East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 02, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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Wants 2,500 Pair
Of Old Shoes
.sit Them Quick I
And in order to get them at once will
allow you I5c in Gash for Old
Shoos when you purchase New Ones at
Corner Main and Alta
City Brevities
,,,10 I C uauorr
twu fnilt dally lit Martin'H.
hioic'R supplies at Neuiuau's
fcr It'll' A piano. Apply at this
k fraicd meats Hcnwartz
blM Co
few "-caily-mado skirts arriving
xt TcUtSCM H.
i it i . r
in larpets unci iiiiuioiiiiib ui uu-
furniture store.
int h mittern uross bats on diu-
I at M'.; Campbell's.
teeiveil dally, ircsh tamules,
i nnrt crawfish at Gratz's.
IPreferula, the best cigar made,
e t tar store. Court Btreet.
Lu tir:it nrp richt at nrlces that
islit ai Hatter's furnlturo store.
Ilitidii of Imported and domestic
fcs anil clam chowder nt Gratz s.
nipas some rare beauties,
f llnr ever shown here. Hun-
C'lia'les Lane about your paint-
kd paper hanging; 8U7 Vluceut
nobby Ideas In fall cuh.ugs.
.:' patterns nut, nt Solbert &
over your house furniture.
in relinlsh It like now. Wilson
Inine, phono main black 1043.
lames oi the Presbyterian
will serve a chlekon pie din-
i Hcmlrlck'K Hall, Thursday, Of-
Ited A good Industrious man
Iwlfe (no children) to take
of farm Address llux 108,
p, Or
ttcd l Hcnt A good six or
loom house with bath. Take
ths' lease on right place. Call
iililrcsit Mrs, C C. Van Orsdall.
peppers, onion pickles, caul!-
IpieKles, cucumber pickles, egg
tirmps. celery and green t'-
at Martin's Family Grocery
ted Either sex canvassers,
fii salary $2.C0 per uay; $S5
nth nnd oxiiunses, (ionernt
to appoint ngonts. Yowoll,
La Fmmtntno.
U C Under, M. A.
If you wnut a cab, call up Main
Wanted Cook; Inquire of Frank
I). Clopton at house or office.
Oct your fall suit mado at Joergers.
Host values for your money.
For prompt service, call up the Mc
Kay Cab Co., 'phono Main 101.
Despaln & Clark have a sample
safe for sale. Call nnd examine It.
Unfurnished rooms for rent for
housekeeping. Apply nt 725 Jane
For a short time only. Standard
Tomatoes, $2.50 per case. Despaln &
A complete line McKlnley ten cent
music, vocal and Instrumental.
See If there Is anything In Wcdo
& Son's new "ad" that looks good
to you.
Dressmaking, cutting and fitting a
specialty, ill 2 Main street. Miss R.
Oood second-hand wagon for sale;
will exchange for wood or horse feed
Jesse Fulling.
Wauled Two or threo furnished
rooms for light housekeeping. Inquire
ut this office.
Found Bracelet on Pullman car on
O. It. & N., September 11. Owner
call nt this oflleo.
Wanted Team of ponies and har
ness; must bo cheap for cash. Ad
dress C, care this office.
Don't overlook taoso fine lots In the
Cole udditlon. Every block has a 12
foot alloy. E. T. Wndo & Son.
Two pianos, slightly used. Great
bnrgalns. Como quick. Inland Em
pire Piano House, near bridge.
Wo have u long list of desirable
city and country property, nt low
prices. We can suit you. E. T. Wndo
& .Son.
Estimates given on short notice on
painting nnd paper hanging. Charles
Lane, the pioneer painter, 807 Vin
cent street.
Four hundred acres 30-bushel
wheat land, S miles out. Level, deep
soli, big spring riming water. Price
$4,500. IS T. Wade & Son.
advanced Jeweler
Ptlclan : ; :
, Boston Sheep Publication Gives Uma
i til la Man Three Pages.
