East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 26, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 7

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Knit Goods
Just received, a large shipment of Knit Goods, in Shawls,
Sacques. Bootes, 'Hoods and Capes. Some beautiful designs
,n shawls at from 50c to $1.00 each.
New Shirt Waists
Don't overlook our Shirt Waist counter. It is loaded
down with good values at from $1.00 to $1.50. Twenty
four New Wool Waists received this morning by express.
Tlje latest out in blue, white, red and black Call and see
them at once as, the prices we have placed on them will
make them move rapidly.
Lee Teutsch'stBig
Comer Main and Alta
Gity Brevities
-II .llnnnrtt flf Tfiltflr.hH.
. ... j it.. iii-tlin
n a ntonn Annlv at thin
-i vr.w
,i .... mi,.nA fnln 1GC1 nrka. vnn
. i t .i 1 1 .. r
pu: DonKS am vj.uk uunj ax. riu-
at Mrs. Campbell's.
the Palm. 221 Court street.
.... . Jinn J fen tn
111 K muu CD UUU L1UIVO.
1 trntlprnc! fnr Rtiltn nnn irniiRprfi
Preferida, the best cigar made,
-J. IL.. -l.tl 4 J
kinds of imDorted and domestic
ps nnn mnm rnnwnnr hi iirai7 s.
have fruit jars and fruit jar
ninnort pnvirn hip tr innr.
pst l no ovpp shnwn hpro T-Tnr..
r ha ft vn.vpnr.n m m r
rft nf Initio &nrlnrcnn 1CAQ TT'ocf
k nuor vrtiif nnima nipnirnvn
Hid nlnnppr rtnintor BnT XT in.
land, 8 miles out. Level, deep
t, T. Wade & Son.
Crystal Ice don't mot nnr
than inferior Ice, and is bo
c.eauer and more healthful.
Mam 1881,
has been In thn Ino hiiHfnpaa
niPTfin j i i
nun has i.nAn - i a
- HO u-u tat uiifcco.
a aimc,
U C Rader, M. A.
dee Sharp for paper hanging.
See Sharp's artistic wall paper.
For the best bread, get Rohrman's.
u you want a cab. call un Main
Carefully :
a u vnti.' i . i. : i . i
. "u ii inevare
9.H .
- vul vision is not
anu nave your
'raiea. Do n't nftrfrt
UnderRtanH .i j
iUC eves anu
Get your clothes cleaned at Joer
Olympia beer on draught at Nolte's
Buy a fountain pen this week at half
price at traziers.
For Sale Alfalfa hay. Seo Dave
Ingram, this office,
New carpets and linoleums at Ra
tiers furniture store.
wanted Cook; Inquire of Frank
B. Clopton at house or office.
Children's school shoes that wear
and look well, at Toitsch'r
Received dally, iresh tamales
rabs and crawfish at Gratz's,
For prompt service, call up the Mc
Kay cat) Co., 'phone Main 101,
All the new books, new music, new
stationery, new toys. Nolf's.
See Charles Lane about your paint
ing and paper hanging; S07 Vincent
unrurnlsbed rooms for rent for
housekeeping. Apply at 725 Jane
Nicely furnished front room, ceil
trally located, for rent. Call at E. O.
Por Sale Good buggy mare, fine
driver, perfectly safe, at Telephone
Good second-hand wagon for sale
will exchange for wood or horse leed
Jesse Falling.
Don't overlook t.iose fine lots in the
Cole addition. Every block has a 12
foot alley. E. T. Wado & Son.
Two pianos, slightly used. Great
bargains. Come quick. Inland Em
plre Piano House, near bridge.
We have a long list of desirable
city and country property at low
prices. We can suit you. E. T. Wade
& Son.
Wanted A good Industrious man
with wife (no children) to take
charge of farm. Address llox 108,
Weston, Or.
An epoch In Pendleton's history
will l)e marked by the great slaugh
ter sale of furniture, stoves, mat
tresses, etc., when Easier starts the
big Bale.
Green peppers, onion pickles, cauli
flower pickles, cucumber pickles, egg
plant, turnips, celery and green t'.-
matoes at Martin's Family Grocery
and Bakery.
Only a few days until Basler will
cut loose with his great slaughter
sale, watch and wait. Your money
will be worth more at this sale than
any other time In Pendleton's history,
Basler bought furniture. mat
tresses, springs and stoves In a larger
quantity than was ever delivered to
Pendleton at a single shipment. Five
full carloads represent this purchase.
Ail will be offered at tho- great
slaughter sale which starts soon.
Diversified farm lands for sale, for
$20 per acre, by C. M. Plero, of Wes
ton, Or. These lands are, capable of
producing $300 worth of strawberries
per acre. They will yield $100 worth
of potatoes per aero, $25 worth of
timothy hay. They yield from 30 to
CD bushels of oats, wheat or barley
per acre and will also produce flno
alfalfa, clover and other grasses.
