DAILY EAST OHEQONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY, SEPTRMDRR 16, 1903. iisxess Cards and Societies 3FESSION8 AND TRADES, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. PHYSICIANS. :n jddd G ;ilT.U io to 12 a. m..: rTT-P II D., DKSt'AIN BLOCK. F&cw J trouble aur S:rn. nd Imp rea neanug. fltted.fo? refract, er- if Phone m' T,n A tlNGO. OFFICE OVKK fcace wep JrTrtD y. D., HOMEOrATUHJ 'Telephone, office, black 73; rt- CABS AND CARRIAGES. CITT CAB MNR. KltWlN IIAKBIC. mop. Telephone main T91. Office and waiting room. Alta street, next to Sarlncs itaoC building. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. THE CITV LIVERY HOARD AND SALE Stable. M. J. Carnex, proprietor, for ane turnouts. Stock boaniM at reatonsble rates, stable us Alta street. O. K. FEED YARD, 619 Aura street. R, ration & son. Props. Largc.comfortable stalls, H. .huu ... .-Mil. , iu3, MkiKViL-VUlKtriauiC SinilP, plenty ol feed and proper attent on given bore. Telephone Red IML Livery In con section tii-ntTLL. ROOM IT Asm-'iA' "c TelepSoSe main 931; real 1 161. PHYSICIAN Av.'X. in Kaelmrs Bank bnlld- Kofice thone ln HU, re.. Main K tlLAKESLEK, CHRONIC diseases and oiaeaaea or. Jodd bnlldlnc. corner Main ana ozice puouc :tj .trrv nno.VE. OSTEOPATH S1$ Thompson .rrru SOU UUILC ajuvuv IKIRBY, rilYSiriAN AM) 3"K. KesWCUCC a Ullire HELP WANTED. WASTED Manager for New Blanch of onr dusidci nere in r.maieton. write promptl with references. The Mortis Wholcule House! Cincinnati, Ohio. MISCELLANEOUS. FREE SEND YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS and receive, postpaid, pretty specimen gold. e Aiia-iaano u, & u. silver and confer ore M,Co., rarnee, Idaho MEN'S RESORT, YOU are invited. Free readlnr room. Why not Join and petthead. vantage of free bath, use of punching bag and other equipment!, Including library and read, log room Tenni,IL0O tojoln and toe a month dues. DENTISTS. j j AN, DENTIST. OFFICE IN BldlEg. Thone, reo u. a-v nnvrisT. ut-nun. la do t block, over Schmldt'a new drug lose, rea zu. DREaSMAKIKO-I am prepared in do .tress making and sewing of all kinds. Good work" Satlsractton guaranteed. Mr. P. D. Mann, 5H Jane atreet. ERINARV SURGEONS. CCISTIE GRADUATE OF THE rnurr uouege, jweuumu, ..r.rnmfni velernarr inipector :nrl B C. All domestic animus farientlCr principal!. Office at hole. Main street, oppwnc nu.ri I Keil0tn.e pnoue jiaiu 1011 iv snitOEOS Dr. H. C. McNabb, tl Cnlrer.lty ot IVnn. Veterinary Ifor 10 yean, orace at latimans renaieua, ure , muuu juhu mi. NKS AND BROKERS. Itioxai. I Capital, BANK OF ATHENA, 150,00(1; surplus and in. Interest on time deposits. forties and domestic exchange. promptly anenaea 10. iieurj- . Letiroir, c&smcr ; 1. u. &cmp, IIEES BANK OF WESTON, Orrcos. Does a general Dana a Eirhacce bought and sold. Ipromptlr attended to. It. jam lent, ueorge . i-roeustei, kt: J. R. Kllcore. cashier: ti ll. Bartman, M. M. Johns. T. , p. Grair, J. r . Kllgore, Itob- 0. W I'roebstel. OLETOX SAVINGS BANE. Orecon. Orcanlted March 1. btaL (100,000 ; surplus. $100,- auowea on an time deposits. iint sua sola on an principal Hal attention given to col- J Kurnit h. Dresldent : J. N. ridest: T. J, Morris, cashier; Bff, mutant cashier. riONAL BANK OF I'ENDLE- ktll, tTO.OO'J; surplus. 