Tin Clim itinnl'H niittottn tnr Son-
J tember contains a thtoe-page write
up of Charles Cunningham nnd his
1 sheep business In this county.
The Uulletm Is published In Uos-
ton. with branch unices in salt loko
and Chicago, and Is one of the best
sheep magazines published In the
itiilin,! stnfi.K 'Phis nrtlnln Is com-
pllmentnry to Mr. Cunningham nnd
UIS immense bUUUl Uliauiuaa uuu in
n valued extension to his nlrendy
wide scope of ncqunlntniice In tho
livestock world.
Will Box at Athena,
'llluck Demon," Pendleton's husky
1 prize fighter, left this morning ror
I Athena, where ho will enter the. ring
this evening to battle for money,
'; blood and glory with n white man
from the upper country '
Rev. Warner at Echo,
i Kov. It. J. Warner went to Echo
I this morning, where ho will hold ser
I vices this evening in the Methodist
I church at that place.
I a mall car west-bound from Phila
delphia, was burned Wednesday with
I all Us contents, following a wreck.
New Shipment of Turkey
and Ostrich Dusters
1o inch Turkey, too feathers special 35c. 14 incli Tur
10 leathers special soc. 12 inch carriage duster 120 tai
Is, special 75c. 8 inch parlor duster (Ostrich,) special
Sisil duster lorremovinc dirt from furniture special 50c.
3r Ice Cream will nlense vou. If you ever had any
h's wont cost you a cent. Wn will let you be the judge.
"1 Htojw from Main Street toward tho Court House.
The People's Warehouse whero it Pays to Trado
R. J. IUtckmnn, of Union, Is a visit
or in the city today.
John Van Orsdall Is attending th
fruit fair at Walla Walla.
C. E. Nelson, the brlckman of Wes
ton, was In the city today.
Miss Esma Sawtell Is visiting with
friends in Echo for a few days,
Miss Josephine Crlglcr Is .visiting
with relatives and friends in Milton.
Ed Besthorn went to Walla Walla
this morning to attend the fruit fair.
Constable Jesse Llouallen, of Wes
ton, Is m tho city today, on official
G. W. Richardson, of Bingham
Springs, was in the city today on a
snort business trip.
Miss Gcrtrudo Crawford, of Hopp
nor. Is the guest- of friends In tho
city for a short time.
Joe Kennedy loft this morning for
Whitman, whero lie will enter the
college for the coming year.
John M. Hill, the receiver of tho
Walla Walla land odlco, was a vlsl
tor In the city yesterday, returning
this morning. N
Nate H. Webb, one of the pioneer
sheepmen, tif tho Walla Walla conn
try, was a business visitor In tho
city yesterday.
Dr. nnd Mrs. Johnson went to
Walla Walla this morning, whore
they will visit friends during the
fruit fair.
Frank Weils, ono of tho prominent
stockmen of the Camas Pralrlo conn
try, is in the city today on a short
business trip.
H. A. Richardson, u young business
man of Adams, was in the city yes
terday In the Interests of his busi
ness at homo.
Miss Nellie Paul, of the grand
guardian's office, leaves this evening
fur a visit with relatives and friends
In Walla Walla, and to attend the
trutt fair.
Mrs. II. N. btanfield, of Echo, ac
companied by her niece Miss Mor
row, left this morning for Weston,
where Miss Morrow will enter the
Normal College.
Harvey W. Scott, of the Portland
Oregonlan, passed through the city
yesterday from a trip to the East,
whore .he went to attend a meeting
of the stockholders and directors of
the O. R. & N.
Good Old Saturday Night
Dear Old Saturday Night
Guardian Appointed.
In the matter of the estate of mi
ner Blevlns, nged 13, James IJIevlns,
aged !). Lurey C. lllevlns, aged 7, and
Fred Blevlns, agod 5, Lizzie Blevlns,
the mother of the children, today pe
titioned the probate court to appoint
J. W. Maioncy guardian. The estate
consists of a policy in the A. O. U. W.
for 52,000. The petition was granted
and the boml for tho executor fixed
nt 2.fi00.
