I'ubtlMieil oTory nftcrnoun (cxcctit Humlay) Ht I'oiulletim. OrrKou, by the EAST OREGONIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. Ttiono, Main 11. sunsoisirrioN iiatks. Dolly, ono year by mall Hnlly, six months by mall pally, tlm-u months by mall Dally, one montli by mall nllv ii.tr .....t.tl. I. I . 4 .......... ii j i.uti:r , ttti'kly, one year by mall l.fid "-My, six month by mall 7f, i' 'ollr nmutlis by mall r.O Sem . eik Iv, one year by mail .... s.no SfialAWrkly, U month by mall .. 1,00 bcml-Wwkly, three month bv mall .. .50 nil tho combined virtues ever oml tiathiB from tho nnmicatlng, soxles harpies who llvo In unnatural luxury in tho earnings of somo old micos tor who nmilo tho nilntnkn oi pllint; up a fortuno to lio Hont by thoaj who never earned a cent In lite. .j.von . -J.r.o . 1.25 . ,r.o .or. ...T1!1 J."'11 "resonlan la on sale nt II. It. !, . . CV? s""'' t Hotel I'ortlaml nml Hotel IVrklnj, IVrtlauJ, Oregou. Member Kcrlpps-MeUnc tlon. News Assoela- Sau I'ranclsco Iliireati, 108 Fourth St. Cbleajto Ilurcau, noo Security llulhtliiR. N X'i3hln';t0"' - c- llHrenii, 30 1 Mth Ht Euteml at I'endlcUm poitofloe .is seecoml class matter Tho Salom Statesman Is incmrnlUK ovor the government rensus report, ami to comfort horsnlf, has Incorpor ated 'all tho villages In Marlon coun ty as "Orenter Salem." "How Ioiir." walls the Statesman, "will this dis tortion of facts, concerning tho pop ulation of this city, go on?"' Only four thousand people shown by the Kovernment census, as residing In the capital of Oregon! This Is horrlblu. nut tnen among that number you have some politicians who count for more than one, In tho estimation of your people, so the balanco Is struck, Tho way to got population Is to grow, Any village In Eastern Oregon enn tell you all about the process. Hoys Hying kites haul In their white-winged birds; You can's do that when you are Hying words; Thoughts unspoken, sometimes fall back dead. Hut (lod himself, can't kill them, when they're said. Will Carleton. The Haker City Herald says no living newspaper man can glvo tho amount of precious metal mined ..1 llakor county for tho month of Sep tember, nud thon prooeeds to glvo the exact figures. Portland Is going to freeze out the Parents who glvo excuses for the absence of their children from school on potty ami taucieu pretenses, nro doing an Injustice to the children than can never bo remedied If tho pu pus of the public schools aro encour aged by parents in being absent from school, all the money spent on those children by the state and district Is wasted. Half attendance and broken attendance Is worso than not attend lug nt all. It keeps the child behind the classes, mnkes additional wort for tho teachers and spoils all the effect of study. Many parents arc In the habit of allowing children to re. main away from school on slim pre texts, ana of sending no excuses, or excuses that aro not within the law ful limits. Tho teachers are doing all In their power to keep up the rog' ular attendance. The school board u...ult:ra uy a uign license, as. long wl seo that the ,aw , rugarJ to Ulls as men nave money tney are going mattur 8 enforced, and It remains for iu Ba...uie-i not m a. licensed emu parents , take enough interest in room, thon in some place beyond the ,ll0 wolfarc of thoIr own children to reacn 01 tne law. some of the old sports of Portland freeing out. will be at the I nee that they go to school and arrive I mere on time, unless tnoro Is so valid reason to the contrary. In Eastern Kansas the people aro organizing anti-Hood societies, to pro vent tho destruction of property by spring freshets, and In Western Kan sas they still have rnln-mnkiug parties and are studying how to In crease tho moisture. The best way out of both those conditions Is to buy a homeseokor's ticket to Oregon, where rain-makers and anti-IIood so cieties nro unknown. That the majority of the people of Eastern Oregon favor the forest re servo policy. Is shown by the wido circulation given the East Oregon inn's brief defense of the policy In commenting