92.000; 1 central oanaing Dusinesa. tr- I ttltgrapblc transfers sold on la Francisco. New York and lints In the Northwest. Drafts lima, japan and Europe. Make 1 icssouauie terms. i.evi ad st: W I' Matlock, rlee-nres- Wade, cashier; U. F. Johnson, bhler. FOR SALE BOILER AND t llollsK Po.tK vertical high speed engine Also a 40-llghi Generator Including all switch board Instru rnents. For particulars, call on or address Fasti Kike, Box 379, Pendleton, Ore. WM. F. YOHNKA WILL PAY PROMPT AT-i tention to an sales ana posting bills, cor respondence solicited. Commission reasonable r. u. box zee renaieion DUTTON Is back at his old stand and in charge of his confec tionary business. This is a guarantee that FIRST CLASS SERVICE will be given. CANDIES, BON BONS, TAFFIES, FRUITS, ETC. ETC. Telephone in your order. Prompt delivery. FIGHT FOR TRADEI HARRIMAN WILL COMPETE WITH HILL FOR SUPREMACY, Betton Tbe CaMy Mai H MM lf -M"H H I 14 DIVORCX LAWS rETKR WEST; ADVICE free : foes, terms to suit : 25 rears' experience. umceous uaraen nu, renaieion, uregoa. The Colombia Lodging House Well ventilated, neat and comfortable rooms, good bed. Bar in connection where best goods are served. Main Street, center of block, between Alta and Webb Streets. F. X. Schempp Proprietor ECT8 AND BUILDERS. 4KD, AKCniTEOT AND SO. Bt. makes complete and rell. p DUlldlDCS In thp rltv nr Mnn. 1T Jndd bnlldlnir. OLE CDXTIHPTniia awn I Estimates furnlabed on short un a siiecis tr. l'romot on Bluff street near Main. CONTRACTOn AND BUILD- mes rnrnlsbed on all kinds ment Vllkn. mtnnu ... n. I st East Oresonlan office.' CTMAV. AECniTKCT AND I loo In 7. nrr.r rtytnt. leton, Oregon. Clt, PLA8TEHIVO avn rie. anient tralira bed free Work maran'tpt. a.L. di!7,4 Zeboer-e cliar street, p. o. bur 104. ERNAL ORDERS. J II. N'O A UI'IVP r' r t, r, m- I sri. J11 s'ety ball. ; u .7. "re. u. v . . i, Keyea. c. C. ISNDDEALERS. COAL Let us fill your bin with .... ROCK SPRING GOAL Recognized as the best and most e:onomical fuel. We are prepared to con tract with you for your winter's supply. We de liver coal or wood to any part of the city. Laatz Bros. Main Street Near Depot THE ELITE FISH AND POULTRY - MARKET Cor. Main & Alta St. P. o. Elliott, Prop. Our specialties are finest fresh and salt water fish of all desirable varities, crabs, lobsters.clamsand water dclacacies. Olym pia and eastern oysters. We will serve you with the finest oyster cocktail. Goods delivered to any part of the city. Prompt service and best satisfaction. I A Trial Order is Solicited z TRANSFER TRUCKING STORAGE CROWNER BROS Telephone Main 4 f iHHt -. r a J rettigetatea t Meat DEAI.EU IN 8ECW..D- IE thtr la aH.t,U. 0. (;otlrt itrw fcEOfll tl .lrv " . ' m -:."" aier -ouoDm-ood txeet. E51LPARL.ORS. fJABV UARIIHR nnnr fit r0!2, tntt ' tt work' gpoaern Improreeaenta ; bath rooms In con- L0DQINQ. TIKO'luv 11, o I F"e at n jruutHABEDI L fioari s A1' AND kbuTi? T tbe da, 0r Hm., J ..? knd, owpton. iw..,ew In h."ASTKklNTHE ".r Milieu, 'eUlIKES VOU TO ""ardi. proprietor .LAND BUSINEsg R7JSCKc67. LOSSES ALWAYS MET PROMPTLY By the Fire Insurance Com panies we represent. Our companies stand first in the world, Aiet Hartford fire iusurauc Co.12,2S9,07b AllUnoe Awurance Co 29JB39,WI London A Lancsuthln Fire Insurance Co 2,644,688 tvonn uriusn & Mercantile Co...t , 19.896.974 Royal Iimurance Co 22,897,168 FRANK B. GLOPTON AQINT 800 MAIN STREET They are the Best The Standard and WHITE SEWING MACHINES Schwaiz & Greulich, I'rops. Wholesale nnl retail dealers in Iieef, Pork ami Mutton. Cured J Meats and Sausages of all kinds. J 607 Main Street, Phone 181. Vsr1irsVrrV Buys two Monster Between Sound Francisco Lines Cut In Rates. Steamers to Ply and Orient Will Meet Any Seattle, Sept. 2C. vTrans-Pnclflc sieanisuip officials at this poit have at last como to tho conclusion that K. H. Harrlmnn of tho Southern Pa- cine win use 0110 If not hoth of tho now steamships i,0 purchased re cently from tho Atlantic Transporta tion