East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 30, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
at f'!'?An2
Tonight fair with light frost
Thursday; partly cloudy.
" . rrrtrtT
NO. 4858.
Folsom Peniten-
i u ntup
nre of the Trusties
C Uliii
.... ii- r-1-.....J That
son Force Was De
Inefficient. Cal.. Sept- 30.-Tho
public UK-' l'rlson "
today, 111111 UUB "
, The report goes
of tho prison break
runuiionils the brnv-
thinks that had War-
... 1 i fln
ftvn .men badly Injur-
era ami Rimiun ouumu
1 In nt.mil.1
k nt. nil hnz-
, . P ...1 iholr
officers anu guarus
the same nerve as
R lilllUl wviin.
.. . . I ll.
nru cuuiu nu 1,1
I1U11 111 JUOUIill wwJi
1 .... J . I, .. ,.,., nn ttin
- nkn that John Mar
unnl eil. and diaries
oned, and tho Benton
ark ami William Gri-
nr nardoneci.- i se
to he confined InSlps
him front tho crn-
i nt i-nncnrifinH nt nuu
'. I 1 thnl .Un
rri wiiii i in: n :n ir-
a total lacK or
fiflttilnnnir It npifipu
UH lltH.'UIlllJ Willi UI1K1IIJ-
M. E. Conference.
ti. Npm xii i -it v nnil
are numerous lor me
of the Northern Min
Mil UL IUL IHUllllllllDV
rrn uhipt, umii lm in
during tho next few
iv uuiii-i Lim ill i:amt:ir
V twin-nlil nf Ut T ,i,ilu
II. Ill Ulllll
rump- m rnnnn I tt nil.
among tho preachers,
exhibit of Its tobacco
u uiinriiiii-iunir Mr 1.1111K
Hi lliuni-ll' nenm una 1 1
In every form from the
imiiimi tiMiiinni iininnnni
Pit hv nil 1.1,.lt, mn.
-u udii hi llllllllllll
tobacco. Tho tobacco
stMVftK w 1 i nfpnv flirt
Chiefs Confer,
bent 30 Ilnnrfisentn.
railroads mot here to-
--IMHtlUII Willi 11
naif nni inwu w.
lilt A Point..
& Nashville. Southern
i Sept. 30
11 ro
Of their elnln
ucKt-t congressman
Of ihln M 111
...... ,ii.j( will
opcBKers win
of tho
Chairman Hail
of the
--"i mill J
M, uur-
Tr'P By Team.
ivn II l.n
twin from Los Angeles
WasJllngton. a illslnnno
H. In 1
' ... (ivoh iiinn i.ii fmvs.
nf in
' nuies a day,
Retlrej November 1.
nloIen., nf ti, m.ji,
- --"ui inn nuau or inai
"".uuer 1, tils eucuos
immou until that tlmo,
Distinguished Auditors at College of
New York.
Now York. Sopt. 30. Dr. John Hus
ton FInley, for years In tho chair of
political economy at Princeton, was
today Installed as president in the
Collego of New York, of Carncgio
Hall. Representatives of C4 leading
universities were present. Among
tho distinguished guosts aro Clove-
land. Chaffee, Lowe, Dopow, Odell,
General Young, Carlisle, Lnmont and
Presidents Hadley of Yale: Butler,
of Columbia; Sehurman. of Cornell,
and Itemson, of Johns Hopkins.
Roundly Abused by a Berlin
Berlin, Sopt. 30. Noust Unchrlch-
ten today bitterly assails tho Ger
mans In America. It says thoy shako
off their nationality and avoid the
ubo of the mother, tongue to forget
the fatherland, and neglect to edu
cate their children as Gorman, which
causes them to bo despised by Ger
mans in iicrmnny, and causes them
to blush for shame for those who
thus botray their own country.
Czar Visits Emperor.
Vienna. Sept. 30. Tho czar arriv
ed hero today to visit Franz Josef,
tho emperor, vho met tho royal visi
tor nt tho station. Both urovo to
Schoenburn palace through troops
which stood several deep along the
entire route. Great crowds gave the
czar an enthusiastic greeting.
Current Literature Club.
