East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 02, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 8

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3-1. -
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It is a
Shoe Problem
To successfuly combine
three essentials Ease,
Elegance, Economy our
stock represents the mod
cm solution of the prob
lem. Ease is assured by
careful lasting, Elegance
by artistic modeling and
workmanship, Economy
by a price that allows of
the very best at a fair
cost, and no more.
Dmdinger, Wil
son & Co.
George Darveau Wants to Get Ac
cess to a One-Sixth Interest.
lleorgo Darvoau has filed a com
plaint In a suit of partition ngalnst
Ilrldgot Pldgeon ot al, asking that
the court sell lot 7 In block E, of the
innervation addition of the city.
The complaint alleges that the
plaintiff is thu owner of a one-sixth
interest in the property, and asks
that after it is sold and the costs of
the action taken from the proceeds,
the remainder lie apportioned be
tween the owners of the land.
Ballerny &. McCourt represent the
plnintiff In the suit.
. O. R. & N. Excursion.
' Thu excursion train to Walla Wall
next Sunday, over the O. It. & N.,
will carry many Pendleton citizens
to the Harden City, to witness tho
close of the most successful fruit fair
over held there. The crowds have
been largo and thos fentures more at
tractive this year than ever before,
and Walla Walla is Justly proud of
tho event. Walla Walla will return
tho compliment during tho Merch
ants" Carnival In this city, next week.
O. R, & N. Paid Damages.
The La Grande Chronicle says the
O. R. & N. company, through Claim
Agent D. E. Hall, has just paid the
widow of Fireman W. H. Foust. who
was kelled at Weatherby, some time
ago, in the boiler explosion, the sum
of ?2,700. tho full amount of hor
Engineers to Organize.
The stationary engineers of Walla
Walla are preparing to form a union
to affiliate with the Trades Council.
There are about 20 engineers In uie
The Merchants' Cafe.
Keeps constantly on hand import
ed llebor. -rst. Frankfurters, Ham
burg eels, crawfish, crabs, oysters,
all kinds of cheese. Hot merchants'
Imich dally from 11:30 a. m. to 2 p. m.
Will tResume Law Practice.
E. W. Dartlett. retiring register of
the Ln Grande land office, will remain
In La Grande and resume his law
"Yes. my husband Is greatly afflict
ed by insomnia." . 'hat does ho do
for It?" "Stays out until 2 o'clock
every morning." Clovoland Plain
Who Is It that does not ap
ircclato a sweet, delicate odor,
especially of tho dainty, last
ing kind? Wo have the largest
lino of Imported and domestic
perfumes ln Eastern Oregon.
A few ot our leading Imported
odors are:
Azurea, La Trefle.
Peau d' Espagne,
Vlolette de Parme,
Indian Hay.
And many more of the same
quality in b-ilk as well as in
fancy packages.
X I.ctullnjr DriitrglHtK ,j
Does ijuality count with you, MR. CONSUMER?
If so, then buy the BEST.
The use of the BIvST FRUIT and VEGETABLES packed
with the necessary care and knowledge, guarantees the
suiicrior .quality of the "DIAMOND W" brand Canned
odo.,v .
Dr. C. J. Smith Will Be a Delegate
to National Medical Association
State Board of Health Will Recom
mend a Sanitary Ordinance to All
Cities In the State Concerning
Water Supply of Salem.
Dr. C. J. Smith roturnod this morn
ing from n visit to Portland, where
ho has been attending the meeting
of tho state board of health and or
tho Medical Association, and Incident
ally promoting the coming Irrigation
convention to be hold hero beginning
on tho 9th day of November.
While in the city Dr. Smith had a
conference with Mr. Dovers. the head
of the Irrigation Association, mill
talked over with him tho plans for
tho coming convention. The making
of tho program was left with tho
committees here, and they will go to
woru on tho details In n short time,
Governor Chamberlain Is Expected.
It was hoped that tho committee
would bo able to have tho members
of congress from this nnd tho Bur
rounding states In attendance at the
meeting hero, but ns congress opons
on the sumo day that the convention
moots, It will be Impossible for them
to come. Senator Fulton and tho
rest of tho Oregon delegation ex
pressed sorrow at not being ablo to
Howovor, Governor Chamberlain
will bo hero In all probability, as will
tho governor of Idaho. Besides theso
gontlomen, is Is expected that Pro-
fossor Young, of Eugene, Pierce
Mays, of Portland. Speaker Harris
of tho last legislature, and W. It.
King, of Ontario, together with othors
of the prominent men of tho state,
will ho here to help. If tho plans of
the committee carry it Is thought
tuat the mooting horo will ho produc
tlvo of much good.
