East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 08, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 5

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" Tml Girls we want you to wear our shoes. We want
Evs a . ., .iff. know we have the hesr linpnf 3it,nn1
tin 10 00 acuorlm,, I, lit t..n
r -ri). Uiisisa uiudu nssciuuu uui we Know wnat
h0 .citinB about and arc willing to prove what we say,
eare tsiMh , . p Cotran & So , .
"u0"!, Shi,Mchool shoes and make them to wear. FRIDAY
f 'VnRDAY wll he Spec.al School Shoe Sale Days.
n . . n , , ,
INOuce xveoucwons
....i... if tf.- Fridnv finil Halurdiiv tl.dfl k n
nl 'In II. ITilUina -j w-, - , . ' " I l f I T I A
tfB'4"' . .C -i v vninv ana Hatumnv SI. 10 1 OWijiu
RnK! WITH." V -'
Ml 1 ItUUK
: 1 SOL-ES
.iii m 2 regular J2.Wij rrmayaim naiuniny i,
Zw'i .,in.,i 7K. ii'riruiv linn j-s.nnrnnr si
iii . n il .cmiiii.i fii f". .-- j , -
n r T
Corner Main and Alta
City Brevities
.. .1-11.. - Klnftlii'B
K nfnu'fl tn tlin St. .Tno
t. Ot-
:b Co.
reaily-nia skirts arriving
at Toutscli
carpets and linoleums at Ha-
furniture store.
rour fall suit made at Joergers.
rnliuio fir vnnr irtnnpv
prompt service, call up the Mc-
i in flno line flni-n street lint ct
Prtferida, the best cigar made,
pipes, some rare beauties,
nobby Ideas lu fall null. nun.
est ndtterns mil at So bnri X-
U C Rader, M. A.
Swell slippers at Teutsch's.
For the hest bread, get Itohrman's.
For Rent A piano. Apply at this
This will ho a great veol at tho St,
Joe Store.
Chicken dinner at the Christian
church Saturday, 25c.
Children's school shoes that wear
niul look well, at Toutsch'c.
Read all the ads of the St. Joe
Store, then go there to trade.
Just received IS new styles Japan
ese lanterns, 5c to 20c. Nolf's.
All klmls of imported and domestic
lunches and clam chowder at Gratz's
wanicu uoou reliable messenger
I noy. Apply at once at telephone office.
For Rent Five acres good orchard.
I house and barn, one mile trom city,
i Rlhorn & Swaggart.
Two pianos, slightly used. Great
I bargains. Come quick. Inland Em
pire Piano House, near bridge.
Lost Grey silk purse, steel bead
trimmings, containing money. Lost
In circus tent Wednesday evening.
Finder leave at Carrier's Millinery
Store; $12 reward.
rent for
725 Jane
IPI linrlnrn'iinH l n 11 . . .r
-uflLRnmwB, u lurKO vuricir 10
from nt Hnnr X- flnlnv'c
K nifir l-IU 1 1' Imilun rnmiiltirn
e (no children! to take
vu lit iiiiirc nn ion n n . ie .n nil.
pichlca, cucumber pickles, egg
turnlns fnlnt-v nn,1 trt-....t I ...
S 111 tni-tl.... ia.. n
Will Be Continued Through Remain
der of Week Are Profitable.
The hulled of the Christian churcn
have been having better success
with their dinners than they at first
expected, and they will remain In th"
Held with their homc-cookeil chickens
until the end of tho week.
Tuesday tho dinner netted the
ladles $15. Wednesday afternoon
thoy added $2.1 moie to the purse, an.l
today they fed n larger number than
on either of the days before. At the
rate of Increase lu ihelr boarders, the
ladies would ralso the price of clilck
on in tho local market were they to
continue long In tho dinner business
'j ney will solve dinner each day for
the remainder of the week.
IV fill
Advanced Jeweler
Optician . ?
Sighs for a Spelling Match.
The revival of the work of the So
rosls reminds us that tl.e young peo
ple of The Dalles are sadly In need
of a literary society or something
along the Hue of menial improvement.
Billing tho winter there aio always
an abundance of theaters, dances r.nd
other amusements, but simply noth
ing of a literary nature Uven an old
fashioned spelling school, and cer
tainly an old-time Hinging school
would be much of an Improvement
iinir tim nrosent lethargy as regards
substantial Impiovement. The
Dalles Chronicle.
Robert Morrison, of Adams, is In
tho city today.
O. V. Bradley, of Athena, Is visit
lug friends in the city.
MUs Lillian Whlttakcr, of Adams.
H the guest or Pendleton friends.
J. J. llallcray has gone to Union
for a short visa on legal business.
H, Iloylen, a sheepman of Pilot
Rock, Is at the Golden Rulo during
the carnival.
Mr. and Mrs. N. Partlngcr, of Athe
na, are In the city for a short Visit
with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Walker, ot He
lix, are the guests of friends during
Hie carnival.
