East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 29, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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IMihtlslied rtvn ntternnon (except Sunday)
at I'cmlletou. Oregon, by the
'I'tione, Main 11.
Dally, one jear by mall J3.00
Dal!;. Kli mouths by mall S.BO
Dally, three months by mall l.'Jo
Dally, one month by mall no
lally, jier month by carrier liS
Weekly, one year by mall l.no
Weekly, six months by mall 7.1
Weeklv, four months by mall no
Semi-Weekly, one year by mall U.OO
Semi-Weekly, glx niontbR by mall .. 1.00
Serai-Weekly three months by mall . . .30
The 1ia.it Oreconian la mi Hate nt It. 11.
tllch'a News Stands nt Hotel Portland and
Hotel tvrMus, I'ortiaud, Oregon.
Slumber Scrlpps Mcline Nen-s Assocla
San 1'ranclsci) Ilnrenn, 40S fourth SL
Chicago llure.iii, 00!) Security UulKllng.
Washington, t). C Iltireau. (101 1Mb St.,
-llnterwi nt I'emlleton postoffice as seccond-
ciass matter.
'Tls the cownrd who ylolds to
'Tls the flclcle who chnngus
each day;
He Is foolish who wins half of
tho battle,
Then throws nil his chances
The time to get first Is when
Show signs of beginning to
For the contest Is keenest at
And is won 'twlxl thu flag and
tho fire.
John T. Moore, In "Magazine
of Mysteries."
Th president has ruturned to
Washington. Now lot tho trusts take
euro. He has gained 40 pounds n
three months.
Six Portland ministers turned their
wrath upon Mayor Williams last
Sunday. The old veteran should
turn the city over to tucse reform
ers for a weak. On next Sunday they
would retract their sermons, and re
linquish their claims to any know!
edge on the gambling issue.
In order to make the capital of
Oregon appear on tho map as a city
of fair proportions, it Is proposed to
incorporate about half of .Marion
county as Salem. There are cities
up in the sagebrush that can show
census returns that would stagger
the little village under the dome of
the capitol
Walla Walla people will petition
the county court to appropriate $10,
000 to secure the Stubblefield orphan
home in that city. This will be a
great InBttiutlon for tho Garden City
and she Is showing a commendable
enterprise In taking this step. Pen
dleton would raise the required
amount to bring the home here.
Walla Walla should fall.
Wood is selling from $3.50 to $5
per cord In linker City. In Pendle
ton It Is from $fi up. This difference
In price has led the Baker City pa
per to remark that this city Is In the
hands of the wood trust. It Is quite
often necessary to go away from
home to get the news, and this nug'
gestlon from our neighbor will cause
many to wonder at the great differ
ence In price.
It is hoped that the appearance of
the Chemawa band in this city during
carnival week, will stimulate the
Umatilla jn a musical direction.
However, even Chemawa cannot equal
the Umatilla Indian school in offi
cioncy. This institution has done
more to clvmze and Improvo the con
dltion of this tribe, than all other
agencies combined. Tho government
cannot afford to overlook the needs
of this school, and must give tho
teachers every aid and encourage
ment In their work.
Just what Echo can do with rab
bits, Milton can do with fruit. The
domand for canned stuff Is so great
In all tho mining districts and non
fruit-producing regions of the North
west, that this country cannot meet
it. Enough money is paid out in
freight each year to build a cannery.
and much of the fruit that Is now
wasted by Jsc!; cf csro and facilities
for handling it at tho right time,
would bo saved to tho producer by tho
presence of a cannery In the vicinity,
This county depends too much upon
outsido manufactures. It depends
too much upon foreign supply for tho
very things that enter into the dally
necessities of the people Pendleton
uses about 250,000 pounds of butter
each year, yet Imports every pound
i . ........ t . . i.ii... i ....... .. ..... . i .
U,. JIB .DUIII.IT, mtuuu nvuiiB u niuuK
shelves year
irficauBedifrult ,on liar she
The voto or Union county can bo
controlled next year by tho Mormon
settlors that have come Into Grand
Rondo valley, since tho ndvont of tho
sugar factory, throo years ngo.
