East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 02, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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01 M
Pay as
for an inferior beer f
Schlitz beer costs twice
what common beer costs
in the brewing. One-half
pays for the product; the
other half for its purity.
One-half is spent in
cleanliness, in filtering even
the air that touches it, in
filtering the beer, in ster
ilizing every bottle. And
it pays the cost of aging
the beer for months before
we deliver it.
If you ask for Schlitz
you get purity and age,
you pay no more than
beer costs without them.
Atifcr lit
Brewtry Bottling.
I'hone Main 1731.
Tbe Ross Ico & Cold S torus
Co.. 4M Main St.,
Carryalls for picnic parties Oood
teams with competent ilrfvors (or
commercial men Speedy horses nud
handsome rigs for evening and Sun
ilay drives Gentle horses for family
use. Stock boarded at reasonahle
rates Best of care Riven to transient
stock Opposite Hotel Pendleton
Phone Main IfiJ
Parental Objections Came to Nnurjht
Eighteen Years of Ane Today
and a Bride Tomorrow Ceremony
Will Take Place at Presbyterian
Church In Lincoln, Neb.
Lincoln, Nob., Oct. 2. This was n
lmppy day for Miss Huth llryan. In
tho flrst place. It was her 18th birth
day, tho day on which Bho beco'iies
ner own mistress, nnd naturally n
day of rejoicing for nny young v;j
I man. lint a still more potent cause
contributed to the huppliiess of Miss
Itrynn. It was the ovo of her wed-
I ding day, for tomorrow she Is to be
i come tho bride of 'William Homer
l.onvitt, an nrtlst who camo out from
tlio Kast nnd won the heart of ho
fnlr Western girl, whllo painting tho
portrait of her father. Colonel Dry-
The happiness of .Miss llryan Is not
lessened In looking forward to tho
felicitous event of tomorrow by con
templating what might have been,
for, as lias become publicly known,
both Colonel llryan and Mrs. llryan
were nt first opposed to their daugh
ter's wedding nnd. In fact, stoutly
refused to give their consent. Tho
principal cnuso of their opposition
was the youth of the bride-to-be. But
.Miss Bryan inher ts tho firmness
and strength of character possessed
by her father and after vainly trying
to get her parents' consent, boldly
announced that with or without It,
she waB determined to marry tho
man of her choice on tho
very day she becamo her own mis
tress. But the determination of tho young
woman was not put to tho supremo
teat, Both Colonel Bryan and his
wife relented and nftcr a few more
importunities from their daughter
and from her fiance tho parents de
cided that they were not at all op
posed to the match and in fact would
gladly bestow tho parentnl blessing
on the couple. This is why Miss
Bryan is so happy today. Surround
ed by relatives nnd friends who have
gathered from far and near, sno is
celebrating her birthday In the midst
of great preparations for her wed
ding day Tho ceremony Is schedul
ed to take place tomorrow noon at
Fairvlow, the homo of the Bryans.
Tho Rev. Dr. Swearingen. pastor of
the First Presbyterian church, of
which Mr. Bryan Is a member, will
Cast of Characters Strong, But Plot
Far Fetched.
There can ho no complaint mado
ngainst those who presented "Captain
Bob" at the Frazer last night. They
were all artists. There were no weak
members in the company. Tho only
fault found was with tho piny itself.
Tho plot is located in nn obscure
South American country nnd contains
nil tho excitement Incident to tho per
ennial revolution. Somo thoror
goers ilu not enjoy this sort of plays.
To thoBo tho play was not up to tho
standard. Others thirst for this vory
style of art. To these, "Captain Bob"
was Ideal.
Miss Julia Mario Taylor, as Prin
cess Dulclnn, showft exceptional abil
ity and If given n part In which her
dramatic powers had scope, would
make a worthy record. In this play
sho is hniidlcnppcd.
S, Miller Kent, as tho dnredovll
American abroad, made a good im
pression, nnd the Irresistible college
students ndded an Anortcnn snap to
the frowning Spanish plot, which re
lieved tho play of much of Its torolgn
"Cnptnln Bob" deserved a better
audience thnn greeted It horn.
Notice to Patrons.
Having rented tho retail depart
ment of my butcher business to Mr.