company to compete with tho two mammoth steamships of James J. 1111! In the Oriental trailo. HarHman's new boats arc the Mon golia and Manchuria. Tho former was launched about ten weeks aso. The Manchuria Is soon to be launched. They each cost J1.750, 000, having a length ot 61G feet. Thoy havo a gross tonnage ot 13,500 and n passenger capacity of 350 first cabins, CS second cabins and 1,300 steerage. One ot thorn, with tho Korea nnu Siberia, now In use, will be tho Pacific Mall's San Francisco and Yokohnma-Hongkong service. The other new one, with tho China and Poking will make direct service to Manila, It beliiR the belief of Hnr riuian and his associates that with in eighteen months tho government will withdraw from the business ot a common carrier to tho Pnlllpplncs. As the time approaches for Hill to put Into service tho Minnesota and Dakota between this port and tho orient, thtso vessels being especial ly designed to carry Immense car goes at low rates, shipping men nro wondering to what extent he will cut rates. It is believed hero that the power of tho Great Northern, Northern Pa cific and Burlington roaas, which Hill has merged Into the Northern Securities company, to gather freight in this country for shipment to the Orient will bo more than n match for the Harrlman roads with the Santa Fe ami connections. He can make very low rates from U10 East to Seattle in order to bring back loaded many cars that are now hnuled empty from the EaBt. But even so, it Is admitted that no matter what rates Hill may mnl'.c they will be met by tho railroad steamer lines via San Francisco, which have a lighting chance at least to w'u out, tnai San Francisco .may maintain Its lead of Seattle as the great Pacific coast port. BLINDED A DOG. Your Wife v can be provided with an annual income for life, in event of your death, at less cost than you can make the same provision for your children. The low rate makes very attrac tive this form of contract, devised and introduced by The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York. HOTELS. HOTEL - PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Props. The Best Hotel in Pendtetoa and as good as any. On Auritf T. 1W s young tu.ln. mtn of S'.w York lonk ut IVll.- N 1 00J TM In fitM cf hU wlf. II polt ITf-mliiatt ot 9U8S40 n.l In Srr4mtMr, tSCS lit dtej iDmnajrtiimt. aM lit. Mo f 1 tro nt IU cesunu r &r trtat tnuMM innutll, . loltj ft. .h l.tft. In writing for terms, state the amount of annual income you would like to provide for your wife, the amount of cash you would like returned and give the ages of both. The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York, RtCMAsD A. McCordt, President. Alma I). Katz, manager, Boise, Idaho. Frank L. Hammond, District Manager, Pendleton, Qrcgon, COMMERCIAL STABLES G. M. FROOME, PROPRIETOR. Carryalls for nlcnlo parties. Good teams with competent drivers for commercial men. Speedy horses and handsome rigs for eveninc and Sun day drives. Gentle horses for family use. Stock boarded at reasonable rates. Best of caro given to transient stock. Opposite Hotel Pendleton Phone Main 161. OREGON. PORTLAND. St. Helen's Hall (E4t. 1S09 by lit. Kev. 1J. W. Morris.) Will enter Its 34th year September 14. 