East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 28, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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H HUH t 1 I 1 1 t I HMI
Hats and
Fall and
All the Late
Shapes and
-2q Main St.. Fondleton
One Price Clothiers Furnishers
and Hatters
H-H 1 1 I I I I 1 I 1 I M
A speed ot 117 miles per hour has
been attained over the Sossen exixjr
imenta! electric railway In Germany.
J. B. McMillan, a Kary conductor,
was killed Saturday at Caddo. I. T..
by tramps whom he had put off h'.s
An unsuccessful attempt was made
Saturday to kidnap the S-yoar-old
daughter of Governor Mickey, of Ne
braska. The city of Dresden has opened a
drunkards' home, where those hope
lessly addicted to liquor can stay
three years at a cost of 4G cents per
Judge W. G. "Wylie. ot the Louisi
ana supreme court, died of pneumo
nia Saturday last on an ocean steam
er, en route from England to New
Common contagious diseases, the
cau.ses of which are practically un
known, are scarlet fever, measle.
tklckenpox yellow fever and hyd.-v
Patrolman Dennis Fitzgerald, of
Chicago, was Sunday last knocked
down with his own club and shot
twice with his own pistol, in a fight
with two negroes.
Portugal has established a naval
embargo of the Azore Islands to stop
emigration. All the Inhabitants who
can get away are leaving, most of
them lor the United States.
The body or Hans Hausen, the
missing chief engineer of the Gennarj
steamer Eva. was found Saturday,
floating in San Francisco Bay. His
disappearance is associated with that
of Captain A. Drillet. of the French
steamer Detallle. The latter has not
been found.
, l
A local capitalist will construct a
hotel in Portland to tost J180.000.
There are now about 40.000.0t)0
eggs in the Ontario salmon hatchery, j
Plans for a Crittenton training'
school for girls are now under way
in Spokane.
Nine business houses were de- i
stroyed in Idaho Falls Saturday, loss
about 112100.
Edward Brown, a logger of Grant'e
Pass, was crushed to death In a jam
of logs Saturday evening.
Noble Hamilton, one of the ablest
jurists of the Pacific Coast, died at
San Francisco Sunday, aged S7.
D M. Letts, a Southern Pacific
brakeman, had a loot cut oft by a
derailment at Ashland Saturday.
The Salvation Army ot the Pacific
Coast will observe Harvest Festival
Season from October 3 to C, this
Tbe 11-year-old son of H. W. Scott,
of Forest Grove, tailed a huge black
bear which had eutert-d the cow lot.
Saturday night.
A charge of manslaughter has been
brought aganisL the managers of the
Florence Crittenton Home, at Port
land, for causing the death of an in
fant.' Tickets for two large lottery com
iwinles are being sold continually in
Portland, according to the advice or
patrons of the concern. The police
are investigating.
W J Howehs, superintendent of
the state hospital at Medical Lake,
Washington, was fined 5 Saturday,
for striking an insane person. Tne,
club and had defied the superintend
eat School Books
School Tablets
School Supplies
v mitipr what the boy
or girl Needs for use in
f I-areet tabUtsltvitk
m 1 WHtllfH H1IIDIH
Caps for
jcm i stttvx ca
1 I 1 I 1 I ! !! I 1 ! 1 1 I I M I t
Hotel Pendleton.
W. D Jameson. San Fraucisco.
Mr Forksum and wife. Portland.
E. L. Power Lebanon.
J. Frank Watson. Portland.
A. Graydon. Portland.
L. J. Keady. Portland.
V. R. Glendening. Portlaud.
A. D. Chase. Portland.
Sol E. Levi. Cincinnati.
W. H. McClontlck. Portlaud.
George E. K. Fichtner.
George E. Mossu. Siokane.
toward A. Tv!n;i. .os Miiuc
Andy McCarthy. San Fruiclsco
W. N. Bill, St. Louis.
L. S. Nichelson. St. Louis.
Thomas Purdy, Portland.
T. Clark. San Francisco.
Gursel. Portland.
W. Sklles. Spokane.
J. Fowler. Portland.
C. Dickson and wife. Antelope,
W TVaite. San Francisco.
George Stevous. Sokane.
Mosor. portiana.
