fnt DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. MONDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1903. if urn .1 in 1 MEET ME AT Where They Sell: . Good Shoes Cheap ! i) We are holding a SHOE CARNIVAL where a feast of the hetuties of footwear meets the view of all callers Our shoe exhibits is in our store and in all directions can be seen the NEWEST. BRIGHTEST, FRESHEST CREATIONS IN THE SHOE MAKING ART. We carry all kinds of Shoes, but ONLY THE GOOD GRADES. Not a shoddy piece of footwear enters our store but every one ;s made to wear as well as to appear proper. We are prepared to fit the most fastidious lady, the best dreised men, the voung ladies, the youths, the rough boys and the children. OUR FALL STOCK is in and we are ready to protect jour feet against rough weather. The Only Exclusive Shoe House in Pendleton. DANGEROUS PLACES1 OPINIONS RELATING TO RAILROAD CROSSINGS. Do Not Agree on the Question of Em ploying a Watchman A Petition to every day during the time of the fair with an Interested audience, vho came more to listen to the music than to see the sights. The excur sion train reached Pendleton about 1 o'clock this morning. CHEMAWA BAND. Twenty-one Member Arrived This Morning and Will Remain Five Days. The Chennwa lndlnn hand reached the city this morning and will be here i the five dnyg of the carnival. The Favorable Day Yesterday and Some , boys are all registered at the Golden - I i ... i . V. . . . , I... ...HI ctr.t. flltFltitv InA null, wui.ii; iiiv-v ... r week. PIGEON SHOOT. With tho band Is Itobert Savage and Oscar and John Steelhammer, Very Good Records Were Made, Several of the members of the Snortsmen's Club held a live nlcrfi'l Have a Watchman Will Probably ; shoot yesterday at- the club grounds, . ,lim, of thp members of tho Salem Be Circulated Two Members of , at which some very good records bam, an(, mcn wcll known throughout the Board Not In the City. were none, me ua was gooa lor th( va)CJ. ns musicians. The Steel- I the men and bad for the pigeons. i3 namraer m-. Bre the leaders of tho For some time the matter of pro-' tboT? wns 1,0 vlni- . , Steelhnmmer orchestra, the principal tectlng the children from the trains ' Thc "orJ8 were: A. D. Stlllman, orcllcl.tra r the capital city. H. W. the manager or tho 1th the aggregation. registered at the hotel are 1 n ronn HnrrV Ttnnfll .lPfifif members of the school board now In ?lew?" anaJr " . . Crook. Bob Savage, Richard Harris uu utlilo. I tit: LUt mvi ium v.. of the Ave, while Mr. Wade hit the first and then got the buck ague and missed the rest. as they go to and come from schooi'i' J" , u. hm..j. stoudemeyer. has been agitated by the parents of 1 4 "a"'e.V: ; paries rcrgii- b , aIs w the children and others interested in sn'.s,; J. "nan w. Those lh. mipsllnn nnri . .nr... .. ell. i. OUt Of a possible 11. H. .nl,M the city was taken this morning In order to find how they stand. Dr. Smith's Opinion. Dr. C J. Smith Is In favor of put ting a watchman there, but would! School Fund Apportionment, rumrr -e uie company put gates, superintendent J V. Nowlln Is at JtaSTnn 't at the depot He' .ork ino apportionment of the ?,i t , ,vl'at.chm,ar school funds to the different districts u?, n Trl h V8.1 l of the county. He has over $21,000 alone unless ho had the gates to he p t0 dslributei and ln order to make him. The ttle children, especially aPIortionnient. will have to make IMncn trrm Ilia Mitnirt rnmr ' ..... . here to attend school are not accus tomed to dodgtng trains, and are apt when they are. caught on thc tracks at Main street by the engines which are passing there continually, to be come scared and lose their presence of mind and thus be run over. He Is in favor of some means of controllng the travel and guarding the lives of jibe children. Mr. Teutsch Favors a Watchman. Carl Geffe, Freeman Ladrant, Haynes DeWltt. Clifford Coonskln, Tracy Hatch, Sidney Wlllings, James Steel quette. Oscar Steelhammer, Charles Payne, Andrew lecard. John Steel hammer, Joe Teaho, William Arcuet te, John Harris. Tepple Nelson nnd il. W. Stoucifiueyer. SHOWS ARE HERE. hjs death . children, SmliS ton. ai. TATea! Stanton, of AttJSl