United States Government Will Fur
nish Complete Model of One of trie
Immense Fighting Ships and Will
Have Moving Pictures Represent
ing All Movements on Board.
Mr. B. F Peters, chief clerk, hav
ing churgo of tho navy department
exhibit at tho World's Fair, St.
Louis, has formulated plans for his
exhibit which will make It undoubt
edly the most notable and novel In
tho history of government participa
tion In expositions. The department
ns a whole has an exceptional op
portunity to contribute to the great
ness of tho exposition. By its un
surpassed exhibit in the government
building; the detail of a battalion of
marines In their model camp on the
exposition grounds; and the proposed
iltnll fir a snuadron of men-of-war
at St. Louis when tho exposition
opens, mis tieparimeni win uiu muiu
to the success of tho exposition possl
tiinn nnu other. The new feat
ures which Mr. Peters will have In
his exhibit will render 11 intensely
Tnn innat Imnortant feuturo Of the
exhibit will bo an exact sized model
of an American man-of-war, showing
that portion of tho vessel irom iuu
bow back a dlstnnce of 118 feet to
about the first smokestack. Tho
modol will not bo a repiouucuon 01
any particular type of ship, but will
contain features peculiar to battle
ships, cruisers and gunboats. Both
tlio upper and mmn uecKB win
shown. On the former vnt be two
m i.mtifh.innrllfip rifles In mod
ern balanced turrets. Tho main deck
will show tho captain's omce, siuiu
rooms, messrooms, potty officers'
.,, i.orti.c imtliH liammocks.
IJUUllCIO, ' ,
galley, moss dispensary, ammunition
hoists, torpedos, eieciriu ww.-i-n6i
doors in operation and naval guns of
dlfferont calibres.
This model will occupy the centra
portion of tho navnj exuiuu ami win
bo free of access to visitors, who
...in im nnniitod tn examine care
fully and at close range n modern
American man-of-war. ,
Next In Importance to the warship
.,.! ...in 1,0 ti,o f.vlilhltloii hourly.
while the government building Is
open, of blograph motion scenes, Il
lustrative of the life and dutlesi of
tho crows on United stales mon-of
These mbvlng pictures will bo
thrown on a 20-foot canvas and were
taken during tno Btimmor manquv-i
ors of the North Atlantic squadron
off tho coast of Now England. The
scones reproduced show the mateu
vors of vessels, groat gun exercljsos,
landing pnrtlos, boat races, flro quar
ters nnd general mustor.
When Your Pockets are Lined with Coin
Everybody is Asked to Join, on a
Good Old Saturday
That's all we arc going to sing, BUT how do you like the 6 o'clock
closing movement?
Open Until 10 O'clock
Saturday Night
Here we are a few bargains for the first Saturday night in October:
SILVER COLLARS regular price 2 for 25c, for first Satur- O "JtZ
day in October IOff
SUSPENDERS 10 dozen regular 25c buspondors" for first Saturday f C
night in October vJC
PRESIDENT SUSPENDERS 10 dozen; you know what thoy are:
and if vou don't we'll show you, regular 50c, fust Saturday night. T
in October sJC
75c AND 50c 4-IN HANDS 20 do'.on that you must nee to appreci- JIZp
ate; for firs-t Saturday night in October
LADIES' HOSE 3 FOR $ J. 00 10 dozen fine Cotton Hose; never
sohi 'or less than lioc per pair anywhere; for this first Saturday
night in October, per pair 'Jt-
SHELL HAIR PINS We are telling of the good kind that are woith f r
25c a dozen; for this first Saturday night in October, per doz ... rJ
Excursion to Walla Walla, Sunday,
October 4th.
t)n Sunday. October 1th, the O. H.
