Mill M III M 1 1 n. X WE SELL STRICTLY AT ONE PRICE J " New Ci i ? BAE R 4- : CLOTHIERS and HATTERS 729 Main St , Pendleton 'l"l H"l I 'i 1 M '"W GENERAL NEWS. Throo brothers will be ulectroout-1 ed for munlor ..t Albnnv. N. Y., Oc-1 tober 1. j A runaway cable car lu Chicago, Monday, smashed two wagons and ' Injured 10 people, none seriously. I The rate of lilrths In New York City has risen from live to 11 an hour, or one every live minutes. Hour ly. Seven hundred employes of the numford. Me., paper mills have been locked out. the employers refusing to recognize the union. Incendiaries attempted Sunday night to burn the Agricultural bullu ing at the World's Fair, in St. Louis. It was nearly successful. The health of -Mrs. Jefferson Davis is Improving, though she Is quite frail. She is at the home of her daughter in Buffalo. N. Y. The transfer of American church property in the Russian Traus-Cauca-cus to the Russian government has resulted lu rioting at Shushn. Miss Mannoia Klores is mayor of Linares. .Mexico, succeeuing by ap pointment her father, who died of yellow, fever. President I)lnz highly compliments her work. The employes of the American Typo Fouudors- Company, at Cincin nati, have struck. A general strike of type foundry employes all over the United Stutes is predicted. Charles Becker has just been n leased from the San Quentin. Cnl.. penitentiary, where ho served a term oi seven years for raising a draft from 112 to $22.0110. which he suc ceeded in cashing. Five fires were started Sunday last in the basements of Harlem, N. l., j flats, and terror has seized upon the habitants of that district. A large number of policemen and detectives i In citizens dress, are at work trying j to discover the perpetrators. NORTHWEST NEWS. William Bell, of Portland, was fined $20 and costs in Portland, Monday, for knocking out a horse's eye with a brickbat. E. Blum, of Portland, was held up and robbed of his pocket change, lu broad daylight, on a side street, in that city Monday. Six Portland ministers simultane ously attacked the gambling policy of Mayor Williams, of Portland, from their pulpits, last Sunday J. H Burke, who escaped from the ' Hlllsboro iall last week, was cantur- d a few miles north of Vancouver, WaBh.. in his brother's cabin, Mon-! dav. James Enger. a longshoreman of Portland, shot himself through the ' hnnrt Mnnrlav in a fit nf .iesnnndn. ! ey, over a love nffalr. He cannot re cover. Carvallis Is erecting a temporary schoolhouse for the winter, there be ing 100 more pupils in the district than the present schoolhouse will ac commodate. Jabour, of great fair fame, has been sued and his property attached by the Chicago Great Western railway, for a freight hill of $5,500. His shows arc now tied up in Portland, await ing the process of law. A purse of $100 was raised by the citizens of Baker City. Saturday and Monday, for Dannie Delter, aged 13, who saved his three little sisters from burning to death In the dwelling whicb was destroyed by tire last Fri day. 'V 1 School Books 1 School Tablets School Supplies ,3 3 c No matter what the boy or girl Needs for use in school it can be found at our store. Largest tabletswith prettiest covers, at lowest prices. !' BOOK STORE mniMimtlHIHIUtt POR MEN BOYS & CHILDREN TSTE nro showing the Inrgosl " and most select line of $ Swout re ever shown in ihis city, i We have them in white, bliu'k X anl blue, us well as all ihe new $ fancy strip s Our prices on $ them are the lowest. Children's Swoators ...... 50o to $1.00 Boy's Sweaters 50c to 1.50 J Men's Sweaters 50c to 5.00 T & DALEY! 