DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1903. Bright's Disease and Diabetes News. Office Wine and Spirit Review, San Francisco, Oc. 12. To the Edi tor of the East Oregonlan. Dear Sir: The uuslness men of this city who are now proclaiming to the world the discovery of the cure for Bright's disease and Diabetes have asked me as one of the bene ficiaries to write to some of my brother editors. Hence tuls letter to you. I vras at first as skeptical as anyone. I had reason to be, l ha a clear case Of chrohic Bright's Dis ease; was ill for a year. U was not thought I would live thirty days. The president of the Pacific -.ates Type Foundry told my wife that the ncwly dlBcovercd diuretic woulu nave my life, and against my private convic tions I was put on H. In six months my recovery was complete. A friend of mine. Dr. A. J. Howe, a prominent physician, was nearly dead with Brights Disease. On my re covery I told and It acted the same In his ase and he is now well on tie road to recovery. As a. broth er editor I personally assure you of the truth of the discovery. Thou sands of lives are to be saved and I am writing in the hope that this let ter will start Borne -of t-t?m right, i-'raternallv yours, R. M. Wood. Editor. TLe above refers to the newly dis covered Fulton Compounds, the first cures the world has ever seen for Bright's Disease ;.na Diabetes. We are the sole agents. Ask for pamph let. T W. Schmidts Pharmacy GEN J. SHERMAN MONUMENT ERECTZD TO HIS MEMORY IN WASHINGTON, Cost $90,000 and Is Seventeen Feet High Ceremony of Unveiling Was an Empresslve Affelr Money Was Raised by Ex-Members of the Army of the Potomac, Washington, D. C, Oct. 15. Tri bute Was paid today to William Tccumsch Sherman, soldier and pat riot, when the Carl Rohl Smith mon ument to the Illustrious general was unveiled In the presence of the presi dent, his cabinet and many promi nent guests, the latter Including dis tinguished members of the societies of the armies of the Potomac, the Tennessee, the Ohio and the Cumber land, in joint reunion here. The statue occupies a conspicuous posi tion opposite the soutn front of the treasury building, where a vast crowd of people gathered this aftornoon to witness .ue unvehing ceremony. President Roosevelt spoke briefly Brooko and the other distinguished I soldiers who occupied scats on the speakers' stand, History of Statue. The equestrian statue of General Sherman was completed by Sculptor Carl Rohl Smith Just before the lat- tor's death and it remained for sev-l cral of his friends, eminent artists and sculptors to flnlsu the work by designing and modeling the medal lions and bronze groups which, orna ment the base of the monument. The! statue Itself Is nearly seventeen lect high, and weighs 8.000 pounds. It shows ueneral Sherman as he re-1 viewed the troops in Washington at I the close of the civil war. The war rior sits on his horse with military! erectness. his hcadd slightly cturncd toward the treasury, as if he were looking up at the rooms occupied by his brother. John Sherman, when secretary of the treasury. The left hand curbs his horse, which displays I the spirited curves usual to mounted steeds. The work of bronze stands on a pedestal of New Hampshire granito nearly 50 feet high, on the sides of the pedestal are four bas-reliefs anu eight medallions. Tho former repro-l sent "An Incident in the Battle of Missionary Ridge." "The Battle of Atlanta," "Marching Through Geor pin" and "Sherman In Camp at Night," suggesting his well known of nrowlinc among nis men delivering I half the night and rising In tho morn- GET MURPHY TO DO OUR Painting and Paper Hanging. You'll get the Best work And lowest prices nnrl ortnllnH fionornl firwrmatv f!nl D. B. Henderson of Iowa sounded tho I habl nloftnn nn(n nt tlin flat ilnllvnrlrif I half the chief oration. Other speakers ing "after having had less sleep than included Gen. Daniel E. Sickles and a bird," as fresh as any of his sol- Gen, Charles H. Grosvcnor. All oi the addresses were sincere eulogies of the character, devoted fealty to country and home and courageous qualities of the hero whose statue served to inspire the sentences. Gen. Grenvnle M. Dodge, prcsldont of the society