suVvhM8' The funeral tlan chure .rV.WlJI yesterday, con - one or btiL. ty. Missouri, anj til a raiintin. even- Indian I J Ing that time Hei.1 the Chrlstln UIT6 , Chicken pi, ft The ladles 0f if church will Bme u ner at Hendrirt.. .Vv lH-ginnlnK at ll a. Boise City mtb iu" " block, for WjpU1' roiinrll In, , ,WBHk a list or all the sciiooi cunuren in each district of the county and di vide the money between them ac cording to the number, allotlng to each district the sum of tf, tor each child. Inland Empire Pioneers. Thc Inland Empire Pioneers" Aso- I' elation held a reunion at Walla Walla Saturday, a banquet being enjoyed as one of the pleasant features of the TRACKMEN'S UNION. Such an Organization Will Be Effect ed Wednesday. The track men of the O. It. & X of this vicinitv wiii hoM a nutting ou Wednesday evening fur the pur pose of organizing a union It is ex pected that there will be a member ship of 20 or over. The matter of Lee Teutsch. another member of occasion. The lollowinc officers were the board, is in favor of gettiug thc elected for the ensuing year Dr. X. i company to put a man on the cross- q. Blalock. president; Marvin Evans. Ing to watch the travel. There is a secretary, and Levi Ankenv. treai- I great deal of passing to and fro oa urer ! the Main street crossing, and there . Train From Portland Nearly Wrecked should be some means of warning at To Exterminate Beaver. Mrs Casper Van Dran return that place, to those who are passing I -valla Walla sportsmen are plan last night from a vis t in For-land' not only to the children, but the ' nn lo exterminate a t-olony of and other valley points. The train j general public as well. The matter ueaver that Is contentedly lo on which Mrs Van Dran returned was spoken about at the last meeting rn,j n mm prPPL- not far from that of the board, but no action was taken. clt No mention is made of these The company should be asked to anlmals ln ,he p,rao lawg of Wnsh. make some provision at the point for ,nl;ton am, the Sp0rtsmen h3Ve a li the safety of the public, for it is a w.nsc ,o kl ,honi off ,f th(iy h0 had a narrow escape from being wrecked ns It came through one of the cuts along the Columbia. A small boulder had fallen from above onto the track, and the engine and . . . I . I 1 I . Ihn i .... ... K . ctn nrtv.li nf hltmn n 1 1 f llllt organization nas ien unaer oiscus- mree iiaaseu uc ramc 'miun oiuuim . , s on for some time and it has at last 1 train could b stopped The cars from a business view as well. The li.Hin deem.-d best tn the interests of . passing over the stone executed a traffic at tinms is congested on Main ! minute, but ah. thp mn tn form a union 1 he wh-te i lively dance for a men in the service of the company i not leave the track. do not like to work by the side of the j Japs who are being ho generally em- Hall Is Indicted. ployed by the company along the i E(J HaJ of walla Walla, who was , iiUC Ol mcu luau. uuu a imiuu.. I nrrpstfi,! in tntS C1IV aOOUl l street, and passing teams do not hear the approaching trains until they are almost ujion the street. It Is a dangerous arrangement as now conducted, and should be changed some way. Mr. Failing Is Adverse, Jesse Failing, on the other band. Is of the other opinion. He thinks Automobile Cab Line. A 12-passeugcr gasoline auto has been placed In service as n cab in Walla Walla. It will be used for ex cursion and sight-seeing purposes about the city and country adjacent Iwlston is thc only other city in the Inland Empire boasting of such a novelty. tmniose of their union is to try and ; nn,hK am n the advice of the pos- tersuade their employers to do away ..wities from Walla Walla, has with the hiring of Japanese or Chi- ,, lippn h-dicted by the United iK nl the other oninion. He thinks Thirty-One Cars Cattle. namen on their lines. , states grand jury, at Tacoma. for ap- the putting of a man there is not j j. c .Lonergan will ship 31 cars or There is no other trackmen's union ; propriating a letter belonging to an- j necessary- In the cities there are cattle out of the city over the W. Si la this vicinity, though there Is a na-1 olher Hall called for his sister's , n)0re trains passing ln a