4-M"t"M"l"H I 'i H"H"M-KM-M HOTEL ARRIVALS. Hotel Pendleton. V. 1,. Smith, Hoppnor. Ed lllackjurn, Huppnor P. C Kittle, Salt Ijike. A. C. Uabson, Portland. H. V. Gilder. San Francisco. O H. Flthman, Chicago. .1. W. Chamberlain, San Frauclsco. Harry. A. Cordis, Chicago. Mrs. E. W. Saunders, "Walla Walla. Alfred Hosch. Portland. P. n. Oarrctson, St. Paul. P. C. Holland. Portland. V. M Rice, Portland. A. R. Grant. Portland. Julius Green, Portland W. H. Weir, Portland. William Matter. Portland. C. M. Smith, Portlnno. F. S. Malum and wife, Portland. R. H. Pntton. Spokane. A. G. Howard, Sokauc. W. I). Mnrks, Spokane. George H. Sutherland. Walin Walla Golden Rule Hotel Cunningham, Portlanll. Gardner. Helena. At. Elbert, Portland. A. Btirk, linker City. L. F E. H. Walt Buss. Baker City. H. McArthur. Portland. Winnie Ellexsnn. Athena. N. Derrick and wlfo. Milton. C V. Daniel, city. J. W. Kilkenny and son, Heppner. Ed Cluff, tone. Mrs. Frank Wolr and sou, Los An teles. E. H. Thompson. Portland. C. W. Wilson. AValla Walla. J. M. Cratlick and son, Heppner. ' C. L. Downer, Spokane. O C Gallaher, Woston. Robert Jamison, Weston. J. W. Young, Weston. I. E. Sallng, Weston. S. Thomas, Heppner W. Barclay, city. F. E. Hemhalt, Fpokane. .Mrs. C. F. Hemhalt, Spokane. V. C. H. Hemhalt. Spokane. Guy C. Hemhalt, Spokane. Mrs. C. C. Moberly, Kansas City. L. M. Hug. Sumniervllle. B. F. Hays, Ogden. .1. K. Ashley, Island Point. Alice Weaver, Pocatollo. Elsie Hart. West Fall. FJ Gardner, Portlnnd. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the undersigned, room 12, Judd building, until Thursday, October 8th, at 3 p. m for the erec- tlon and completion of the Bowman hotel, sltuatod on Main street. Pen dlcton. Or., according to plans and specifications prepared by C. E. Troutman. architect. Bids will be re- felved for the different tranches of tne, work, ,,or specifications. Plana and specifications can be seen at the office of the undersigned. Tho owner reserves tho right to reject any and all bids. C. E. TROUTMAN. Architect, Notice to Patrons. Having rented the retail depart ment of my butcher buslnoss to Mr, A. D. Augustavo, an experienced butcher of Walla Walla, I myself will conduct the wholesale part of Bald business, and all persons knowing themselves indebted to mo will please call at thd market and settle their ac counts. Mr. Augustavo also desires to announce that the business will be conducted as it has been, and all pat rons of the market will receive the same courteous treatment as hereto fore. FEKRY HOOSBU. A. D. AUGUBTAVO, How's This? We offer One Hundred hollars Kewurd for any rae of catarrh that can not be curra nr nan a i.airrn cure. f. J. (.HENKiT k CO.. Toledo, O. IV, the undersigned, bate known K. J, Clirnry for the I ant 15 yean, anil bcJieva him perfectly honorable lu all busfatwe transaction!! and financially able to carry out any obligation made by tbelr llrm. WKHT k TBUAX. Wboloulie Progst'tf'. Toledo. O. tVALDlN'O. KIN.S'AN k MAKVIN. Whole sale Druggist, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon tbe blood and raucous surfaces of tbe system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per bottle. Hold by all druggists. Halls Family Pills are the best. Don't undo tbe good your vacation has done you by drinking poor water or putting Inferior loo into tbe boil ed water. Ton cents worth of Ice per day will supply an ordinary family with plenty of drinking water. Be, stiro, though, that you -got good ice. Call up 'phono Main 1881 and get pure distilled water ice -from -the Robs Ice Plant, Do 'You Want a CabT When you- want prompt and relia ble service call up 'phono Mailt 181. Tbe McKay Cab Co. DAILY EAST OREQDNIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1903. MATLOCK BUILDING STRUCTURE NEARLY READY FOR FINISHING WORK. Front Will Be Put In Later Upper Floor Will Be Used