I Sr a,c c Pa Pi t: i DAILY EAST OREQONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1003. ?" ii i'n "l ' c r .3 . u i! ij ' i It is a Shoe, Problem To successful' combine three essentials Ease, Elognnce, Economyour stock represents the mod ern solution of the prob lem. Iiase is assured by careful lasting, Elegnuce by artistic modeling and workmanship, Jbcononiy tt by a price that allows of S uie very nest at a I air cost, and no more. Dindinger, Wil son & Co. jg GOOD SHOES CHEAP. CONFEDERATE VETERANS. Probability of an Organization Being Effected Soon. Since tho appointment of Colonel louls C. Garrlmies, of Portland, as general organizer of the state for tho Confederate Veterans' Association, has been announced, there has bojn a growing sentiment among the old veterans of tho grey in this city and county to have an organization per fected In this part of the state. There are in Umatilla county be tween 40 and 50 men who in tlo past fought for the lost cause of the South, and they are all anxious to unite in an organization that will bring them together socially In the declining years of their lives. While as yet no steps have been taken to effect an organization, there Is talk of It and as soon as Colonel Garrlgues comes to this county he will be given a warm welcome and a camp will In- instituted. CHRISTIAN CHURCH EVENTS. Public Dinners During Carnival Re vival in January The Ladles' Aid Society of the Christian church will serve lunch during the week of the carnival, at which time the ladles will be glad to see all of their friends from tho country. Beginning on tho evening of the 2d of January, the church will hold a revival meeting. The services will bo under the charge of Hov. S. M. ilartln, of' St. Louis, who is a man well known in the evnngollstlc world. " Rev. Murry at Baptist Church. Jtcv. D. I). Murry. of Caldwell, Idaho, wlT fill the pulpit ot the Hair tlst church on Sunday next in the absence or It, V. King, the pastor. Mr. Murry has charge of the church at Caldwell and 14 a pleasant speak er. It Is the desire of the retiring pastor that all of the membership of tho church bo at the services next Sunday. The Merchants' Cafe. Keeps constantly on hand Import ed lienor, ret, Frankforters, Ham burg eels, crawfish, crabs, oysters, all kinds of cheese. Hot merchants' rnnch dally from 11:30 a. m. to 2 p. m. A splinter one-third of nn Inch long In the palm of John Zimmer's nnwl in New York caused his death from the wore form o, lorkjaw HI 1 l-H--M-H-4-H- Daintiness V , Who Is It that doos not np jreclate a sweet, delicate odor, especially of the dainty, last ing kind? Wc have the largest lino of Imported and domestic perfumes in Eastern Oregon. A low of our leading Imported odors are: Aiurea, La Trefle. Peau d' Espagne, Vlolette de Parme, Indian Hay. And many more ot the Bamo quality in b'llk as well as In fancy packages. I i TALLMAN & CO-? Lending Driitrtfistn 4 'I I' '1 i J'rl''''li ' NOT GOOD, t ... .ift o X . Do-s quality count with you, MR. CONSUMER' If ao, then buy tlie BET. The use of the 13EST FRUIT and YEGETABLES'packed. ,witl the nucessury and .nuality ol the A trial' p.ntvSufii ------ : 1 If. 7f hOT GOOD, NOT fiERE STILL MAKING ICE NO CESSATION TO COLD STORAGE OPERATIONS. Ross Ice & Cold Storage Company Will Pack Eight Hundred Thousand Tons, Besides Furnishing Immense Quantities for the General Market. This cold wenther hns set some of the peoplo wondering what the Ice man is going to do all this winter, whllo his ware will not bo tho th'ng of dcslro that It Is during tho warm weather. Tho Ross Ico & Cold Storage plant will run right on during the winter, whether the people bless or curse tho Ico they make, for they know that In tho summer the spirit of tho people will change. The company has a storage room In their plant tlint can accommodate over 800,000 tons of Ice, and this will bo filled during the coming cold weather, liesldos tills, it is the Intention of the company to contract with the storage houses along tho Hue and 1111 them with their Ice Instead of tho natural pro duct. If they succeed in getting the job of lllllug all of these houses It will take them nil of the winter near ly, to complete their task. Space Is in Demand. Outside of tho Ice storngo business the plant has the house full of stored produce and meats, and It would be necessary to run the cold storage part of the institution, whether It