DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1903. TO FIGHT COMBINE A. H. 3UNDERMAN BELIEVES IN MORE ORGANIZATION, rz! -AH TfR CLOTnllNU I tumors removed without knife, blood Enlists in chrome nnd nervous diseases. tan b consulted in private io to i? dan . IS, Harbor imercial Co. E,erylliii) ep oood bio l' dry Flooring, le and Finish. M- Also all kinds lon Lumber. In- I'll and Shinnies. ' Doors. Win. H'ng. Building aPer and Annie mplete, and anv f Lumbbr will ron3 In nlacina with the : : frbor Com. Co. C. R. l)enn, 2 BEST CHEAPEST pn mind wilnn wn Stork '"ami. tt Ior Jour row trou Jlesworthy Last Attn ?t leo's Linn mil Pregonlon by carrier best triniTea, me ncsi lining, me ' 1 I A. - At quality violiiiiik mi waiin iui liic Drop in and chat about your Oder's Department Store It von "njoy a uootl article, then miiokc i PRIDE OK UMATILLA OK PENDLETON BOQU1ST ilinint ni.iilc mill ol tilt tK'ht tobacco. A. RHODE, Maker UEBEsasmsxssi Street Entertainment Evening Except Sundays Quaker Doctors i rendlcton for B few wteks. They arc rloiriK'iKMrvt'lou work. OT JUIIII TllfA nti En Offices: Hotel Pendleton i-xcvpt Suinbn- 332SI52S22S MONTEKASTELL! BtfOS. IHarlile and Granite Works MOSl'MKN'IS, IIKUIHO.NI 3 !OI' INCiS AMI BI'ILIH.NU hro.NK Wpiio fiuroivn uork ntl Giitinuiti'o tin stunt' fit lotvCKt (irlie itlmU civon mi nil klmli uf Hut Htmiu, Wti imvo n Ihtro Rlock niul wou'u In- pita cl to have ymii-AHmlue it. M.iin Street i'emtlctoii, Oregon Neor O. k . N Jicfiot IIKANCII BdOP AT HU'J'NEK, OKE. 'Building Of all Description Sash, Doors & Windows Made to order. Building paper, lime,,, cement, brick and sand, Wood gutters for barns and dwellings a spec ialty, Oregon Lumber Yard Alta St, Opp. Court House I THE SURE WAY to Provont Pneumonia and Consump tion Is to cure your cojd, .when iy tirst appears. cer s uuuuon;. edy will stop tno cougu in a msm. and drive tin cold out of your syatrni. AiwnvH a nulck and mire cure fur Asthma, Ilronchitla. nnd all throat i nml tuiiP troubles. If it does not 8.V ' Isfy you the druggist will rotund your money. Writo to us for freo sample. W. II. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N . P. W. Schmidt & Co., drugclsta, Says Stocktr.cn Should Stand To. gcther and Demand Relief From Unjust Combinations That Now Force Down Prices. A. H Sundcrman Is down from his range on the ncad waters of the Grand Rondo river, and reports his siock in tine condition for winter. Ho will remain on the summer range tor a counlo of weeks yet. when ho will move down to the fall pastures near mot nock. Mr. Sundcrman Is an enthusiastic advocate of organization among the stockmen or the West for the pur poso of combating tho meat and packing combines. Tho rangemon raise the stock, feed It and grazo It prepare it for market, load It on the cars and furnish It to these grasping combines at a sacrifice, nnd yet no doclslve steps are taken to fight this method. The trusts keep buyers In the coun try, living on the fat of the land drawing enorrrtous salnrles. living in comparative case, whose bnslness is to hammer down prices on the pro dni'cr, nnd secure tho stuff grown on the farms and ranges at less than tho actual cost of production. Mr Sunderman believes tho stock men of Oregon should thoroughly organize, make it a secret organiza C Hon. as in Montnnn. if necessary, and riuiki logumur, miner nil circumsinii res, to protect each other from the grasping corporations that are con i stantly pulling down tho prices of I wool and livestock. In tho wool pools ' each man should be obliged to abide i by and support the organization, nnd I thus prevent agents from using un fair mean.'! to get individual clips at I reduced prices, or use coercive moth ods io beat down nny ono owner. He favors the establishment of tho Independent packing plants, under the supervision of stockmen, as now organized. He thinks that tho actu al stockmen of the country, and not the hotel lobby stockmen, should con trol the Institution, and reap the just profits, to which they are entitled. Speaking of the coming meeting of the National Livestock Association In Portland, next January, ho thinks the Oregon and Pacific Coast stock' men should bo prepared to defend themselves against the old ring which has dominated the policy of tho as soi'lation for years. To do this, tho actual slock growers should get to gether, understand each other, de mund some plain, ordinary business action, which will release them from the salt and transportation trusts, and permit them to placo their out put on tho market at something near or its actual value. Something should be done to save the grower tho profits that now go to keep in luxury about three useless classes which are not engaged in bundling livestock namely, the buy. or. the commission man and tho t I wholesale dealers. j lietwecn the steer or the mutton on the runge and the butcher's block aie but Hio men actually needed In the entire process the owner of tho live stuff and the railroad company. Ui forming the stockmen's packing plants the owner, through tho asso ciation, can put tho moat on the block- to the consumer as easily us the com mission men put it there, nnd all the Intermediate prollts would n main In the hands of tho grower, to be converted hark again into more range stock. TWO LETTERS AEOUT TRIE. Man Who Was Willing to Try Was Convinced. and A. S Burroughs, Uakor City Or., December 15, 1902, wrote: "I have been a very hard drinker for 20 years few people diank moie thnn 1 If j our TUIH is n cure, I want it.' On Muy 15. 