Philip Keonan, a rancher of Pilot
Rock, Is at tho Golden Rule during
the carnival.
J. Council, of Frc'vwatci, Is In Pen
dleton on a short vhlt of business
mid pleasure.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Murray, of Adams,
nro In the city tho guests of friends
for a few Jays.
Mr. Thomas Fltz Gerald wont to
Portland this afternoon to visit with
relatives end friends.
Dr. Temple and family, of Pilot
Roclc, are in the city the guests of
It lends dining the carnhal.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Stewart, of Milton,
are In tho city for a short visit with
friends for tho rest of tho wk.
W. T. Shaw, of Froowator. presi
dent of tho Milton & Freewntcr Irri
gation Association, is In tho city.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. N. Saunders, of
Umatilla, are the guests of tho Pen
dleton for a few days' visit In tho
O. G. Chamberlain, of Athena. Is In
tho city for a short visit with hi3
brolner, W. D. Chamberlain, the coun
ty clerk.
Mrs. Will Flestor, of Walla Walla,
Is tn the city the guest of Mrs. Or
ville Turner. Mrs. Fiester was form
erly Miss Ethel Meach, of this city.
X. D. Stlllman has bjeii appointed
notaiy public by Governor ithumboi
laln. and his papers vuo tiled b the
oilce of the county t'rk this n'oi'n
ll g.
W. W. King, of the King Meican
le Company, of RlUville. Is in the
city for a short tlsit with his father.
John King, wto !s nt St. Anthony hos
$ 3 5 O . O O
Thee Htmcfoed and Fifty Dollars
Ladies of the Presbyterian Church
Give Dinner Today to Over 250.
Tho chicken plo dinner given by
the ladlvs of the Presbyterian church
at HondiiekB' hall today was ready
lot the hungry horde at I o'clock.
and from that hour unti about S.
o'clock the tables wtre crondedAvIth
people who came l enjoy tho boun
teous supplv of chicken pic. silad
)9" coffee, poa lies nnd cream ami
other delicacies, with which the
tables were laden.
liout 3r, huge liilckep pics were
consumed, and numerous people were
turned away who could not wait tn
be served. The total number of din
tiers seived wim 251, which yielded
an Income of !sGf!. The ladles are
highly pleased with the hiicccss of
Die undertaking.
It was thought at first that dinner
would have to be served two days
i, order to use iip the supply of pies
that br-aan to tome In early, but the
crowd whirh came was equal to tho
occasion and not a pie remained for
the taidy ones who diopped lu utter
o'clock. It Is a chicken pie day that
will l.e remembered by many friendn.
Dance) Oancel Dancel
Frlduy evening, October , at Music
Hull, Court streot, given under aus
pices or Daphne Circle, Women of
Woodcraft. Everybody attending Is
promised a good time. Tickets 75
cents, ladies free. Music by Klrk
nuin'ti orchestra,
Valuable Land,
Lewis FnrneBS and Ella Farness
have sold to M. I. Winn, Fred Sams,
et nl, an acre of land In tho edge of
Freowator for $1.00.
The Fiddler, a race horse, had odds
of 20 to 1 against him In Saturday's
races at Chicago. Jamos O'Leary
lost $100,000 by betting against him,
as the animal won tho stakes and
the odds.
deal Shoulder Braces
Tho new Brace for Men
Women and Children
"75 CENTS -
Do not judgo its value
by the small price
ivutirtr. v Dim,
The Place to Boy Drugs
65 Steps from Main Street, toward the Court House.
Arrived This Morning A Reception
Is In Progress at the Academy.
Archbishop O'Reilley, of Ha'ier
City. Is In the city today paying n
visit to the church and the othe
Catholic Institutions here.
This alteii'oon the sisters of the
Academy h'id a reception In honor
uf the listlimulMied vUltoi. A. pro
gram consisting of musical and lite1-,
ary numbers was tendered by the
pupilb ot the A atomy, after which
u'l the members of tho church In the
clly who knew of the presence or the
bshoo. and could be nie")t, were
piesenled to him. A laiKt- number
wee at the building and .tvalled
themselves ci the privilege or meet
my ihe head of the fh'jr.'h lor this
Boundary Arguments Closed.
London. Oct. 8. The Alasknn
bounddrv dispute was placed in tho
l.ar.dfc of the tribunal this afternoon.
Mr Di(i;enson closed with an effort
to prove that diplomatic correspond
once showed England's tacit accept
ance of America's claim 'mill the
Klondike was discovered.
Voting on Municipal Ownership.
San Francisco, 0t. 8. Th clly I
today voting ns to bonds for the mu
nicipal ownership of a part or tho
street car system. The voting Is
heavlor than exacted, particularly
among the woruine people. Indica
tions nie that the bonds will be car
ltcd, A Woman Classifies Men,
n,. r il,,. i.uitex ho adduMsed
the Ohio legislature on woman's suf
frage, made the tollowlng remarks
about ihe "lords of creation:"
"I divide man.tind Into four
"First Thobo w.io do not know
and do not know that they do not
know. These are fools; leave tucm.
