East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 10, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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H (Sis)
Putllshed otery afternoon (except Sunday)
nt IVmlteton, Ortgou, by Iho
Thoue, Jlnln 11
Dallv one yenr liy mnll 3.00
.Dally, Mix month by mull a.tin
Dally, tlireu month!) by mull l.L'5
Dully, one month by mall .no
Dally, .per monlli by carrier (."
Weekly, one year by mnll ., i.cmi
AVeekly. six month? by mall 75
Weekly, four month? by mall no
Semi-Weekly, one year by mall ... I 2.00
Semi-Weekly, six months by mall .. 1.00
Heml-Weekly, three mouths by mall . . .BO
The llaat Oivirnnlnn In nn nt II. II
' nidi's News Stands nt Hotel Portland and
tiotei 1-crnins, rortlautl, Oregon.
of their peril. A tolcovam to tho St.
LoUIb I'ost-nispntch under Unto ot
Chicago. Soptcmbor 29, says "Su
Inr tills year moro than forty railway
tostal clerks linvo boon killed anil
over 600 Injured, moro or less ser
iously. In consequence the clorka
are not attracted by tho runs on th
last trains. Many of them havo aslteil
In ln f rnnufnrriwl friini ' TVim!.-
linos, where they Ret salaries of $1,
COO a year, to the branch lines, whore
the maximum yearly salnry Is $1,000.
Slueli trouble Is experienced by th
superintendents of railway mall ser-
vlco in securing men for the faFtest
mall trains."
Member Scrhips Mcltac
News Assocla
San Francisco lliiroau. 4US Ponrtli St
Chicago Ilnrenu, 1)00 Security Itulldlns.
Washington, I). C. Unman, C01 Hill St,
filtered at Pendle(on oto(!lee as seccond
class matter.
I know not what I am. nor why,
Nor wherefore anything
should be;
Ami that men llvu,or that men
I lcnow not which ni03t puz
zles me,
Lo) there aro endless question
ings Whichever way I seek to
This only peace and comfort
That I am here, to play tlia
Itohort Whltaker.
Madam Mulba has Issued an ulti
matum to the newspapers. She has
become Indignant at soma landed
wrong, committed by some paper,
rntl serves notice on the profession
that sho has no further use for their
help ami bars forever from tho magic
eirolo of hor smiles tho news-hungry
loportor ami 'he fawning critics. Now
lually, Molbn, this Is shocking Hut,
after all, this Is one ot your schomcJ
lo get cheap advertising. One "roast"
is worth a dozen complimentary no
tices, and no one knows this bettor
than you.
Tho-Brilliant Statesman from Nebraska,
Makes an Important Public Utterance.
Twenty caif,oes of foods and wines
havo just been refused admission to
'he markets of this lountry by the
department ot agriculture In enforc
ing tho pure food law enacted nt the
last session of congress.
Tho rejected Imports Included two I
i-ariiues ot sauionno wines, five car
goes of Rhine wines, four cargoes ot
olive oh, three cargoes of Frankfur- palace, after securing from tho em
It Is stated on good authority that
last January, when Ki Hongs, em
peror of Corea, celebrated tho for
tieth anniversary of his coming to
tho throne, .Miss Kmlly llrown. who
has long been the light ot his liarom,
wa3 crowned empress of Coren. and
her sou declared heir apparent to
the throne. Up to tho time of her
coronation Miss llrown was known
as I-ady Kmlly.
Now she Is the Kmpross Om. which
In English means "dawn of the morn
ing. -Miss Hrovu vas born In Ap
ploton, Wis., about I860, hor father
being the Itov. Herbert llrown, the
first Protestant missionary to settle
In the cnpual city of Seoul. Emily
acted as an interpreter In church
dealings with tho government, and I
when her beauty was reported to tho I
emperor ho commanded her to enter i
his harem, which sho Indignantly ,
refused to do. About two years lator
sho concluded to accent the omner-1
or's protection, and went to live In too
Aiiotit ioriy uutonioiillos, aggre
gating In vnltio something Jlko $0,
000, will leave this city on Wednes
day or this week to undergo the bo
vorest practical test to which such
machines havo over hedn ofllclni y
subjected. They will start on miiii
durance run of S00 miles to I'lttsbiirg.
by way of Mttffnlo nnd Cleveland,
This will bo no speed contest. Eight
days aro covered in tho Itinerary.
