n ZI .. DAILY EVENINGEDiTION Eastern Oregon Weather . roar relenc Fair tonight anil Wednesday ( light trout tonight c A WEEK, PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OTIEGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBEH 25), 1903. NO. 4857. ftTIONS Oil NARY adiers and Mi- g to San It Ste. Toronto. E AT SOO BERED BY FINNS. From Livingston to t Thousand Dollars for Montana Con- Arc Trying to Black- n - u; - -i. cn. net Tho . .l.,rr All (i onen and heavily . i.,.l .hot the lumbering camp 01 lUv. UH IB" aa hnvn nireadv it v.a ramolnilAr Ihn rlnv. Tho blc franks of the ulscan- foe peril or tho city. res cannot poBsioiy I Toronto before late bi tonight. From Toronto. 29. In addition 'to dlirs, 70 picked men o rollltia aro oeing sMcial trains this Ste. Mario. A dls- Irael Elliott, who is Id at Boo Straits, says (t prehent SB entirely alntaining order. Reward. 9. The Northern fed reward of J2.600 5,000 end the county hrrest and conviction namlters who threat- railroad nroDorty un- tpald .then. z'a -ultimatum, six hth bridges and tracK desnite the fact that track from Livingston whe last ultimatum to Iplres October 4. I supposed gang have ind the chief of police d that unless they are y ban will bo destroy- Special Agents of the Northwest Arc In Convention. Mii..i.n Bnnt 5l Thn annual Ullll)U convention of tho Flro Underwriters' Association of tho Northwest mot at tho Auditorium Hotel today. Nearly BOO flro insuraneo spociai agents, rep resenting many largo companies in ihn Knrthwnstern states, wcro nres- ont. After reports of minor of.lcers and the standing committees, me convention listened to the annual ad ,1tviq nf tho president, revlcwlne the work of tho last year and forecasting the future or tno nro insuraneo dusi ness. Tho afternoon was taken up with tho reading and discussion of sevoral papers on questions of im portance to the underwriters. Tho convention will continue and con clude its sessions tomorrow. Meeting of Montana Firemen. ni-nnt Pnlla JTnnt.. Kpnt. 29. The Montana State Firemen's association convened In annual session today with members present irom uuuo, Annnnniln Ttn7omnn. Red Lodco. Hill ings, Helena and other cities and towns of tho state. Samuel French of Groat Falls is tho presiding officer. Tho Bosslons aro to continue four days, during which timo there will bo discussions on many topics of in- torost to the flro ngniers. Ninetieth Birthday of Mgr. O'Reilly. Now York. Sent, 29. Tho lit. Rev. Met. rvrielllv. nrothonotnry aposto lic, an intimate of Pope Plus IX. and the late Loo XIII, was tho recipient of congratulations today on reaching his 90th birthday. Mgr. O'Reilly lives in the "castle" built by Edwin tor rest, the tragedian. ADULTERY GASES AT SALT UKE ID TO HEATH. at larlum Cremation Insas City. Sept. 29. G. C. Ca bain wan, was burned pvc others badly injur- pica destroyed Ralph's re today Tho injur- Stroll. Mrs. L. GodBon, Minnie Lease and Dr, I jumped from tho sec- all suffered broken lal Injuries. Ralph was while trying to rescue Iround the Arc-swept sight until tho floor pe spectators shouted il, but he seemed fear- gwheatcd furnace caus famagi' small to proper- DISMISSED. Pacific Stock at South aelfle Election. Sept. 29. Tho suit Taylor Resticon. for (Pacific stock at tho He annual election to- lauy dismissed on tele PS from New York. pwod that tho annual place at Beechment week after next. P'y In Carloads. i Sept. 29. A ctinncn in fae product of tho La factory went into cf. ago, whereby tuo n mi oraera less thtn pretofore ilenlfira onulil I orders filled for any an 20,- l'o Bond Election. SCO. P.fint OG . anon, nt i.m nnt i .uv VJ i, 1 J 4.WJ' Ml OD thn hnn.l niiA.llnti oto Is