East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 29, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 8

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It is a
Shoe Problem
To succcssfuly combine
three essentials EaBO,
ElDcance. Eoonomv our
stock represents the mod
ern solution of the prob
lem. Ease is assured bv
careful lasting, Elegance
bv artistic modclinc and
workmanship. Economy
by a price that allows of
the very best at a rf air
cost, and no more.
Dindmget, Wil
son & Co.
Palmist Who Recently Lett Pendle
ton Between Two Suns, Jn the
Tolls of the Law.
That a silk hat nnd a Prince Albert
coat will not keep a man out of Jail,
ha.il ncaln been nroven beyond n
"Count" Pulaski, the palmist, who
ilMn't iann mitoli nf n tinrvnRt In
this city, some weeks ago, and who
folded his tent and departed on tho
midnight train, without bidding his
crcdKors good-bye. Is locked behind
the bars of the Portland Jail, for
common, coarse robbery.
"While In a trance, In the process
of giving a treatment to a victim In
Portland, Sunday afternoon, the
"count" extracted two $20 gold pieces
from the patient's pocket, nnd was
immediately arrested for tho theft,
and placed under bonds or $1,000,
which ho could not give, and In con
sequence of which his towering silk
hat and his only Prince Albort now
decorate the interior of tho dirty
It's all on account of the lines In
his hands. They ro crooked.
Salem Man Has Great Faith In This
City Is Skeptical About the Ad
vantages of Educating the 'Indian
Believes Pendleton Will Be the
Denver of the Inland Empire.
New Ranch Residence.
T. J. Cheney Is building a new
house on bis ranch at the mouth of
tho McKay creek, on the Umatilla,
about four miles from the city. The
house is to be a modern structure
and will bo fitted with hot and cold
water, and all of the conveniences of
the modern city dwelling. It will
cost whon completed In the neighbor
hood of $1,600. The Thompson Hard
ware Company is doing the plumbing
(or the place.
i V'?itr From New York.
Mr. and Mrs. Casper W. Hodgeson,
of New York City, are in the city tho
guests of Mrs. Hodgeson s brotnor,
Dr E A. Mann. Mr. Hodgeson is
the representative of tho Sllvor Bur
detto Publishing Company, of New
York, and Is now on his way to San
Francisco In (ho interests of. his.
The Merchants' Cafe.
Keeps constantly on hand import-
Ucbcr. TSt, rranKioriera, duu.-
hnri' eels, crawfish, crabs, oysiors.
all kinds of cheese. Hot merchants
lunch dally from 11:30 a. m. to 2 p. m.
William Dunlap, a pioneer minor of
drum's Pass, was ambushed and
murdered near that city Monday.
Mr onrl Mra nhnrlnn flrnv. Of Sn.
lorn, left this morning for their home
attor a snort visit in tins ciiy. wr,
Clrny Is nn architect and building
contractor of the capital city, and Is
making a tour of tho eastern part ot
tho state. He Is greatly Interested
in this city In particular, and things
that Pondloton has a great future be
fore hor. He marvels at the volume
of business dono here.
It Is tho prediction of Mr. Grny
that when tho whlto men get control
of the reservation and all of tho
country around hero Is opened to set
tlement and Is under cultivation, that
Pendleton will bo the Donvor of tho
Western coast, and outside of Port
land, tho principal city of the state.
Mi. nrav hlnVn that the effort ot
.tho government towards educating
hr. Tmllnn lii innrn nnnduclVO to SCn
tlmontal Interests than to good ro-
Bults, for in the majority of cases,
once an Indian Is to be always an In
,unn in nil thnt the statement Im
plies. Ino results of the. government
Bchools bear tnis out in most in
stances, but It Is generally the caso
that tho clvillred Indian has to be
.,.,itv.,miK- nnrinr restraint in order
to keep him In tho line of tho tench-
I ll.nt linvn hnnn Instilled in Uim
by the patient effort ot the instruc
tors. Thcreforo lie iooks iorwnru iu
., ,hn nil of thin reservation
1 11 U iit-'v; ........ .- -
t In jmilnr rnntrol nf tUO WllllC
iiuut- . l ......... -
man. ae Uio time when the great de-
,,t nf h CliV Will JUKI!