Tim f!nrrrnt Literature Club will
moot with Mrs. Alexander, on Wnter
strpflt. on Friday nuornoon, at 2
Wall Street Convalescent.
iot York. Sent. 30. Stocks open
ed firm and with a steady gain, and
free from nil effects or the recent
Considerable Saving of Expense Over
Previous Years Is Claimed The
( State's Lighting Plants Will Be
Salem, Sept. 30. Attorney Juhn H.
h,.t.,. i,.. i.inacwi n pontra'-t lodav
i...... fi.i ntisLnns1 TJcht .t- Trac
tion Company and the public building
i " ri nhnmlim.
commissioners, uuivium ......
ii Cnnotnp,, nnnhnr nnil Treasur-
or Moore, by which the Salem light
company will Ugni me usyimu
.1... .tn.f.ninin tntinni nnd tho state re
IMU uwirmiiiw . -
IUI 111 w 1'-'- - -
Tho rates agreed upon In the con
tract aro ?G per month for each ire
unlmnl fnr fl imriOfl IH UVU JUUID.
light and hi) cents per uiuuiu v--.-m
nn.iin nmunr Inpnndesccilt. Ol
tho latter tho asylum, farm takes 300,
the mute school 200 and the reform
school 3B0. ,
As a result of reductions In state
lighting rates, the whole bill for
lighting seven state Institutions will
not be any more than the state for
merly paid Tor lighting four.
It Is generally believed that the
state has secured a v"y favorab o
contract. Tho stato will discontinue
all Its own lighting plants at those,
institutions, finding It cheaper to bus
tho light than to make it.
Quotations Furnished by Coe Commis
sion Company B. E. Kennedy, Lo
cal Manager.
Pendleton, Sept. 30.-Stock market
started out steady this morning hut
a' slump came later. Morgan Is bear
lne down with a death grip all tho
mie Thiers In tho United States
Steel. Until ho gains absoluto con
trol of this stock It will "e) ,l0.W,.'iaOr
when ho gets all the. small- holders
out it will resume Its normal place.
Chicago, Sept. ju.
Wheat OpenlnE'
May 78
May .4C ,
Minneapolis, SoptuO.
Wheat Opening
May M
Liverpool. Sopt. 30,
Wheat 9pe??5
Cs 3V&d
Gs 3d
Chicago Wheat-
, Chicago. Sept. iVheat opened
at 77:' closed at 77.
Strike for Increased Wages and Go to
Work at Old Scale.
Portland Sept. 30. Tho plumbers'
strike progress tor six weeks was
sott ed today, the men losing ami go-fnu-
to work They demanded $6 per
lav InHtea of KM. The genera
sSntlmont was strongly against
thorn, i
Corn In Grant County.
H. H. Arbognst of KUtor, Grant
county has 40 acres of excellent
corn this year, nna his neighbor, c
S UavlH. gathorod 01 bushels from
four acres,
Troops Have Arrived and Are
Guarding Boarding Houses
and Company Property.
Company Is Shipping in Scab Miners
and More Trouble Is Anticipated
All Ferryboats Between Canadian
and American Sides Are Guarded
From the Troublous Times'.
Sault, Ste. Marie Sept. 30. Addi
tional troops arrived on a special
train last night, and a second spec
ial with 250 more grenadiers and
Highlanders arrived this morning,
with regulars, to guard properly.
Idle workmen will be refused, free
moals. Much trouble is expected and
a detail of sqldlers will bo sont to
each boarding house to guard build
ings. All company property will bo
likewise guarded. Street cars start
ed this morning.
Seven Arrests Made.
This forenoon seven of the ieaders
of yesterday's riots wero arrested.
The principal leader Is supposed to
bo a man named Jack Dean. This Is
not an employe of the Consolidated
Company, but throughout yesterday
he was to be found wherever a crowd
of the men gathered, urging mem to
further action of violence.
The two Frenchmen wounded In
yesterday's fight with tne police aro
also charged with aiding them In
arousing tho rioters. One of these
men, Beault, who received a w.ouud
In the neck, Is found to be more se
riously injured than was at first sup
posed. '
Shipping in Scab Miners.
Tho Minnie M., the company's
steamer opperatlng between the Soo
and Mlchlplcoten. Is expected to ar
rive tomorrow wltn another load of
An attempt will be made today (o
start the cars on tho Canadian Bide.
The ferryboats between the Americau
and Canadian Soo aro running today,
guarded by soldiers.
More Trouble Expected.
The soldiers marched through tho
streets to tho Consolidated Superior
Company's works, followed by hund
reds of Idle workmen, but no vio
lence was manifested. Tho streets
were lined with Idle men who watch
ed them In silence.
Everything .a quiet now, but a
clash will occur, as they have no
money for transportation, and sever
al thousand will be compelled to re
main here.
New Vehicles Will Traverse the Cal
Ifornla Desert.
San Bernardino, Cal., Sept 20.