small, oxpecta uuuus win carry. Badly Touched. Sent !tio i I.... rc ordod m lard to 1 30 ct ts, The report K j , 04 Co- tl10 uno.ooo VS for m Stn Sflor ru s hrou' I no. i, P rc I ho hp . lor iidr, ucs a In Milk. j . . .ilni? m 1 1 U I t to light s ' irom A chargo ff"1 against 3iuialdohydo w hhj an . - ' w Hut a Irom that dairy. vIk- thnt many m It rn of against ono inn In in taut FIRE UNDERWRITERS. STRIKERS LOSE. California Railroad Reinstates Men on Its Own Terms. San FranclBCo. Sept. 29. Tho Cal ifornia & Northwestern strike was settled this morning. Tho company agrees to take back all tho men wno have done no property damage to the road. No lncrcaso In wages, no change in hours and no reinstate ment of men who caused the strike. UNITED STATES SENATOR BROWN IS ONE DEFENDANT ROCKEFELLER MARKET Unloading to Get Prices Down and Then Rebuying on the Quiet to, Get Control. E BRITAIN J FILES PROTEST CANADIAN CHARITIES. SLUMP CAUSED ONE FAILURE ON 'CHANGE. Northern Securities Went to the Low est' Ebb Today In Its History Amalgamated Copper and Pennsyl vania Also Dropped Principal Fight Is Over Steel Stocks. Now York. Sept. 29. Tho liquida tion of steel continued this morning on tho curb. Northern securities went down to 81, the lowest on record. There was scattered liquidation during tho latter part of tho day, which affected special stocks most acutely. Amalgamated Copper fell nn extra 3V4, and Pennsylvania 294. Rumor credited much of tho selling to account of Pennsylvania, tho ef fect being conspicuous In tho steels. Before the close tho pressure agalnBt the steel issues relaxed and tho recovery was within a fraction of Saturday's low level. Pennsylvania and Amalgamated led a closing do cllno, which was checked at some points. Rockefeller Vie Bear. Cleveland, Sept. 29. A special to the Press from New York says Rock efeller Is at the bottom of tho stock slump, desiring to gain full control of the steel trust. Ho Is unloading his stock at 16w prices, and rebuy ing through private brokers. Failure Because of Slump. New York, Sept. 29. Tho failure of Taylor & Manduvlllo is announced in the Consolidated Stock Exchange, owing to this big slump. Disappointed at Failure to Carry Out Reforms Defined by Treaty of Berlin. WAR CANNOT BE AVERTED LONGER THAN SPRING. His Case Will Be Called Today Mrs. Bradley Pleaded Guilty Complain. Ing Witness Brown's Wife All 'Round Sensational Case. Ron ljiitn Kfint. 29. Mrs. Annie Bradley pleaded guilty and asked the mercy of tho district court this morning, charged with adultory. Judge Morse set her sentence for next Monday morning. Tho caBo against rormcr unneu States senator from Utah, under tho samo charge, comes up this after noon. The two cases nre tho out como of scandal for years past, in which gun plays and assaults In pub lic places flguro, cnamg uy -u.-Bradley thrashing Browu in his of flnn liisi ihnntli sho knocked out his teeth with an umbrella. The com plaint was sworn to by lirown s no. charging adultery. GRAIN MARKETS. Quotations Furnished by Coe Commis sion Company B. t. Kennedy, Lo cal Manager. IVi.jlsIni, Snnt "9 Town TolllCB l QllUIVIiUU, I' - ' ka ail inrilrvitlmiK nolnt to a ro- ottj 1 1' .... . . . . - nowal of forced liquidation, and not withstanding mo assuruuuu us nm street bankers that all is well, thero is a shaky weakness on tho stock market, , whn.1 la imohnniren. Corn UUI1 and lower. Conservative buyers say tho greatest cioenno . inv uvu.. Chicago, &epi. .j. Wheat Opening. Close. Dec 77 77 May 'S 78 Corn Dec. ' Minneapolis. Sept. za. , Wheat Opening. Close. Dec.'. 