. i; l u ) 1 11 1 1, . -
A Jack-Knife and Two Knock-Downs
Were thc Principal Features.
The case of tho city of Pendleton
vs. Ace Ileyburn was set for 10
o'clock this mornfjiK. It Is a case of
assault and battery, the trouble oc
curlng late Saturday afternoon, in
front of tho saloon of Baker & Osif.
on Main street.
It seems thoro has been trouble
browing between Tteyhurn nnd Jusse
Soller for some time, and Saturday
It came to a head. Tho men mot on
tho street and words were passed. In
the mix-up that followed Rcyburn got
bis thumb in thc way of a knife i In the
hands of Seller, and In return for the
cut knocked the complaining witness
drrwn n couplo of times or more. Sel
ler got up npd was pursued by the
defendant In Wc case who dldn t
... .u i,ou until Seller reach
ed the police station, where Ho swore
out a warrant againai ui "",,"
The caso was called at 10 o'clock,
and tho defendant found guilty as
charged ami fined $5 nnd costs by
tho court. ,,
The -ily attorney has now 8 orn
to a complaint charging f0'
assault and battery, and IM W
sot for Wednesday at 10 o cloci..
Sellers came to the recorders of
fice this afternoon and pleat led RUllty
o' the charge of assault and natters,
and was fined $15 by the court, whlcn
amount ho paid.
cd, nnd as a result Will Hosslan, II.
O. Moubbu and Albort Carney wore
requested to appear boforo tho re
corder this aftornoon nnd pay for tho
prlvllego ot transgrosslng tho law.
Tho fine for riding on tho walks
ranges from $1 to $46, and will bo Im
posed on nil who nro caught on tho
wnlltB. It Is not tho deslro of tho
nfllnlnla in Ann the nnnnln nrrnat.
ed, but It they persist In flying In
the faco of tho Jaw they will have to
take tho consequences, for tho police
tin.... luinn m-rlnrn.l 1 (ho ..Annnll in
1 1 1. 1 i; . v. ii ... .1.. .... n j miu ..uiii.v.i . yj
soc thnt tho abuse Is stopped, and it
to UUW Ul lO -LUtJIU iq uce viiut uia W
dar is obeyed.
Returned .Prom Visit to Idaho.
Air anil Mm P Q T T n v t U will to.
morning aftor three months spont nt
uiu iiuuo ul Air. iiuyniu s nuruuiH. in
T.I., lw. f - TtnH,,ln
IosiUon at the operator's desk In tho
u. il xm. omce. wnno w. n. Aioon,
rln linn lnm hnm thtln nriit
Mru Tlnvnln rinvn lmnn nwnv will rn.
tin n io uib uuuiu in ouu r luiiuiacu.
Special Organizer Moore.
Allen TAaoln Crim r C T nil An.
geles, Is In tho city tho guest of thc
Hotel St. George. Miss Moore is a
RDoclnl orcanlzer or tho Wonion of
Wonilernft ami 1h her In tho Inter
est of tho orucr. Slio will remain in
fA. .. An. .Imra nnd It Id n-nli.
uiu XillJ tut U uuj a, lt.l4 lb ID " 1'
able that she will work In tho eastorn
pari oi me siaio lor a ume.
Thoroughbred Hogs.
HP fi. T I ri II m linn 1 111 1 cl 1 1 1 1 r mi Tn.
lnnd China boars and 10 young sows
nf th, nnmfl limnH frnm Walter Ad
ams, of this city. This Is tho last of
tho thoroughbred herd that Mr. Ad
ams has been selling off for somo
time pnst. The hogs were delivered
Summonlna Jurors.
