East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 29, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 6

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m v (ill'
Much That Every Woman
Desires to Know
About Sanative Antisep
tic Cleansing
And about the Care of the Skin,
Scalp, Hair and Hands.
Too much stress cannot bo placed on
tbo great value of Cuticura Soap, Oint
ment and Resolvent In the nntliicptlc
cleansing of the raucous surfaces and of
the blood and circulatliiR fluids, thus
affording pure, sweet and economical
local and constitutional treatment for
weakening ulcerations, iutlammatlons,
Itchings, Irritations, relaxations, dis
placements, pains and irregularities
peculiar to females, llcnco tlio Cuti
cura remedies have a wonderful Influ
ence In restoring health, strength nnd
beauty to weary wumeu, who have
been prematurely aged and luvalided
by these distressing ailments, as well as
such sympathetic affliction as amcmla,
chlorosis, hysteria, nervousness and
Women from the very first have fully
appreciated the purity and sweetness,
the power to afford Imniedlatu relief,
the certainty of speedy and permanent
cure, the absolute safety and great
economy which have nude the Cutlcnra
remedies the standard nkln cures and
humour remedies of the civilized world,
.Millions of the women use Cuticura
Soap, assisted by Cutlcuru Ointment,
for preserving, purlfylns mid beauti
fying the fckln, for clc&U'iiisf tho scalp
of crusts, scales and dandruff, and the
BtopplBgj 0f failing hair, Tor softening,
whitening and soothing ml, rough and
sore hands, for annoying Irritations,
illd ulcerative wcaknees, and for
'many sanative, antiseptic purposes
'Which readily susgest themelvcs. as
'well as for all the purposes of the toilet,
bath and nursery.
UUmrai)mtUiwrU CitmimRMolmit.av.rln
km Ckocetau Cotwd PITU. r. pr Tli at tfi. Uml
Mt, JOc, Soao. Ve. LfPui I-ondon. V. C&artrrbAi
(a.ihM. Km d U Huzi Hoxaa. II ivjamtxit In.
wm W"AWaI lor i
' Tho Chrmewa Indian Dnnd, the
j cut of which Is here presented, will
reach this city Sunday evening next
' and will bo hero the entire week fnl
I lowing. This band needs no Intro
I ..uctlon to tho people of this state,
as It is too well known throughout
the Northwest to requ.re comment.
several years ago tho band wub or
ganized under tho present manage
ment and since thnt time 1ms made
a name for Itself on the Westurn
coast When tho government pro
vided for nn Instructor in band mu
sic at the Chemawa school, the posi
tion was offored to Mr. Stoudomlor,
who was nt that time tho leader of
the old Salem Military Hand. Tho
offer was accepted nnd since that
time Mr. Stoudomlur has been with
the boys at the Indian school and out
of the abundance of material there,
has selected a hand second to none
' on tho const.
! Thcro are 27 pieces In tho aggrega
tion, nnd all of thoni are well train-
' ed and accomplished musicians. Mr.
Stoudomlor Is well known In the val
ley as n cornotlst, nnd plays with the
band. Pendleton may rest assured
that tho city will bo well supplied
with a lino grade of music, well play
ed during tho week of the cnrnlvnl.
From October 3 to 6 Will Be Set
Aside as Festival for the Poor
Goods and Provisions Will Be Dis
tributed aa Collected Friends In
vited to Contribute.
People are Waiting for Railroad Fa
cilities San Francisco Enterprise
j Crowding Into the Interior Port-
land May Lose the Trade Through
1 Inactivity.
For ill climates: heat. cold.
rain, eaies, fumet nd fire do
not affect it. Comes in
rolli ready for laying. Low
freight charges. Inexpen
sive to apply, cheap in the
first place and lasts for
rot booklet. i
The Paraffine Paint Co.
San Francisco, Seattle,
Portland, Los Angtlu
and Denver, Colorado.
T. C. TAYLOR, Agent
Are distributors for Malta
Ceres a new Health Food.
Kveryone should try "
Just received California
J'igs and Oregon Honey n
the comb.