75 May ,77 "w Liverpool, sep.i. Wheat Opening. Close. Cs 3d 6s 5V4d Chicago Wheat. r.himea. Sont. 29. Wheat opened 77; closed at 77. Mysterious Alabama Murder, nirmtiiirnam Sent. 29. The body of a young and handsome woman was fouud east or me i. i,..ioa in tho head. To- day It was positively identified as Miss Nellie siieeiu,- wn uiiu.w from home Thursday. Sho- belonged to a prominent family. No clue to the murdered or uio muu- proved III Feeling. . ...i i a n Knot 29. In the Tillman trial today tho examination ..... l I . . .1 uAlnflim frt ilia Of WiinG88GS COUIUIUUU jeiumu w ... shooting, and showing continued 111-fot-ling between Tillman and Gonza les. Slot Machines Seized. Twenty owners of slot machines wero arrested in Seattle Monday and fined from $10 to $20 each for vio lating tho state law agnlnBt gambling. OBJECT TO MARINE BAND. Musicians' Union Makes Trouble in Chicago. Chicago, Sept. 29. Tho cornet band's big parade tonight, which was to '.be a feature of tho celebration, will be called off, tho .Musician's Union having refused to participate unless tho United States Marino Band Is ousted irom tho banquet cer emonies which follow. The management refused to do this, hence present indications are that the sole music for tho Immense pa rade tonight will bo furnished by one drum corps. CHARGED WITH TREASON. German Is Accused of Selling Gov ernment Secrets. Berlin, Sept. 2ft. Tho sensational lrlnl of tho secretary of Public Pros ecutor Dr. Beganza, began this morn ing. Ho is charged with betraying olllcial secrets to six prominent men, who aro also In tho dock charged with bribery. Three of them are millionaire bank directors who aro said to havo paid Haganz $25,000 at various tlnv's. MAY LOWER FREIGHT RATES. Presidents of Three Roads to Meet Soon at Pullman to Consider Re ductions. President Hill, of tho Great North ern; President Mohler, of tho O. R. & N., and President Mellen, of the Nnrtherri Pacific, will meet at Pull man, Wash., in the near future to consider further reductions of the rato on wheat from Interior points to the coast. Tills moating Is part of a program arranged by J. J. Hill last year, when he agreed to meet tho people of Eastern Washington raoro than half way on tho Height rato quostlon. Last year thp rate on wheat from Kastcrn Washington, points to tho rnnRt was reduced .2 cents per bush el and ttils meeting is to bo held with a view to runner rouucuoun. This movo on tho part of Mr. Hill Is thought to bo a means of softening the people of Washington toward tho railiouds. lo prevent such bitt'-r railroad wars In the legislature. Officers Sentenced to Imprisonment Who Planned to Avenge the Mur der of Alexander and Draga Wide spread and Continuous Butchery of Bulgarians Massacre of Christians Expected, Constantinople, Sept. 29. Tho Brit ish ambassador, O'Connor, has pro tested to tho porto against its fail ure to carry out tho Russo-Austrlan reform scheme In Macedonia. News from Burghas through Insur gents, says tho Turkish troops havo withdrawn from tho villages on tho frrn.ini- nrncumnhlv In nnrnrilnnco with Bulgaria's request. Tho general opinion Is mat if open war do averr ed until snow falls, it will bo a re spite only in the Bulkans until sprng. Punishing the Anti-Reglcldes. Belgrade, Sept. 29. Officers of tho Sen-Ian garrison at Nisha, connect on win. thn rnnsnlracv to rcvenco the deaths of Alexander and Draga, wero Inrlnv Knntnn roil. Cftntaln NovakO- vitch, the ringleader, gets two years' imprisonment, the otnera a year or less. Forty omcers aro impncaiea. Wholesale Massacre Expected. Vienna, Sept. 29. Dispatches from ituv.iv. In Alhnnln. tell of exceSBCB in tho villages of Oallasbnlk, Mastroff, Lcutnoff nnd Vucitna. Wholesalo nr- root nf TlnlirnrlfinR In that dlBtrlCt continue. Turkey Intends to cele brate the czar's arrival