Two big gasoline automobiles have
arrived to take tho place of tho old
desert stago coaches between Search
light and Manvel. Each automobile
has a trailer for freight and carries
10 passengers. The Initial trip will
bo mndo Saturday, it Is an innova
tion In dpsert travel.
Progress of Tillman Trial.
Iexlngton, Sept. 30. The third day
of tho trial of Tillman is attracting
small attention, only 20 spectators
listening to tho examination of wit
nesses. Body Washed Ashore.
Santa Cruz, Cal., Sept. 30. The
body of Bertha Page, who dlsapiiear
ed from San Jose three weeks ugo.
has washed ashore. It was identified
by the clothes and Jewelry.
Now Haven, Conn., Sept. 30. The
Spanish War Veterans this morning
elected Harold McGrow, of Indianapo
lis, io be commauderln-chIef.
To Succeed Mellen.
St, Paul, Sept. 30. Vice-President
Hunnaford or Goneral Counsel Bunn
will probably succoed Mellen as pres
ident of the Northern Pacific.
London, Sept. 30. Sir Michael Her
bort Brltbh ambassador at Wash
ington, died at Davis Platz, Swltzer
land, this morning.
His death was announced nt 3:30
this afternoon by Lord Alvorstono, .it
tho meeting of tho Alaskan boundary
Sir Michael has been 111 some time
nnd rocontly loft Washington for tho
bonent of ills hualtli. His death was
unoxpectod nnd was caused by n af
fection of tho lungs. Tho rosorl
where ho died is largely patronlzod
National Delegate Convention
Called to Meet in Chicago
October 29-30.
Employes Everywhere Are Urged to
Make Common Cause Against the
.Demands of Organized Labor Will
Spread Organization All Over the
Continent of North America.
Chicago, Sept. 30. The teniparory
officers of the Natlonnl Employers'
organization today issued a call for
a delegate convention to be held hero
October 29-30.
The object is to enlarge and per
fect the organization until It shall
Include all associated employers In
tho United States, Canada and Brit
lsh and all North American domin
ions. Representatives of a thousand
organizations are expected to attend.
Circular letters were today mailed
to hundreds of thousands of employ
era who nre not members of employ
ers' associations urging them to Join
In the common flgiit against tho de
mands of labor. Business agents will
be sent to many towns.
Secretary Job expects within tnreo
months to have the organization so
perfected as to bo able to successful
ly combat with all union demnnds
which tho employers consider tin
Fight Over Next Session Resolu
tlon in Regard to Apprentices.
Kansas City, Sept. 30. San Fran
clsco. In addition to having the lead
ing candidate for tho presidency, is
making a fight for tho next conven
tion of the ironworkers. Toronto Is
making a vigorous campaign.
This morning's session was quiet.
Sam Parks Is attired in patent Jcath
er shoes and can and a black and
white sweater and carefully creased
cutaway suit, and wears a ring with
three large diamonds and Is conspic
The convention today Instructed
the secretary to apply for a chartc
from the American Federation of Ln
hor. It also adopted a resolution limit
ing apprentices to one for every
seven men.
Chloroform and Cowardice the Real
Causes of Death.
Seattle, Sept. 30. William S.
Thomas, alias Kid Smith, held for
the murder of Patrolman A. C. Schaii
eman, succumbed during n surgical
operation this morning. Tho doctors
say cowardice was tho real cause of
death, as ho always feared lynching.
Another Outbreak.
Smyrna, Sept. 30. New regiments
of redlffs aro being mobilized hero
as It Is feared tho Mohammednns
contemplate a second outbreak
against the Christian.
National Republican League.
Chicago, Sept. 30. A meeting of
tho executive committee of thu Na
tional Itopubllcan League was an
nounced today to bo held bore this
week to discuss uffnlrs and perfect
organization for the coming ram
palgn. Drowned in the Bay.
San Diego, Cal., Sept. 30. Tho
body of Mrs. A. J. Morris was dis
covered on the hay shore. Sho dis
appeared from home Monday, It Is
believed to be a case of suicide. She
was CO years of age. Her husband Is
a wealthy packer of Kansas City.
Yellow Fever In Texas.
Iaredo, Texas, Sopt. 30. Thirteen
now cases of yellow fover are re
ported. A car wheel trust is being organ
ized in Now York with n capitaliza
tion of 9,000,000.