1903. Number of resident nunlls limited to sixty. Book ot information sent on application. ELEANOR TEBBETTS, Prln. i Brutal and Malicious Trick to a Fine Animal. The followlnc dispatch to tho Port land Journal will Interest the many people In this vicinity acquainted with the victim and his antecedents: Astoria, Sept. 21. A. Scoggln, en gineer at the l.indonberger Colt Storage plant, was arrested this evening on an Information charging him with the malicious destruction of personal property. Ho was hold under $100 bonds to appear for ex amination in the Justice Court to morrow. Scoggln is accused of hav ing thrown a quantity of ammonia In the face and eyes of N. D. Paluc'a pointer dog Printer Boy, blinding tho dog and ruining him. Tho animal Is one of the finest pointers on tho Pacific Coast, lias taken first prize in every contest entered and is val ued at $1,000. This dog was from the bitch Unifl tllla Queen, owned by Fnillk Warns ley of tills city. The pup was born in tills city, jib slro was I.lttw Ned llfco a Umatilla county dog. DESPAIN i CLARK Arc distributors for Malta Ceres a new Health Food. Hvcryonc should try a package, Just received California Figs and Oregon Honey in the comb. 514-514 MAIN STREET Phone Main 1741 The Hotel Pendleton has just been refitted and refurnished inroiiL'hout. Phone and fire alarm connections with all rooms. Baths in suites and single rocms. Headquarters for Traveling Mai Commodious Sample Rooms. Rates $2 & $2.50 Special rotes by week or mouth Excellent UiilMlie. Prompt Dlnlngrooin serrlco. Bar and billiard room in oonneotloi Only Three Blocks from Depot GOLDEN RULE HOTEL Corner Court sml Johnson streets, rendition, Oregon. M. F. Kolly, Proprlotor. Model Light Carriages for Business Driving Ar on show luour sslesrooms, ana II jou'r at all lnur'ttM yon sre wsstlns (ood upper trinity to wnst modern nsmjfseturers st doing to lumen trie burdens modern tvut nss men II you don't TU1 1 our HttMUhmeem Tbe farmer is tbe king ol tb dsr and otu veulcln asord one of bis many convenience Remember sre have tbe Winona vuom. ttejs. clad hubs. Outer besrlus blocks make It tke easiest running wsion made. Hacks, bufrtes cans, pnaetons ana carriages, istest tvlea and nest maae. our price esn't be beat, list mr inaa tires set on our hydraulic mblne. bet.tr i iu 01a wsy, isii lonirer, noes not aeisce weeels. Adopted by tbe U, B. GoTrnsas. NEAQLE BROS. Tht BlackimJiki. SMtf s Sutal-Pajuji Cipsnlis lanuii()n- uuuai PA.in fendi;,0r.,"flWdents. rtSi5 TUB OLDEST IfKPEtaJv P." ?e aw': "lJUK OLDEST rtman At, room T - to Sold J0SSE FAILING PMITIVB MME T01 tit ammatloa wrOalaiT of the Bladdes and OlxsMd Kldaeys. . No core no pay dins aJeDr sjU hru. neaUy lb wots eases of UmerrkSMi tad UlMt, no maturof bowloJgstsad lot. Absolauir narmltu. Hold br dranrldSa. Prir. aLUPOSTTAUIC. OHIO. Sold by F. W. Schmidt &. Co, S lf(mpicun,o.H MEN AND WOMEN. ITm BlaTrO for nnntvtofal InlUtiou or ikrttonj 4b fliB mutipni. uswteuisv L iRuooui punmui I pmiseu cmluIs. FueIdM. and cot UUM IwEiawiChwicuCo. ctoiorpoUoiwufc "orHnt In pUU vmjil Oil and Sweet Spirits of Eden Are guaniuteed to cure any case of Rheu niatlstu Money back if they fall. A C. Koeppea A Bros., A9U. for PemMetoa STATE VETERINARY BOARD. Dr. Christie, of Pendleton, Named by Governor cnamberlaln. Salem. Sent. 23, Governor Cliam licrlaln vesicrday aniiounced IiIh an nolntmcnt of tlio Ort'Kon slato veter inary medical board, created under tho act of 1003, to jo composed of tho loiiowniR meniuerH: nr, William Sic Lean and l)r. S. J. Carney, of Port land; Dr. James Wlthycouilio, of Cop vanis; nr. James Clirlntlo, of I'nndlfi' ton, and Dr. Alex Heed, of lone. The appointments take effect Im mediately, and tho chief duties ol tho hoard are to receive and examine Into all reports of Infection amoni; the livestock ot the stato and 10 compile and Ibhiio Information n:d statistics In regard to samo, mi l to adopt a set of rules and regulations regarding tho proper can; of hi (!: under all conditions. MONEY