minute than c. II. tomorrow evening. This is the tional organization of the trackmen , n)ail at -walla Walla, and when , here in an hour, and accidents are second of the big shipments he will which extends over neari an oi me ... a letter belonging to another . .he exception rather than tne rule, make this month. I voung lady, cashed the money order j There is more danger in one day if ntn Inert and suent the money, fmm street cars in the cities than railroad lines in the country. ACADEMY WAGONETTE. Holds Twenty Children Driven by Skilled Horseman. The wagonette ordered by Pendle ton Academy some time ago from Temple & Wilcox has reached the city and was jjut in commission this moraine for the first time. t -will hold 20 children and will take them He lert Walla Walla immediately and there is here from the cars ln the nantiiroti hv the police force in rmlt nf the schooi year, and Mr. as capiuren this city. Rev. Bell to State Synod. Kev. J. R. X. Bell, of Baker City, t.ri throuch the city mis morn ing on bis way to Portland and Cor- vaHis. ln Portland he will visit with hiu i- u'hn art- residing there. to and from school daily. The vehi- . pnrtland he will co to Cor- cle is accompanied in its rounds by Taj6 to attend the meeting of the ( a teacner irom me tnooi wuo wes j presbytenan synod wnicn nuveii that the children are safely trans-1 m that rjtv on Thursday jiorted to the Academy and bac k I again to their homes I Merchants' Cafe. The driver Is a young student from I ,nc m RnA lmnort. Klein who is a rood horseman, so ; Keeps constantly on hand import thPr. Is nn rtaneer of anv kind to the ed lleber. -rst, pupils. ear, and Fallinc does not think It necessary to put a man at the crossing. Senator Hunt in Town. J. E. Hunt, of Portland, one of the members of the senate from Multno mah county. Is in the city today at tending to some business matters. Tents Going Up and Other Prepara tions Under Way. Thc Arnold sho'vs reached the city last night ami today -the workmen are busy getllng the tents up and everything in readiness lor the car nivnl winch will open tomorrow Tho ( para le will commence at 10:30 from the tent near the depot, nnd will , trnveie the principal streets of the city. Some of the business men of the city will juit booths iu front of their place of business, when- they will have ou dlcpla an assort inent of the things they sell ou the inside Lemonade stands and merry-go-rounds (or pleasure wheels, as they are now called l are being put into position, and by tomorrow night the Pendleton carnival will be In full swing. 1 What: Our Blend Ct DEATH OF A PIONEER. Stanton Passes Away From Cancer. at Milton B. Stanton, aged 6S. died from fac ial cancer Saturday last at his home ' at Weston. Wiih him at the time of OWL TEH nr eourse some one Is liable to be , While here he will be the guest of run over and perhaps Kiiieo. uui u , Dr. u. j. smiin would be as bad with a man mere as without one. for the reason that the people would get Into the hablt- Frankforters, i oic rmwflsh. crabs, oysters . i nil l:inds of cheese. Hot mercnams i ii i Milium1 t hMI III I lunch daily from 11:30 a. m. 102 p. m. I They Go At a Bargain JAKDIIEBIC5. The time for transiernng plants I here and we will make it aii object to buy your jardinieres of tin. GET OUIl PRICES. V t ; Rev. Murry to Milton. Uev D D Murn- who conducted services at the Baptist church yes terday left this morning for Milton for a short visit with friends before returning to his home in Caldwell. t l! t : 1 THE MFHOLESOME Crescent Sale of a Farm. Joseuh Klngel and Mary Hlngel. his of placing all their dependence on the ( wife have sold to Louie Hlngel for watchman, and If he were absent for $5,000 a trait of land in section .13 or a time the people would be In more township 4 north or range 35 east 1 .1 . ., r.- liop n-mllrl Tint K. I . 