Phone Main 1741
Model Light Carriages
SmImsb Driving
Afu m Uow In our lerooin, nd 11 juu'ru
t all InUT'OUrt ou ru wmliu ood on for
Matty toiu wtiat modern manulMturan mtt
doing to lighten the burdeiu el modern bul
. I. ..I-I. .. - ul.MI.hm.nl
dw mcuii JUUUUM - - "Mi
Toe termer la the king ol the dey end oai
. i.. ihaWlniui. v.unm itaAl
ttUd but. Outer bearing blocks make It be
.wieii runttioK wagon wuuq
feMtniAdn. Our price eut be brat. f.et our
KATtu. ti hie ton
mil maun um iitut7 . - s
tire ut on our hydraulic machine, bei.tr than
. . . Inmnv alfira Vlflf l Lit t f H
Adopted br the U. 8. Government
Tba BUckimithi
j Tho followlnR Interestlnt; Interviow
I with Hon. Jefferson Myers, appear
, ing In a recent number of tho Oregon
Dally Journal, Is of such vital lm
J portance to Oregon, that the East
OreRoulan tanes pleasure in runniiiK
It in full that It may have the widest
possible publicity. The Journal sayB:
Jefferson Myers, president of the
Lewis and Clark state commission,
returned from an Interesting journey
Itnrough uonirai uregon anu win in
tend a meeting this evening In J.
Couch Flanders' oDlce, at which time
the commission will consider plans
for the administration building. In
the event the plans nre satisfactory
j and arrangements may be mado to
I that end, bids for the construction
will be advertised for at once, and
the building made ready at tne earl
iest day possible. It Is regarded
1 probable at headquarters on Front
nnd Pine that the new structure will
be occupied about June 1. 1904, by
' both the commission and corpora
tion. The fair officials are anxious
I to get Into their new quarters bo
i soou as possible and be upon the
, ground where tno worn is to do none
In preparation for the exposition.
President Myers returnea from his
trip through the Interior Impressed
by the promised future of that re
r.l.,n nml unthnaiaRtln over the atti-
j tudo assumed by the people there.
"These people In the Interior conn
I try," said he today, "are of a kind to
... . 1 .1 t l. n ,w. . i it .i arm
, maue uuu h1uu iu tvj
them. I found tnem more wining m
supply exhibits, and they oven re
fused to accept money to pay for
the freighting of tho stuff across the
mountains to tho railroad. They do
nated the exhibits and pay thr car
riage 150 miles by team.
They Want A Railroad.
"Those folks want a railroad. They
assort that they will not be nblo to
iiKvninn their mtintrv until they have
rail transportation for
their grains. They appear to prefer
that the survey of tho old Oregon &
Pacific, now the Corvallls fir Eastern,
bo extended.
"Portland must get rail communl
th thnt roelnn. elso San
Francisco will capture all tho trade
nf that nart of Oregon. Woro the
(wi. jr. ritinlRo nvtnmled to the
foot of Mount Jefferson, It would then'
be 30 miles shortor tiy team irom mu
end of the road to frineviuo r
Burns, than It is to HbantKo. now
they have to pull over the liluu'
mountains, 5,000 feet high. LaBt year
2,100 ears of 30,000 pounds each wpro
freighted by team to Burns, and tho
same quantity to Prinevllle. ,
"I would urge Portland to get In
to that region with u railroad soon an
possible and prevent the capture of
the trade by California merchants.
Products Will Be Exhibited. ..
"The products of the interior will
be well woll represented at the St.
Louis fair nnd at tho Lowls and
ClurK exposition. There will lio ap
..i,. ,,niin iiinmH and cherries.
befchles other things. The fruit In
terests me, for tne mason mm m
Burns It Is grown ut an altitude of
4.200 foot above tho sea, yet I saw a
cherry treo In the yarn oi rroionur
FUnn at that place mui uu Btunu
, . ., , . i " i IT,. II. nu
u.;teei lu-'incuen hub rjreui. ,iiuiii
Btrawuerries yiuiuing m. jiu j ),ui&
There will bo uraliiB 'and irulU .'arid
vegetables. 1
Honiey, In my opinion. Is the most
wonderful valley undeveloped In the
entire WeBt. One stands upon a hill
mini- nnrnR ami sees for miles nnd
miioH n continuous succession of
haystacks reaching far down toward
the Narrows. Vast quantities of live
stock are sustained on this hay.
Loui In Price.
'Cattle raisers thore are dlscourag-
They nlso fear a hard winter with '
much livestock dying from scarcity i
of food. They believe rullcf will be
afforded in part by the Ingress of a
railroad, and they look towards Port
land for thnt relief. Portland Is the
natural center for them, nnd yet the
southern half of the district trauc3
rirwtK wllti Pnllfnrnin linpnnse nf
easier access to those markets. Al
though, without It, they are prosper
ous, tlio counties nre out. oi ueoi,
have surpluses on nand, nnd there
nre good wagon roads throughout the
whole Intorlor, i.s good as could be
looked for.