. y consumptives,
Sir Herbert was born in 1857. Ho
was onsldered as ono of England's
lead'ntT diplomats and America's
wart o' friend. His appointment to
hi lit. l'auncefote gnvo great satis
faction on both sides of tho Atlantic,
fits lone Bcrvlco lu various capacities
d Washington and hit
Ms. Lolla Wilson, o
Washington and his marriago wiui
alrn' Ulm a wldo circle of Ameri
can liads and cnusod him to de-
darn frequently ho was half Ameri
National Organization May Recom
mend Clarkson to Succeed Hanna.
Chicago, Sept, 30. ln rcspouso to
tho call of President J. Hampton
Monro, tho members of thu execuuvo
committee of the National Republi
can league aro rounding up In Chi-
cngo ror a conrerence io consider
ways and means of conducting tho
campaign of lPOt, nnd of fixing tho
tinio and place of holding tho next
national convention or tho lenguo.
Baltimoro is a lending candidate for
the convention nnd Invitations from
several other cities have been re
ceived. The conference scheduled for to
morrow has nttracted several repub
lican leaders of national prominence.
In addition to the committeemen, nnd
some Interesting political develop
ments nre not Iniprobnble. The arri
val in tlie city today 01 uenerni
James S. Clarkson has revived the
report that he l slated to succoed
Senator Hnmia as chairman of tho
nntiumtl committee nnd among tho
leaders gathered hero many fuvorablo
comments nncnt his candidacy are
heard. All t-eem to agree that Gen
eral Clarkson would be as able a man
as could ho chosen In the event or
tho Ohio senator's retirement from
tho chntrmniisiilp.
Carnival a Financial Success.
Portland. Sent. 30. During, tho 12
days of carnival 75,000 iwrsons paid
admission to the grounds, tho largest
attendance nny ouo night bolng When
9.U00 admissions wore paid. The frco
list of that cvonlnc amounted to
nearly 3,0 . o. While the exact amount
of the net proceeds IinR noi as yoi
been determined, tho club under
whose auspices It was held, will clear
somowhnt less than $5,uuu.
Safe Robbery in Missouri.
Pilot Grove, Mo., Sept. 30. Rob
bers last night blow the safe at the
Katy station and got a small sura.
Citizens wero aroused by the explo
sion. Tho robbers tied, oscnplng on
Panic Ensued Among the Spectators,
Who Bolted Examination Showed
the Neck Had Been Broken and
Man Was Dead.
Wllkcsbarre, Pa., Sept. 30. A sick
ening sight occurred at tho hanging
of Peter Lcnouskey at the county jail
ihln tiuirnliiir for the murder of An
thony Sennlck. When tho body shot
through the trap tho rope stretched
two feet and ivenouskey'H feet rested
firmly on tho ground. The Bherlff
Kiimmimcd demitics and rushed to
tin. Krnffdlil. seized the roi.e and lift
ed tho body clear of the ground,
vulicm It was held several minutes,
Several hundred spectators who
had gained admittance to the Jnll on
forged passes, went scurrying from
tin. .no. PhvBlcluns afterward
fnimii tin. neck broken nnd that
.loniii umih liiHtnntaneoiis.
Ixjuouskey became cnainoiod with
Sennlek'H wife, and lured his victim,
who was a fellow-miner, to nn aban
doned .drift, whore ho wns nssaulted
by a comrade, Zerambo, who ho hhed
in hkkIkI nnil they brutally butcher
ed tho victim. Afterward ho tried to
mnri-v tin. widow. Kornmho Is scrv
Inn a 20-yonr sentence for his part
in the crime.
Famous Soldier of Fortune Will Go
to the Gallows,
Cheyenne, Sept. 30. The supremo
court has denied the motion of Tom
Horn for a new trial and confirmed
tin. Ki'ntenee to hniiK November 20,
Horn assassinated a ranchman'H hoy,
and Is also charged with tho murder
of tho rnncbrann'B wife. Horn nn
v.MexIran nrmv oil cer und wns a
celebrated scout, cattle thief detec
tive und Indian fighter and chief of
scouts under Miles ln the Porto Hi
can campaign,
May Be Train Robber,
Portland. Sent. 30. A young man
giving the' narno of Thomas Watson,
and answering the description of ono
of tho O. It, & N, train robbera, was
arrested at Albany into yesieruiiy
ovenlng, and Is held awaiting the ar
rival of Portland olllclals.
Was an Old and Well Known Settler
Near Nye.
Mrs. Ellzabfllh Ohrvst died yester
day afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at tno
homo of her (laugnicr, airs, jonn juu
Afeo. about two miles tho other side
of Nyo postoince, aged 74 years.
Mrs. Chryst Is one or tno oiu sel
lers of tho county, and has of lata
years lived with her daughter at Nyo.