3S03, Mr llurromhs wrote- "it is a pleasure for nif to reiumnu'iid Tltlll as a euro for the liquor hnblt. It has now been six months slnco I completed a cure with TWJJ. I have never had better health. I eat well mid sleep welJ. believe It is the best cure for the liquor addiction jet placed upon tho market. ' Tallinnn & Co., local agents "Captain Bob." Wednesday's Portland Orcgonian says of "Captain Hob." whlrh comes to tno Krazer tonight: "The last per formance of that beautiful romantic drama, ''Captain Hob," which S. Mil ler Kent and his exceedingly capable company havo bceu playing at tho Marquam (irand Theater, will be given tnis evening. Mr, Kent was nover seen to bettor advantage, His eharactor of Robert Renssclaor af fords 1 1 1 in ample opportunity to show his talonts as an able actor. His company has boeu selected from among tho most capable people in tho profession. Tho sconlc effects are elnborato and comploto In ovory detail. In fact It Is an interesting Btory, cloverly told and well worth soolng." Saves Two From Death. "Our llttlo daughter had an almost fatal attack of whooping cough and bronchitis", writes Mrs. W. K. Ha' land of Armonk. N. Y.. "but. when all other remedies failed, we saved her life with PiyKtng's Now Discovery. Our nlocQ.iwuo had Consumption In an advauccKl stag'', also usod this wonderful TriMdlciiic and today she Is norfeotly- wettfe' Desperate throat and luflj(Jlseaeos yield to Dr. King's New Ultyyery as to no other modi-elm- on rtfft1i. 'infallible for cough .i and eg Ids. j50 and $1 bottloq guar ant' 'd by Tull man & Co. Trial hot ir" five." The Walla Walla theater has Just rec Ivod 1100 opora chairs which will ho liut in ilaco immediately. There is only One Genuine-SyrUp Of FigS, The Genuine is Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. The full rmme of tho company, Ciiltfornln I3Ik Syrup Go., Im printed on the front of every puckoRe of the genuine. The Genuine- Syrup of Figs- is for Snle, in Original Packages Only, by Reliable Druggists Everywhere Knowing the above will enable one to avoid the fraudulent imita tions made by piratical concerns and. sometimes offered by unreliable dealers. The imitations are known to act injuriously and should therefore be declined. Buy the genuine always if you wish to get its beneficial effects. It cleanses the system gently yet effectually, dispels colds and headaches when bilious or constipated, prevents fevers and acts best on the kidneys, liver, stomach and bowels, when a laxative remedy is needed by men, women or children. Many millions know of its beneficial effects from actual use and of their own personal knowledge. It is the laxative remedy of the well-informed. Always buy the Genuine- Syrup of Figs LoMisville, Ky. 1 LADIES' COATS, SUITS and SKIRTS I r 1 " ma I II III II I III I . . . I I I I I 5 The soapon for buying fall ami winter woiiriii; apparel is licit.' and wo are ollor- 3 ing rare bargains If you aro of an ei-onoinizing turn of mind I hen don't mifK a Sj investiga'ing our big olIVtH. We never inisropicsent, 2 j Ladies' Dressing Sacques, in all grades and slvles, Prices rangum from 90c to $2.50 S i Saturday Specials Misses1 Ribbed Hose, all sixes, 3 prs (or ZZ. Boys' Heavy Hose, best value in town, special j Men's Black or Colored fine Half Hose tST Men's Ribbed Underwear, our regular 30c wear, special 7 Boys' Ribbed Underwear, special value at iniUituiiiiiiuiiiiiiiianitiiniiiiUitiitiiiiuatiitutiiiauiu&iUiiiiUiuiUHiiiiiUiitiaiHiaiiiu You Furnish tliettppetito We'll Do the rest I BEHREN'S f NEW I HOUSE fir 308 Court Street They are the Best The Standard and WHITE SEWING MACHINES JESSE FAILING Alone UckWS fall to cu Kheuumtisni. KorSaleby I A. C. Koeppen & Bros, Agts, for l'ciidl'u. Sold :.) MANUFACTURED BY THE nuat Firrr cents ffr bottle Lidics' Hose, fast lilarlc, med.ii'ii weight, prs lir Ladies' Fleeied lined Muse, gooil weight. 2 p s loi f HEALTH , COMFORT Art C'oiiibiiK d I n T!h.e Xrlcarca. - - Its Mm- mm mm xi'S- Jll,y bav.-, pt,vei. il,.;,t real v,oitli. Jta3iZA H'l'K'rL'-ls ii f.iiislied people in 1'endleton fil551- l,",Jt'l'a Cole's moves and V W:' leaters always ic oiiimend tbein to llieit f U " fru,"'s So'1 ",y' '" '',ulleto by THU UKBT TJIK MOST WII()I,KKOMi J'HOI'KHIiY Mil, I, III) WJTJiOUT A KUl'i:UI()ll BYERS' BEST FLOUR The Standard of Excellency. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. Byers, Proprietor. BARGAINS IN For a few day:- 1 !1 whet Is on band. H. J. STILLMAN , . - -5 3 .5' 3 iCM .'St . . . j p STHE F&m 1 ECONOMY J t Cole's Original (Air Tiht Wood Heaters or ' Hot Blast Coal Stoves t w - a,re Man .! . 1 BICYCLES ullsr j'i i i i' i)'. pj,ct i 1 1 all MAIN KTKI0IC1' 15 O. Jll'lLOINO