- 41 DAILY EAST OREQONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. THURSDAY, OCTODER 1, 10t3, ail t'ubllslit'il vny afternoon (oxcent Similar) at IVnillatoii. ()roj;ou, ty tliv EAST OREGONIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. 'Pbone. Muln 11 NUltSL'lill'TlON KATKS. Dallv uu Mr bv mull .ffi.no Dally, a Iv mouth hv mull y.r.o Dall). tliw iimntliK by mnll 1 imuj, oiio nioiiin dv mail Dally, twr month liy carrier ... Weekly, one jenr bv mall Weekly, nix tumuli bv mnll . . . Weeklv, four month by mnll no Semi-Weekly, one ear by mall .... V!.uo Scml-Weekly. six mouth bv m.ill .. 1.0.1 Semi-Weekly, ttirec months by mnll . . ,R0 .no .il.-i l.r.o i The liaat orejronlnti In o.t sale at II. II. l!lfli' Ner Stands at lintel Portland nuil (Intel 1'isrklnn. l'ortlaml, Oregon. Member St-rlpp Molt.ie tlorj, News Attoela. worthy of citizenship In any country. A row yours conttu't with tho roin niurolnl rncoa of tho western IioiuIh imoty will liuiUo good trailers of tltcni. hlonls art? nil right, lint in dustry Ih hotter. If tho Douhhohors will sottlo on Cnnmllnu whont laiul. huy Ainorlt'an horses, eat Amorlcan bpof, discard tho woodoti shoo and imp soino kind conducive to high kicking and swift moving, the nut Inmllsh liundlo of eccentricities which they brought from llusala will soon disappear. There Is room for more of them In the West. Any man who will leave a country Uko Russia for Iiib cousclonce sake, will make a good citizen hero. S.iu Knuu-teeo lliti-eaii. IPS Fourth St. Clilotfo Itttremi. WO Security ItiillillnR. W.HUlllinton. D C l'.iireau. Ml 1 Itli St., f W timet! at I'euilleton omtofflee n Mccoml. claw matter None hut the broadest brother hood will llvo; And eelilshness, triumphant though It seem, Knlla at the last, whatever lio its scheme; They who would get must also learn to Rive: .or any class, however great or small. Shall save themselves except by Having all. Robert s nttaker. 1 Umatilla county must have the president of the S.tnte Irrigation As sociation next year. This is the lrrt sntotl country. Portland's 54 IuoIiob of ralnfnll disqualifies hor for lead ership, j Conditions in Porto ltleo are said ' by tourists to be deplorable. J,any people In the Interior never taste hrerirl, and live entirely on fruits It will take many years for the natives' to shake off the habits and traits bred into the hone, through centuries of Spanish oppression If the United States iodeems one per cent of those people from Indolence each year, the mission of civilisation will have been well performed. It is impossible to legislate energy into n race. I The nmnager of the Maiiiuam theater of Portland has withdrawn his patronage from tho Oregon Dally journal because that paper told tho plain truth in n very gentle mnntior about a piny which the manager did not represent correctly In his adver tisements. The .lournal. In defense of the public, told juRt exactly what the play was like, after It had boon presented at the Mnnpiani. and the story was not creditable to the asso ciation which booked the attraction, nor the manager who promised nis patroes a good thing at a high price, and deceived them. Tho Journal takes the ground that the public should be kept posted, and to tins end employs competent critics to write up toe attractions furnished by the Portland theaters. If a play Is not good, the public should know It. so the company presenting It n. .y Improve or put on a now number. If the manager of the Marquain shou.tl buy a suit of broadcloth from a deal er at a fancy price, wouldn't ho hick If the stuff proved shoddy on deliv ery? The people want the goods advertised. The addition of dining cars to tho two local passenger trains of tho O. K. & N. between Portland and Hunt-, ingtnn, is In keeping with the con-' stant progress of this sy-stcm. This change will shorten tho time a few minuteb, whore stops were made for meals, under the old plan, and every' ' minute clipped from the time of a train today means a step toward greater patronage and