at Vienna by a wholesalo massacre or unnsuans Jumned the Track With Hanna. Berlin Heights, O., Sept. 29. A special car on the Lake Shoro Elec tric road, containing Senator llimnii and General Herrlck, jumped tho track at noon. None wero seriously hurt, although several were more or loss cut and uruisen. Strenuous Campaign. Washington, Sept. 29. That the administration Is showing great In terest In Hanna's campaign in Ohio Is evidenced by tho fact that Shaw, Wilson. Moody and Cannon aro all sche'duled to speak nt different points In tho stnto. Specialists and Experts of Canada Are Gathered Together. mtnu-n rnt. Sent. 29. Special ists and experts In all branches of charitable and correctional worK .iru gathered hero from many parts of tho rinmlnlnn tn tnkn nnrt In tho Blxth Canndlan, Confercnco of Charities and Corrections, which upum-u iuuj and will bo in session inrougn " pmninr nnrt nf tho week. Tho pro gram provides for papers and discus sions covering tno various puusvn m charitable nnd philanthropic move ments, prison reform, charity organ ization, children's alii societies, re formation of Juvenllo offenders, in dustrial schools, nnd tho prevention and euro of tuberculosis. CHICAGO'S REIGN OF TERROR. Attempt Made at a Wholesale Loot- Ing of the Sherman House. Chicago, Sept. -29. A daring at tempt was nmdo by thlovcs early this morning to loot tho Sherman House guests. Tho clerk, Blnglo handed, after a long battle, ovorcamo one of tho marauders, who hnd nearly $3, 000 In monoy nnd jewels In bis pos session. Tho Immense throng of visitors to tho city's centennial jubilee has at tracted thugs and hold-ups until it approaches a reign of terror. Aged Odd Fellow. Baltimore, Sept. 29. Benjamin Selmmerman, tho oldest living past grand master of the Odd Fellows, nged 84, Is critically 111 and death will ensue In n short time. He has been a member of tho order 50 years. Cannot Marry Cousin. The marriage of Helen Sullivan and James Ioftus, of Seattle, was annulled by Judge Tallman, Monday, because tho parties wcro first cous ins. They were married in 1901 and havo two children. Frances Wlllard's Birthday. Today Is Frances Wlllard's birth day, but Pendleton has no W. C. T. U. organization to take tho lead in celebrating the event. PETITION TO HUN FOR MAYOR MATLOCK'S NAME WILL BE ON THE OFFICIAL BALLOT Document Is In Circulation Now and Is Being Liberally Signed Will Accept the Nomination Under Con dltlona Stated. New Lord Mayor of London. London, Sept. 29. At tho meeting or aldermen nt Guild Hall today, Sir James Ritchie was elected lord may or of London for tho coming year. Ho was born In Scotland In 1835, and is a brother or Charles Ritchie, tho noted member of parliament. Brakeman Was Killed. Klwood, lnd., Sept. 29. A frolght train was derailed on the Lnko Urlo & Western near hero this morning. Brakeman William Armstrong wns killed and tho engineer nnd fireman Blightly Injured. Lewlston Going Into Debt. At tho meeting of tho city council last night City Attorney S. L. Mc Farland wns Instructed to prepnro a call for a speclul election to voto on a proposition to Issuo bonds to tho amount of $80,000 to redeem out standing warrants and complete tho wuter plant. A surplus of $5,000 will remain, and this will be used ill water main extensions. Lowlslon Teller. Oregon Paper Changes Hands. Tho Albany Herald has been pur chased from! Train and Whitney by Winn and Westgate, and will bo con ducted by tho new proprietors on tho sarno lines as Ihoso pursued by tho former owners. Tho now purchasers are Just entering tho field of journalism. Net earnings of tho Northern Paci fic for 1903 nro $22,000,000. nn in crease over 1902 of $2,0ui),000. Tho friends