M. Bell. Slokatic.
L. Morey. Spokane.
Golden Rule Hotel
H. A. Blackman. Walla Walla.-
E. S. Enrlght. Walla "Walla.
E A. Fansher. Walla Walla.
T. B. Lacy. Walla Walla.
L. E Smith, Spokane.
J. E. Dixon. Spokane.
George McManarocn. Spokane
F. J. Morrison. Lewlston.
A. It. Price. Albion
Carl Yount. Douglas.
F. J. Graham. Portlaud.
W. J. Moore. Spokane.
J. Thomeson. Walla Walla
H. W. Bennett, Seattle.
M. E. Hackethorn. Valley.
Frank Reed. Adams.
C. C. Rlnehart, city
A O. Moody. McKay.
H. G. Thomas, Heppner.
D C. Gurdane. Helix
it' t Phlnns. Caldwell.
Sam Sheppard. Idaho Falls.
Mrs. M. S. Swift Bonner.
Mrs. A. D. Baum. Pullman.
Blanche Baum. Pullman.
Nntir to Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received
at the office of the undersigned, room
1 Judd building, until Thursday,
October 8th. at 3 p. m.. tor the erec
tion and completion of the Bowman
hotel situated on Main street. Pen
dleton. Or., according to plans and
specifications prepared by C. t
Troutman. architect Bids will be re
ceived for the different branches ot
. M(nne Plnnc
the work as per speciuu""-.
and specifications can be seen at the
' office of the undersigned. The owner
reserves the rtgnt to reject uUJ
Notice to Patrons.
Having rented the retail depart
ment of my butcher business to Mr.
A V Augustavo, an experience
butcher of "Walla AVaila, I myself trill
conduct the wholesale part of said
,i aii nunnna knowins
themselves Indebted to me will please
call at tne market auu ----
, inmstivn aliia desires
to announce that the business wUl be
conducted as n nas oeeu. uuu ---rons
of the market will receive the
.nrtfKiiis treatment as hereto-
Mow's This?
We- tMtr One Hundred l)ollx lrd
rtrrh tbat can net be
enredby llalft C.t.rrt. Cure.
ve. tue unaeraia-nru. ,.
WE8T T TllUAX. WholeiaUr PnwUU
-T?wKnU KIXSAN MABV1N. Wtiole-
.."ii of tta Ttem. Teumoniai
7rywtttie. Sold tr
nan rauin - -
n .. i ihs nrxt vour vacation
. , 1,-. HnVlnip noor water
" Inforlnr InA into the boll-
or uuvuu.
ed water. ieu txuio """ - ,
day wUl supply an oromary wuiuj
-ui. ninntr of drinking water. lie
ru nn 'nheae Mala Wl 4 Seti
1hs )n Tim. , v t, -si'
WaM wirfta rrtrit FaVr, Wt4 WH,
- 2B to otueir 1. ivvb.
For the above occasion the O. R. &
. o,.ivtsi rate of 11 for the
round trip. Tickets on sale October
ui -AtiirTi ihtk same dav on
a s'peclal train leaving Walla Walla
about 10:80 p. m. Fpr particulars,
call on or address F. F. Wamsley,
Cavalry Band of Missionaries Seeks
to Spread Religion Among Feudists
Well Received When Known
They Were Not Revenue Officers.
Inplimi l.v Cm. I The
"Mountain Brlcado." a detachment of
Genera! Booth's Salvation Ariiiy. in
vaded Jackson, as they had promised j
ami lert here on tlic suo-mlit? trip on
linrcfOiiwl. nv-nr ihi mnlint n !n5. This
trip will embrace a tour of the coun-j
ties or Breathitt. Magaffln. noyu.
PfL'f. nti.l i nfMw.r nml n Knfnliril Of
two days will be made at the county ,
scats of each. Stops will be made,
and metlngs hold in the way stations
between the several county scats.
It Is the general opinion of Jack
sonlans that tLe visit ot the Salva
tionists will benefit this community.