of the army of the Tennessee, wh.ch organization took the initiative In the erection of the statue, was master of ceremonies, and made a short speech In which he referred most eloquently to his dead chief and to toe artistic beauty of the monument modeled to perpetuate the Sherman name. President hoosevelt was greeted with hearty applause as he stepped forward to deliver his address. He spoke in hsi usual earnest and emphatic way and his remarks were interrupted fre quently by applauoc. Equally enthu siastic were the greetings accoracu to Gen. John M. Schoffleld, Gen. John C. Black, Gen. H. V. Boyntoa, Ge. Sickles, Gen. Miles, Gen. John R. 4 .4 I t i dicrs. The eight medallions represent rwnnrals Locan. Blair Ransom, Mc- Puerson, Dodge, Smua, Gricrson and O. O Howard. Between tne spaces mind hv the cortralts on the east and mmt Rides of the pedestal will bo nlnpd tv?o allegorical groups of "War and Peace." The movement for the erection of the monument waB begun eight years ago and carried to successful com pletion by the society of the Army or the Tennessee. The total cost of the work was about $90,000, of wnlch one-third was approi -lated by act of congress. SENILE DEMENTIA. Old Mind Has E. J. MURPHY 111 Court Street, Enjoy Life leisure Can You Answer? On what basis are the' best 5 per cent, gold bonds selling to-day? What will a 5 per cent. 20 year gold bond be worth twenrv years hence when interest rates Hdity are much lower? On what terms can you buy a 5 per cent. 20 year gold bond deliverable to you in ten. Baker City Settler's Given Way. Baker City. Oct. 15. Charles Wol son. aged SC. an old time resident of Baker City, well known and hlgh.y respected won taken to the asylum for the Insane last night by Sheriff iiarvev Brown. The old man was examined yesterday and was commit' ted on the charge of senile dementia. The unfortunate man owns a valu able parcel of real estate on Seventh street between Washington and Cen ter, which he recently deeded to E. Palmer, for a consideration of $1, with the provision that Palmer was tJ care for him during the remainder of nis declining days. The county court has grave doubts as to the va- of the transfer, and has ap pointed A. B. Wlmree. deputy dis- trlct attorney, as guardlon of the es tate. We will make your Hours pass pleasantly AnSLT' 1 1 fifteen or twenty years or to I WILL FIGHT COMBINE. TEMPERANCE KEFRESH your estate at once in r ' SP1"16. oct. ine icamsi MENTS and cigars. Musical f ? , nCe ln CaSe ot ! Union, of this city, uas decided entertainment every evening. J'OUr death r tight the combine of grain and i Robinson's Paries? TTttrln. TIT C. n nnv.n. Under W. & C. Depot. i Spokane Teamsters Have Organized a Protective Trust. Spokane, Oct. 15. The Teamsters' to hay dealers unless tho combine will . . . . , i make reasonable prices to the mem- lnrfff.k--iVy"B5" .hers of me union nay rancnes in .eastern "uwisiuu and Northern Idaho. The union pr INSURE IN Reliable Companies That pay their losses promptly. Our companies stand at the head of the list. Ametr Hartford Fire Insurance Co.fl2,250,07fc Alliance Assurance Co . . 'JQXtm.fr a .London & Xiancaahire Fin Insurance Co 2,544,683 North British fc Mercantile Co 10,895,974 Bojral Insurance Co. 22,(997,152 FRANK B. CLOPTON AGENT 800 MAIN STREET ran htu. THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK, Richard A. McCurdy. president Alma D. Kntz, manager, Boise. Idaho. Frank L. Hammond, District Manager, Pendleton, Oregon. COMMERCIAL STABLES G. M. FROOME, PROPRIETOR. Carryalls for picnic parties. Good teams with competent drivers for commercial men. Speedy horses and handsome rigs for evening and Sun day drives. Gentle horses for family poses to make all purchases in car load lots. The members of the union own more than 200 teamB. These own ers are of tne belief that they can out combine the hay and grain com- i bine. If necessary, and have even planned for a big depot, from which each member can be supplied accord ing to his needs. Northeast Iowa Teachers. Mason City, la.. Oct 15. The mem hers of the Northeastern Iowa Teach ers' association certainly have rea son to fel proud of this, their tentn annual meeting, as the attendance use. Stock boarded at reasonable Is larger than ever before and the rates. Best of care given to transient 3tock. Opposite Hotel Pendleton Phone Main 161. THE- IBEHRENS HOUSE: program one of unusual excellence. The gathering was formally opened today with President John E. faiout of Mt. Vernon, presiding. The main sessions are to be held tomorrow nnd r. . . . , r t t c. l , t. Philadelphia. .President Storms of 1 ! Iowa State Collego and President T Seerley of the state university are ! umonir the nrominent persons to be beard. LET US SUPPLY TOU WITH Building... ...Material DIMENSION .LUMBER OF all descriptions. Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mould ing, Building and Tar Poj-r. Bring Your Bill to Us and Get Our Figures, Grays1 Harbor-Coin Co. Opp. Ws dc C. R. Depot 308 Court Street t Best Regular Meals I 4 ft. ..IN THE CITY.., flSffyou'il.enjoy your meals if you board with us Tickets, 21 MeaU. $4.00 Single Meals 25c Boston Grain Rate Change. Boston, Mass., Oct. 15. The to-: called minimum rate on grain main tained for somo time by tho ocean steamship lines, and which more man anything else has operated to reduce .Boston 8 grain export to such a lo. ebb, was abolished today. Boston hopes by the change to recover some of the grain shipping business wblcn of late has 'been diverted to Montreal and other ports. Oil and Sweet Spirits of Eden Are guaranteed to cure any caseofRbeu. sialism Money back if they fall. A.C Koeppen t Bros., Aflts. for Pendleton Jchmldt ft Oo. CONSUMPTION the moat dreaded and deadly of all diseases, aa well as pneumonia, and all Lung Troubles are relieved at once and cured by Acker's English Itemedy "the king of all Cough Cures Jures coughs and colds in a day. 26 cents. Tour money back If dlsaatla led. Writ for free sample. W. H. looser Co., Buffalo, N. T. T. w. New Home of Republican Club, New York, Oct. 15. The handaomo new home of the Republican Club was formally opened today. Tho new clubhouse occupies a fine site in West Fortioth street. Tho building Is eleven ntorles In height and of nandsonic exterior ucslgn. In honor of the opening a housowarmlug was held, attended by mora than ono thousand republicans of note, the list being headed y Mayor Low. Alabama 8tate Fair. Birmingham, Ala.. Oct. 16. In addi tion to tho ur.ua! at motive displays representing tb 'uin . industries of the state the exposition management Have You Heard About It? s- JJJJIJJIIJ THE RED BOX We Have Placed In Oor Win dow a Box Which Contains $20.00 In Silver We will give a key to this box FREE with every cash purchase of $J,0(). two keys with $2.00; three keys with $3.00. When the keys hattaj been given otrt, yot may try your key. If you have the locky key the $20.00 is yours. NO EMPLOYE ALLOWED TO HAVE A KEY. We do not know which key opens the box. Hot Soda Drinks MADE TONIGHT! EXQUISITELY DELICIOUS! Served Exactly to the Queen's Taste. A DAINTY REFRESHMENT FOR DAINTY PEOPLE Oor Hot Chocolate is a marvel. Our "TODDLE" tasted anything nicer the treat's ours. 5 -well, if yon ertf Cents. F. W. SCHMIDT Postoffice Block RELIABLE DRUGGIST Pendleton, Oregoa -i ------ 4-4 NOW ON EXHIBITION FOR THIS WEEK ONLY, IN THE BIG TENT ON ALTA STREET, IN REAR OF SAVINGS BANK -rirKFTPsisBM '1 a mi nrr.i MnvirrCO I office KBM1 UNEARTHED SANJOAuUlNGO. CALIFORNIA. MAY 1902 The Original Skeleton of This Colossal Quadrupei Of the Prehistoric Age, unearthed in San Joaquin County, Cal.,!1 ! 7ua ocuuiuik say uc jives uuu years ago, weigueo I UN a in lite and measured at least JUU ject long. lOc. BUte ;ed';d 'p Gathering a large chronic Blood Poisoning and all Scrof- tertalnment, 'he racing program uluB At all times a match- in particular prm Inua to eclipse all leSB 'ystem tonic and purifier. Money those of provio it oars. Tho rail- refunded If you are dissatisfied Fit- roads predict rc( .rd-breaking crowds tjr cents and $1.00. T. W. Schmidt ADMISSION Adults, 15c. Children Under 12 Years, DR. RAY CHAMBERLAIN, Sole Owneranjjggj YOUR PLUMBlf it j . .... . -.l .mil W" I nave n aone uy a scientific f Jumuer au ' nV,i tie bothered with bad breaks. Let us ficure u BECK, TIKES JPUXTM5 Acker's Blood Elixir positively cures w i ws A uw 111 Ul Vt IUU DlAlV, I Co., druggists. COURT STREET