Fair Benefit to country.
"The people of the Interior appoar
to believe they will receive moroben
eflts from tho exposition thnn will the
cities and towns and older sections
or the stntc. They have tho large3t
proportion of public lands owned by
individuals, nnd not yet Improved,
and the attention drawn to Oregon
by the fair will operate to increase
tho opportunity to dispose of those
unoccupied lands. They nre simply
waiting for requests to aid the ialr,
and respond enthusiastically to all
The Salvation army Is now prepar
ing for Harvest Fcstlvnl which will
bo observed by thorn from October 3
to G.
Thin niinual festival, dining which
mombors of this organization dlstrl-
lillln trMMlla Itniilllfr Mm Tiflfl!' (if tllC
cities. Is growing In favor and use
fulness and tho Pendleton corps Is
making n special elTort to neip ine
deserving on tins occasion.
Tho Salvation Army roaches peo
ple not reached by our churches
and makes a specialty of hunting out
the deserving and worthy from the
sluniH and placing thorn on tho rkht
rond u rdad or Industry and lio:io
to say the least.
The friends of the poor are in
vited to bring In such articles In the
following list, ns thoy may have to
give away. Tho goods collected will
ho distributed to the deserving poor
by members of the army. The fol
lowing nrtlck'B end bo used and will
be glndly accepted ns harveat festi
val offerings:
Fruit, flowers, canned goods, vege
tables, flail, moat, chickens. livestock,
corn, flour, wheat, oatmeal, condensed
milk, bread, crackers, cheese, furni
ture (now or used), clothliig (new or
Bccnndhand), tea, coffee. cocoa,
books, pictures. Jewelry, shoes, coil,
sheetB, hlanketB, cutlery, tools.
v wek SM. J
"Buried at Sea."
"Burled at Sea," which comes to
Frazer theater Oct. 3, Is one of the
greatest comedy-dramas ever writ
ten Dy Theodore Kremer.
It is a powerfully sensational play,
appealing to the sympathies of the
audience, and painting in vivid col
ors the scheming adventuress and
the conscienceless villain, who ad
ministers poison lu order to win a
fortune, with a woman whom he pre
nulla t. -mimlrn unlnlv to nos&ess her
wealth. Through the entire play runs
a merry thread of numor anu iumir
situations, and no ono need hesitate,
HilnL-Inn 1mm tllfi "title" that It iS
a gruesome affair, as the burial at
sea Is merely one or. mo rouur ma
(lcntB throughout tno play, aud tho
fccenlc effects will be the most gorg
eous ever seen In this city.
"Captain Bob."
"Captain Bob" will be the play in
,..mm, R Mlllnr Kent will be seen
during his engagement at the Frazer
Theater on Oct. 1.
"Captain Bob" Is a comouyurama,
the scenes being laid in Mexico and
South America. Mr. Kent will carry
.v.,, niipk nrnilnetlnn and Mr. Na-
.i.i.,t.,i until under whoso manage
ment Mr. Kent win no hub ,
has surrounded him witu an uxeui
lout company of players.
If you are troubled with Impure
blood, Indicated by sores, pimples,
i aa wn wnuld recommend
Acker's Blood Elixir, which we se
undor a positive guarantee. It Jill
always euro scrofulous or syphilitic
poisons and alt blood diseases. CO
cts. and $1.00. F. W. Schmidt & Co.,
Building Will Be 40x50 Feet and
Three Stories in Height Will Be
Furnace Heated and Modern In
Every Respect The Excavating Is
C. E. Troutnian will start the rock
work on the new sanatoria mto lie
built by Mrs. S. W. Leach. The
building wilt bu 40xR0 feet in dimen
sions and will have two stories and
a basement. It will "furnished In a
modern mannor, and will be the only
sanatorium of the kind In the east
ern part of the state.
Tlio excavation for the place has
been made for1 some time, and the
urnrt ,no flrnrrpprl nlnnir. ns Mrs.
Leach was undecided ns to when to
build. Now, however, Blio has neen
trlvnn lliiiiriflnl linnklnir RiiiTlrleiit to
onnliln hnr in rnrrv out hor nlaiis nt
once, and the work will bo rushed
through to a finish. Tho building
will coat 54,1-Hiu wnen it is compieieu.