Tho 1,000-acre tracts ot whont land
of that county that wore formorly
hnlt worked, havo been cut Into small
fnrnis, each one supporting a family.
The slip-shod mothons ot fnrmlng
have been systematized until ovory
foot ot laud ' produces something.
In a social way tho Mormons havo
revolutionized Union county. Their
church congregations hro larger.
tholr Sunday school classes aro more
vigorous, all tho young people attend'
lug and taklug part. Their soclnbll
Ity Is proverbial. Sunday finds thorn
nt tholr neighbors' nttcr church,
keeping alive tho olden custom of
visiting and intermingling. Their
Saturday nlgnt dances have bocomo
h fixture In La Grando. Evorybody,
from tho oldest deacon to tho young-
ost child nttends these social events,
and no happier, more entertaining
functions wore ever enjoyed by Union
county people Hint these parties.
While Mormons aro no nblor farm-
1 ers. or business men than Gentiles,
tho sentlmeutul bonds thnt hold them
together and cnusos them to work
harmoniously as a bod.y, enable them
to accomplish moro than the single
handed Gentile. Co-operation is tno
key to their success. The Mormon
merchnnt will find a market for Mor
mon produce, and thus encourage the
production of the farm. Ho will hunt
out places In which to dispose of ex
cess produce, and thus bind the tann
er1 to him closer than ever by this
effort. No Mormon who has anything
to sell Is sent homo from the Mor
mon store with unsold produce. No
matter what the produce may be, it
Is disposed of. and tans the effort of
the farmer supports his family, in
whatever line of Industry it may be
This method encourages the -Mor
mon farmer to diversify his crop. It
causes him to grow a llttlo ot every
thing that the market demands, in
order to be ready for any unexpected
turn of the market. This is what
stimulates the culture of berries, ve;
otnbles, all kinds of grain, hay, fruit
und farm products. Whatever the
market demands, the Mormon mer
chant can supply on account ot the
diversity of th crops grown by his
This fellow-feeling which enters
into the business life of the Mormon
community is the oasis of Mormon
prosperity. There Is a sentimental
consideration beneath it, which no
plain, cold-blooded business method
can successful combat. The Mormon
farmer -s ent.Jcd to the fullest pro
tection of the Mormon In business. It
is part of the creed to encourage in
dustry, and therefore uo man who
works and produces something, is
forced to take less than It Is worth
In the markot. For this reason the
Mormon Is a cheerful, happy, buoy''
ant worker. His heart Is in his la
bor, for as long as there Is any pro
duce on his farm, i.iere is a sure in
come. Among .Mormons there Is no
This method In business binds the
member still closer to his church. It
becomes part of the everyday life of
the Mormon to look up to his church
as the one great source ot his pros
perity. It makes his market, furulshef
means by which he becomes Indepen
dent and he stands by its precepts
under all circumstances. Every Mor
mon Is a fighter, from a religious
standpoint, and there are no jumpers
nor backsliders among them.
ply of boots furnished by tho farmer
Is transformed Into rofinod sugar,
brown sugar and raolnssos, Tho lat
ter product nt first w3 treated ns
rofuso and tho factories had a
tough problom how best to dlsposo
of It.
Two yonra ago tho Michigan Chem
ical Company was formod by Eastern
capitalists to manufacture nlcohol
from this refuse molasses, beside
other chemicals, potnsh. vinegar, etc.
Those by-products ot tho boot sugar
factories have added greatly to the
vnluo of tho Industry, and will aid
much In making It possible for this
product of Amorlcnn farms, Ameri
can factories, with well-paid freed
men's labor, to coinpoto with tho
enno sugar produced by coolie labor
In Cuba anil tho West Indies. From
"Bay City. Michigan." by Coptaln A.
H. Gnnssor, In National Magazine for j
Schlitz Means
The best materials tho best that money can buy.
A brewery as clean as your kitchen; the utensils as clean.
The cooling done in filtered air, In a plate glass room.
The beer aged for months, until thoroughly fermented, so
It will not cause biliousness.
The beer filtered, then sterilized In the bottle.