Speaking of tho sessions of tno
.Medical Association, Dr. Smith said
that Eastern Oregon had been honor
ed by the appointment of several
men from this section. He himself
will bo tho delegate to the national
meeting of the association, which
will bo held In Atlantic City next
June. Also Dr. Tape, of Hot Lake,
was elected first vice-president, nnd
Dr. Ferguson, of Tho Dalles, second
vice-president of the association.
State Board of Health Work.
Tho state hoard of health had some
interesting sessions, and transacted
business thnt will have a material ef
fect on tho future good health of the
state. At this meeting the board
adopted the ordinance drafted by Dr.
Smith for presentation to tho vari
ous cities, towns and villages of tho
state for their approval. The ordi
nance provides for tho appointmont
of boards of health for each city
throughout the state., and outlines
their duties. It Is not to bo present
ed to the cities as anything that thoy
are forced to adopt, but is given to
them In order that tho mode it pro
cedure over the state may hi uni
form for the benefit of the statu
board to Increase tho efficiency 0 tho
work. Drafts of tho ordlnuno will
be sent to the councils of the- varioin
cities and Incorporated towns, for
their adoption In tho near future.
The principal question, huwever,
coming before tho hoard, was that of
the water supply for tho valley
towns, and especially of the supply
for tho state Institutions. In partic
ular, the water supply of tho capital
city was discussed, and it was rec
ommended that lllter beds ho put
over the crib In tho river above Sa
lem. In the estimation of tho board
It would not bo a bad idea for tho
company thcro to look alter the plp.s
that lead from tho Intake to tho sta
tion. The state Institutions nro to' bo
cautioned as to tho uso of the wator,
and It Is probable that In tho near
future legislation will lie necessary
3AM Powder
Pie remarkable Increase In consumption
r roves its purity and wholetomeness.
With ft Coupon
on tho subject, whoroby tho Riipply
for thuso placos will bo drawn from
tho headwntors of tho mountnltia,
fronti 2B to 30 miles from tho town.
I Other valley towns wore under tho
I ban of tho board, but Salom Is tho
chlot offender, owing porhaps, to tho
fact thnt rags, strawberry hulls, ba
con rinds and othor refuse nro not
consldorcd to bo dcsirablo ingredi
ents or a goou water systom.
Over Five Thousand Dollars Involv
ed Savings Bank Is Plaintiff.
Suit was lllod ln tho office of tho
county dork this morning by the
Pondloton Savings Bank against I. 1,.
Hay, Adella and Maurlco Kline, Bal
leray & McCourt and CharlOB and
Ornco Carter for tho recovery of
money on five promissory notes Is
sued by tho bank to Rny,
Tho caso is merely nn attempt to
get money borrowed by Ray, tho
other parties to tho suit having been
mixed in it as tho result of an old
Biilt and Judgment.
Betweon January 31, 1902, and Juno
21 of tho Bnmo year, Kay borrowed
of tho bank $5,200, giving his notes
at 10 per cent Interest for tho
amounts, and a mortgage on his
property for tho security. Tho bank
now nskB that the mortgngo be fore
closed, the property sold at public
sale and thoy recover under their
prior lien in tho sum of $5,200 to
gothor with interest on tho various
notes, ?3U5 attorneys' fees and inci
dentals. Real Estate Transfers.
A. M. Elum nnd Mnrtha L. Elam
havo sold to Ira W. Berry for $3,00.
M neres nf lnnrl In nnntlnn 1 tnivtmhln
5, north of rnngo 35, being In tho
vicnuiy of .mi lion.
TInnrv Mlllnr lina nlil fn l -inn ,
U. J. Motley and C. W. Thompson, a
iruci ot iauu in 1110 vicinity ot rroe
wator, containing 1G0 acres, In sec
tion 32. township C. nortli of range
3D cast.
Magdclino Miller ot al have sold
to A. W. Motley and C. W. Thomas
for $3,200, ICO acres of land in the
vicinity of Frcowatcr, situated In sec
tion 34, township 6, north of rnngo 35
Got His Information.
Charles J. Ferguson, manager of
the Pendleton Woolen Mills, lasf
week noticed an advertisement of an
Indian robe, sent out by tho mills ut
Jacksonville, 111. Curious to know
what the robe wns like, nnd wishing
to keep tho Identity of the Pendleton
mills out of the cusc, ho addressed
the Jacksonville mill on a plain
sheet of paper In the namo of plain
Miss Ferguson. This morning "Miss
Ferguson" received a reply, address
ed care of Charles J. Ferguson, ns
manager of tho Pendleton Woolen
Mills. Tho Jacksonville peoplo wore
strictly posted on all tricks of tho
trade and turned tho trick on the
manager of the Pendleton mills very
Anson. Bucking.