On tlit? scoring tables nn nllowan.-'o
of 3,000" points Is nindo-hB the ap
proximate number o minutes re
quired for tho actual run, and from
this number n point Is to be lost for
every mlmito of unnecessary slop-
There will bo black murks for ma
chines stnlled In sand, for halts to
tighten bolts, or to pump up tires,
for failures to stand tho brake tost,
for falling below tho hlll-cllmbing or
wolght-cairylng requirements, nnd
for violation of speed laws. The rule
on braking Is of Interest. For a per
fect mark, a machine going foil rl eon
miles an hour must bo brought to a
atop within eighteen feet.
Tho number of entries In this tost
shows nn agreeable confidence in
their machines on tho part of tho
makers. No perfect marks aro ex
pected, but It Is believed tho results
will esLiimsn 101 American nniuieis dent MeKlnloy at tho Bt. Lonls convention, and ww made pormnnont Ohulrman
. """""""- ."""".' "'"' of this convention. Ho -was also made Chairman of the convention that ronoinl-
Vi ho0lo13S W"M- .I' flnatcdtholntoI'resldontjroKlnloyntl'hlhulolphla. Ho was appointed by 1'res.
endurance- trial will show the quail- ... , , ., ... ,.,.
Tills 'lit gentleman recently vroto tho following letter to The l'oruua
Modtoluo Columbus. Ohio:
Washington, D. C, April 6, 190 1.
have used Peruna at various times during the past year or two
IT I19l. 1
Nole It."..50'
. Ho;:;r
irom Mnt :rMlii
N yu mr lii.
9MIII noiil, i . W
"inn A i.6t...:a w
Jfjroii want L...
...Ill . III I.
(i... i. ; you ii.
m ii nereeni i.. "J
years """
Ilx-Scnator John Jt. Thurston, of Omaha, Nebraska, is ono of tho most promi
nent and lnlluontlul mon in tho country. ITo made tho speech nominating I'rosi.
ties of the niachinco represented at :
tho work of practical touring, for '
which most peoplo will buy thorn, in
this fact lies Its popular Interest.
The nille-ln-less-than-a-mlnttte test I
on some special course Is. compaied with most satisfactory results.
to tho Pittsburg run. an affair of the jt entirely relieved me from an Irrltatlmt coush-
small minority. N. Y. World.
the result ot
T:ie Uellnghnm Ita l.tiinbcrm 'n's
"-.soelatlon has reduce I tho pilco of
common lumber from $12 to $10 a
thousand In tho hope that others will
follow their example and reduce the
price of labor and materials entering
Into tho construction of houses In
order that building operations, which
have been falling off, may be revived.
excessive effort In the presidential campaign, and I am a firm be
liever in its efficacy for aiiy such trouble." Jno. At. Thurston.
peror a solemn promlso of marriage
when affairs of state would permit.
This promlso was kept soon after
she bore tho emperor a ron. The Argonaut.
ter sausages, ono cargo of vinegar,
one carco of coloring matter fo
toods and four cargoes of canned veg
Tho sauterlne wines wore found to
havo been doctored with salkyllc
acid; the Rhine wines also contained
a large pevrntngo ot salicylic acid
the olive oils contninej other vegeta
hie oils and aro therefoio mlshranil
ed: tho sausaco was iinnenimnnnimi mysteries, murders
... Kpnnrlfil Tint flm
by tho required certificate as to the
wholesonenes of the meuis from
which It was made, and also contain
ed boric acid; the vinegar was Im
properly made and Ihurcfure mis-
branded; nnd tho top covering of tho
can containing the rojected veg.jta
Dies, aro or solt lend a.ia likely to
poison the contents of the cans
ia rjgia eniorcemout of tho pure
food law la gratifying. It will a:
least reduce the volume of "doctor
ed" foods and drinks In this country.