Mrs. Leach Is a maguotlc healer,
nn.i iilnnnu tFrnnr fnlrh In hnrliR nnd
botanical remedies. She employs the
vapor bath and medicated steam, anu
these. In conjunction with the other
tenets of her peculiar faith make up
Her treatment.
Farms for Sale.
Wr nmir lmvn llntnd for sale sonic
of tho best wheat farms and stock
rnnches In tho county. All tho places
aro woll Improved and well supplied
with water. Also some very deslr-
nl.lc. nltv iirimnrfv f!nll mill EOt
BENTLEY & 1UKia. .
S '
Fruit CarB Scarce.
Thnr,. nrn now 27 ClirlOUllB (if
prunes, alreudy packed, nwaltlng
from Welser and Payette.
Idaho. It Is impossible to get enough
rofrlgerator ears to iinnuie uic iniu j
crop there. j
All noraons Indebted to H M. I Set $5 '890.
Sloan, nlenso cnll and settle theii
accounts. Blacksmith fihop corner
Cottonwood and East Alta.
V nil L-ttr.. I
i vw niiuw now eved
store claims to be J
BIGGEST without
least regard to the in
or falsity of the cla
W T 49 C
wan, u you were ever!
any doubt as to wfcj
store leads in this m
town, just get onto)
trouble we have ripd
up. By way of Expk
tion, let s reminisced
tie. The Peoples J
house gave to some
its many patrons i
given away since
a Comet
One-Half the State of Oregon Subject
to Entry.
Tim stntn nf Orecon contains CI.-
77 an nnroR nf land, of which 31.
873,071 acres aro vacant and subject
to entry.
Of this amount of vacant ianu, ,
275,711 acres aro unsurveyed and Is
mmiiij Tinnvv llmlinr. About 1C.U00.-
000 acres aro set aside In forest re
serves In tho Cascade and mue
Mountains, and tho remaining lfi,
000,000 acres is deeded land.
Sick Headache absolutely and permanently-cured
by using Mokl Tea.
A pleasant herb drink. Cures Consti
pation and Indigestion, makes you
cat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfac
tion guaranteed or money back. 25
cts and 50 cts. Write to W. H. Hook
er & Co.. Buffalo, N. Y for a free
sample. F. W. Schmidt & Co., druggists.
Antiirnrltn eoal Is dearer than It
ever was. The commission made Us
Hi- nrrlkni-H ent bettor con
ditions, and tho monopoly makes the
goneral public pay tor it an.
In the sky comes
the slar oi healtn
to the weak and
weary despon
dent dyspeptic,
curing an
s t o m ac n
troubles and
famous remedy
ooesiorinesiuin- w
ach that which ll
Is unable to do for
Itself, even if but
slightly disordered
or overouraenea.
i,nn!l (Km natural '
lnlr- nf rile ftsllon and W
aoes ne worr. ui uto i nn
stomach, relaxing the I
nervous tension, while '
ihe Inflamed muscles
and membranes of that
orran are allowed to
rest and heal. It cures 1
Indigestion, flatulence,
oaloilatlon of thelheart.
nervous dvsneosla and
all stomach troubles by
cleanslnc. rmrlfvlnr and
strengthening the glands,
membranes of the stom
ach and digestive organs.
Kodol Dyspepsia Ci
Tour Deiler Cn Supply You.
Boltloi onlr. SI. 00 Cue holding 2H times
the trial size, which ulli lor 50c.
tnemi by E. C DeVTlTT t, C0U CB1CA00.
o iwtraclsed by noclety."
"M ald hr tnlnyed rattim."
Hlearance Sale
of Wali Paper
gPEClAL Bargains will
be offered on the re
mainder of our stock of
Wall Paper.
All this season's pat
terns all now, natty and
up to date.
C. C. Sharp j
Opera Houeu Block.
Hcvontti Street,
round trips toChica;
I return for the Wl
Fair for 1903, four
cles, two gold wl
'two Krag-Jorgeruen
We never had any
sion to regret havitj
en these articles, 4
i concluded that th
' was ripe for anotb
but in the meant
I Peoples Warehoii
'grown and must!
' presents
' better, and that'i
'son that on Saturt
31, we are goW
sent our patronJ
round trip tl
St. Louis Wo
value $65.0'
$50.00 suit or
house, her own
any man i'
coat in the to
,unre of
c.on hati"
4V tj.w
Now jusi r
other onesJ
you'll knoWjf