DAILY EAST ®ONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 9, 1903. ELS (Will 11 butal mi all The hi 4 mm I tea and reld ami .usages oil KlteCotinl ilouUe c for ii'KNM calets I I 0 Let USl bin wilh : 80 nffnized H are Pt'P1! t M ter's f"PP2 t of Ihetitlj iatz! treet ;ucej IllV.l'" ; rfj ,out if"-" on SPECIAL ALEXANDER'S Special Saturday Night IMIT SALES t 7 to 7:.n ut.w Le fall. wcght I ftC L shirt Waist ...liAU i. o.-.n ft'clnrk Peau Jc Soie, regular dollar Hi, Jjljg 1 9 to 9:30 O'clock lleecc lined La ini- iHose i-u bilt to customer. 1 8:30 to O'clock I embroidered; Flannels, patterns, per From 7:30 to 8 O'clock Children's eider flannel ette Night Dresses :' 55c From 9:30 to 10 O'clock Deep Hip Corsets, made QCn from French coutie.... (jOC From 7.'30 to 8:30 O'clock Heavy stripe Outing Man- Pi nels. regular Sc va'ue JsG 15 yard limit to customer From 8:30 to 9:30 O'clock 36 in black French taffca, 8 yard limit to cus- I nr tomer, per yard IiUD From 7 to 8 O'clock Any $3,00 mercerized Drop Skirt If you enjoy a good article, then smoke E PKIUK UF UMATILLA OK PEN DLETON BO0UET renome innrlc and of the best tobacco. A. RHODE, Maker Clothing Special lOX'T everlook tlio fact that we are mak- Eing big concessions in Clothing for the ek, On every Man's suit, regardless of tpnee, we allow you a redaction of 4 J. 00 the special coupon to be found in the pcial i'lojiiain -of the Carnival. Da every Boy's Suit or Overcoat we allow i50c redaction for the special courxn. Pa everv Ladies' Suit or Skirt or Coat allow you 50c for the special coupon.. Iatcli for our special ad. in this paper URSDAY. Ilillinery af -all kinds fresh from Port d TODAY. "Don't let these chances pass by ' HE FAIR The Best Place to Trade MONTERASTELLI BROS. narblo and Cranlte Works UNU1KNT8, IIRVDSIONK11, COP IM1B AND BUILMNU NTOJ.E Wunoourown work and irvaraulc'c the-ftamfRt Inwcnt prli'O. Estimates Kivcn on all kinds of Cut Stonu. Wo have a large Block .nd wou'a be pl.aa cd to have you examine It. :::::::: "Alain Street Pendleton, Oregon Near O. R IN.Neiiot BRANCH 8d01' AT HEl'f NEI1. OKI:. t. You Wear the sfied Smile? ; do.. drink 9 I he Best is Always The Cheapen The genu'oe imported quad ruple coated STRANSKY STEEL WAEE is superior to ay 'ware made. It'B in a class by Its If. Exam ine Stranaky BUel Ware at -ARKE & Cos 211 Court Street jjIjg'TE I. Mineral Rubber.1 ItaTif''WlUJINO tltoai. p urfaceB- Butters, valleys, etc. Eas7 to l?y. l lleasonahln In .ul CnM nn tnfrlr. fjuaar , tor price and information. ELATERITE ROOFING CO. , , portlund. blanks wrftethe East orR' supply always kept in stock. OF MILTON NEW MANAGER FOR THE HOGUE 0AN3Y CTORE, Many Are Attending t'-e Spokane Fair Visitors From n-kesd"ale and Other Points Mrs. Russell Has Gone to Tacoma Befort Returning to San Francisco. Milton. Oct. 7. Mrs. C. E. Berry went to Spoksnn ycstcnlnv for a short visit with her mother,' Mrs. A. Colo. Mrs. 0. T. Berry, who has teen hsro vIslthiR her slstnr. Mrs. L u'sa J. Plcrco, has gono to Wrtlla WVlla to visit rela tiros. Mis. Adam Frossman Htid daugh ter, Mrs. Lena Johnson, huvii return ed from Walla Walla Mrs. A. ,Xllcn departed yesterday morning for Spokane, to vipit Micr mother anil attend the fair. Miss Eva King, who Is employed in the Walla Walla hospital, was here Monday, tho guos: of her aunt, Mrs. K. 15. Wilcox." George Church came homo Monday morning from Portland, where he has been visiting hh son, W, C. Church. Mrs, I j. .1. Pierce nnd daughter, Miss Kpf.a, went to SpoUauc Tues day to visit relatives and Incidental ly to attend tho fair. Ed Hoguo arrived hero Sunday morning from Albany to tal:o chargo of his brother's candy store. Miss nerlle Elam left this morning for Spoimno whore she will visit friends for awhilo. Mrs Carrio Hursoll of San Francis co, who has been here spending the summer with her sister, Mrs. J. E. McQuary, tool; her departure Sunday for Tacoma where she will visit a brother before returning home. .Miss Maud Frazer has returned from Walla Walla, where for several days she has been visiting. Miss Jennie Howard will arrive hero this evening from her homo at OaUesdale, and for n week will he the guest of tier brother Prof. W. C. Howard. Miss Nora Arnul, who has been hero visiting Miss Nora Kelly do parted this morning for n short vislf at Dayton. Wash. . ARE ASSESSED TOO HIGH. Ninety Complaints Are Entered Be fore Portland Board of Equallza tion. Portland. Oct. !). Ninety com plaints