The importations ot the past have,
oi course, constituted only a small
part of tho fraudulent "goods" sold
to the peoplo of tho United States,
but If the foreign swindlers can be
shut out, there will bo hope that
evontually a way can bo found by
which home swindlers can bo treated
wiino it may do particularly re
gretted tliat so many Frankfurters
aro tc bo denied us. It must bo under
stood that wo do not luleud to bo
humbugged by lorelgners, especially
sinco we have so many humbuggcrs
at home.
"What has education done for us?'
is a question that Is repeatedly
asked". "It has taucht tho multitude
to devour sensational accounts of
terrors nnd
multitude has
only yet reached tho ponny-dreadfiif
period of its education, just as an
average boy at n certain stago de
vours books which treat of pirates
and wars. Say ti.at It takes fifteen
years to educate a child. It t.ilies
fifty to educate a nation. Eilncnto
educate more, nnd still educhtn.
should be the motto of modern civi
lization. London Truth.
Over I'd hunters'
been issued nt the
licenses havo
courthouse at
Tho Tacoma board of education
has fixed the tax levy for school pur
poses at ti mills, or 2 mills for per
manent Improvements and -I'j lor
el!' lent expenses.
You can't 'lose an atom
without feeling it. The body
is like an engine, a watch,
a machine; must be kept in
good order to run right.
That's the reason Scott's
Emulsion is so successful in
all wasting diseases. It feeds,
nourishes and strengthens
when ordinary food won't.
Doctors say Scott's Emul
sion is the best nourishment
for those who arc not as well
as they should be young or
We'll send you a ftample l upon requett?
SCOTT & ItOWNE,409 Pearl Street, New York.
Catarrh has already become n national
enrso. Ilri ravages extend from ocean
to ocean
Jforo than one-half tho people aro
affected by It. It hna becomo such a
serious matter that It has passed tho
boundaries of tho medical profession
and becomo a national nucrittou. Sena
tors aro talking about it; Congressmen
iro discussing It.
They aro not only considering the ex
tent and ehroulo natnro of tho disease,
but tho possibility of finding a national
romedy to meet this national calamity.
The catarrh remedy, Poruna, seems to
bo tho main expectation In this direc
tion. Dr. nartman, President ot Tho Hart
man Sanitarium, devised tho remedy,
Poruna, over forty years ago, and tho
romedy as a catarrh euro has been grow-
Uik in favor steadily all these years.
Intomal romedy for catarrh. Thero aro
practically no medicinal rivals In the
Held. 1
l'oruua is not a local application or
temporary relief ; It Is n permanent euro. 1
Poruna Is a syntemlo romedy. It eradi
cates catarrh from the system. It cures
catarrh wherever located. Its cures rro
radical and lasting
Prltz Vollnu'r, President Sehwu)
blseher Sajugerbund, Chicago, in a re
cent letter to Tho Poruna Jledlclno Co.,
"Jfy, voice was so badly affected from
catarrh that T was afraid I would loso It
entirely. I read of somo of tho wonder
ful things your Poruna would do ami i
thought It advisable to try somo myself.
"I am pleased to state that in a very
short, time I was cured." Frit?. Vollmer
Address the Peruini Jti'dlelno Co., Co
lumbus, O., for :l book ot testimonials.
"0U I
.uv w UDJ
i"i modern i-
in the limits ot
Tiirtn of & i
Kiiun alfalfa
thousand 0f
U'lltJflt I in. I n.it
G. I). BOYD.
It stands to-day boforo tho nation as a containing l-tters from prominent men I
Lnorougiuy lusted, accurately soiuntlilo I and women concerning Poruuo.