on the position of Judge Cllffoul. of Grant county, against tho reserve. It is incongruous to ns;t toi the reclamation of tho ilosert. and to oppose tho preservation of the for ests. In ono breath. LEND A HAND. A Southern girl visiting in Western Oregon, has discovered why it Is that the people- of the state are called "Wobfootb." Hor explanation is that they do not recognize the fact that I' is ruining when ruin is 'ailing. She linds thuy play golf, oaKobail and all other outdoor sports while rain de scends in torrents, and that the down pour novor affects an kind of an en tertainment. From this the dediic tlon is lo be drawn that a Wobioot is me who makes tho best of a bad weather case by Ignoring conditions that he cannot remedy. "Look up, and not down." Do you see how the tree-top Kojolces in sunshine denied to its root? And hear how tho lark, gazing sky wnrd is Hooding The world with his song, while the ground bird Is mute. "Look out nml not In!" Seo the sap rushing outward! In leaf, hud and blozsom all winter it lay. Imprisoned, while earth wore a white desolation; Now Nature Is glad with -the bunt! ty of .May. "Look forward, not back!" 'Tis the chant of Creation. The chime of the seasons as on ward they roll; "1'ls tho pulse of the world, 'tis tin hope of the agc3, 'Tls the voice of our Clod In the depths of the soul. "Lend a hand!" Like tho sun that turns night into morning. Tho moon Hint guides storm-driven sailors to laud. Ah" life wore worth living, with this for the watchword, "Look up, out, and forward, and cacti lend a hnnu " Alice Freeman Palmer BACKACHE. The attitude of tin- Oregon Dally Journal toward the theater trust of Portland Is universally endorsed. Tho Canltal News of lloise, ono of tho many outspoken friends of th Journal, says: "Tho Capital News hopes the Journal will win its flfjlit aguinst tho .theatrical trust and over come all other obstacles in tho way. Ilclng a year older and having pro gressed fu-ther on thb road to-.vnr tho goal of miccezs purhape, this pa per speaks from experience when It asserts that the public will lay aside all narrow partisan considerations und stand by a newspaper that ic fearless, honest and reliable In ito treatment of tho legltlmato news or tho day, as well as those subjects that of righl should he editorially dlgcussud." Mrs. Stuyveaunt Fish, one of tho 'drossy," feminine dudes of Newport, nas remarked that "Mrs. Itoosovelt drosses on J300 a year, and she looks it." Mis. Flail's hose bill is greater Minn Mrs. Hoosovolt's entire bill for clothing during tho year, yot Mrs. Fish does not represent tho Amort p can woman. Bho represents a sort of SB. ' society In tho 'East, which Is part refuse foreign nobility, part outcast. Amorlcan rubbish, and a greater part inouoy-road lunatics. Mrs, Hoofcovolt's J300-a-year wardrobo la suillclent for pny BClf-respectlr.g American woman, and in inaklng It answer her purpo-io, she wots an cxamplo to tho great UilnkiiiK iaBH f Americana, which Mb of more fccrviro lo humanity than Backnchn is a forerunner and one of the most common symp toms of kidney trouble, and womb displacement. READ MISS BOLLMAN'S EXPERIENCE. " Some timo ago I was in a very weak condition, ray work made me nervous and my back ached frightfully all tho time, and I had terrible head aches. "My mother ffot a bottle of Iydlu K. Piiiklmm'H Vctfotahlo Coin pound for mo, and it seemed to strengthen my baclc and help mo 11 1 once, and I did not got to tired as before. 1 continued to take it, und it brought health and strength to me. 1 i 11 ' . . 