J. A. Blakley spent yostorday In the
country inviting tno men wno nave
been drawn on tho Jury list for this
session nf court to bo on hand at tho
opening ot the court. Mr. Dlakloy
made the rounds, nearly to the state
lino, and returned to this city late
in the evening.
Brock Residence Finished.
Tho new residence ot W. E. Brock
on tho north side of tho rlvor. has
been finished and furnished and Mr.
nmnt nnd fnmllv have moved Into
It. Mr. Urock has constructed ono-of
the finest residences in tno city on
tho hill across tho river.
Methodist church at Athena.
Contractor MayB. who 1b building
... iofhnrilnt rhurrh at Athena, has
.in; - - -.
a fore of sis men at work now and
is prog.etJng rapiniy wun mo uric
Admitted to Citizenship.
t ii, vmiH nntlvn of Canada.
has' received his flnar papers from tno
county clorh namiuins u" "
zonshlp In tho United States.
Filed His Intention.
Cleorgc Scnnitzer, a natlvo of Ger
many, today filed his Intention of bo
comlPS ft SlUl of thc United States,
with the county clerk.
Com Crop Ripening.
Tho corn crop in the vicinity of
Athena and Weston is r penlijg very
rapidly and the fodder Is being cut
In many fields.
Delegate From Umatilla to Irrigation
Congress Studies Systems of the
Idaho and Utah Farmers Condi
tions Much More Favorable In Or
egon. T 1-1 flrnwm.11 nf TTmntllln. tvhn
wns a dolognto from this county to
tho Ogdon Irrigation Congress, has
Just roturnod homo from that city.
Aftor the congress was over, nir.
Brownoll wont out nmong tho lrrl-
fnrmn nt IT t nil A ml Illnhn. tOT
the purposo of studying tho mothods
omployed tnoro, wun a view 10 imiu-
duclng now fontures .into 1110 irriga
tion of his own land In this county.
nt- rtT-ntvnnti nnnnl nnvnral dnvs on
tho farms in tho vicinity of Snlt I-nko
dlt.. orwl ncT.lnn ntlliK'Intr tllO dltcll.
dam nnd reservoir systems, tho crops,
methods or nppiymg wiuur, uuu
tho various details of tho sclonco ot
Irrigation, after which ho wont
to tho Blackfoot district, In Idaho,
which Is 0110 of tho most progressive
irrigation districts in mo worn,
.MMi Vina linen reclaimed and
put under cultivation, within tho pnBt
sovon years.
Mr. Brownoll Is deeply Impressed
with tho Industry, onorgy and hos
pitality of tho Mormon, and whllo tno
cllmnto. soil and natural conditions
hn TTtnh nnd Idaho lr-
rlgatlonlsts, aro far Inferior to thoso
of Oregon, yet tno rosuus 01 irriisu
tlon nro almost boyond comparison
l r,,n .llotrlnln In thnoo BtntCS.
The first groat dlfforonco between
in ntnh nnd Idaho and In
ni.nn in tiint in thn two formor
RintoK thoro must bo an abundant
mnniv rinrinfr the ontlro sen
son. and constant Irrigation, during
nn.ln,l nf irnwlh nf the crops
Thn unit Is cravol. and tho wntor
into 11 was a slovo
It will not hold wator and dlstributo
it thrmiirh Rtihlrr cat on. as win me
I.. Tlmtllln nnnnfv.
nun 111 .in ."' -1 '
In this county winter flooding will
hrin7 un nnd threo cood crops. The
summor wntor supply does not worry
tho lrrigntlonlst. If ho uses tho flood
wntor of spring, thoroughly soaks his
crop nt that timo, It dooB not mattor
about tho growing period. Tho ox
nnllnnr mmlltv or the soil and tno
gradual sub-Irrigation, through tho
ontlro season, win do 1110 rem.
in Utnh nnd Idaho tho nltltudo Is
much greater than here, nnd the cll
mnto subject to more sudden
chnnges. Tho lrrigntlonlst must
store enough water to moisten his
gravol soil two and threo times for
ench crop, thoro.
