to life of mother and child, and leaves her in ftHifmn nmm tfivnr.ime to sdccuv rxuvciv. j. - also healthy, strong ana trood natured. Our book "Motherhood," is worth its TOMP-ht in crold to everv TOnmnn and will be sent free in plain envelope by addressing application to Bradfield Regulator to. Auanui.oa. MOTHER'S FRIEND e FULL of FALL FINERY Is the magnificent stock of carpets and nifrs we are showing. The 1904 patterns arc displayed and ready for you to choose the design thnt pleases your fancy. In our stock you will fititl something to please as we have capcts from the heavy velvet brussels lo th lighter makes and all show trat richness that adds so much to the beauty of your rooms. 1 1 We bought carpets in a vast quantity and got prices which cut down the cost so we are in a position to Save youimoney. . 1 Broad choice, large savings apd expert workmen to sew and lay yourcarpets, are inducements wc offer,' TKisN . j aoeslor the stom ach ithnt which II Is unable to da lor Itself, even If but fclfphtlv disordered or overburdened. Like In ilis U I I the vattt i?l o the 2 1 ft uuus, Kodol SUDdIIu the natural .. t ji . 1 luiccs 01 Qipesiinn nnd dots ine work nf iv.. stomach, relaxing th oervous 'tension. qm i tho Inflamed muscles! and memhrariM nf ti,t 'or Pan are nHnnrl i rest and heal. It n Indigestion, flatulence, Dabltatlon of thn k..i nervous dvsrv.n!g nni all stomach IrnnKV. v... .cleanslnj, purifying and strenplhenlnfthnt-inn. membranes of the stonv" achand digestive organs. 'r nuuui If V.MINLUH J f "flMl Tosr Dttler Can Smbt. Bottles only. S 1.00 Sli- doUlr. the trill slu. whlh Jii.T? ?.A - . . - - BAKER & F0LS0M The Modern Carpet and Furniture House of Pendleton YOUR PLUMBING! Have it done by a Scientific Plumber and you will not be 'bothered with bad breaks. Let us figure on your work. BECK, THE PLUMBER COURT STREET Building Material 4 Of all Descriptic Sash, Doors & Windoi Made to order. Building paper, lime, cement, brick and sand, wood gutters for barns and dwellings a spec- laity, Yard Altk St, Opp. Court Hous NOW ON EXH FOR THIS WEEK ONLY, Itf THE BIG TENT ON ALTA STREET, IN REAR OF SAVINGS BANK AU rmk i MARVPLOuj! MY.sTERIyr: ., mm m UNEARTHED CALIFORNIA. MAY 1902 ..III Pn TICKET OFFICE U,-.ij'-".i j 1 -e-I g A-G011055ALI10NSTER PRE-TfisroRic Period. Tne Original Skeleton of This Colossal Quadruped QJE the Prehistoric Age J -unearthed in San. Joaquin County, Cal., to J902. Sckatistsisay !he lived 2000 years ajro, welched more than vw TONS H Me 1 t ?5t, too fafafr DR. RAY CHAMBERLAIN. Sole Owner andMafl . a . . ..