of W. F. Matlock havo started a netitlon asking him to lo como a candldato for mayor at the coming oloctlon. Tho potltion Btatos that Mr. Matlock will bo tho candl datu of tho citizens of tho city. '1 no miner was started last ovenlng, and In a short tlroo was signed hv over 30 of tho voters of tho city. It Is in tho chnrgo of Dr. C. J. Whlttakor, and will bo completed thlB afternoon If that gentleman has tho time from his business to fnrtlior circulate It. Tho nnllcv of tho nrosnectlvo randi dato was noted oevornl days ngo, and It Is assured that Mr. Matlock will no copt tho call of his friends when tho petition Is presented with names suf ficient to entitle It to recognition In tho law. COMMENT BY THE GRAND GUARDIAN Mrs. Van Orsdall Talks Enter tainingly of Her Trip, and Other Topics. HER FIRST CHOICE IS EASTERN OREGON. Times Are Dull In Illinois, Iowa and Kansas Grfe.it Interest in Oregon by Middle States Dwellers Wo men of Woodcraft Becoming Rich est Fraternal Order on Coast. Mrs. C. C. Van Orsdall returned Sunday morning from Ixiiidvlllc, Col., nftor nn absence of six weeks. "Olad to get back? Most emphat ically," Bald Mrs. Von Orsdall. 'When you get right down to hard facts, tho Pnclllc Const Is tho place anil ICastorn Oregon tho best of nil. Bnck In Illinois, Iowa and Kansas the farmers are sitting up nights trot ting about tho too early advent of frost. Their corn Is very Into, and may not have time to mature. Times aro dull and tho chronic labor troubles keep everything In a tur moil. "It Is queer how tho oyca of tho working classes nro fixed on tho West. If you say you aru from Or egon, tho clerks will stop trying to induce you to pay two prices, to ask you what tho chances aro for a good worker on tho coast, what sort of a climate wo have and a hundred other questions. "I nttended tho meeting of tho Na tional Fraternal Congress in Milwau kee, and our candldato was elected vIco-prcBldent the first far Western man to bo honored by tho congress In this way. The noxt session will be held In St. 1uIk, whero tho delegates will bo tho guests of tho fair author ities. A llttlo concerted effort will bring the 1905 session to Portland. "While I was In Colorado tho Wo men of Woodcraft purchnscd $27,000 worth of bonds, making a total of $00,000 since July. "Wo aro making our customary progross In all departments, nnd nro rapidly becoming tho richest ordor per capita nn tho coast. "Tho hoard has decided that I shall niako extensive trips tho coming year, nnd I will be away tho greater part of tho time." TWO SUITS TO RECOVER. INTENSELY INTERESTING. THE IRONWORKERS CENSURE ROOSEVELT Kaiibas City, Sept. 29. By unani mous vote the ironworkers today an nounced President Roosevelt un. friendly to union labor In his action 111 IUB mm, v..-.-. od the govt mors or voiurnuu uu Idaho. The Ropsevolt rosolutton, after de tailing a80' ga: "Wo oelIeve tt not only essential but imperative to the welfaro and ultimata success of the trades umu movement that the closed shop policy be malntalnod. There can bo no affinity of inter- cbIs between tho unionists und their opponents. Thero was none between i the patriots and Benedict Arnold; none between tho apostles nnd Judas, 1 Iscarlot." Copies wero ordered sent to Roosevelt. ; Buchanan's suggostlou for a con i forenco of representative union men throughout America to oppose gov ernment by injunction, was adopted. Funds aro now to bo raised to niako a fight by tho central body so tho rights of frados unionists will bo definitely determined. This Was the Verdict of Dr. Gowen'a Auditors Lecture Tonight on "Othello." H. H. Cowen, tho rector of tho Trin ity church of eattlo, gave a vory Interesting lecture last ovonlng nt tho parish house on tho general sub ject of Dant.0 and his life, and his Inlluenco on tho language and civil!