A. D. Augustnvo, an oxporloncod
butcher of Walla Walla, I myRolf will
conduct tho wholesale part of said
business, and nil porsono knowing
themselves indebted to me will please
call nt the market and sottlo their ac
counts. Mr. Augustnvo also desires
to announce thnt tho business will bo
conducted ns It hns been, nnd all pat
rons of tho market will rccolvo tho
snmo courteous treatment ns hereto
Therkelsen Stock
lie Closed Out
Sick Headache absolutely and per
manently cured by using Mokl Tea.
A plensant herb drink. Cures Conntl
pntion and Indigestion, inukes you
eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfac
tion guaranteed or money back. 25
cts and 50 cts. Write to W. II. Hook
er Sr. Co., Buffalo, N. Y., for a froo
sample. F W. Schmidt ft Co., drug,
Farms for Sale.
We now have listed for sale some
of the best wheat farms and stock
ranches In the county. All the places
are well Improved nnd well supplied
with water. Also somo very doslr-
ablo city property. Call and get
REAVES' ORGANS, Etc., to be sold at GREATEST BAty
GAINS ever offered in the history of Pendleton.
Having come into possession of the business formerly
conducted by T. E. Therkelsen, we will dispose of the entire
stock at.WhoIesale Prices rather than, re-ship the same to
headquarters in Portland.
Wp will lv-inrilv fisk nil nersons delinauent in navmAnB
for goods purchased from Wakefield & Failing, S. L Wake,
field & Co., or L. E. Therkelsen to remit directly to Allien &
Gilbert Raywaker Co., Portland, Oregon.
Owing to the fact that the entire business of the above
dealers must be audited, we will be unable to start the
greatest sale in bastern Uregon oetore two weens.
Sale will take place at Button's Ice Cream Parlois
on Main street. Wait tor the opening date.
Address all correspondence to S. L. WAKEFIELD & CO., Pendleton, Oregoa
T-".""! T T r r - -. - "
If you are troubled with impure
blood, indicnted by sores, pimples,
hendacho, etc., wo would recommond
Acker's Blood Elixir, which we sell
under a positive guarantee. It will
always euro scrofulous or syphilitic
poisons and all blood diseases. GO
cts, and ?l.0O. F. W. Schmidt A Co.,
Pheasant Season Open.
Tho open season for Chinese
pheasants in tho Willamette valley
counties opencil Oct. 1, nnd the birds
are being killed In great numbers. In
ninny Isolated places tho law Is dis
regarded and the birds nro killed at
nil times, causing them to be shy
from constant hunting.
Saves Two From Death. i
"Our little daughter had an almost
fatal attack of whooping cough ami
bronchitis", writes .Mrs. W. K. Htivl- '
Innil, of Armonk, N. Y., "but, when nil
other remedies failed, wo saved her
life with Dr. King's Now Discovery.
Our niece, who had Consumption in j
nn advanced stage, also used this
wonderful medicine nnd today she is
perfectly well " Desperate throat
and lung diseases yield to Dr King's 1
New Discovery as to no other meill-'
cine on earth. Infallible for coughs
nnd colds, GOc nnd $1 bottles guar- j
anteod by Tallmnn & Co. Trial bot
tles free. '
Oo You Want a Cabf
When you want prompt and relia
ble sorvlco call up 'phono Main 1G1
The McKay Cnb Co.
Are distributors for Malta
Ceres n new Health Food.
Uvcryonc should try
Just received California
I'igs and Oregon Honey in
the comb.
Phone Main 1741
D' L.. nr.
m&uv-oiuvu 1,1
liUlllf ANT
Manufacturers oi tit
rccoairs ior au Kinoi
Foundry Work a Specialtj
Cas paid for old castiip
.. .
r riiiiiriini. i
Hest shoo repairing at Teut8cliv
Swell slippers at Teutsch
MAW.w-rgn.nTiUJltva j jr.TOwrgffTO?rai eSSSSBBZXmmtU.imH,t MHSI HSBSESSQHSHSBMSXt&S E2a2E232EaSSSSCT Eam;Klu:.,v..l-
Commencing Tuesday, October f)
till,HiLftl J k '
r2....3ii- tho AffrnctionS fr
, iii H -. 1 ill iiioiiwj ---
AmAHo MnnCl Or I .QrniV?J I nmn?3FlV Great Fall Festival
Stock SLnd Ftuit is coming hi. Daily
Tohn Hafley, J. to genetal iatow;