East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 06, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 8

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1 U- 3
I rIl mil I nrn - . . I
DIE fflffl AT
Where They Sell ,
Good Shoes Cheap !
We are holding a SHOE CARNIVAL where a
ot the beauties of footwear meets the view of all callers
shoe exhibits is in our store and in all directions can h
-iArvCarryallkindsof Shoes. but ONLY THE GOOD
OKADES. Not a shoddy pitce of footwear enters our store
but every one is made to wear as well as to appear proper
We are prepared to fit the most fastidious lady, the best
dressed men the young ladies, the youths, the rough boys
and the children.
OUR FALL STOCK is in and we are rcadv to protect
your feet against rough weather.
The Only Exclusive Shoe House
in Pendleton.
Mr. Shipp Tells thn Court He Will
Not Press His Claim. )
D. Shipp. or Ukiah. is in the citr. 1
He is the
proprietor of a gallon
house at that place, and was intend
ing to present a petition to the coun-1
tV COUrt askinrr fnr n norrninelnn tn
open a retail place, but owing to the
opposition has told the commission-, -ur. ureen nas lor some time run the
ers that he will not present the pn-! hotel at Echo, but has sold his pro
pr. It is not probable, however, that ertJ" there and rfi. locate here. Some
the prayer would have been granted , time ago Mrs. Green bought the Stra
tiad It been presented, for the reason ! on lodging house and it is the pres
that the law was not observed. Ac-! ent Intention of Mr. and Mrs. Green
cording to the new law. It is neces-' to open a select boarding house in
sary not only to publish the petition, j the near future. It Is probable that
but to post It as well. This Shipp ; iir. Green will lease the rooms In the
failed to do in the first nlace. but
later posted the same petition. This
is not regular and the court would
have failed. In all probability, to have
recognized the paper. f
Mrs. E. R. Gambee and Mrs. Frank j
Hllbert, of Ukiah. are also In the
city, representing the opposition, and
in case the matter comes up will at
tempt to defeat the granting of iL
The case was to have come up to
morrow. Novel Washing Machine.
A washing machine has been in
vented that has an eccentric rod !
which empowers It to wash all sorts
and conditions and sizes OX things,
one minute a handkerchief and the
Ajext a table cover, without turning &
screw. The whole article 1 rubbed
evenly all over unless you wish to
"hold a single soiled spot in place for
a minute to get a special drubbing,
such as the cuffs of a shirt waist,
which can get their extra attention,
and the rest of the waist then be run
through quickly There is a soaping
attachment so that the clothes need
not be soaped beforehand, only soak-
They Go
At a Bargain
for transferring plants lt
here and we will make It au
object to buj; your jardinieres
Till 1 man ft pn I
I IlL ! Ill fill W UUi f
Leading DrriEKlstf. T
.J.J.l.f J 1 J..I.1. . .1 . 1 ! .
Does luahty count with you, MR. CONSUMER'
If so, then buy the BEST.
The use of the BEST FRUIT and VEGETABLES packed
with the necessary care and knowledge, guarantees the
superior quality of the "DIAMOND W" brand Canned
. Goods,
A trial convinces.
ed. It washes 100 pieces an hour, it
is Bald, and breaks not a button nor
tears a thread of webbv lace.
j A
Green a Possible Lessee of Purl
Bowman Building.
i J. A Green
of Echo. Is in the city
' and make this his future home,
I -run Bowman buiidinir when
j place is finished, where he will con
uct a first-class lodging house.
Ideal Shoulder Braces.
Ft"" men, women and children. Thlb
Is a new brace, unlike anv in the
market It is not a pair of suspend-
ers. neither does it require the wear
ing of a belt; no whalebone back or
other cumbersome features about iL
It gently holds tho shoulders back
without being uncomfortable in the
least, and does not interfere in one
stooping down. Bo not judge its
value by tne small price 75 cents. .
Can be seen at Koeppen's drug store, j
Mrs. rVed DoTaidfon of ysanden. !
m 1. 1 n .-!,-!!...- V. ..o.l
13. O.. Willi HUB UCV11 iiaiuut, "ci
rents. Mr and Mrs. Cass Matlock
received a message yesterday even
ing announcing the serious illness of
her husband, and -loft for her home
lit.- m n I rv anMimnqnlayl !
ststerrMiss We mSuok Mr Don- j
aldson is well known in this city, i
, , , ,,. ,..,i tii0 ,
of-m. hi. IMnacc ?