greater divi-1 (lends People travel over roads that ! prepare conveniences and make good 1 time. No road on the coutiuont runs , more elegantly equipped local trains than the O, H. & X. The Portland plumbers have span' $8,01)0 during the past seven weeks fighting for a raise in wages, from 14.50 to ', per tuiy. In this time tney have lost $3,000 in wages through idleness, while the strike hns been in progress, and now at the beginning of winter go back to work for their old employers at $ 1.50 per day, the samp wages they woro receiving be fore. The moral is plain. Their de mand for $." jor dny of eight hours' work was unreasonable, and their de feat is not unexpected. The busi ness of the country will not justify any such wages, and the quicker the working people learn this, the better it wi.i lip for them. They have suiik $C,000 in caslt and go bad; under very unpleasant conditions. It costs monoy to learn. From all over Eastern Oregon comes the call for cheaper building material and fuel. Within 30 miles of Pendleton are immense bodies of ex cellent timber, suitable fur both those purposes. The only barrier between the consumer and tho raw supply In the mountains is the lack of trans portation facilities. The price of lumber and tuel would be cheapened at least l!0 per cent by construction of branch lines of road loading from Huron and Moaeham Into the great timber belt or the lllue mountains. These spurs could be tilled with empty cars twice a week and the loads picked up whan ready, and the company and the consumer would profit by tho plan. Cheaper material would permit many Improvements which cannot now be made. It would stimulate building among the working people, who cannot now undertake it. on account of the great cost. It would Invite Industries which are barrpd out by the building material and fuel questions today. These are legitimate commercial k sues lielorc the city and must be met .Doner or later UAT IN THE SENATE. During the last days of Oliver Woudi.ll Holmes' life ho visited Washington In company with Hubert C. Wlnthrop, writes William R. Cur tis In tlio Chicago Hocord-Hernld, and both of tho vonorublo men visit ed the senate chamber on the oca slim of some coieiuonles which crowded the galleries with people t-o that they were unable to obtain seats. They sent their cards to Senator KvnrtB. hoping, that ho might ar range a place ' for thorn, and when 'I- met them In tho iVlnrhlo room he explained tho dllllculty: "The nil lories uro crowded, as you know " ho said, "and the rules of the sen ate admit to the Moor of the chanib o only lnoinburB of the two houses oi congress, members of tho eatdui-i justices of tho supreme court, ex senators, persons who have received the thanks of congress and priva'" secretaries to senators. I eannor "e you admission in any other capacity hut if you will accept highly respei table and remunerative employment tiB my private secretaries I will hold you seats on the lloor." lloth the poet and the statesman accepted, and .Mr. Kvarts took thorn to the door, where he addressed the doorkeeper ah follows: "My dear air. these two young inon are my " private secretaries. You will observe that moy are both very green and i; V norant, hut I am trying to have pa !' tlenre with them and overlook their 'A deficiencies. I wish yon would take a good look at them so thai when 5 thej come hero again lo see me jou will know them." and with that In 3; pushed open the swinging doors cud motioned to Dr. Holmes and Mr $ Wlnthrop to pass in, while the dooi -j; keeper. In a bewildered .Wi't o wa; . remarked in an undertone. "Well. I'll be blanked." The best of barley, hops and yeast, selected by one of our partners. I'u re water, from six wells driven down to rock. Pure air, which has first passed through, an airfilter. Every drop of Schlitz Beer filljrcd by machin ery through masses of white wood pulp. Every bottle sterilized, so that it contains no germs. Thus we double the necessary cost of our brew ing to make purity certain to make Schlitz Beer healthful. Will you drink common beer, and pay just as much for it, when Schlitz Beer can be Had lor the asking. Ask Jor the litevjeiy Mottling. Phono Main 1781 The Uoss Ice & Cold Storage Co,. 