They preached a tv.liglon of love and
good will among men, nnd those who
have taken no hand In the feuds are
hopeful that their sermons will In
Home degree remove the bitterness
between the followers" or the feud
Eight meetings were held during ( Rn Qty yesterday by Chief of Po
the stay or the missionaries in Jack- Uev. minis. nnd examined by County
M.nn. l.nlni, ll 111 l .It, i . .1 I 1 1 1 1 1 .... .. .. 1. n 1-.... I.T l.-w
son. four of them being new on
Main street, in front of Provost head-
nnariers which are located in the I
courthouse yard opposite Harpist
Bros." store. Judge Hargis was an
Interested spectator at these meet-,
ings. nnd generally occupied n chair
r.n .tin eltlou-nlW In front of Ills Store
during their progress. j
When the Salvation came last week
it was cordially greeted by a people
lis niotlmit nr cnsuel war
fare was new. Many Jncksonlans
fare was new. Many jnchsonians ,
contriuuieu io us supjian. uuu umc ,
f,..,tcl,n.l frrnt nml chnltnr for RnmP I
...o..v t, ... ...... -..
(.it- tpt Unn-pi-pr tr.tr,'. were no
- , : i
On the other hand, some regarded the .
whole thing as a take anu a scneme
tn mnt-A rnnnnv Tn tlins,. nf this
... ....... t
opinion the custom or the Salvation-.
ists to take up collection at ever (
meeting furnished an evidence to
sustain this theory.
The personal appearance of the ,
members of the army was largely
In their favor, and many wete heard i
tn rmnrl.- flint thev were n fine look-
of the missionaries" during their stay.
converts maile by tne Salvationists j
A numler of the lieople at the In-
door meeting went forward to l?
prayed for. but no evidence was slv-1
en to the public that any greater im-;
pression was mnde upon the seeker ;
"Rat Ankles' Noble, who was the :
star witness for the defense tn the ,
Jett trial iu Cynthlana. nnd who ,
swore that he was talking to Jett ;
at the time that Marcum was Bhot. (
went Torward at the hrat night b ...UA iritrfC
meeting and asked to be. prayed for.; WfKJ KfNUWO
He also stated that he was lntoxi-i
cated at the time, but after that night 1
he never Intended to take another; vr,i,.. t,..hi,. Ha
"drop" He never attended anotheriWI.cn Hi k'dncy Trouble Ma
of the Salvationists meetings, but Fastened nnd Reached the
so far has kept the promise he made chronic Stufio? If it Has It Is
to them. Several church people of incuPOblc by Anything Known
the community iook pan in w- '
vices at the courthouse.
Moonshiners' Surprised.
Colonel Holtz. the Salvation army
i..nri.r nf Cleveland, and his band
canvassing the Kentucky
: .. .... ..j. !
mountains Ihtwuubb cexI
came near meeting ith nVl"i
trouble near here, just ouv - u u MOlher .erj In cu. Ucura
place they Inquired it there WJ1 ' m an,of u yuiton CcmpouDdi,
church or schoolhouse where the ; tedb Johnt ji,on. the asenuot th
might stop and do some evangelistic rlmComfomCl, taL.oto:
work while resting. W. U. Fridlej. retldftt ot Lou Ontoi,
A woman told them that off to tbo j rlBg ,0,, uauej dlKti Brtjrbt'i ll
left and down In thf creek bottom .ujua, rterjfcolr elf.'ooud ll treat
they would find a crowd of men. The) tne. He commenced 00 Fuliou's Kent
little cavalrv band. leaving their compound to February. J. m December
wagon on the main xoau uuu
with them some ot their musical ln-
. u-onn.,.. tlifir war down
B. , , . i.i..r ntli thft- saw
tne siue ui -uu - -
.h.. men working abIt a small log
" "
They were surpriseu at two io"
being fired and then to see men. run-
nTngEin different dl ""JS
came to a halt ana wonueieu "j
the men had run. A guide soon ex-
plained the situation, it maw-
shine still and the shoo were fired
as a warning to the operators to make
good their escape, wiucn uix,
The Salvation Army men were in
high glee and hastened to explore the
place. After Daing asaareu
intmrieru were- not revenue snen the
operators were persuaoeu w cuuiu-
back, set up tne ures, uuu
..j.-i. , tio. ltrtunr was made.
liaiiuiB " .