Exclusively for a Residence Three Months More Before It Will Bo Completed. Workmen nro tearing out thu stag ing and fntso work In thu Matlock building nnd nro now preparing to do the finishing work on the Interior of the place. There yot remains a lit tle plastering to do on the upper floor, and when this is done the house will be ready for the Interior wood work and the finishing. In the meantime, the contract for a cement sidewalk has been let, nnd this will be placed in front of the building soon. The front of the building has not been put In and will not bo until It is rented, when It will be put In to biuc the requirements of the renter. Mr. Matlock has adopted this plan as a convenience for the prospective rout er for different busincssos require dif ferent arrangements. The entire upper iloor will be used by Mr. Matlock as a residence, and when It Is finished there will bo no finer homo In the city. Evory piece 'Of glass In the building Is of bevel pinto nnd nil of the Interior furnish ings will be of the finest. By the arrangements of the npartments tns whole upper Iloor can ho thrown in to one room for convenience In enter taining. Hot nnd cold water Is in each room nnd In the front rooms are largo fireplaces. It will take three months for the frescoers and finishers to complete their work and turn the building over to the owner. NEW STEAM LAUNDRY. Expected to Be In Operation About December 1 Excavating Begins at Once. The contract fur the excavation for tlio new building to bo built by John Schmidt was lot this morning to the Hastings brothers, and they will com mence work Immediately. The new building will be on Cot tonwood street, 100 feet from the cor ner or Alta, and will he 25x30, with one story nnd basement. The front will be of pressed brick, and It is the intention of the owner to have the whole structure completed inside of the next t!0 days. When finished, the place will be oc eupled by T. Crowner and C. C. Urol liar as a laundry, and the new firm liopes to be in running order by the end of three months. Mr. Brollinr left yesterday for Chicago, where he will purchase the machinery for the plant from the wnshing machines to the holler, und ship them in a car (II reel to this city. If the machinery lu In stock it will be here by the time the building Is ready for its recap' tlon. All of the equipment will be of the latest model and will cost about $G,000 delivered here In Pendleton. THERE ARE NO FAILURES. Dr. Garfield, of Victoria, B. C, Tell of Three Hundred Cases Wherein He Recommended the Use of Trlb Dr. James G. Garfield, of Victoria B. C, when asked, do you Indorse TRIB as a cure for tho liquor and tobacco habits? said: "I do. I havo known your remedy long before was sold to you, and can tell you of three hundred people that I have ad vised to take It. I never know of failure to cure where tho party tak ing- it was sincere. FOUR CROPS OF ALFALFA. Demonstration of Success of That Crop on Heavy Clay Soils. One of the entirely new and val liable exhibits made by the Oregon agricultural experiment station at tho state fair. Is a collection of spec imens of alfalfa, showing the succes sive crops taken from a field In single season. Tho station has been experiment ing with alfalfa for several years lor the purpose of demonstrating what can be done on heavy clay soils with out irrigation. The college people do nut conduct their experiments un der unusually favorable conditions, but sow their seeds on Just such soli as tho average Willamette valley far mer Is using. The alfalfa exhibited was taken from the field at four successive cut tings In one year. Tho first crop was cut on May 22, and yloldcd In green forage 11.22 tons per acre. The second crop