FOR LINEMEN. Striking Telephone Men Get $5,000 From National Body, Spokane. Sept. 25. Tho lilectrical Workers' Union met at Coutral Itbor hall last night and a communication from tho Westorn Conforonco from Han KranclBco was read, stating that mo international convention, now In session In Salt lAko, had voted tho strikers s,uuo. According to tho re jxirt from San Francisco, there are 1,500 men out on ntrlko agalnHt the I'nciflc States Telephone & Telegraph Company. In San Kranclseo an appeal has been Bent out to all local unions to lend I lie Htrlkers every financial aid, as down there tho stubborn resist ance of tho compaiy Is taken to bo tho great test between organized la bor and tho employers' association. Cured 20 People, Sergt. C. C, Rummel, of tho HGth United States Coast Artillery, writes from Fort Flagler, Wash. TIU11 Is doing very fine work among the peo- plo here, know of twenty persons hero who were cured of tho Drink Habit, 1 take pleasure In recom mending it as a cure for tho I.lijuor and rouacco nanus. THIIl is the world's greatest euro for tho Liquor and Tobacco Habits. Sold by all druggists. W. C, Cutler & Co., distributors, Haker City, Or, :oojhvg HEATED BY STEAM LIGHTED BY ELECTRICITY American t'luu, intra 91. SB to 3.0Q lr ilnv. Klll-oponn l'fiiu. ,10o, 7 Be, t.OO. MMeliil rut en by wok or muutb. Free 'bus meets all trains! Commercial trade solicited Fine sample room "rT.!Wr,r ssssas Special Attention Given fotintry Trade Never corrodes, never sweats nor expands j in fct never gives any trouble of any kind and ii uied for ill claicei of work. A very luperior covering for barm, factories depots, csnncrici, tanneries, ilieds tad miyiing property. Im4 fcf VMkUt, i The ParafHne Paint Co. San rraiKlK, Sis ltl, Pcrtlansl Ls Aitjtlu tnt Dtnvtr, Colorsd. PEEK Hotel, ST. GEORGE CORNER MAIN AND WEBB ST8. GEO. DARVEAU. Prop. Elegantly Furnished Steam Heated European Plan. Block and a half from depot) Sample room In connection. ROOM RATE 50c, 75o. Sl.M T. C. TAYLOR. Akuiii How to Sell a Crop and Still Have it. A great many farriers carry their crops roralonie time after harvest waiting for an advance In prices. Theme who need monrycaniicla large part ot t lit- vnlui of their crop out in money utul atlll hoi, I the grain for an advance In Hie following manner. KiipXHc a farmer has 3,0.0 lnuhtU cf wheal which he can sell at fJ cents a bukheljlet him ketl II and rcctlrf fj.jjo in payweutj then let him buy j.oou Inuh. eU of May wheat ami margin It 5 cents 11 Uikhtl. This will require fjjo.oo. He will then have f J.uoo to use as lie sees lit If the price of May wheat goes up five cents per bushel, lie will make Jjjothe ssme as If lie had held hU j,oou Uulit l of wheat In his granary, Yours fur consideration, Coe Commission Company B. C. Kennedy, Local Mgr. WVMVArrrWArrVrrWVVa THE PORTLAND PORTLAND. OREGON Airlca plan, tl Pr day and upai. Ileadijusiters for tourists and comuttrcUl Ira- cKia. ncviai raics laut 10 isniiucs aaa suss (entlemeu, The saaaagcmenl wUI be plsaw at all limes to show rooms and gls prim, saodern Turkish batheatablUamralli. ll.aWd. II. C. BOWKH8, alaaacw, to m When You Order FROM US 011 re Bureof two thing. lBt. You can't get ah goott for leHa money, -'nd, You cun't get better at uny price. Low price la an argument no real lalismtan eaic to ubo. It la the best evidence that hla gooda are weak on iuallty and iiutiUty 1h rememlKireu loug after price fa forgotten, Tho quality of our brand glvea ua the biggest biscuit business on tho coast. It will do as much for you, Standard Grocery Go. Not In any Trust 2ta Court street 1 I XI i! mi 1 X