& N. Co. will run ni excursion to
rtalla Walla nnd return, leaving Pen
dlcton at S:15 n, m., returning leave
Walla Walla at 10: SO p, m. Faro for
tho round trip only $1. Sunday will
be tho last day of the Fruit Fair at
Walla Walla and will wind up In n
blaze o fglory. This low rate made
by tho O. It. & N. Co. gives the peo
ple of Pendleton tho opportunity of
seeing the wind-up of the fair ns also
u chance to make a visit to tho Oar
den City. Ullcry's famous Italian
baud has been engaged to furnish
music on this occasion and n visit to
the fair will bo well worth tho trip.
The low excursion rato mado for this
day will also enable all who doslro
to make a delightful trip and visit
friends In Walla Walla.
Carnival Dinner.
IjiIIck of the Christian church will
servo dinner at l.oon nt tho church,
every day during the carnival, except
Thursday Price S!G cents
Enroll for Primary Grade.
f'liMiiit.n ft vrnrj obi ulslilnir to en
ter the primary class- In any of tho
city schools, will pleabe enroll by
Monday. October C, Those not en-
r,,lln,l ., I 11,1,1 tlliwi IIIIIKl Ulllt II 11 tl 1
the beginning of tho winter term.
K. 11. UUISIS.1.1J,
City Supt. Public Schools,
Fall Trade Good
It is good ami that's u fact
wtysMr. Fintierau to our repor
ter. How do you account for it,
when others are complaining
about the fall trade I at ked him.
Why, I do uot know uuy other
good reason than thut tlietooplc
avefouudotit thut we ure ac
tually selling better shoes for the
money or tho sauie itiallty for
less money than others do. It Is
really remarkable how many
people there are who reinaik
about the "wearing quality" of
our shoes. Now that is what we
pay for and you get when you
buy Dougla nr Gloria or Ited
Bchoolhoiiee Shoes. These shoes
are sold at a price and no ono
attempts to undersell them
they simply can't and live. Wo
have found the least margin of
resistance to fade and that ac
counts for our Increase this fall.
Now watch ut- sell shes. We
carry shots on live widths lu all
foot form huts-ln all leathers,
heights, styles, sies, weights,
etc "Hay. dou't that boy talk
somcV" I thought as I went on
my way with a tine pair of the
Douglas shoes on from the
Boston Store
New Things
Atrivmy continual!) New
hooks new music; nuw sta
tionery; new toys; new dolls;
new mirrors, etc
Notioo liieso Brlceu
Set of good dominoes 5c
3 packages slielf paper 10c
6 bars fine toilet soap 25c
5 pencils, now, 2c
Crepo and Tissue Papor
All the new shades in tis
sue and crepe paper
An excellent linu from 10c
to 30c. New bonds, linens,
onion skins, etc.
School Books
And school supplies a
complete line.
Sleep Sound
Enjoy Your Rest
OUR line of Mattresses,
soft and properly made,
when placet! on our good
springs, will make your
nights comfortable and pro
mote sweet sleep.
We are prepared to sup
ply you with Springs, Mat
tresses and Iron Iteds at
prices that will mean a
See us licfoic you buy a
V. S t if o b 1 e
(Joiiiplotu Hotisu Furnisher
Court Strict
Walter's Flouring Mills
Capacity, ISO barrels a day.
Flour oxchaiiged for wheat.
Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feed,
etc., always 011 hand. '
ti?cil cardi, neddlnif IntlUtluuj, lc;
till) engraved TUItlns card wltb plat.
1.00: additional card la futar. II pf
kitodred. Tlia But OraffoaUa.
! tttt
The Leaders
The Unsurpassed
The Always Satisfactory
The Wilson coal and wood Hoatord. Handled
here only by us. Coal stoves ranging in! price from
t7 to $20. Wood stoves ranging in price from
2,50 to $20. Our stoves are now ready for your
t C21 Main St. Headquarters for fishing supplies J