You're always welcome to tho brewery for the owners are
proud of it. Phono Main 1781,
Tho Kosa lco & Cold 8torao
iuu i no size oi u proves iiiiu t im., n inm o-,
people know the worth of
The city of AVheollng. W. Vo
owns Its wnter works, with a pump
ing capacity of 2S.000.000 gallons In
each 2-1 hours with all engines run
ning. The municipality also owns
nnd has successfully operated for
more than a generation, an oxtenslve
plnut for the production of Illuminat
ing gas, and the great public benefit
of this venture on tho part ot the city
can best be shown by these figures,
Under tho old private corporation,
tho price of gas to the consumer wns
$".50 per 1,000 cubic foot. Now It Is
"5 cents per 1,000 feet and In addi
tion, the revenues ot the works pay
for and maintain nt a high degree of
efficiency, a street-lighting Bystem of
about 575 arc lamps, all without n
cent of expense to the tax-payer
These two municipal plunts gas ami
electric represent an Investment of
about $1,000,000 and tho properties
could be easily sold for that amount
From "Wheeling, West Virginia "
iu Nutionul Magazine for October
The Beer That Made Milwaukee Famous
It is reported that a New Jersey
corporation has purchnsed the Cor
nucopln mines In linker county lor
tho round sum of ?G00,0U0.
Great men figure In every publl
cation, but Is Interestnlg to. seo a new
lino of greatness being exploited In
Everybody's Magazine, which shows
a pleasing tendency to celebrate
'the man behind the gun" In place ot
the usual stale celebrities. An Illus
trated in the October Issue, "Heroes
of the, Hour," tells the plain story ot
various plain men who have risen to
heroic heights during tho past year
in the emergencies of flood, foud and
It Is good to see the keen face of
Lcsile Matlock, tho man who raced
an Oregon flood and saved 500 lives,
as a chango from tho eternal steel
magnate: Sheriff Whltlock, who put
down a crazy mob with his shotgun;
Lawyer Ilyrd, who plunged into a
Kentucky foud: Governor Durum,
who played a governor's part to tho
shame of his weaker contemporaries
we welcomo them all to such fame
as printed recognition may glvo
thorn. Lot us havo more of these
ovory-day horoos.
The "lumber 'Jacks' have given
way to sugar beet exports, coal min
ers. shlp-uuiidorH, iron-workers ana
skilled labor of every variety. Along
tho six .miles of Day City's river front
wo now mm lour maminotu bout nug-
n f fnntnrlna i 1 1 n f-1 , ,r TfAsit llov
tills from I r. li.. ri ,...n 4..
.. 1 - .. - .. - ,,..9 1 HMU UVIUinU-AtUOIlbHU. UUI1, IU
HMtteur producing -an "Inferior grade lBtlO. 1000 and 1001, and the Flonoor
of fruit and pays Jrolght on it, com-' Michigan factory, built In 1808. Those
mission and other unnecessary factorJen'Lhfvo ft. 'T can','.ac!ty of
, . . , ,. ... , , ., over 2,000 tons of beets. Tholr cam-
charges, which would bo saved by tho a,Bn of 8llcln ,JOt!tB 00ln8 carly
erection of a cannery. ( in Octobor, continuing until tho sup-'
"Sonic men." said Uncle Ebon,
"sleep souti' because iley's got a clear
conscience an' some becnuse iley's
got none at all "
Are Combined hi
mi m it i nit -mium
A M I v tin !i-...
suw m i m 1 1 1 1 r n
forth, mm If ni
lUttling, Lm J
F i. Ream..
Cole Original Air
Sb Tight Wood Heaters oi
Hot Blast Coal Stoves
Thev have proven their real worth.
Hundreds of satisfied people m Pendleton
and Umatilla users of Cole's stoves and
heaters always recommend them to their
friends. Sold only, in Pendleton, by
Tlie Hardware 3VCan
"Wheu I can't see danger there is no ,
uanger." i uat's tlie logic of the ostrich
which hides its bead und i-ukkhs itc
body to the hunter. There are not a I
tew people wuo seem to have gone to 1
the ostrich to learn logic. The most '
dangerous enemies of humanity are the '
enemies which can't be sa-cn tin- ilic-nc
oreemng microoes wind, inlcct the r)no fVUtyhf ( In Tr... h.cHav 5 IrtnhOf 1
.1. NIXON, Miii-
Wood. It is harder to get tlie microbe j
out of the blood than to keep it out, but
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery i
.1 !.!. 1... f I
ultra uuiii, uv puri
fying the blood
and then keeping
it pure.