"Second Those who do not know
and know that thoy do not know.
Ihesd are chlldran; teach them.
'Third Those who know and do
not know they know. There are
asleep: rouse them.
"Fourth Those who know and
know they know. Those are wise
men, follow them."
ill fee Given Away by
Saturday, October 31,1 903
1st Prize One Wilson Moline rubber tired top buggy $l(if).00
2nd Prize One ticket to St. Louis Exposition and return 75.00
3d Prize Any Ladies' Suit, Fur or Coat, value f0.00
1 1 li Prize Any Man's SO 00 ovorcoat your choice J50.00
ftth Prize Any Man's Dress or Business suit value 25.00
Gth Prize Your choice of any 5.00 Stetson Hat in thf store . 5.00
Stop at the Peoples Warehouse Booth
and Learn About It.
The Peoples Warehouse
Notice to Water Consumers,
All bills for wator aro duo and pay
able at tho water works office on the
first day of each month, and If not
paid by tho 10th day of the month
the water Is liable to bo turned off
and In such case a penalty of $1 will
bo collected before tho water Is turn
ed on again,
J. T. DROWN, Supt.
Hail Storm at Boise,
One or the most severe hall storms
lu the history of the stnto passed
over the Ilolso valley district Tues
day moining. No damage was done
except to late peaches and grnpoH.
t no wimer uppie i-iuji nils iiul
J u red.
Carnival Dinner.
Ladles of the Christian church will
si rve dinner nt noon nt the church,
every day duiin gtho carnival, Includ
ing Thursday Price 25 cents.
Largest Church Membership.
Tho Methodist Episcopal chinch
has the largest membership of any
of the churches lu Ihu city, having
at this time 255 members. Within
the past 12 months 125 i;w members
have been added.
New Things
Atrivine; continu ally New
books new music; new sta
tionery. new toys; new dolls,
new mirrors, etc.
I. O Negus was acoultted of killing i
Edwaid Kobabln. nt Sea ' . luat j
May, in Ihe Seattle dlstrn : court !
Monday I
One hundred and soventy-elght eon
ventlons or a national ehaiacter will
meet In St Louis In 1004.
Fall Trade Good
It Ih good and that's it fact
says Mr. Fiuileraii to our repot
ter. How do you account for It,
when others tire com plaining
about the fall trade I luked him.
Why, I do not know any other
goodreabon Until that the)eoplu
have found out that we ure ac
tually telling lietter shoes for the
money or the witne ijuallty for
lees money than others do. It Is
really remarkable how many
jHfiple there are who reiiiaik
about Ihe "wearing finality" of
oursho. Now-that is what we
pay for and you K''t when you
buy Doulus or (jlorla or tied
BciioolliQUse Shoes. These shoes
ure sold at it prlcu and mt one
attempts to undersell them
they simply can't and live. We
have found the Ieot margin of
resistance to trade and that ac
counts for our Increase thin fall.
Now watch us sell shoes. We
carry bhoes on live widths hi all
foot form lasts-ln all leathers,
heights, styles, sl.es, weight,
eto "Hay. don't that hoy talk
some-?" I thought as 1 went on
my way with a line ar of the
Douglas shoes on from the
Boston Store
Notice these Prices
bet ot good dominoes jc
3 packages shelf paper ioc
6 bars fine toilet soap 25c
5 pencils, now, i'jC
Crepe uiid Tiusue Paper
All the new shades in tis
sue and crepe paper
An 1 xccUent I'liu from 10c
lo 30c New bonds, linens,
onion skins, etc
School Books
And school supplies a
complete line.
Sleep Sound
Enjoy Your Rest
U soft and properly made,
when placed 011 our good
springs, will make your
nights comfortable and pro
mote sweet sleep.
We are prepared lo sup
ply you with Springs, Mat
tresses and Iron ik'ds at
prices that will mean a
See us befoit: you buy a
V. S 1 1 o b 1 e
Complete House Furnisher
Court Street
Walter's Flouring Mills
Capacity, 150 barrels a day.
Flour exchanged for wheat.
Flour, Mill Food, Chopped Feed,
etc,, always on band.
muni rtrils, wedding Invitations, etc;
IbO engraved visiting cards with plat.
11,60; additional cards In futurs, II pM
sundred. Tns Wast Ona-oaUa.
The Leaders
J The Unsurpassed
The Always Satisfactory
The Wilson coal and wood Heaters. Handled
horn only by us. Goal stoves ranging in price from
k7 to $20, Wood stoves ranging in prico from
"$2.50 to $20., Our stoves are now ready for your
t 021 Main St, Headquarters for fishing supplies