-, zatlou of his country. A small, but intensely Interested audlenco greeted the lecturer, who told thorn of tho early life of 'Dauto, and showed tbem how ho had res cued tho Latin lauguago In Us purity from- tho inroads of other languages. Ho showed tbem In the writings of thn poet how ho had Instilled In all of his works tho religious principles and bellofs that actuated him, and pointed out thb effect of the II fu and writings of the mun on tho history of his land and of tho world. Tho loc turo wns very instrnctlvo nnd inter esting from tho first sontonco to tho last, and tho auditors wero Borry when tho recital was omlod. T)r. Gowcn had announced no or der for his lectures, and It was an nounced that ho would speak of "Othello," but tho lecturer had In tended to glvo tho other presenta tion first and did. This ovonlng ho will deliver tho lecturo that wirs ad vertised for last night. Found flo Indictment. Klyrla. O., Hopt. 29. Tho grand Jury this morning completed its la bors without niulliig nn Indictment for tho Rolchllu niurlnr. This wnB the caso whorein tho Catholic priest Walser, was ncciisrd of tho murdor of Miss Agalhu Rel- llln, sister of u priOBt wl)om ho iMiing. Irrigation In Idaho, Tlioro aro nov 70-,0w acres of cul tivated land urn. r lr-j Won in Idaho, the value of vliC- or agricultural purposes la reported i i 1 ? $31.25 per acre. Such ns is -t.. .lo for fruit Is estimated from w0 to 1500 per aero. One for Goods on Account, the Other on a Note. Thu firm of Iluwley Brothers has filed suit against D 11. Bailey nnd wlfo for $78.l). alleged to bo due on a bill of $1115,25 contracted by tho de fendants botween the dales or April 1, 1901 anil September 1. 1902. S. A. Newberry is tho plaintiffs' attorney. It, Alexander has Hied suit In tho clerk's olllco ngalnst C. C. Morso to recover on a nolo for joui.irj wun tntorost at 0 per cent, from June 10. 1903 to tho picHi'n! timo. The platu tilt asks for the amount of tho note and for $100 attorneys' fooH, together with tho other costs nnd disburse ments of th" action. 8. A. Novborry is the attorney for tin- plaintiff. MRS. MOTLEY DEAD. Pioneer Oregon Woman Passes Away at Milton Last Evening, Aged 88, Mrs. Clementlno Motley, of Milton, died last evening of old ago and gen eral debility. Sho has been ailing for soino tlino anil thu end was not un oxpeted Mrs. Motley wbh ilio ninth er of H. T Motley, of Milton, and grandmother of Mrs. Davo Ingram, of Birch creek and had resided In that city for the past two years. Sho was a ploni-er of Corvalllb having crossed tho plains and settled thero In tho early '0s. She wns 8S yoara of ago. Thuffliornl took place ot Milton this afternoon ut 2 o'clock Kenoyer.Corkrum. Last night at the Christian church Rev. N. II. Brooks, tho pastor of that Church, united In marrlngo Miss Kth ol Loretto Konoyer noil Leo It. Cork rum. Thu groont Is well known In Walla Willi" where ho has lived for somo timo. Tho bride was formerly a resident of Walla Walla, but lum been a rosldent of thl city for some time past. Mr. nnd Mrs. Cnrkruru will mnko tholr homo In Walla WalK where hor husband Is located In l'' b ineas. , Want Ban Raised. Sumpto? bufilnoss niou linve pc-ii Honed tho clly council to ralso the ban on tho houses of lMamo in tho city and permit daneo hnllp nnd obon bongos Iq ho run. Tho council ro cuntly closed or placed under rigid rostriclloiiB all tho bagnios- In the city and thoso petitioners calm this action Is Injurious to business. California's output of beans this year will ho 760,000 Backs," lOP.OOO sacks uioro than early estimates.