mado Ico or not. Tho rooms of the place arc now rented to business men who have them filled with their wares, and those that are not rented steadily are full of transient stuff. Ilefore the winter is over the rooms at the plant will be at a premium, and It will be hard work to get space for storage. Dally farmers and dealers are ad ding to the stock that is already on hand, and the place Is fast filling up. In n short time all that the company will have to do will bo to keep their cooling pipes in good order and lo open the door and close It when the storers come to add produce or w take it away. LOS ANGELES NOTES. Superintendent Nowlin Reports Some Interesting Facts About That City. J. F. Nowlin, tho county superin tendent of schools, has returned from a trip to Los Angeles on prlvato business. Mr. Nowlin had a pleasant visit, the only thing unpleasant being 'that ho had not sufficient time to spend away from his duties here. The condition of the schools ot Los Angeles am worse than those ot this ritv nnrt alone tho same line. There are In the city now 5.000 pupUs who ' can find no room In tno scnoois, and that when tho city is utilizing any OXin PVery JCT rooms In which to place the surplus. The city Is growing at a rapid rate, and there are now being constructed buildings as fine, ir not finer, than in any other city In tho state. Tho growth of tho city Is faster than can be cared for by tho worklngmen of the city, houses springing up on al . shies, and ovory one being prospei- ous. MAMMOTH POTATOES. Early Rose Grown In Stage Gulch One Hundred Forty-Sevcn Feet of Water. C C Berkley has on exhibition in his window on Main street some r.arH Ito'i' potatoes grown on the nwt"nln rareh of George Peebler, in McKa- creel. The samples arc n-. ye t"l'-. grown but young as they arc th' ta'h measure six Inches and oyer in Kijjs'b.apd are smooth ni.,1 .flnelv.developedCacyf are the lTn3t si5elmcnlitluitaMheQU:speii JUf THE WHOLE30ME sksni Powder I ae remarkable increate in consumption craves its purity and wholeomenes. ONE POUND 25 CENTS With a Coupon NOT HERE knowledge, guarantees the BPS flRESCthTE "DIAMOND brand Canned n meal tor nn average family. As Mr. Peoblor has ninny acres of tho tubors, ho Is In a position to supply tno country with rood for tho com lug winter. Mr. Peoblor has dug a well on his ranch In Stngo Gulch, going 230 feet boforo ho struck wnat ho considered a good supply of wntor. He now has 147 feet of water In his well. NEW PRIMARY GRADE. Scholars on South Side of Track Must Enroll by Monday. Tho school board announces that a primary grado will bo Instituted at tho high school building on next Monday. I'rofossqr Couklin has ro cpiested tho children Intending to en tor this grado to enroll without fall by Monday, for tho reason Hint each addition to the school after 'that date means a now class for tho teachers. It is tho deslro of tho city super intendent nnd board that every scholar expecting to attend will bo thero at tho beginning of the class on Monday to faciutato work. This addition to tho school facili ties of Pendleton will meet with tho hearty approval of a great many pat rons who havo failed to send tholr small children to school because of the danger of crossing the tracks. The board has canvassed that por tion ot tho district thoroughly and finds that a sufficient number of small scholars reside south of tho tracks to Justify the new grade, although tho required number of CO Is not ntt.v forthcoming. DOCTORS ELECT OFFICERS. State Medical Society Makes Selec tions for the coming year at Port land, Tho State Medical Society of Ore gon, in session at Portland yester day, elected the following officers lor the ensuing year: President, Dr. Williamson, of Sa lem; first vice-president. Dr. Tnpe, of Hot Lake; second vice-president. Dr. E. E. Ferguson, of Tho Dalles; third vice-pres.