DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1903. "1 Tho Peoples' Biggest Outfitter R10GE AND VICINITY Correct Dressers will find it. to thir advantage to look at our complete Fall line of Mens i Furnishings II I I J Alexander's Dept. Store If you enjoy a good article, then smoke E PRIDE OF UMATILLA PENDLETON BOO U EX aix uuw - - i .......... lira nts rDmea us uia iime acnvuv. its OP lo-odiene&s. it uuw scivti uac oau-ouas r -l ic.i. f it. i m.L- ii i it r j, i 10 an lovers oi aencious sweeis. I have again taken personal charge of The Delta, my former place of business and ask yo.i to call and see me. C. W. IRWIN. supply you with Sweets, Ice Cream MM ja - J JJt M M MONTERASTELLl BROS. Marble and Cranite Works MONUMENTS, llEU'KTONKP, C0I--IMii AND BUlLMMi SfONK Weuoourovn work and m artnlee the mcl lowwt price. Eltlmato tlveu gi nil kinds ol Cut Btone. We Live a lirge stock Mid would I plf" ed to have you examine It. ;:::::! t J Wnin;Strot Pendleton, Orcqon Nor O.K. fcK. Depot H1UNC1I BdOl- AT HKI'i-NElt, OKK. - iiiainu ill j 7 1 x 14 iijMij - -- o is a Jow price. PNBST GOODS at HONEST PRICES GLENN WINSLOW Jeweler and Optician Pbwxjlkion, O" ednesdav. Oct nbeo I 4 Joint Engagement of James and Frederick Ward ANDER THE GREAT 75c, $L00. $1.50 Seat8 0U8sIeTo.laylO a m.Bt the ' r 'I'hPttirM I IlUIJt) DlltlU 11 - M HAVERLEY'S 0D0N MINSTRELS Mr. Billv Van 0 forty other White CeIebreties-40 i . Seats on sale Tees, tO a mat Theatre ELEVEN HUNDRED FINE YOUNG EWES WERE SOLD. Return of the Cate Family From Wallowa County Man Seriously Lamed From Cutting an Ankle With an Ax Big Sale of Sheep to Cunningham. Rldgo, Oct. 10. Tho Fhnrnwnld Bros, sold their owes to J. H. Kust for a fair figure this wook. There were something over 1,100 head, all fine young sheep. Many In our neighborhood havo al ready tlono their fall seeding, and It looks nice from tho recent rains. Mr. and Mrs. C. 1L Cato and fam ily returned to their Qurdano homo a few days ago after a long visit with their daughter and family, Mrs. John Dorlicrty, of Wallowa county. Tho trip was traversed by team, much to the bcnelU of tho health of tho party, especially that of Mrs. Cate, who has been ailing for some time. Miss Mary E. Whltlakor has re turned from a visit to Spokane, whoro she has many relations. James Kinney Is reported to havo sold his sheep to Charles Cunning ham, and then to havo arranged to ship some sheep to Chicago for Cun ningham also, in a snort time. Calvin Ogle, of Huron, Wash., who has been visiting his undo, 1). P. Ogle, at Athena, is now visiting Thomas Ogle-and J. T. Oglo, of this place. G. W. Llnsner is In from his John Day rauch looking after business. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Gulllford and family, of Vinson, are visiting rela tives and friends In tho vicinity of Milton and Athena, at present. P. R. Fletcher, who slashed nn ankle with an ax some tlmo ago, had the mlsfortuno to hurt It again, and Is a very bad cripple at present. Miss E. Warner Is teaching school at Gurdanc, and Is reported to be giving satisfaction. . Mrs. G. W. Llnsner and family and Miss Margaret Turner havo moved to Uklah for schooling purposes. We are having quite cool and show ry weather at present, with Indica tions for more. LEWISTON TO GRANGEVILLE. New Road Will Be Built Connecting Uie Two Places This Fall. lln not 14. Tho discuss ed projec- or'bullding an -electric lino from Lewlston to Grangovlllo ha3 nt last n trmpthlc, Rhane and all con ditions now seem to assure that tho great enterprise will be camea our. rnlnnnl Iiiilsnn KnofTnrtfl. of nolEC. who is interested in tho project, cud Engineer Walter 11. Hill, will Imme diately view the ground and make the survey, colonel sponora s urn. vnl lnr n fnn- rlnvs nL'o has dlsclos. ed the fact that practically all pre liminary details havo Already been worked out. Prominent Lewlston and Grangevllle men will bo the Mrnnratnri and jihunflnnt canltal promised. In fact, during tho past few days $2,000 in stock nan nireauy i.o.. tsiiiisrrllipri horn to assist In lire- llmlnary work. Messrs. Spofford and Hill will reach Lowiston tho latter part of next week, after having made a trip over tne country iu uu tun ,.,..,! i... Mm linn. Further Inform ation has not been given out by tho promoters at uus time, . -r.un Cmm Death. "Our little daughter had an almost fatal attack of whooping cougn uu -n-ltpi Mrs. W. K. Havl- land, of Armonk. N. Y., "but, when all other remedies joiiuu, " life with Dr. King's New Discovery. Our niece, who had ConEumptlon In an advanced stage, also used tn s wonderful medicine and today she is ..arr.i v iron." ijcsiercie uuw ' . i-lnlil tn Dr KinE ... . rti na tn nn atllPf mCdi clno on earth. Infallible for coughs and colds. SOc and 1 bomos guar anteed by Tallman & Co. Trial hot ties iree. Vounn achtsmen Weds. K'... Vnrlt flr.L. 11. UUC v most lasiiiouam" nruui.