1 ... im a. wum hi biiuxufc juu or biiu ood it him dono roo." Miss ICA.TK llOLLHAN, Uiud Hi. fc Wules Ave., New Tfork City, SSOOOfcrftlt original 0 ibeotJttUr proving gtnulnw cannot Caprodutod, Lydlu 12. IMtikiium'HVojretiililo Compound euros liocuuso It in tho greatest known remedy for kidney and womb troubles Kvory ivomau who is puzzled about lior condition should wrlto to jMrn. IMiilcluuii at Lynn, Mass., and tell her all. POOR OLD NEW YORK. t'ho resolution of Mrs. Itoi'lunld Vaudorbllt to remain nt Newport the ontlro winter, vjsltlng Now York only occasionally, deprives town of seeing and entertaining tho latest Vaudorbllt brltlo. Mrs. Alfred Van- 1 dorbllt will llkowlso romnln at Now-1 port and will not onon linr Mm.. vi, house until late In tho spring, when tho coaching season begins. She will ho hero as usual during the horso snow. Mrs. Stuyvosnnt Fish has a. so come to somo dolermluutlon of tho same kind, and It really looks as If cnuiury llfo would succeed tho for mer gay Beacon In town. Mvh i.Vn. tis urmoiui t'-rencii, the mother of .irs, Aitreu vnnilerbllt, will be with her a greater part of tho winter, mm Newport Is novor dull and Ib always iu its best after tho summer crowds leave It. Those wlio mo fond of mild climates nml that the Athmtir roast Is much wnrmor In winter than tho Interior, nnd thosu who prefer tho rugged sports prefer to entertain nt their country mansions nloug (he Hudson. N, Y. Tlmos. Tho libel suit against tho llakor City Herald will lie heard In Union on October 0. J S2 ll IP DO YOU GUT UP WITH A I,AMI$ BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost eeryloily whn reads .the news papers is sure to know of the wonderful cures made by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kid- U; uey, liver and bl.ul- uer remedy. It is the'great med ical triumph of the nineteenth ecutur) ; discovered after years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the eminent kidney and bladder specialist, nud is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame luck, uric acid, catarrh of the bladder nud llright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. It has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work and in piivate practice, and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper, who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free bv mail, also a liook tell ing more about Swamp-Hoot, and how to findoutifyouhaveUiduey or bladder trou ble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and send your ...,.1 . ti . , -: 1 . jr X. Ci.. Him-hamtntl. N. Y. The remilarffimtiHt fifty-cent and one- dollar size bottles are non of snamp-noot. sold by all good druggists. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, lliiighanitou, N. Y., on every bottle. 11 S. S. S. Nature has provided a tonic suited to every requirement of the system when in a debilitated, run down condition. It ooiituins 110 stroii-' minerals or drugs, but is n pleasant vegetable ptcparation. Yon can find no better remedy for toning- up the nerves and bringing- refreshing-, "restful sleep when in a low- state of health, or sick and worn 6ut with work or worry. S. S. S. improves the I imvo no Iienlmnoy In rooommomllnit your B. U.S. nnnetite aids the chVpu. "8 tlio bout Hprlnir tonlo on tho mnrkot. I linvo nnoil npptim., uius uic IM-i- m othor 1S1(ullomi,8 bllt llml s. a. a. to ba undoubt- tion nud reilltorces the odly tlio only tonio tlmt wilt build up tho Byntrin. I sv-item nud its irnod t-f. "bull tnki, pleaiiiro in tailing nil whom I think iu rt. iliii, mill u J3OU11 ti no(1)1 of n (( b,ood omo u( r t))0lll0n feotsaroseeualmostfrom Yours truly, LEWIS H. FIEIHElt. the lirst dose. It acts aaro B'0"i Hamilton ft Co. iioxliiRton, Ky. promptly in cases of chronic dyspepsia, indigestion and illstoiuach troubles, and does away with the uncomfortable fullness, nuu.scu, shortness of breath, drowsiness and dizziness that so often come after outing-. K. S. S. is not only the best tonic but pos.scss.L-N alterative or purifying" properties, ami if there is nny taint, humor or poWon in the blood it searches it out, and removes it, Many times a low state of health is due to a bad condition of the blood and can only be remedied by a blood purifier and tpuio combined, or such n remedy as S. S. S. It you suffer from debility, insomnia, nervousness, loss of appetite, bad digestion, or any of the symptoms of a disordered blood, nothing- will so soon put your blood iu good condition, invigorate and tone up the system as S. S. S. THE S WIFT SPECIFIC CO. A TIANTA . GA. - ",."." 