-ent, Dr. Mao Card well, of Portland; secrotary, Dr. Hamilton, of Portland; treasurer, Dr. James McGavln, ot Portland. The meeting closed last night with a banquet, and the visiting delegates most all left the city this morning. One of tho speclnl features ot the meeting was a trip to all tho hospi tals of Portland, and a thorough In spection by tho doctors of the meth ods and arrangements employed. Winter Cattle in Sherman County. G. P. Skolton, who for many years was a rancher ot Pilot Hock, but who moved to Nowborg last spring. Is in tho city looking after business Inter ests. Mr. Skelton has a largo herd of cattle on his Pilot Hock ranch, nnd has come here to take them to Sher man county, where ho will winter them, as he could got uo feed for them In this county, Large Peaches From McKay. M. L. Warren, who resides on Me Kay tcreek, n low mhos southwest of this city, brought to town yesterday evening somo of tho largest peaches exhibited here this season. Tlioy were of the Alberta variety and meas ured seven Inches In circumference. The flavor was very lino and the tox turn of tho fruit was not woody as Is usually found with such large size. New Eating House Opened, Tho Uehrcns house, nt 308 Court street, was opened to tho public yes terilay when dinner was served. JTho crowd was so lnrge at the opening that tho doors had to lie closed, as an could not bo accommodated. Tho( Hohrens Hnuso will serve rggular meals and promises to,;'ocqmo, ono of the popular eating howterfjfof our, city JWM' To Judge Bab'yTe TShow.-. Montlo 13. GwinrijTn younger, hut not haiidsomcrjMirother or J it. Gwfnn, of Peud!etori,has been select ed .na-judMithelbfthy show nt the BofsotCilifAlrinojttweok. J. H. has UjSdiltJ!lanco among Itnm- hur.hlsnjudgBtMlias novcr been tested on a'balyanovv yet. Dentists Have to Pay Fine. Seven Spokane dentists were ar rested Tuesday for falling to comply with the new dontnl law ot Washing ton, which requires a dentut to pass an 'examination nnd pay an annual license of $25. Since the law wont into effect very few have compiled with It, nud tneso arrests are tho outcome or Jealous rivalry. Train Dispatcher Resigns. J. C. Connelly, who has been third shift train dispatcher under Chief Dispatcher Thomas Walsh, at La Grande, for tno past year, has re signed und will accept a position on tho Grand Trunk road. In Montrenl, Canada. Will Attend 8chool at Milton. J O. U Fulton left this morning for! Miiinn whom he will In all probabil ity enter school for tho coming term.; Mr. Fulton has been encnueu in unw, tmmtiaiii-'H nfllco ns a dmiUtY for tho, last sovoral months, hut tho swork, has been completed. Took Qebhart to Portland.' Ti.. ,,(., unttn'ii states Marshal A Jloberts loft for Portlnnd rth.is In eustO(ly'v,"JnCk Gobhart,' hold to annenr liorufckltlrt fpdoral court for soiling wiiismv Indians; Webster !to the Penitentiary? 1 T. D. Taylor escorted PrnnlcpVob- str to tlie ,'inmucnunr -inn- Tin jiu itlin mull, who was; Jjon fnnrr.it tn nich'utilnor years In tho. iirlnnr, fnr linBllll ft"forKOd CllOCh l H. II. Wossol, otithls.clty on Satur day last. Bovoro forest fires nro ruglng In tho mountains oast; nt llutte, and thousands of acres of valuable tlmuyr Is being destroyed, DEATH AND DISEASE ONLY SIX DEATHS DURING THE MONTH uF SEPTEMBER. I hrec Cases of Contagious Disease During the 8ame Period Steps Be ing Taken to Have Complete Rec ord Regularly of Births, Deaths and All Diseases. During tho Inst month theru have been six deaths in the city and tho immediate vicinity, but none of them hnve bcon from disease of a conta gious unturo. The city Is In a Btnto of good health, according to tho data to bo gathered at tho olllcu of the city recorder, nnd most of the deaths have been of peoplo from nut of the city. There have been three cnscH ot contagious diseases In the city dur ing tho month, and ono case ot ty phoid lover was reported, though there nre more cases of tho latter disease tnnn nro shown from tho honks of tho office. Diphtheria has boon leportcd at tho homo of George Mnnsfteld, on Illuff street. The clrfld ren of C. O. Stevens at the homo on lleauregard streo.. have had the same disease during tho mouth, but hnvo recovered. The children ot Martin Fiiiiiernn, nt the home back of tho schoolhouse, also havo diph theria, but In a very slight form. All of tho cases have been reported to the health department and measures taken to provont tholr spread. Tho health of tho city, from all re ports, Is now in as good condition as It over has been In tills season of the year As soon as the board of health has arranged the matter of tho dis tribution of the blanks to the phy sicians of tho county, a moro com plete record ot the sickness of the county will bo kopt, Then not only will the deaths and diseases be re corded, but tho births as well. CLOSING OUT SALE. Stock of Instruments and Music nt Wholesale Prices. S. L. Wnkelleld & Co. havo come Into possession of tho business for