Mr. Brownoll fools greatly onemr
aged with tho prospects for irrltjs
tlon by tho government In this conn
v TTn fnniu that thn Interest tnkon
by Oregon In tho laBt congress has
nnnnnrncnil thn tynvnrnmont engin
eers to push tho work horo ns fast
ns possihlo. Mr. iirownon is nn auvo-
cato of winter irrigation, ana Known
Hint tlin fvnaltnt wntnra nt nnrlnt? Will
produco two nnd three cropB on tho
warm, ricn son or umniuia county.
T T r. tintlnvntt ttin irnvnrnmflnt will T"0
UU l.l'U I UL .111. 1.11 I HI llll.u.l. .....
claim tho Echo district quicker nnd
-.1 . ... .11 , A,. .. , nm
VI... t..U( UJ ..tf,,. tfy (......
tho rlvor, tiBlng tho flood waters or
nnrinr nnil nllnwlnr. thn TORnrvoIr
problem to stand, until later.
m II lr I
R 1 anrl P
m viiu Willi
Special Dress Goods Sale
Commencing Monday, Soplombor 28th
And Ending- Saturday Night, Oot. 3rd
we nave just received iiy expn-tja u uuuumui line 01 jnuvelt)
DRESS GOODS, consisting of Scotch Cheviot, French Nolle, &
gllHIl n()HlPSIUHFi, J',IllIIIIlll-H, JWliaiinu, iTiciioiin, V.U111CIH ijair Ha
tiihi. mill ..tntiv- itlinu
Knmnmhnr nn linn. 'M. Wn will lilVfi Awav. Absolute v Vm
We give a tioket wltli each ii purclinHC in any depatemml
our siore urocerieM u wen uh um-1 umin. miu m auj
oonnected with the store will ue nuowen 10 participate in
iVery Truly Yours
. A . A J A il.l.lil
I Toilet
Daintiness 1
Who Is It that does not ap
ireciato a sweet, delicate odor,
especially of the dainty, last
ing kind? We have tho largest
line ot imported and domestic
perfumes in Eastern Oregon.
A few of our leading imported
odors nro;
Azurea, La Trcfle,
Peau d' Espagne,
Vlolette do Parme,
Indian' HaV.
And many more of the
quality in bulk atf well
fancy packages.
steos Being Taken to Enfo'
Ordinance Prohibiting lti
Aonnrilinc to the InHlrUCttonS
the council, a social policeman has
been appoint; 'tu He,, that the ordi
nnnco pro;,lU)1ung tho tiding r ws
o th. walkS of the city Is notolot-
as In
iMnk Powdei
, t With a Coupon
II Oil and Sweet Spirits of Eden
I Are Kuaralitecl to cure any case
Men We Are
Out For Your Trade!
$ WE arc having perfect
j success in making Suits
anil uvercoais in uiuiu.
The line we carry has
every conceivable pat
tern and the prices are
most reasonable. An
early call will be appre
ciated, , ,
Men'H Furnishings. f
i i;euiin wiiikk"'" x
t - A K0CPPCn & "r ' U
It is rccpgnized as the best product Uiat-comesrqui
any creamery
It is a butter onct tried, always used.
It is handled in Pendleton exclusive by
OVER 300,000,COO TOND,
Strike Causes Falling Off In Output
Averane Value for the Year .ou
Per Ton, Against $2.05 in luui.
a nrniimlnnry statement showing
'i nrn.iimtlnn of the United
" " A""' ":r.7 i7v Mr Rdward W
aiaies, ii"-. "v; T. , ,,oon
I'nrkor. StatlSllCiau, nan juov
issued by tho United States geologi
cal survey. The suuisucu, iuuub..
BUDjeCl IO Ub"v ."..
rectlon. .because ot a iow
returns, aro sulllclontly correct to en-
. . ' " "i ,n ua mniln between
nnie con ;".'"", ton, nf
t. .mitinr nn nr l'ju. uuu
l0TZr', . m tho history of
rur iu Hiwv - f
the United btatcs tno prouucuuii .
coal lias ruutiivu u i" ' V,i
000,000 short tons, snowing
..,,,t nf !HI '.IU.IjB'J Ullin Ul ,wv-
pounds, valued nt 1373 133,843.