Visitors From Enterprise.
tDr and Mrs. I. V Temvle and
1 famllt- rt i7ntrnHiii nro In the eitv
tthe guests of relatives and friends.
. i Mrs. Teranle will be In the cltP for
viii ut- iii Le '-Kw iui
while the doctor will
three weeks.
' return to his home at the end of this
i week
taking Powder
The remarkable increase in contumplion
j roves its purity and wholesoraeneu.
With a Coupon
I CflP WUflTlirQ DDIPII carn,val ton,ght
Wll, Erect a 50-Foot Front Instead
zs modern uuuaing to Go Up
Cottonwood at Once Work
gin Soon as Possible.
to Be-
Negotiations have been In progress
lor some time between F. X. Schcmp.
or me uommbia saloon, and John
Schmltt, Involving the transfer of tho
ztt icet or ground belonging to the
rormer nnd adjoining the property
on Cottonwood street where Schmltt
Is making the excavation for the new
laundry building.
r.i I . .
scutum hub oeen wanting to get
control of the property so he could
builu a 50-foot building in place of
me b-root one and It Is understood
that the transfer was made this
afternoon, while the deal is not
definitely closed, It Is as good us clos
ed and tho papers will be drawn In
a day or so.
The property Is the 25 feet adjoin
ing bchmltt's property and it is the
Intention of the new owner to build
a modern brick business block on the
land with a frontage of 50 feet.
The larger building will be
structed on the same plan or the one
proposed in the first place, and will
be completed in as short a time as
the plans can be made and the mate-
rial put together
Will Look Over Sixteen Cars of Mut-
ton Animals.
t.oveierrj. tne government
sheep inspector, is in the city to in
j spect a lot or sheep that J. E. Smith
, will send to Omaha over the W. & C.
It. tomorrow. Mr. Smith will ship 10
cars or mutton sheep to the Omnha
markets tomorrow evening from this
city. They are the surplus, or a part
or It. from the ranges or Mr. Smith,
and are all In good condition for the
trip and market. They will bf load
ed In this city tomorrow evening, and
win lie taken direct to their dostlnn-
l t,on
Accident to Senator Pierce.
nue driving a meal wagon near
his ranch in the Grand Konfle val
ley Friday afternoon. Senator Pierce.
ot this city, met with an accident
which will lame him for n time. In
crossing a bridge his horses became
irtEllteiind and fnmiioil fmm th,
'driveway into the stream below. Mr.
Pierce was thrown and the cords in
his leg were Mrain.'d badly, and his
Knee was wrenched. He Is now at
Hot l.ake and will be home Satur
Agree On Division,
The county court will convene to
morrow to pass on the matter of the
division or School District No. 2i
This raFe has been before the coun
ty for a long time and would have
been nettled, at the last session of
the court except tor the absence of
Superintendent Nowlln. The parties
on the two sides or the question came
to an agreement some time ncn nnd
d,!,lrlct -wi" be divided as pe.
IWi .
Pleased With Pendleton.
O. M. Castleman. formerly or lhit
place, but now of Pendleton, spent
bunday nnd Monday in the city. Mr.
Ta.lmai, t Co..
' , 'P,
ned with not only his situation, but
city of Pendleton. Mr.
" ..... w
antly located. La Grande Chronicle.
Formerly of Pendleton.
F M. Gales, of Republic. 11. C is
iu the city visiting old friends for a
- - -
time. Mr. Gates wns the former
owner of the Domestic laundry, sell
ing It to the present proprietor. He
Is now the owner of a laundry nt the
place in which he lives. He will visit
here for a time attending to business
interests and renewing his acquaint
ance with his old neighbors
Buys Baker City Wool.
K. H. Clark, of this city, represent
Inc Koshland & Co.. the Boston wool
llrm, bought 100,000 pounds of Baker
City wool Saturday, at prleeh rung
Ing from 10 to eents. This
makes a total of -100.0- irountls pur
chased by .Mr. Clark In that city last
week, besides a number of clips at
Louie IUngle and Gertrude Kioep
?lg, of this county, were married yes
terday evening at 4 o'clock, by Rev
Ilobert Warner, at the home of the
bride s sister, .Mrs. Charles Kohrman
in this city. Mr. Ilingel has just pur
chased a farm near Athena, and left
with his bride yesterday to reside
permanently there.