was cut on Juno 22 and yielded in green -forage 2.70 tons per acre. The third crop was cut on July SS, and yielded 2.80 tons per acre. The fourth crop was cut on September 3 and yielded 1.47 tons per acre. Buckien's Arnica Salve. Has a world-wido fame for marrol outi cures. It surpasses any other salve, lotion, ointment or balm, for cuts, corns, burns, boils, sores, lei- our. ulcers, tetter, salt rbeum. fever sores, chapped bauds, skin oruptions; Infallible for plies. .Curo guaranteed. Only 2G cents at Tnilman & Co.'s, druggists. Red Men Attention. Beginning with Tuesday, Septem ber 29th, Umahotis Tribe will meet at 7:30 p. m. throughout Jie winter. All members nro requested to be present at tho next mooting, as spec ial preparation has been made for tho delegation which will bo present from Athena. ROY W. RITNBR, ' Chief of Records. Mrs. Martha J. Moslor, of The Dalles, dlod Monday, agod M years. She crossed the plains in 1844 from Kentucky HARVEST OVER. Only a Few Crops on Weston Moun tain Yet Out. Harvest is practically ovor In the Athena and Weston wheat bolt. A few crops on Weston Mountain are yot to bo threshed, and there nr about 3,000 sacks oxpoctcd to come to Athona warehouses yot. Plowing Ib in progress nt ninny places on the resorvntlon. the ground being In excellent condition. Seeding will begin all ovor th reservation about October 10 to 15 The summer fallow land 1b In excel lent condition and while there are many weedy Holds, the majority of It is ready for the drills. The best estimates on the Athena crop nt this time places the amount handled at that point at 250.000 sacks. The Into crops wero blench.1 out somowhnt by the recent rnlns and tho weight of the grain Is some what reduced. WESTON GROWING. Is Becoming One of the School Con ters of Oregon, Weston Is enjoying n healthful growth this full, aud is rnpldly lie coming one of the school conters of the state. Tho excellent public school at that placo Is crowded and the State Nor ma! started out this year with one third more scholars than ovor before Tho dormitory of the Normnl now full and ninny scliolars are ac cepting accommodations among the homes of the little town. Since tho school year opened about 15 farmers have bought homes Weston for the purpose of being near school. A new residence district growing up on the hill nenr tt."j Nor mal. NOT YET RECOVERED. J. H. Robblns Returned to Hot Lake for Further Cure. Hon, J. H. Itnhiilns spent a portion of the week here on business, and returned Monday to tint Lake, where he will sojourn for u longer period says thu Bluo Mountain American, He felt that he had Improved some what while there before, but was call ed back to this city on urgent bust ness before material benefit had been recolved. Mr. Robblns says that if lie does not improve soon he will seek mo warmer climate of Southern Califor nia for a period, us his present con ditlou will nut permit of business ac tivity. A Boy's Wild Ride for Life. With family around expecting him to die, am1, a 3on riding for life, IS miles to get Dr. King's .New DIscov cry for consumption, coughs and colds, W. H. Brown, of Loesvllle, ind endured death's agonies from asth ma; but this wonderful medicine gave instant reliof aud soon curod him. Ho writes: "I now sleop sound ly TJvury night." Like marvelous cures of consumption, pneumonia bronchitis, coughs, colds nnd grip prove Its matchless merit for all throat aud lung troubles. Guaran toed bottels 50c and $1.00. Trial bot tles free at Tollman & Co.'s drug store. The Willnmette Paper nnd Pulp Mills, at Oregon City, have been forc ed to close down on account ut the low stage of the water In the Wll lamette river. A Shrewd Investor will be glad to know how the