murly conducted by L. E. Thcrkelsen, and will dispose or the entlro stock of pianos, organs, etc. The business Is now being audited by a representative of the Alien" & Gllhort-Hnymnker Company, of Port land, and as soon as the checking up is completed the big sale will start. It Is the Intention or S. L. Vkofleld & Co, to close out the entire stock at wholesale prices, rather than re ship the Instruments to tho head quarters at Portland. It Is requested that all persons knowing themselves to be Indebted to Wakefield & Falling, S. F. Wake field & Co., or I B. Therkolscn, make 'PnymcntH direct with tho Allen & Gllbert-ilnymnltcr Co:, ot Portland. The closing out stulo will start In about two weeks. WOOD READY FOR CARS. Over 6,000 Cords Ready for Shipment From Kamela and Meacham. About 0,00(1 cords of wood is tQJ& on the dump at Kamoln audUch;i am. rondy for shipment tofyifilcUy, and Walla Walla as fasL,tt8.tWan ho secured. j, r' ...MMnf' Tho price ,pald-for cutUnKWO0rt Is now $1,15 percord!The,prico paid to uioiwooumenus tJ.ou-' u. " wheat rush .Is .using the cars Just at 'present-.'Whlch provents the ship mtnt fof.vwood and causes a tempor ary scarcity In the market m Fined Under Bicycle Ordinance. Glenn Johnson was arrested this morning charged with riding his bi cycle contrary to tho ordinances of the city, and was fined ?1 hy the city recorder, which he paid. Men We Are Out For Your Trade! WE arc having perfect success in making Suits nnd Overcoats to ordur. The linn w carry has every conceivable pat torn and ,thc prices nre most reasonable An early call will tic appru- .1 ciaieuM BOND. Mwi'fl Furnlahlugu.-, I: iscke's eat !eet TJiejapprovalsc no'Wglierh Oil Mvl "Sweet Spirit Arc viarauwiill to curc.nuwci mat it t) -.Money iwukhi hhj Returned to California. Mrs. JcsbIo M. Mooro, of Lo8 An geles, loft for her homo this morn ing, after a visit in tho city In tho Interests ot tho Womon of Wood craft. Mrs. Mooro is tho special or ganizer for tho state of California, nnd Is now on her wny homo from In dianapolis, whero Bho has heon for somo tlnio In tho sorvlce ot tho nr dor. Sho wns also tho guest of the nrnnil clerk nt Lcadvlllo. Col., for a few days. Mrs, Mooro 1b now return-1 Ing to take up hor work In California, j Will Return to San Francisco. F, II. Moon, who has for tho sum mer boon In the sorvlco of the O. It. & N as nn oporator nt tho depot, loft this morning for Blnghnm Springs, whero ho will fish nnd hunt or a time. Mr. Moon has been nt Ills desk all through tno hot weather and will now tnko a Bhort vncatlon boforo ho returns to his homo In San Francisco. Carnival Dinner. Undies of tlie Christian church will Borvo dinner at noon at the church, every day during tho curnlvnl, except Thursday. Price 25 cents, For the best bread, get Ilohrniun's. ST. JOE ST0RI Special Dress Goods St Commencing Monday, Seplombor 28th And Ending Saturday Night, Oct. 3rd We have lust received hy express n In'.-iuf Iful lino of NOVFl'J glisli Homespuns, KtanihieH, Itilieliue, Muttons, Camels lhli'i Hires und ninny others. Romombor on Dec. 24, Wo will Givu Away, AuEolutelj Fit $100,00 in Gold - -J We give a tieki-t with each i purchase In any depA-fumJ our store Groceries ns wen ns nny oui r goous. jno one in uji eoniK'ctwl with the store will he allowed to participate In dim LYONS MERCANTILE CC 1 FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN Watm Underwear for Cool Days The Big Boston Stdi 4. 4- .. . . ? eons Unr Hoardinand 'Dav Students. Comluclca M the Sislcrs of. St. Fiances of Phladclpl'J rir 1 rt 1 For Tcrms,:etc., Apply to ' What Our Blend Col OWL TEA; III .Very Truly Yours. TTHIiHK is one line of warm Undcrwetisl I union und two-piece that Is llnt-clase la fit, l ing mill washliiB iinatlty, and at the laae I nt u low price. A combluat'on of Iralw ui terinl. Warm Hultfl $1.50, $2 60 and J3.25.' piece gurinenlfi 5c, $1.00, $l.ir and (l.M. TUJ vnlimble infnrniatimi to thrifty liuyerit and ill ( hoim dlmowd to eixiuoinie. We aie sole 1 r... ti.i,. ii..,. ,.t,fl ..i... r flu. Iiimortiint DCU)tf1 111. 111 ...... UV ... ..." . liKiked ubove is, "NOX-BHIUNKINCl Pendleton, Oregon, SISTER SUPERIO Mighty n, n,n7.i!tnpps of tor plumbing work M ham's tliau purs. "S; m.rtmmiilni!? Wouy; It Is at all P11 nlwu vs. do HnS t0u,.wnrk;nndjl? nwrnmon i' r,fn.wce1dks-wlt,fr io ai. nnv kind of J?S ..islnegfl'basi.gWp.w tjK)rluutiy. jit , ' 1 - t". t'i .always