After the Investigation tne Salvation
ists held religious semcea ana souie
.V.,. mrnnillilllMV IOUIHI in IK
I II t-ii ... v -
. ... uiim Ptei fr Life
r ew7 " , . .
nfl.h l.nllr Brnnnd eXTOeCtlne film
to die, aad ) son riding tor Jlte. 18
miles to get vr. ivings
colds, W. H. Brown, of Leeeville. Ind,
. Aminm ATknlAlC f rflTTl &StD
vauurm uu o
m. hut this wonaenui rocuiciuw
, t ...... .1 Ir.f nA crvin Ctired
him. He writes: "1 row sleep sound-
every night." Like mrreiuu
cures of consumption, pueumuiiio,
raids and etIp
Uiyuvu4uDt .wc f - .
it. tnorritRR merit for UI
Ji UH3 n w-.
l.aaA ea llinir inillUltTB. UUaM
teed bottela HOc and $1.00. Trial hot
tin. frw. t Tallman & Cos drug
-' - Arnica Satwe.
8m -wrM' Ihw far mml
, u ' ms amm
rive. Jee, 1tst or bl tar
CUU. earBd, eWW, WUl. mmv.
ons. ulcers, tetter, salt rheum, fever
sores, chapped nana, sun eruiiuuui
infaiiu.in fnr niiiw. Cure eutranteed.
Only 25 cents at Tallman & Co.'a,
New ready-mad
dally at TeuUch's.
skirts arriving
... .... t
pure. The critical wdeal througn which me cxpci-ium ......
pass, however, is so fraught with dread, pain, suffering an4 danger,
that the very thought of it fills her with apprehension and horror.
There is no necessity for the reproduction of life to be cither painful
or dangerous. The use of Mother' Friend so prepares the systetn for
the coming event that it is safely passed without any danger. This
great and wonderful
'ikriS tnotn&t &
rtf wnmfn th rem rr li
6 nd for fre boot containing tnfannation
QI pricCirsa viiud v cm -jjrvt UIWM4C1.
The Bradficld Reoulator Co., Atlanta, Ca.
Strange Man Creates a Sensation at,
Oregon City.
Bareheaded and barefooted, with,
an Iron chain wound around his i
waist, and going south on the rail- j
road track as fust as he could walk
a man giving his name as ueurge :
hailing from lieveny.
I MiucnnliiiKit9 v.-ns arrested in Ore-
I'llVBIl'IUIl I'UWWIl Ull a niut(,i- w.
lllB insaile
- ,,,,,
savs the Salem States-
Tnl. man seemed ail right e.cept
wjlt. jle nan n chance to talk on
reijous subjects, when lie gave vent
,0 .some father startling statements,!
nnimitnnlmr lllinself US the liridO-I
groom of Josua Christ and stating
that his mission was to piumji
miracles. The examination developed
the fact that he had twice escaped
frtim inannn nsvlums m-vsumabiy in
the Bast. He said that It this was ,
aot blileveu uy tnt, examiners, they
M),j write nnd ask them, rue :ocai ,
. . , ... .,. ,.t f r,r 1
omriais ueciutu iu luut- um
n... . ,i.in nT,nm thn
ii i lie m' iii "
strnni.er jg his diet or fir boushs.
UTapliej in I)0plar leaves. He svval-,
...iti.n... nn.,.ii- nml '
lows meM' tt UU"Ul i n,,,.v ......
8latej that he had gained wuglii
8ln t, bi! call auo,,tel this diet. About
four of these a day are requlrtu to
Kee nlm i,v KO0(j fonn. nnd Just to ,
show the examiners that he ac ted
sood faith, he swallowed one of ,
tuese stranrt objects, of which h
hnri n trnnil suuiilv In his lHickets. j
vpon his person was found a
statement or tilings ne minim n- im
uo. among them being- 'oiin 1 l.w as-'
serveratlon mat he can walK on
w,ater. raise the dead, and that n
knows how to live forever A short
irou chain found with lil.ii ss. '
declared his faith chain, and ton
siderable harm would come to him
if he lost it He was brought to
Salem last night
Except the Fulton Compounds, j
Vc Are The Sole Aont. " i
An n e rUrace ot fie unniual chrcter of lit i
milon Compound! tbat cotnimcj aoe not pui-
ii. i. i, tritlmaDltU excert inone repun-
Se. i klineT ttat te-.t
. LVlhe ebrou,e .tle.ed to be Incur
jo0( tn Tar
p,,. oj t! c"t. nr write tht he tu
erteen uound in weitbt nfl li ia
:.,. an. . rooA hrt dar -"ort Jnha &
, . ,
Jo1uvk.u. the Lo. Oo. droxrUu. ecuttnn tbl
er. B(lknowJeerliberrecoTerie id
SfVbicrie uSTrible bT a.hw
","1 w drut.l-u. 8. a. Palmer, the
STrtNiT. Market ti.l.tUDraocl. w.