1 n .1 tlin ir nitv nf WpKtrin convenes j "anger man era, in' uviu, ... .. ....j w. u-ntfh inr tnemseivew. ae i man Is not necessaty now so much as he might have been some time ago betore the installation of the nrimarv crade at the high school Ham"i building. Xow all of the children on the south side of the track uo ikh have to expose themselves to the dancer of ihi crossing, as they did formerlv. and the older people arc able to look out for themselves. Mr. Hailey Is Not in Favor. John Hailey. Jr., the clerk of the board, does not think the watchman advisable or necessary, for the same reasons advanced by Mr. Failing He thinks the people of the city are making a mountain out of a molehill in their estimation of the danger at tending tho children at the crossing, nnd does not think it necessary for the company to put a watchman at the place. Petition Proposed. It is proposed to petition tne city ( council to take some steps toward : J protecting the railroad crossing and;, while the sentiment of the school ( board is divided upon the subject, thc , J eeneral public and patrons ot me , Til i man & nn leaking Powder IflLLlflflll W UUi ' Tue remarkable increase In consumption LrfuttlliiK Drnj;;:M" t t 41 I I IIHHI I I I HI! HHIK frurei iu funty and wholesomencs. ONE POUND 25 CENTS With a Coupon NOT GOOD, NOT HERE Does juality count with you. MR. CONSUMER3 U so, then buy the BEST. The use of the BEST FRUJT and VEGETABLES packed with the necessary care and knowledge, guarantees the superior quality of the "DIAMOND W" brand Canned ..Goods. A trial convinces. F. S. YOUNGER & SON NOT GOOD, NOT HERE Fitters If y m are troubled with lllltloimnt". Constipation, sick Ilrad autie, Klilne.v Al I month, I ii-ll(ie-tloii. Mu Inrl" or I.v ltl-ln you need the B i 1 1 e r s at once. It will cure you and restore you to perfect health t ST. JOE STOI Special Dress Goods Commencing Monday, September 28th And Ending Saturday Night, Oct. 3rd Wo Iihvv Inst iwilvwl livTlirfM R Ixfllltlflll line of X0V1 DKESS GOODS, eonitingof .Scotch Cheviot." French V&l Rliih Hoiuespuns, Etamine-, Kibelhie, Meltons, CamtB nut ture ana many otlitr?. Remomber on Dec. 24, We will Give Away, Absohtfljl $100,00 in Gold We irive a tieKf t with each 1 nurcha- iu any dt' connected with the ?tore will be allowed to participate in 4 iVery Truly Yours LYONS MERCANTILE . Men We Are Out For Your Trade! bchool are duly Interested In securinc home protection. Walter S. Pierce and C. S. Jackson, who are also memhcrB of the school board, are absent from the city, but will be Interviewed on the subject at the earliest opportunity EXCURSION TO WALLA WALLA. One Hundred Eighty Went From Pen dleton Band WaG Principal At traction. In Bpite of the rain a large crowd took advantage of the concession on the part of the O. ft. K. and went to Walla Walla yesterday to attend the closing of the fruit fair, Ono hundred and eighty bought tickets from Pendleton, and this number was added to at the stations along the line until by the tlmo the train reach ed Walla Walla It was loaded to tne guards. The weather at that city was not ot the best lor the 'enjoyment of the vis itors, a steady aln falling all during the day and roust of the night. On the return trip many Pendleton peo ple who had fjrne to the fair during the middle of tue v.eoU took the spec ial train whU i left the city at 10:30 p. m. for 2'jO, o. The fruit inlr Itself was not as large as tbo 01 e of last year. The exhibits er od In quality but shrunken li qnantity. However, some very l!n 8iclmens of produce were on ext- iuon. The. principal feature of tl week was the Italian band, which packed the big pavilion t WE are having perfect success in making Suits and Overcoats to order. The line we carry has every conceivable pat tern and the prices are most reasonable. An early call will be appreciated I SULLIVAN it I BOND i J Men's Furnibhlngs. lliescke's eats eet The approval of all who want the best meat most delicious but no no higher in price. ...... COURT STR E'ET Children's and Misses' COATS HAVE ARRIVI And I tell you they are beauties. All sizes from a 2-year-old to l-S-vears-old Fine, Snappy Garmei Bring your Children and hae them fitted out. Young Ladies, we have tne proper styles lor you BOSTON STO i Mighty w T Mmtices of yootf teTTlunibing'wort,, hands than ours. , perlmentiug: We U all DOSSlt r-e always do maiiuiioiu jiv- - w .11... ,rritt. COU11C WCCM1C" Ing on any kind of business bask, g'v M portuulty. 3 Court' W. J. CLARKE & Co