Several days she contracted a severe
cold which developed pneumonia,
which attached to the advanced ago
of tho sufferer, rendered It fatal, Tho
deceased leaves two children, Mrs.
John McAfee, of Nye, and a son who
Is living at Grand Junction, Col.
Tho funeral will bo held tomorrow
morning ut 10 o'clock from the fam
ily rosldenco at Nye, and the inter
ment will bo made In tho cemetery
at Pilot Rock.
Will Be Shipped From Pendle
ton During October, to the
One Thousand Head of Cattle From
the Izee Country Will Be Full Fed
at Echo Three Hundred Head of
Cattle From This Point to Port
land. Word has been recolved ln tho city
that J. C. Umergan will ship from
this city during thu llrst part of tho
coming month, 59 cars of cnttlo that
ho has bought on tho south fork of
tho John Day rivor. Mr. Lonorgan
has buon In that country for somo
time, and- has written hero nBklng for
enrs to ship over the W. & C. K. Ho
will Bhlp 27 cars from hero on the
5th of tho mouth, lfi cars on tho 15th
and 10. more on tho 20th.
Tho cattle will he drlvon overland
to this city, where thoy will bo load
ed. Thoy aro nil young and have
been bought nt tho prevailing low
figures,. and nro ln good condition for
Immedlnto solo to the consumers of
tho Sound country, for which piano
they nro Intended, having boon
bought for tho FryolJruhno Moat
Company, of Seattle.
Besides this big shipment, two
cars will bo shipped out of horo this
evening to the samo parties. Thoso
cattle have been bought or j, urow
and J. Brigham, of this vicinity, and
aro also high-class beef cattlo. Thoy
were bought for Mr. 1jnergan by
Nato Itnlnes, of this city, who baa
been acting as buyer for tho company
ln tho absence of Mr. Lonorgan in
the John Day country.
Importing Cattle to Feed,
Somo timo ago It wns reported that
Stanflcld & Sailer 'had bought 1,000
head of cattlo in tho Izeo country,
which thoy would run on tholr
ranches In the vicinity of Echo; hut
later, for somo reason, tho deal was
called off, and It was said that tho
project had been abandoned. Now,
howovor, word comes to tho city that
tho trade hns been rornnuo nnu mm
tho cattle nro on tholr way hero.
Most or tho cattlo havo boon
bought of H. H. Trowbridge, ono t
tho largest dealers In livestock, of
that section, nnd tho rest of tho ani
mals hnvo been picked from tho
herds or J. McOlll.
Outside of the 1,000 head that nro
to ho wintered hero, 309 ligad aro
now on their way hero for RhlpUJSK
to tho Union Meat Market, of PorU
land. Theso are tho pick of tho
country In the way of noof cattlo, und
will he shipped ovor tho O. It. to N.
from Ibis city to Portland In tho near
Hamblen Will Instituto a Lodge
of Royal Neighbors.
Mrs. Ida Iinmhicn loft thin morning
for Hood River, where she ban been
called to organize a camp of tho
Royal Neighbors. Mrs. Huuiblcn has
Just returned from a tilp to tho
East, whoro Hho attended a senuol of
Instruction for tho head ofncTH of
tho order.
Mrs. Hamblen has been with thq
order for tho last iilno years, and has
been given ennrgo of tho work In
Idaho, Montana and Eastern Oregon.
Tho position she now holds will Ikj
filled tho first of tho year by Mrs.
Joslo Brlggs, of Crookston, Minn.,
after whoso coming Mrs. Hamhlun
will devote herself exclusively to
tho hlghor work In tho territory men
Visitors Were Highly Pleased Here,
and May Yet Locate In This Vi
cinity, t. t. nrucor. of Truro. Iowa, ac
companied by Mrs. Mury Cregor, will
loavo for their nomo una uvuimit,.
after a visit with two Mwoarinseii
brothers of this city, Mrs. Cregcr Is
,. uioii.r rr thn Messrs. Swearlngen.
Tho parties have been veiling here
for tho last two months.
Mr. Creger has boon ovor tho coun
try in tho vicinity of Pendleton, and
Is much pleuiied with tho conditions
ho finds hero. Ho would like to
conio horo to locate, hut his properly
Interests in tho East will not allow
of It at this time, at least.
Tomorrow Night Stores Will Close
Under New Contracts.
Tomorrow, Octohcr 1, the stores
of Pendleton, or all of thorn oxcept
Ing a very small minority, w'll clo
at 0 o'clock, In accordanco with tho
now contracts catered Into with tho
rotall clerhs of the city.