'uomi.iu ... ' Main stree iVJ'l L'ashjbnlnnce tis' H0l - "Mini houV Vt thm.barnCb'&t Troon, house ClosetH. ,11nlin . Choice building, ',1 a inmi n am nli" -i im T tho nitwit l veurs - m T I Rihorn & Swa N'' rAI'OMiON lost the battle of Leipsio from u lit of hi dlgestlen. How many battles in your husiiie&H do you lose because you lack the supporting stimulating" brace of good colle? "Poor eollee, poor energy!" Is tho rule. Nature has her soft pedal down and you have 110 snap. If you want the loud pedal, tlio forceful power, the stieiiuoiirt living, try Chase & Sanborn's Keul Brand t'odee. It will strengilicu your arm. In 1 lb. niul 11 lb. TinCiuiH (air tight.; Other high grades in richly colored parchment bags (ninUt ure proof.) Sold in Pendleton exclusively by C. ROHRMAN COUKT KI'RKK'r 'Y-' Hi i V: ft. FULL of FALL FINERY is tlio magnificent stock of carpels and rugs we ate showing. The 1904 patterns are displayed and ready for you to choose the design that pleases your fancy. In our stock you will find something to please as we have cai pets ftoni the heavy velvet brusscls to the lighter makes and all show tl at richness that adds so much to the litnuty of your rooms. We bought carpets in a vast quantity and got prices which cut down the cost so we are in a position to save you money, Hroad choice, large savings and expert workmen to sew and la vour carpets, are inducements we offer. yrTirrmr- BAKER & FOLSOM The Modern Carpet. and Furniture House of Pendleton E. D. BO Has Real Estate fori I 1 "''iiisaudaescriplla wngluR from tuiui-iice 10 one od iimni mnaera and k etiulnnedlimitc! 111 the limits of Und 01 I'emllcton.nr.ilfJ farm of a fevica "u niraira lull tlmiisnmU of ua wiitoi land, una Address G. D. BOYD, Tin xmiilniiiR- the interior of tin- eve. WUli it I can tell If your oye Is in a healthy condition or plainly see any disease that may be present. This Is very luiporluut for sometimes glasses: will not help your oye trouble. ir you need glass- I have instruments for showing mt Just what lenses are rt-iiuireil. II you do not, your trouble can be corrected by a pby- hIcIuu. GLENN WINSLOW Jeweler and Opdcitiu Nkak Poskii 1 k 1 , l'l Ml. I ION Iliescke's eats eet The approval of all who want the best meat most delicious but us no higher in price COURT STREET Gray's Harbor Commercial Co. We Don't Keep Everything But we do keep a good big tock of nice dry Flooring, Celling, Rustic and Finish, In all grades. Also all kinds of Dimension Lumber, In cluding Lath and Shingles. Our stock of Doors, Win dows, Moulding, Building and Tar Paper and Apple Boxes Is complete, and any one In need of Lumber wilt not ibe wrong In placing their order with the : i Gray's Harbor 'Com. Co. Opp. Wi & C. R. Depot Its TH K 1UCBT TUK MOST WIIOLKBOMK ritOI'KKLY MIIiIKD WITHOUT A BUl'KUIOH BYERS' BEST FLOUR The Standard of Excellency. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. Bycrs, Proprietor. I HEALTH COMFORT ECONOMY f re Combined In T Cole's Original Air Tignt Wood Heaters or f Hot Blast. Coal Stoves They have proven their real worth. Hundreds of satisfied people iu Pendleton and Umatilla users of Cole's stoves and heaters always recommend them to their friends, Sold only, in Pendleton, by Tlxe Hardware Ma.n YOUR PLUMBING! Have it done by a Scientific Plumber nnd you will not be bothered with bad breaks. Let us figure on your work. BECK, PLUMBER COURT BTREET Any Time Is a Good Now Is the acctpwl have your home pHiral pered. A little painting! there will help Iti loin fully. Some nice, m wall paper will lend 1 to any room, our uco paper was never .tiorea pattern in endless 1 every one new and UH color design. Better t let us show them to; you what It will coil whole house or one 1 E. J. Mwi 111 Conrt Slfl f ALWAYS IB T ALWAYS Fish of i I Lobstetb, Crabs. I ter foods. Ojstenj EHN and OLYMFI STtTPrompt m Elite f isi Corner Hl P. O. ELLIOTT, I bonds Imtof Cut Be:t 25 centHl Private W CUS LaFOfiTj .......,,Til'llS Tl' TTJ paper m not, nilt bv posts' SiiS 1 bam "5 VSSS&l price 01 '., m Will bTe " ,SiV Hale of the if It will ( 65: ;l