At the Congregational parsonage on
Johnson street, on Thursday evening,
October 1, 1903, Daniel Bucking nnil
Mabel Anson, both of Weston, wero
united in marriage by Hov, Jonathan
Edwards. Tho young couple, accom
panied by Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Orgood.
urovo over from Weston nnd ruturned
last night.
Hand Crushed and Broken.
Charles Hastings had his hand
broken this morning while moving a
house on We3t Alta street. Ho was
watching tho rollers, and ln attempt
ing to straighten ono It caught his
hand and It was crushed and broken,
t1-" rn'lor naslng over It. The In
jury was dressed and Mr. Hastings Is
o.m seeing his work this afternoon,
anticipating no trouble from tho hurt.
New Crosswalk.
The street commissioner Is putting
In a now walk across Main street at
the Alta streot Intersection. Tho
old walk will bo torn up nnd ono
much wider put in Its place, so con
structed that tho wator from tho
streefTlralnago wnl run under it and
into a grating leading Into tho new
Sale of a Farm.
Cathorlno I. Ferris and ltobcrt
Ferris, hor husband, havo sold to W.
P. Leach for $1,000, tho southwest
quarter of the southeast quarter "t
section 21. In township 'I nortli of
range 6 east, contninlng a tract of
land ln tho neighborhood of Weston
Special Edition.
Tho Salom Statesman has Just Is
sued a special edition descriptive ot
tho counties lying adjacent to the
Southern Pacific linos In Wostorn Or
egon. Tho edition Is creditnblo both
to tho Statosman and the city of Sa
lem. Funeral of Mrs. Russet.
Tho funeral of Mrs. Illanclio Russbl.
who committed sulcido at Spokane,
Tuesday, was holn at Athena yester
day nftoriuion. .Airs. Itussol was a
former Athena girl, and had ninny
relatives In that city and Wonton.
Drunk and Disorderly,
Charles Swltzlor was arrested this
morning charged with bolng drtinit
and disorderly, and was lined ?G, but
being unable to pay the amount, will
rest in Jail for tho coming three days.
La Grande Attorney in Town.
Turner Ollvor, of La drando, 1b In
tho city this nftornoon, having conio
horo to nrguo a caso hoforo tho cir
cuit court today.
Marriaoe Licenses.
Marrlago licenses woro Issued to
day to Danlol Bucking nnd Miss Ma
bol 'Anson, and to James T. Carglll
and Mrs. Nellie Ilussel.
"I'loasuros." said Uncle Ebon, "It
a good oca) like mushrooms. De
right kind. Is flno, but you has to bo
on the lookout for toadstools."-
Washington Star.
The National Gathering Was Very
Successful Important Changes
Made in the Code of the Order
Ritualistic Work Was Not Modi
fied. L. H. Boeder, who hr.s boon In tho
East for tlio last flvo weeks or more,
returned to tho city yesterday and
reports a very pleasant time, not
only at Atlantic City, where ho wont
I ns a dolegato to tho jsreat council ot
I tho Hodmen, but In tho other cities
of the Enst as woll. Ho enjoyed tho
bathing for which Atlantic City Is
I famous, and nlso took ln many of the
sights at the points of Interest on
tho Eastern seaboard, historical nnd
) Tho meeting of tho great council
was 11 successful onu, and harmoni
ous throughout. Not only that, but
It wub of vast Importance to tho fu
ture of tho order. The ontlro Bystom
I of tho business workings of tho ordor
wero changed and put on a now ba
sis. In tho past both tho judicial and
. the executive power of tho ordor has
reposed In tho hands of the great in
chonco of the nation, nnd the great
sachems of tho states. This has beon
changed until now theso officers have
tho executive power In their different
jurisdictions only,
Iunsmuch ns the ordor Is a strictly
American institution, and founded on
the principles of the nation, It was
desired 'by the great council nnil has
been proven best by experience, to
change tho constitution of tho order
to conform as nearly In effect ns pos
sible with tho national system of gov
ernment. Therefore, tho government
of the order was divided Into thrco
parts: the executive, reposing In the
grcnt liislionec and the great sach-
In life depends largely on your health.
Therefore, if yon have stomach troub
le of nay Hurt you are badly handicap
ped. Get rid of It at once by taking
Hostetler's Htomach Hitters, it litis
etirfrt thousands of other cases in the
past and certainly won I fall you. It
posltlvtly cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion,
Dyspepsia, Constipation, Belching,
Heartburn, or any other ailment aris
ing from h weak stomach. Don't fail
to try it. Good health Is sure to follow.
Men We Are
Out For Your Trade!