414 Main St., Pendleton if "'Mom strife! 1 '"""MdhtAl 1 1 Sa.con Ir, I.. I f IV" r nr il i.nn.r . - 'I ""b nine. T t FULL of fall rmim After a bitter contest in the Colo-1 ig rado republican primaries and state, committee, ex-United States Senator! Wolcott has won a decided, one-sided , victory. 1! G RIP CON VALIiSCliNCF. There's nothing better than Scott's Emulsion after the grip. When the fever is gone the body is left weak and exhausted; the nervous system is completely run down and vitality is low. Two things to do: give strength to the whole body and new force to the nerves. Scott's Emulsion will do it; contains just what the worn out system needs. Rich blood, healthy flesh, resistive force, more and bet ter nourishment are what Scott's Emulsion supplies to the convalescent. We'll eril you a timplc tree upon requeit. SCOTT .1 IIOWNT, oo I'Mtl Mrtet, New York. Is the inayiiilu out stock uf carpets ami runs we an showing. The iyo4 patterns are displayed ami ready for you to chnosi- the design that pleases your fancy. In our stock you will find something to please as we liave ca pet- Irotn 'the heavy velvet nrussels to the lighter makes and all show tl at richness that adds so much to the b.auty of your looms. We bought carpels in a vast quantity and got prices which cut down the cost so we are in a position to save you money. Broad choice, large savings and export workmen tu sew and la oui carpets, are inducements we offer. Koomio veril hardware StotJ E. I). Be W'lO l)nl B.i urai JUStatt H QEAI'. ESTATll 1 1 sumsamided ii-meuce tooiil iiosi modem d ''qulprnliiuriv ill the limit ,ii of Pendleton. i?J farm of a (itl Vooil alfalfa y thousand olJ wncnt land. i BAKER A. & F0LS The Modern Carpet and Furniture House of Pendleton 0M i Si I! !! St N' The city council must make prep arations to meet the growth of Pen dleton next year, In more than ono way. This year a deficiency In the street sprinkling service has been noticed in many portions of the out side districts, while tho wagons cov ered territory every dny which was but little used by the public. Tho extension of ttood sldowalks to ovory portion of the city should bo Insisted upon, in order that tho free delivery force of tho postofllco may be of ser vice to the people llviiiB off tho two or tlirco main residence streets, With tho completion or tho sowor system, tho sanitary conditions will bo much more easily controlled. Tho present city administration has reduced the number of loughs, until tho present pollco force will bo adequate for sev eral years yet, If conditions remain us they nre, and this expense which Is saved to tho people, should be ap plied lo civic Improvements, , ,Tho Uouldiobors, who created a Herniation last winter, by running naked through tho Canadian bllv znrdB In search of an Immagtuary mosslah, have decided to become use fill to tho country, and lmvo accepted tho offer of a I'hlladolphla man to ostnulluh schools and begin life in a civilized way Asido from thoir io- llgioua freaklshness, these people an STARTLED By some sudden s-ounil she drops the vase upon the floor. She is nerous mid may; be told that nervousness is n luxury which onlv a , rich woman can (0 in. Nervousties.1 has cost many a woman her jx sition. Some times when wom en run machin ery the price of nervousness is mutilation, a finger lost or per ltaps the whole in ml crinlieil Nervousness in women is com monly but a symptom of womanly tliwnse. It B useless in such cases to "doctor" for the nerves alone. Cure the diseases which attack the delicate woman ly ortranistn and nervousness will be cured also. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription makes weak women strong, tick women well. It establishes regular ity, dries wcakenlne drains, heats inflam mation and ulceration, and cures female weakness. It trnniiulliics the nerves and induce refreshing sleep. Tn th fill of iIVtt. I wu troubled with ncrv ouineu, lieadzche, heart trouble and feratle wcskntM," wtitei miii nitncn m, iirxccj, oi Sala, Oiwrgo Co.. N. V. tt summer I wrote you and to tdvued mi to try your Mvonir Prncrlptlon ' and 'Golden Medical Discovery.' I did to and I began to Improve rapidly. Con tinued Uklng the medicine, half a dmeii etch ol Favorite rrecription' ana -ijoiarn jieqicai ,i r . i. . e ... n.. In ..,A I.. UIHUHiy tvf lilt MllT u. inv ...,.,,, ... let than a year hid regained my former health." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets clear the muddy complexion. asssssH asssssH 'P sssssssi CP sssssH 0 ssssV m ! I I H 1 1 I 1 1 M I H"' I Insurance at Cost! 14,370,113.00 I Of Insurance iln force T OREGON FIRE RELIEF A8 I OOCIATION. 4 A Strictly Mutual Homo Institution M. H. RICE, Froowator. A pent for Umatilla County. J. P. WALKER, city agent for Pendleton i A'l'OliKO.V lo-,t the Little of wcipnle from it lit of in dieistleii. Hiw iiiuny buttles in your liU'duets do you lose fceeallie you luck the nlipportiuc htlinilliitliiK brace of i good eolle. "roor eoiieu, poor I energy!" is tho rule. Nitluro has lier soft peilnl ilowu ami you . have no sua)). If you wunl the loud mm1.iI, the forceful power, I the strenuous liviiur, try VUwv ctfc'unbom's Heal llraiid CoIIVe. It will streiiiheii your ami. In 1 lb. nnd 2 lb. Tin Cans (air tight. I Other high grades In richly uoloretl parchment bugs (moist ure proof.) Sold in Pendleton e.xelus vely by C. RHORMAN COLUIT STUEKT FRAZER .1 MMIN, Misr .V-;Vf.-:,'.-''-'.''-;V'.'.-;";V '';'.-'. .V XX-' THEATER One Night Only--Thursday, October - FIRST APPEARANCE IN THIS CITY i 1 THE ROMANTIC YOUNG ACTOR S. MILLER KENT Pr smiling His New Military Comedy Urania CAPTAIN BOB Ailiml E. U. 110YD. THE ONLY( BOYNTON Fll AND HEA1 llyKdwnrd E. Hoc. iidaptDrof Jnnlic Merldltlt I'aviil lliiiuia, I'rlde of Jinnliu, Alice o . OM V luceniHPS Mauaxemelit Nathaniel Uotli. PRICES Dox Seats and first 0 rows $1.50, balance lower Hour $1; Gallery 50c , AKATS NOW ON RALE AT KKAZIEK'sS BOOK STOKE 200 BANDS from the PORTLAND 1905 CIGAR Will entitlo you to an admission tlokot to the Fair Despain & Clark, Distributors of Parrot Cignm PROMPT, RKLIA-HtiB BKItVIOR A. J. BEAN HAULING OF AIL KINDS (I nodi tiken lit ol niro i(, Leave orduia at Taumcii'. rhouv Main 1271, Rheumatism I'osilivtly Cured liy Oil nnd Sweet Spirits of Hdeti.-Money-bnck Goods. A C. KOHPl'KN & 1IUOS., Sole Agents for Pendleton, FRAZER THEATRE It.. I NIXON, Mm: ONE NIGHT ONLY -OCT. 3 And Edwin Mordant Ola Humphrey Present the Sensational Dramatic Novelty- BURIED AT SEA OR Abundiiiice Hy THEODOHE CKKMBtt, author of "The Kutul WyddliiK," with RAL HUMPHRKV tmtl uBolected coinpnny. Special Scfcilery. Atmnd of Comedy. Startling nnd Novel BltuutloiiH. IlrinAA First 10 rows 75oj next o rows uuo; nlCBS """ Gallery 26o; Box Seats $1.00. .'. SEATS ON BALK AT KRAMER'S HOOK STORE. . ELATERITE la Mineral Rubber. VtlUMAYlNIJKNDllUII.DlNO ,v,.i.v nil.p iioiik or Hu tt uoooMKwry to 11KPI.ACK A wultN-tlll'l ItOdK ELATERITE ROOFING Talies th. place of slilnglea, tin, Iron, tur and gravol, nnd all prepared roofings. For flat audtoep eurfacos, guttors, valleys, ,ote. Easy to lay. Tempore for all cllmdW Reaaonablo In coat. Sold on morlt. Quaran toed. It will pay to, ask for prlcosand Information. .VjTIJr PLATE ft IT E FtOOFINQ CO. v,fc . f Portland. Hi . ' x Woroeater Building. Have Yotr Watcf'Ripes Examined and Repaired at Once Delay Jfyijl lead to serious breaks. FirsUGlifss worli guaranteed by BECK, tfie Reliable Pkmber. Court street, opposite the Golden Rule Hotel Puruaco, il put up M success Let M fijinl buatin your llllSillVMi. GEORGE PB CottonwcodS The Ff Rsstai Be-i 25 cent JliiJ Private DiilMl Eioput m tjgiiiii"i GUS LaFOW" Any Ti Is God I. thai J have fJ there will M'JM I fully. J to any rooji J every one J color a''.fc-ff let us "JV1 you what n whole hou E. J. - - r in HI Co Tii tp found on "