greatest accumulation of trust funds in the world is invested. A young man who is just beginning to accumulate and invest his savings will b interested in a booklet that describes the investments of The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York. This information is found in "A Banker's Will." Sent free on application. Thl Company ranks First lu Aweti. AiVf-In Amount fld follcy-lioUlns. nru in Age. The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York, ricxjuid A. UcCaaaT, rrtt-idtat. Alma V. Knt-s, manager, Boise, Idaho. Frank h. Hammond, District Manager, Pendleton. Oregon, A Cat-wee of a Life Time All fucial -blemishes removed lenvingtlie fuce smoothc nnd per fect, No drugs, no knife. Red blister)' birth marks removed without leavlngnscur or blemish. Call on J. B. Despain or J. J. Worcester THE SURE WAY to Prevont Pneumoula and Consump tion Is to cure your cold when It flrst appears. Acker Ennllsh Rem edy will atop the cough In a night, and drive tho cold out of your system. Always a quick and sure curo for Aathmu. Bronchitis, and . all throat and Jung troubles. If it does not sat isfy you tho druggist will refund your money. Write to us for froe Bamplo. W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y. W. Schmidt Co., druggists. Tamarack COUGH BALSAM Possesses all the soothing und healing virtues nfour native while pine com bined in a pnlatnMe form. It is unexcelled for COUGHS and COLDS 25 and 50 cents I er bottle at F. W. Schmidt's The Reliable Druggist loloflicr nlock I'liouc Mtiin 551 OREGON. PORTLAND. St. Helen's Hall Has a Normal Kindergarten Training Class In connection with Us Acade mic Department. Separate residence. Two-year course. Model Kindergar ten. Provides practice work. For details nddress ELEANOR TEBBETTS, Prin. COMMERCIAL STABLES G. M. FROOME.. PROPRIETOR. Pnrrvillla fnr tilnnln tincHna flnnil ' teams wun competent drivers for 1 ; nnmniorclftl mnn Cniutili. lni-ona nml ' .tnn ,n. nn.ntn. .1 L- day drives. Gentle horses for family use. Stock boarded at reasonable rates. Host of care given to transient stock. Opposite Hotel Pendleton, Phono Main 1C1 a a ... j a . a . . I'l l! V 'T'l1 'l1 "l1 1" 'l1 ,,,' T r T I l"!1 'I'T'I TT7 I Insurance at Cost 14,370,113.00 Of Insurance in force OREGON FIRE RELIEF AS 1 SOCIATION. A Strictly Mutual H onie Institution M. H. RICE, Freewater Agent for Umatilla County. J. P. WALKER, city agent for Pendleton. I if t 1 , . . . M. - tllllt tiiiiiii rrri 111 COAL Let us fill your bin with . . . POCK SPRING GOAL Recognized as the best and most e onomical fuel. We are prepared to con tract with you for your winter s supply. We de liver coal or wood to any part of the city. Laatz Bros. Main Street Kear Depsi a- Rigby-Clove Mfg.i uvmrani Manufacture of the j Kigby-Qove Combined HARVESTER ! Repairs for all kinds of! Farm Machinery; Foundry Work u Specialty ' Cash paid for old castings ' a Pendleton, Oregon! a fVH WHIHMMiMiM I Conrad Platzoeder i All kirfds of Fresh Meats- always on hand. Fine Bacon, Hams and Sausage. 0 I Prices as low as (he lowesl 1 -"caiej., , mmhs or J. -"unless, f.ts. Which nr.'. .'t rect ,loi. .1 oiiciigias burn t rv , - " t WW I hi , contains a lJrt S'iisses and w b"iV illlfd. nirf.1 Kv T. . 1- 1 ""iic prices, Glenn Jeweler ' mm HI I I and m chatty nonary l usilles LMiaranttM .1 T'l ACL- r-m...- KlVtl). TAFFIES, ETC. 1 i-iinen i- r ..1 1 Prompt deliver TR c-rriD TelephoiM Wholesale ntl rL.r lnrt- and r CtnW, ITHE M 1 VII e .1, Atnrl ti l II can " ail UC5 WUltl -- ma aniiewtcfl nr u:ii cent r Mcin nart of tbocitj- ' ...1 service uu (action. A I nai "nrs - THE ic THE ..1,. In m" r,.y nnnltry : Poultry anu v- InT J bles. Anf fnr LW Slog Pur;v7aii t 1M . .." iU . ft 1 mt too. Orr-