WE are having perfect
success in making Suits
and Overcoats to order.
The lint- we carry has
every conceivable pat
tern and the prices are
most reasonable. An
early call will he appre
ciated t SULLIVAN &
j Men's KurnlHlihigs.
Wo have 8 lots, lino garden "t
land with orchard, wlutlmlllaud T
T independent water system, pipes 1
i all through premises. House J
and burn. T
L'O acres on river, good soil, K00 4
cords of wood, good house anil
barn, H mllo from Main street. j,
7 lots good garden land. H0 bear- J
lug fruit tiees, grapes, etc., also
gasoline engine, CIU0 gal. tank, 1
pipes nil through premises 4
Housoanil ham, J mile from .Main
6 acres on Utopia Mat, riuh
bottom land, house and barn, hn
prnvMueutH for poultry purposes.
liiroom lodging house, Ulots
a hlonks frim depot, 2 blocks
from Main streot.
10 loom lodchiK house, lots,
very cheap, only I M50.
6 room house, i! lots, shade
tiees, good lawn. Kost front.
I room house, 2 lots, only 750.
Others too numtrous to mention.
Good wholesale and retail husl
ness on Main street, stock at
K. T. Wticle . Bon f
P. O. Box 321 Olllco ln JE. O. Hid $,
The approval of all wljo
want the best meat
most delicious but no
no higher in price,
oniB! tho Judicial attondod to by a
Judicial board of thrco momborB elect
ed by tho grcnt council, and tho log
islotlvo dopartmont, handled by tho
groat council at Its yearly convon-
Tho ritualistic work of tho order
wns no! changed Id tho least, nnd
no chnnges othor than thoso noted
havo beon mndo In tho management
of tho Rcdmon ln any department.
Flnlshlnci Touches Being Made
Mrs. Teal's Residence.
W. A. Morse nnd L. Dunlap, of tho
contracting firm of Morse & Dunlnp,
have finished the carpenter work on
tho now house on Alta street bolng
built by Mrs. Eliza Teal, of Echo.
Tho house Is a modern ono ln ovory
wny. being fitted with hot and cold
watur throughout, and nil of tho lit
tle conveniences that go to mako up
tho perfection of tho house of today.
Tho painters nnd nocorators arc
now at work on tho Intorlor,
when that work Is completed
place will bo occupied by Mr.
Mrs. L. G. Frailer.
and ;
and I
For the best bread, get Hohrman's.
Special Dress Goods Sale
ijkkns uuwjJti, consisting oi Bcrncn uiicvioih, wench Voile, U
giisn nonn-Bpim, i-.tiiiiuneH, itioeiuiu, mnitoiiN, muieis liair Ujj. I
tares mid many others.
Remombor on Dec. 24, Wb will Give Away, Absolutely Fml
$100,00 in Gold . Z
our store urocerles as wen as any out r goons, jno one In an?nl
connected with tho store will bo allowed to participate In drawbi, 1
$ I j
Warm Underwear for Cool Days
I he Big B
St - Joseph's Academy
For Hoarding and Day Students, Conducted bj
the Sislers' of St. Frances of Philadelphia
Classts will be'resumed Scpterr.btr 7th.
' For Terms, etc., Apply to
W T rT A DVC Jlr Cx fnlirt Stt
-T itr-j-. f-io East
tioruc ml tfaem. A fall wflply alway kept w
Our 41
Blend Coffe
Commencing Moiidny, Soplombor 28th
And Ending Saturday Night, Oct. 3rd
We havo Just received by expirst a beautiful line nf NOVEIfl
We give a ticket with each $1 purchase ln any depa'ement i
iVory Truly Yours
J-HUK12 is one line of warm Underwear in loll I
I union and two-piece that Is Hrt-class In fit, wett
ing and washing quality, and at tho eaoie Usui
at a low price. A combhiut'oti of brains and m I
toiial. Warm Bulls f 1.50, 2 60 and JIi.25. Tvo-I
piece Kurmcntb (!5c, $1.00, 1.2D and 11.50. This hi
valuable Information to thrifty buyer? and all pet I
Mins dlsiHfeed to economize. Wo are sole agtobl
for tills line and one of tho important poluts vti
looked nliovo U, "JN'OX-BHUIKKINU."
. J. l- 'll' ,l
Pendleton, Oregon.
ighty Slim
are tho chances of your gettlBS Je,1
(er plumbing work done uy
ham's than ours.
. IH-rimemlngY vro "dM
X win n It is at an pwi - '
A -wo always do honest, con 1
tloiif worK, ana io "T.:h tbl
mammoth prices ut
comic we.fK es wn.c. - -
A Ing on any Kinu 01 i - .
Y business basis, give ub w