' . .i. n,.i thn mitnut of nnthra
yi , . ar. r,r,.7io .ong
cito coa. u r . .--.VrV. Bhort
tons leiiuivuiuui. i
tons), which, as compared w th the
production or w. TVg.rDO
1801. H.low ""An rm t. This
Seas",' as is well known, was due
entirely to tno suspoimi"" l "
Z.. .i. otriim in thn antliraclto
region irom May 10 to October 23, a
little over livo monu..
.ln.a 11 m nroductlon
wh en pracnuuiij' n,..n .
. ... ..ii,-n,Kn melon for mis
,n no fnr the
lcnctli 01 iiiiiu, "..-i--- ---
year would Have probably attained a
total of over 05.000.000 long on
. Tho value a . tne i m M
uuci """,,.,,... in 1D01. a loss
as agninni.su,"".---- - ,,,. nvorano
of about 27 per cent. The avorago
value of tho man emu , -.
nr tho vear at tno nuuv
i jefr long ton' tho voluo in 1801 having
.1)0011 12.0C-. .., nf
anthracite which was- rnlncd dur Ing
vi" : r,r not Hbto the
effect nn tho total production that
mlglit I'avo boon oxpoctod,
n,t. .n.,n nt RlMlttlO RtOl)I10(l H
'I JIU i;uiuiiw. " '
funornl Monday, to hold nn oxnmln
i r". ...... ;.;,r,,n it in suunoseu
tho dead child was poisoned by oliora-
I . . ... iti. furttlMlinil In tno
ICU1B HI HI" "III", !-"
Warm Unde weaf
one line of
warm II n
derwear in
both union and
two-piece thnt
Is flHt-class in
llt,wearing and
washing nunll
ty, and at the
eame time at a
low price. A
combination of
bruins nnd ma
terial. Warm
Suits $1.60,
t'2 60 aud lH.'Jo.
!-iiHee csrmcnts (15c. ll.OO.t 1.25
and $1.60. This is valuable In
formation lo thrifty buyers and
all persons disposed to econo
mize. We are sole agents for
this line and one of the impor
tant points overlooked above Is,
est Warm Underwear for
cool days,
-5 '
You Furnish the appetite
We'll Do tho rest :
'308 Court Street
Will ho opened eoon : : 1
The Big Boston Sro
L. I- r '!
t - Josenh's - Acadel
Pendleton, Oregon.
u 1;., ,.! nnv qindents. ConducWo J!
the Sislers of St. Frances ol rnn- r
Classes will be resumed bcplun-.Dcr 7".
For Terms, etc., Apply to
la -J Its Une thew
T.Ua Cream llnln
tliu dlieanfl nicmbraiic.
Itcarea catatrti anil ilrt c
awuy a colli lu the Unvl
(lKi llnlm Is lUiccd Into Iho nortrtli, ;pw4i
over the mc-mbrano nud ! absorbed, lte lef ta lm
m.dbto and a euro fallow.. It U not drylag-jloea
oot produco in wins. Largo Size, BOocnta at Dru
" m.i.I ill 4 A aAnin hit mll.
ffliUarbrnau; raui'ii " .
iiLV I1UOTIIE118.M Warren Bueet, NewYork.
imoMl'T, KISEilAliUS
tWr .
.ure .v flop;
litti.Ustnui -
perlnientli'K" wfcl
vo III" "J- . .
r fltkcnoito(niro of. Leavq ortleis at
) iimatism Positively Cured
Snlrlts of Uden
-ev-lwck Goods. A, C. KOEWI?N &
t KOS., Sole Agents for l'uudlctou.
Hone work. ""iWii
iii nritw - im
iniii.i..- : v0.
i ' -t",ttT " .-" -
.... w mm -vi vjrfr- O ntl.O