have been made before tho board of equalization of Multnomah county against high assessments. The complaints are nearly all spec ial cases and can be adjusted with out calling In question tho general issessment of the county. Host 01 tno complaints are cor porations claiming exemptions under different pretexts, many of them on the crounds that some other corpora' tion received less assessment than they. There Is no general complaint of the people against the assessra-.'n1. A Perfect Painless PHI. Is the one that will cleanso the HVKtem Rpt tlip liver to action, re move the one, clear mo complexion. euro ncauacne ana ibuvu a taste in tno mouth. Tho famous lit tie pills for doing such work pleasant ly and effectually are DeWItfs Lit tin vtiviv mKprs. Hnh Moore ol Lata- yette, lnd., says: "All other pills I have used grlpo and sicken, whlio ntwitt'R TJttlo Early Risers are simply perfect." Sold by Tallman & Co. FOR LOWER FREIGHT RATES. Citizens of Sumpter Petition the Sumpter Valley Railway. Baker City, Oct. !). The citizens of Sumpter are circulating a petition to' present to tho offlcials of the Sumpter Valley railway, aBklnfi for a reduc tion of freight rates between that city and here. Tii Rlilnments of minlnc machin ery and material into the Sumpter district have Increased CO per cent in the past IS months and many smun companies are now holding back In .luvninninc tlmlr nronertles on ac count of tho heavy cost of transpor tation. A Cure Far DVSDCDSia. 1 had dyspepsia in its worst form nnd felt miserablo most an tue vimv. Did not enjoy eating until after I u,h Knrtnl nvsncnsla Cure, which has completely cured mo. Mrs. W. W Baylor, HHliard, ra. jno auuumu, loss of strength, nervous headache, constipation, bad breath, sour risings, ujiun.tlnn ftvanonNln nnd all stom- ach troubles aro quickly curod by tho use of Kodol. Koaoi represwuis wo natural Juices of digestion combined with the greatest ltno.wn tonic and rnnnnrriirtivn nronertles. It clean ses, purifies and sweetens the stom ach. Sold by Tallman & Co. Oregon Baptist Convention, Oregon City, ore., oetoner iz-ioui, w. lvi. i nlwivn nnrnalon tho O. R. & N makes a rate of one and one-third rn'.. iha rprtlfli-fttii nlan. Tickets on sale any of three days'prior to tho ,inv irnr nnrtlculars. call on or nddress F. F. WamBley, agent. Recovered Speech and Hearing. Kiv Tiros.: I commenced using your Cream Balm about two fnr rntarrh. My VOiCO was somowhat thick and my hearing was dull. My hearing has been fully re stored and my speech has becomo quite clear. I am a teacner m our town. Ij. G. DUOWW, uranger, u. r... n.i., jnu nnt Irrltntn or cause i no uuu" uwo --- -- ------ nlil hv drucirlsts at GOc. Dllvvtiillb n - or mailed by Ely Brothers, EC Warren St., Now YorK. Tnllan Ramus, leader of a band of Ladrones In Cavltc,, has surrender ed. 3 3 AaAaAaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaAAAAAAAAAAAAaAAAAAAV Have You Heard About It? THE RED BOX Wc Have Placed in Our Window A Box Which Contains $20.00 In Silver We will give a key to this box FREE with every cash purchase of $1.00; two keys with $2.00; three keys with $3.00. When the keys have all been given oat, yoa may try yoor key. If yoa have the lacky key the $20.00 is yours. NO EMPLOYE ALLOWED TO HAVE A KEY. We do not know which key opens the box. Hot Soda Drinks MADE TONIGHT! EXQUISITELY DELICIOUS! Served Exactly to the Qaeen's Taste. A DAINTY REFRESHMENT FOR DAINTY PEOPLE Oar Hot Chocolate is a marvel Oar "TODDLE" well, if yoa ever tasted anything nicer the treat's ours. 5 Cents. F. W. SCHMIDT, RELIABLE DRUGGIST Postoffice Block Pendleton, Oregon k ;TTTTTTTVTVTTVVTTTTTVTTVTTTTVTVVVTVTVVTVTTVVTTTTVVVTTVTTTTTTTT'rTTTTTTVTTTTT" I JOE BASLER'S 1 $30 000 30,000 Slaughter Sale IS NOW ON 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 B Furniture, Crockery, Lamps, Heating Stoves, Steel Ranges, Cook Stoves, Springs, Mattresses, Quilts, Blankets, Bed Spreads, Etc. will be sold at most any price. Just received 5 solid car loads of goods of all kinds and descriptions in my line, all of which is now offered at lower prices than ever before heard of in Eastern Oregon. Special ! Special ! 3 3 3 3 B B B Get our prices on Chairs and 1 Rockers. Most wonderful Bar- gains ever placed within your reach. Come and see for yourself. Wood Heaters Sold Below Cost. I auuiaiuiuiUiUiuiautiiiiuuiuuauuiuauuuiituiuiiiiuniuiuujiuuiitiiiiiiiiijiiiiiJiiiiii s B B B B B B B B ' 3 IK ' ' hi