,0. tff'AmS.
-juS u report "i fJ'S
1 i' ,
anoot Mrtormlawlbelrfuiierkio. TJe carenle
iroubUr base en aead tor Pp-
oeatacat reworle erl wper cwj w
P"'.'f-rr.Lr duTTi: tor
ujr - - .... r-h.
rtlinalee II 1 rfooa . . "
rnr 1 T TV, c .i Mi.MmitMuean
F. W. Schmidt's Pharmacy.
Bear this in mind when you
need poultry and stock supplies
and nk for the International
Poultry and Stock Food. Use
Kow Kure tor your cow trou
bles. C. F. Golesworthy
127.129 East Aha St.
Agent for Lee's Lice Killer
. '- aael CaBMUBD-
Uf la' te yf eM k
ely will stop the, cough la a Bight,
nI rln ttin rold fill! nf VOUr'STBtem.
HUU " " ' - - . - --
Always a quick and sure cure for
Asthma,' Bronchitis, ana an inroat
..J In. Irnilhlci If It dOM Tint Sat
isfy you the druggist will refund your
money, wnie 10 us ior iree auuiuin.
W. H. Hooker k Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
r. W. Schmidt ft Co., drugglfta.
No woman's nappl
ncss can be complete
without children ; it
is her nature to lovo
and want them
as much so as
it is to love the
beautiful nnd
t I .1 ...... I inttinr tnlief
Possesses all the soothing
and healing virtues of our
native white pine com
bined in a palatable form.
It U unexcelled for
and cunts
rer bottle
F. W. Schmidt's
The Reliable Druggist
l'ostoflicr Uloct
I'hoae Main 5i
'' CarrysJls lor picnic parties. Good
teams with competent drivers for
commercial men. Speedy horses and
1 handsome rigs for evening and Sun
day drives. Gentle horses tor family
, use. Stock boarded at reasonable
rates. Best of care given to transient
stock. Opposite Hotel Pendleton.
'Phone Main 1C1.
St. Helen's Hall
(Est. 18C9 by Rt. Itev. B. W. Morris.)
Will enter its n4th year September
11 icnv Kiimtwr nf resident Dunils
limited to sixty. Book of Information
sent on application.
A Chance
of a Life Time
All ticial blrmishes m'td
KavEoKtht- face smootlic and Ji
fect. No drugs, no knife. Red
blistery birth marks remoytd
witUont leaving a scar or blemish.
Call on
J. B. Despair or
J. J. Worcester
Rigby-Clove Mfg.)
Manufactatrers of the
Resairs for all Icimdm of
Farm Machinery
' Forjudry Work a Specialty
Cash paid for old castiags
i Conrad Platzoeder
Ail kinds of Fresh
Meats always on
hand. Fine Bacon,
Hams and Sausage.
t Prices as to'V as the lowest i
i '
i ,,
i :
A WondefU
" A ill Ihfii.
met fie Uric J .
e "i vision.
j Such glasses are ttJdt
here On stock oi
gidbbcs anj Sptctack
cold fi led. mrUl .j -
kvt TV, t.
n,f n l.rrr.. . 1
una u ic prices,
I ilnnn tin
SlJ Mug
is back at his c
tionary business.
guarantee that
Te'e phone in yor
frompt delivery
lit mi
i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 hi inn
UUI a..,
water delacacies.
We will serve yw
tne nii'
service and lst
A Trial Order is
1 1 1 1 1 1 h "
iir A 11L
a . . .
w n.i unsaKv--
Ctyj Mam D""-
. .ii
i insurance
t4 mmij
A nlrlvuj
a H. nioi.
j. p. WALKER. "
rendieion. f
or.n NEWBJ'Alin'r'a
at the KAHT 0V
tan. Orsfea.
1 -v.