The Oregon Dally Journal enn be
fnuud on sale nt Frazlor's book store
111 eats
If eet
Tim approval of all who
want tliu best meat
most delicious lint nc
no higher in price,
Oil and Sweet Spirits of Eden
Are guaranteed to cure any caeofRheu
matism Money back if they fail.
a;C. Koeppen & llros.,Agts. for Pendleton
t X
t Conrad Platzoeder I
I All kinds of Fresh t
Meats always on
I hand, rine Bacon,
J Hams and Sausage.
Prices as low aS the lowest
' I I I4.4m4...,.. .4I.4
Rheumatism Positively Cured
lly Oil anil Sweet Spirits of Rdeu.
Lloneyback Goods. A. C. KOUPPKN Jt
IIROh., Sole Agents for Pendleton.
Private Dinisg
Ele&ttiit Furn sued
1,1111 11HI 111) I
iiifs i nn n a
f.it Mi n
Tho supremo court Is to be con
gratulated on Its decision in the Union
founty county seat removal case.
rot on any merits or demerits ot
either of the contestants, but on the
were fact that It upheld tho majesty
of the law and constitution. There
fs too llttlo iegitrd for laws in. Ore-
Eon. This $5,000 Indebtedness pro-
tlsion has been violated by county
courts In Oregoi., times without num.
l-qr. The. law means what it says or
else it Is folly to elect legislatures
uid maintain slate Institutions, If
onu law on tho statute books is vio
lated with Impunity, thoy are all
subject to the same anarchistic tend,
ency. It Is refreshing to hear tho su
promo court uphold the constitution
and declare tho laws valid, This de
tlslon will causo bomo of those coun
ty courts which havo flagrantly vio
lated this very law In question, to
slake in tteir bods w'.icn filnklng
of tholr tolf cnnstlt'i'od judgements
Tho postolllce department of the
national government Is facing n now
i,jl'rpblem iln tho difficulty ot securing
..I 1 ... . .
.w ,iin line iasi trains. TllU
(B, U.... "?"',".u "u io increasing'
ST 1 CUmbor Inf Trn II ivn'w .
1 !i crvttfA. ... . '
-w o.uui .uuuiuur mi uigner spocu
of trains. It la tho custom nt mil.
ways to put mnll cars next to tho em
giiio and tho result Is that in wrecks
Iho postal clerics aro exposed lo groat
dangor nnd rarely havo any warning
What Doth it Profit M
Neglect His Feet and Loseth his Sole?
LADIES wc want to have a little SHOE talk with you. Are you satisfied with
the Shoes you have been buying for your boy or girl, or are they the kind that
are continually ripping or running down at the heel and in less than a week
are out of shape? If that is the kind yeu have been buying make a change at
once. Too many mothers are not enreful enough about clothing their children's
feet. A good, solid, servicable shoe is cheaper than a doctor bill. We have a line of school
shoes made by a manufacturer who makes nething but boy's and girl's shoes and makes
them to wear and at the same time look neat. He puts the genuine Rodk Oak sole leather
in soles and heels and the thread used is the very best silk, These shoes are made by
PAT COOAN and every pair is guaranteed to give good wear.
Lee Teutsch's Big Store
- . Corner Main and Alta Streets
Following are t
ri ii miiii i wiili
m a i -
Sizes 5f. to 8 gen
uine Dongola
Sizes 8A to 11 gen
uine Dontrohi
Sizes 1H to 2 gen
uine Dongoln
Sizes 2A to C gen- 0
Size bh to 8 Fine
Kid "
Sizes 8h to 11 Fine!
T- 1 II
i.lU ...... ,. "
Sizes 1U to iA
If A L
Sizes 2h toCfino
TflA L
iviu . ,f . ,
ail f no uiiiiMn mv'-
nuove novu jucu
exionsiou soles. :
Ladios. whilo yo
' . 1 I. A.I
i ii.nnonii
iiH n nw vnii iiiu""".
tir Tin,t IVm nll .
them from fti.ou w
per pair.