Club Meeting Tonight.
The regular monthly meeting of Un
commercial Association will be held
tonight The matter of the State Ir
rigation Association meeting In this
city will cotno up for discussion and
a full attendance Is especially re
quested. The Merchants' Cafe.
Keeps coustantly on hand Import
ed lleber. rst, Frankfurters, Ham
burg eels, crawfish, crabs, oysters.
ail kinds of cheese. liot merchants'
lunch dally from 11:30 a. w. to 2 p. m.
Chicken Pie Dinner,
The ladies of tlm Probhyterlcn
church will serve n vhicktn pie din
ner at Hendricks Hull, on Thursday,
beginning at 11 n. m. Price 2Gc.
Jack llagsdalit. n Trout Creek,
ilout . saloon man, an 1 hi) bartender,
were murdered .MoiHay morning by
cowboys, whom they bad ordered out
of the saloon.
Grand Street Parade Will Take
Place Tomorrow Forenoon. ;
The city Is now in carnival attire.
The rnln of tho InBt two days must
have boon ordered by the manage
ment, for It settled the dust and '
cooled off the air and left n fresh and '
vigorous autumn atmosphere to Erect
of ouU
on ,no nyona.
The merchants' booths, erected on
Matn street, nro being tastefully dec
orated and the business houses are
most all decked out In carnival col
ors. The Chemowa band has been
discoursing classic music all day.
and the crowds have been swelling
to a promising decree.
The tents are all in nlace and tho
carnival Is ready for tho grand for-
opening tonight nt 7:30. The
street parade will tnko place tomor
row at 11 o'clock and the carnival
will then be fully launched. Owing
to the rnln the country people have
not come in ns rapidly as they would
had the weather been more favora.
inc. ann me livestock exhibits are
slow In reaching the city.
Public Schools Will Be Dismissed in
Time for the Opening Tomorrow
The public schools will be dismiss
ed tomorrow forenoon In time for all
the pupils to see the big street parade
and parents aro especially requested
to see that all the scholars are sent
to school during carnival week, In or-
dcr that they may keen tin with their
Even- opportunity will be given tho
children to see the carnival and the
schools or the city will be dismissed
for one day for that purpose Pro
fessor E. H. Conklln asks the co-operation
of parents during carnival
week In securing a full attendance in
all the rooms, if the children lose
a day and get behind their classes
the teachers are blamed for not mak
ing the right showing, when the pa
rents will be largely to blame in not
sending the pupils to school.
Winter Performance Will Begin
October 19 at Armory Hall.
Manager Nelson, of Shields' Park.
returned trom Portland last evening.
where he completed arrangements
ror opening his family theater and
vaudeville park, in Armory Hall In
this city. October 10.
The park will open with the same
or a better class of performances, if
)KKslble to secure them, than were
glveu all summer in the nark out
doors, nnd will be continued through
out the winter months.
The hall will be somewhat rear-
anged for the puntose. and will be
one of the most convenient locations
for n winter park In the city. Mr.
Nelson will remnln In the city and
personally attend to the preparations
for opening. The introductory bill
makes pale, thin children fat
and chubby. Overcomes
wasting tendencies and brines
back rosy cheeks and bright
It's surprising how quickly
children respond to Scott's
Emulsion. It contains just
the element of nourishment
their little bodies need. They
thrive on it.
Even a few drops in the
baby's bottle have a notice
able" effect for good. Nothing
better than bcotts Emulsion
for growing children.
We'll CDd you a sample Irre upon request.
iCOTT & BOWKE, 409 Pearl Street, Ne York.
la J lu Jtas't tueie
ehould be rtauji jje-..
Ely's Crttui Bcla
Hu-,nuUic n! iihi
ilio disea-il iw -n ,r le
ltcurecat-irrhnild? 1
aw a a coid lu the load
Vrraiii Itulm It Into ibe noJtrl'8, tprtadj
OTer the isembrano aul la absorbed. Keller la Im
mediate and a cure follows. It la sot drjlng dota
not produce sneezing, large tike, 50 eents at Drajj
gista or bj mall ; Trial Sue, 10 cents bj mall.
ELY BItOTUEItS. K Warren Street. New York.
Men We Are
Out For Your Trade!
WE are having perfect
success in making Suits
and Overcoats to order.