-o- Fall season took piaco today when Miss Mario de Neufvllle, daughter of Mr and Mrs. do Neufvllle of Babylon, I, i becarao tho bride of Lewis iso lln, 'the well known yachtsman. Tho ceremony was performed at naon In i. Inpnrnntlnn. WlllCIl lUO luuiui ui - - . was thronged with (society pcoplo of Prttr tn Box Forbes. i. ,ci. rift 14. Followers of pugilism in Detroit are on tho mil vivo In anticipation of the opening of tho boxing bcason tonight, when Harry tomes, mo uxuumau, r,.B... . .. j Tnm svn his most cnauiiJiun, aim , --- - strenuous rival, aro to come togctbor for a ten-round bow. io "W" ,. .ntrf ,mHr tim nusniccs of the Metropolitan Athletic club. Luther Seminary Celebrates. Hamllue, Minn., Oct. 14. This was oi tnr ihn Luther Seminary, tho theological Institute of tho ifor weglan Lutlicran synod, tho occa sion being a -olebration of tho silver T'...i.- tho instuuton. Tho par ticipants included prominent Luther- Ian clergymen anu o " south Dakota, Iowa, Minnesota and other states. Moving to Milton. It K. Collins, who has beeii in tho voo'd business at ICamela for tho past Ight years, has purchased property at Milton ana wn, move mo uumii thero In a short tlmo to resmo per- ....ti.. tin nuina a Hrt'n tract of land near Kamcla. but tho timber is cut off from most of it. Tho Bashl-nazouk shaves his head except a .uft at tho crown, which is to bo used by tho angel to Jerk him to paradlso If ho sboum bo slain by tils Intended victim. (remol I The Largest Selling I t-Xl tint I Brand of Cigars JVi Nj I I In the World. p Sp9 W I I The Band is the & Wk iniiiHiniiHiiiniiiiinmitiiiimiiiiiiiiitiiiiimiiiiiininiiiiiiiniiiiiniiiiiHiiiiiiiniiiiiHiiiiiiiK 0 v e r c o a t s TIub is UiH place to buy your Ovorcoata. Mens' heavy full length Ox foul overcoats all t-izes Mens' lietler tivercoatB all grades up to Iioys' reefer ovicoats ft tu M yrtj , prieen $2.00 to ... Boys' long Oxfurd overcoats Q Qr sizes 10 to 18 only JiuO Boys' and young mens' over in An con 1 8 bitter gratlen U to . lUiUU 5.00 15.00 4.75 Ladies' and Hisses' Jackets coals, new 5.75 Ladies' Zibelinc styles, all size- Ladies' Kersey loose box r nn coats, tan or castor .. uiUU Ladies' line tpiality Kormy nd Zibeline coats from $9 50 jg We can't list and describe all our Coats and Jackets. They must be senii to be appreciated. Your neigh bors are buying their coats here, why not buy yours here too' We can save you money. Give us a chance to show you our lines THE FH I R aiuiiUiiiiiuiiiiiitiiautiiiiiatiiiiiiiiiiUiiiiiuitiiiiitiitiiiiiiutuiiiaaiiuiiiiuitiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiis: Will Drive Long Tunnel. The new purchasers of the Cornu copia mines la Baker county, will drive a tunnel l'i miles In length, under tho mountain, In search of the mother quartz lodo from which all tho fragmentary veins of the camp aro suppoM'd to bo part It will ro- I ijulre IS months to (omplt'tc the tiin l net 1 : The -zar has fiillrely abandoned his proMsHl trip to Homo, It Is Kiild, because of fear of assnHslmttlon. BECOMm A MOTHER Ik nn ordeal which ill u.jiiien ipiituach with indescribable fear, for nothing compare! with the pain and horror of t.:t. ,.. .i . , of a 1 pleasant antiqlpation. of the coming event, ami costs over her a shadow of gloom which cannot be shaken off. Thousand of women have found that the use of Mother' Friend during pregnancy rob" confinement of all pain and danger, and iM.r ..frly t HVof mother and child Thu.cienUfic liniment i. a god-.eml toall women" t i c time of their most critical trial. Not only lo Mother's Trlrnd carry women safely through the peril, of child-hirth, but it. UM Sckne..." vr0 k,;7; r cvem- ,,Kve"u "K comforts of thin period. Sold by all druggists at 1 1. co per bottle. Bonk containing valuable Information free Jbe Brodfiold Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ca DESPAIN & CLARK Arc tllbtnlmlorri for Alultu Ceres a ntw llenlth Jfotx), Hveryoiic should try m inckoge. Just reccivnl Culifornn. I'igsnnd Oii'gon Homy in the comb. 514-514 MAIN STREET Phone Mai? 1741 l. J --" fVf III1 MOTHER'S FRIEND FOR Biiioum mnd Nervoun Disorder Sick Headache and Constipation, TAKE Ther cure Giddiness, Fullness and Swelling ailtr meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Ureath, Oostivencss, Blotches on tbeSUn, Disturbed Sleeji, Fiigntful Dreams, andallNenrousandTrembv line Sensations, etc. The First Dusv will i;l vc relief In twentr minutes. This Is no fiction. For a Weak Stomach, 'Jlf ordered Liver and Impaired Dlgcatlon they act like "Magic". Every suftercr is crneitly Invited to try a Box of these Fills, and they will be acknowledged to be WITHOUT A RIVAL. BEECHAM'S PILLS taken as directol, will quickly restore females t complete health. They promptly remove any obstruction or irregularity of the system. U. S. A. Depot, US Casts bt New York. In boxca, 10c. aad 2M. Baildmg Material Of all Description Sash, Doors & Windows Made to oidcr. Building paper, lime, cement, brick and sand, wood gutters for barns and dwellings a spec ialty, Oregon Lumber Yad Alts St, Opp, Court House 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3