If there are
eruptions on the
skin, bolls, pim
ples, sores or other
t - slims of lmmire
hA blood, use Doctor
'JJii Pierce's Golden
y?zm$ purif v the blood I
- and cure the
eruptions which come from it,
My blood wajall out of order, aud I had togo
to the doctor," writes Mr. James R. Mom, New
lvonuon, Biauiv iic Rave mc racuv- i
due whicn neipeu me lor a suon time, in lue
winter of 1693 I got worse than I had erer been,
My tonsils were enlarged and my neck swollen
all oat of shape; my throat was sore and I could
not cure it. My hiuband went for the doctor,
but he trare me no encuurairement. lie helnea
me a little, but It did not last long:. He attended
me for twelre montlis, when I heard of a Udy
whose condition was like mine, woo was taking
Presenting; Mis New Military Coined) Drama
your tncdlcinr slid ni Ktttlur well. BoIk-
ctirea some oi inc mraicinc sua ucgnn uuinr
In one week X was able todomycuoklay- Whi
I bnrmn takiuir the m edict tie I could sit no onlr
a few mlnutet at a time, and I could rest or sleep
only a little while at a time. My throat was so
sore at times I could not even swullow swel
milk, and my tonsils were mil oi little entice
sores. My lett side was swollen out ot shae
and I could hardly get my breath. The doctor
said I would not yet well, but three bottles ot
Dr. Pierce's Golden Mci'icsl Discovery, three
bottles of his Pellets,' three bottles of Dr. Bagf
Catarrh Kemedy and the uae of salt water did
the work and cured me.
Dr. Pierce's Pleu&int Pellets cure con
stipation and its consequence.
The approval of all who
want the best meats
m03t delicious out no
no higher in price. , . . ,
1905 CIGAR
The Beat 5 Gent Clgur
on Earth
Save the bands and
get a ticket to the
, - t.
Despain & Clark,
livEdwnnl K. Roc, adapter of Jnnlcu Mertdlth David nutum, l'rlde ot Jennlco, Alice o
Old vim-emit!, MaouRuuient Ksthatilel llcth.
PRICES Box Seats and first 6 rows Si. 50; balance lower floor $1; Gallery 50C
The Standard of Excellency.
W. S. Byers, Proprietor.
ELATERITE Is Mineral Rubber.
ortln l ltuouoHary to ItEI'I.ACK A AVOKX-OUT llOK
Takes tb, place of stilngloa, Un, Iron, tar nud gravel, and all prepared
roofings. For flat and uteop surfaces, RUtters, valleys, etc Easy to lay.
Tomperc . for all climates. Reasonable In cost. Sold on merit guaran
teed. It will pay to ask for prlcesand Information.
Worcester Building. Portland.
Have Your Water Pipes Examined and Repaired at Once
Delay will lead to serious breaks.
First-class work guaranteed by
BECK, the Reliable Plumber.
Court street, opposite the Golden Rule Hotel
By tlie Fire Insurance. Coin.
oanies we represent. Out
companies stand first in the
Hartford J-'lro Insurance Co.12,250,u7b
Alliance Assurance Co 28,039,963
London & Lancashire Fire
Insurance Co 8,644,698
Nortu Uritian fc Mercantile
Co 19,696,974
Boyal Insurance Co 22,897,158
They are the Best
The Standard and
Sold by
jmm it u ih
hUH I wMm U III! tm
1 UVn:
sbbbb: i ju uron....
BBBBB1 .,. "tie 9r, '
I 5 room
iH 2 -"I 01 1 .
wmt if -vucnul-
i j - " Ml lift
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WWM J fi.3oo.co '
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thore will help
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pattern In
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111 Conrt
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found on