The line we carry lias
every conceivable pat
tern and the prices are
most reasonable. An
early call will be appre
ciated SULLIVAN &
Meu's FurnlshlugH.
'ogM MtAjjJ
will bo announced In duo time Mr.
Nelson expects to maintain tho excel
lent standard of the amusements
billed for this city, and will make
the park tho same pleasant icaturo
that It was during tho summer
ed Away This Morning,
Mrs. W. 1 Frlnk .icd at tho family
home on Jackson street this morning
at it o'clock from the effects of drop
sy, from which she had been a suf
foror for a long time. Mr. nnd Mrs.
Frlnk came to Pendleton from Port
j lnnd about five months ago. partly
on 'account of tho health of Mrs.
Frlnk. She had been a sufferer from
asthma for many years, and her doc-
tors there thought that the change
to this climate from the humid at
mosphere of the valley, would have
a tendency to overcome the disease.
Tho change wns made, but no relief
was gained,
Mr. Frlnk has been In the employ
of the O. n. & N. for many years, and
was moved here at his request, whero
he has had charge of a gang in the
car cleaning department The re
mains will he taKcn to Portland this
evening or In the morning, where
they will be given burlat In the River
side cemetery.
riAM as t a a- I mrBAI I V
rwu U,v t-'"t-"""L-1' I Tablets Tor dyspcpsi, "ana
O. R. & N. and W. & C.
Toward wa"a wa,,a ,'a,r- dies without relief unU ,
Walla Walla. Oct. fi.-The W. & C. Dyspepsia Tablet S,1
... ........... w. ... ... ... ... : a onuii iium ana am n
decided to give 500 toward the Walla well. Thanfclnr ..
Walla county fnir this year. This in-j recovery, I am sratefulljj"
nf , . fnnilc ia hn rt Initln rK- f-rnt. ' . XI- TT TT 1 .
Ifying to the management because It Y for a free trial pckiW
taken to show that tne intrinsic , like them,) F w r,.,7i,"
value ot the proposed big fair Is con
sidered important by the railroad of
South Carolina Bankers.
Columbia. S. C Oct. 6. Columbia
it entertaining the third annual con
vention of the South Carolina Bank-jthtn taken awaj- within tenfojit
inrmnnv nnenen innav wun reDre- i ,n m. . win k ....
scniauve nnanciers, oaniicrs anu i i iramic auruon ior ma, u i
1 I . t .11 . - 4T. IT 11 H , 1 . Ml Ih. Mm., nt P.. .
...v .v .'.---. I " - " ' " . I O , --j - - ... '.-. iiwuhim
time an interesting program or papers i . , .,
, .1 I .it ! ...ill V i,ini uniiiTI . im ,
uiiu iiaiuiui uii-LuoaiuuB Mill w 1.411-
ried out.
German newspnpers are accusing
the United States of getting ready to
M;lze and annex Haytl.
1 Great
I Carnival Sale
DRESS GOODS, and many other goods we
can't mention here. You need the goods we
need the m.-acy. so follow the crowd to the
The Leaders In Pendleton
Children's and Misses'
1 a a ai 1 amfaa a
I ill I w rl A m m MKllfl
x-a v n m ' mmt-m t m r .
And I tell you they are beauties. AH
sizes from a 2-year-old to 18-vears-old
rine, snappy uanu
Bring your Children and have them
fitted out. Young Ladies, we have tlie
proper styles for you
AissssssasKna """""
Allll mm a
1 can hpsrtilv .
R. Donate , , IJ, .,i,. ' ,
I ... .... .1.3 illiu ITied
, druggists.
1 in t-iiii li: .( h hit um,
I JCMlft 1111),
If xnl inlraalj arc not i
onr.M-n or iii(n r: t It i to th. .
"M, Mil EK.Cn
oait. large bundle of a
twiimiK Ki" ivu iwpm en
ntnira mi i ran 1 Dentil.
o - -
--1 tit 1
mis neet
. . a a Vk. ar-, m li""
Mighty Slim
.. . ,...,rU
U1U iliC .Jw- - - a-
teTTluTTtblnK work
" ... ilL
' , ... .1 ... -.11 ntws Die""
iCTi IUV 4- "0 . . aT
always do lion
tlouswork.and doc
.MnisiitiAl It TrilTfB a
Ing on any kind of l-lu
L'UllliU w cvrmvaj 1. nf
business basis, gi" -porluulty.