These lands are located within G
miles of Weston and are in the cen
ter of the rain belt. Address C. M.
Pierce, Weston, Or.
E. Ridemoore, of Athena, Is In tho
city for a short visit.
J. R, Douglas of Weston, 's In the
city for a short stop.
C. I Halloway, of Woston. spent
the dRy in the city yesterday.
C. J. Gulllford. of Echo, is In tho
city looking after his business Inter
W. U. Hamilton, of Echo, was In
the city yesterday afternoon on a
short business trip.
W. D. Hansford and Winn Stewart
returned this morning from a four-
days hunt in the mountains of Ka
E. C. McCoy and daughter. Miss
Maudo McCoy, of Walla Walla, wero
the guests of friends In the city yes
Mrs. A. M. Snyder left this morning
for Walla Walla, where she will bo
tho guest of Mrs. C. V. Dyment for
a few days.
Joseph McCabe. of Wnlla Walla,
tho president of the W. & C. R., is In
the city today on business connected
with his road.
Mrs. Fred Locklcy and son Laur-
ence, left this morning for Baker
City, where she will visit at the home
of her sister, Mrs. Arthur Gale.
Mrs. T. w. Warner and son Harold
have returned to their home In this
city, after a summer's visit at their
former home at Fort Wayne. Ind,
J. W. Morrow, tho tax agent of the
O. R. & N., left this morning for
Portland, after several days spent in
this city In the Interest of his company.
Mrs. Martin Anderson left last
evening for Hot Lake, where Mr. An
derson Is stopping, hoping that tho
baths there will cure the rheuma
tism, from wuich lie Is suffering.
Ben I.cland of Helix was In tho
city to meet Mrs. Leland who has
been for the last four months the
guest of relatives and friends in
Canyon City. They returned to their
home at Helix this afternoon.
Mayor T. G. Halley Writes President
of Association.
.Mayor T. G. Halley has written a
letter to J. H. Devers, president of
the Oregon Irrigation Assoclaiion.
suggesting several highly Interesting
teaiures for the progiam of the
coming state convention in this city.
Mr. Halley suggests four lcadlnc
topics lor a two-days' meeting as fol
lows: Kirst, "irrigation Laws": sec
ond, "Canals; Tneir Construction
and Maintenance"; third. "Winter Ir
rigation," and fourth, "Products and
Profits of Irrigated Lands In Ore
It Is Mr. Halley's opinion that prac
tical Irrigators from all over the
state bo invited to attend and dis
cuss all these questions ns annlicd
to Irrigation In Oregon, and make
me meeting one of the highest prac
tical value to those Interested.
Under the discussion of laws he
would suggest the reading of Senator
Isewland s address before the recent
irrigation congress, a general discus
sion to follow. On the subject of
canals, some experienced engineer
should be secured to treat tho sub
ject from the standpoint of practica
bility In this state and the other sub- Profitable Pnnn. Plant'. ftrnuilnn
llM,.- .1.1 l. -l I.I.I.I.. I... . ' ' - '
j".iB tuuiu iv umuu uiK"i mimical-1
1 ai-V-.-v
For Nobby, Natty, Correctly Tailored
Hat and Gents' Furnisliings,
Smart New Styles
Ing to the Irrigators of Oregon by
discussion or results of Irrigation In
the state.
New Shipment of Turkey
and Ostrich Dusters
f : . i ...
v inch Tnrb.. . . .
OO Foul.. " iuu icuiiicia sucuai .1st. 14 lllLli x ui-
rs. .J , r 8Pecial 50c. 12 inch carriage duster 120 tail
' vi.i,, ai 1 1 . . . ... . .
Sisil du t wen panor uusier usiricn.j special
ouster for removing dirt from furniture snecial tnc
Our fee p
0uts won atn w11 please you. If you ever had any
--. vUti yOU a cent We w, Iet you be the jU(jge.
""" Ju Street toward th. Court IIoiuw
Tho demand for vetch seed that
was bo marked last autumn, is on
with even greater activity this' sea
son. Eight or ten thousand bushels
of It has already been sold by Benton
A Stronq Team of Old and New Men county producers, since harvest tlmo,
Will Be Organized. anu a prominent vetch producer said
The football mlrrnho Ir wnriw in Monday that ho was certain ho
tho lirHlnR nf tim hid, oi,i imv- coma, ir no had It. easily market
and already they are gatherlne in ill. another 10,000 bushels
tie knots over tho' campus and dls- Vetch has proven this year a most
cussing tho possibilities of a good profitable crop. Even with wheat at
team for the coming season. 75 cents per bushel, tho vetch has
Many of the o d p ayers of tho last iar exceeueu 11 as u paying crop
year's team will be In the school The ruling price is two and a quarter
again this year, and with the new cents per pound. They yield In most
ones that are coming It Is thought Instances lias been better than
that the school wilt oe able to get wheat.
out a team that will beat the one of John Whltaker raised 2,376 bush
the ear Just passed. els on 100 acres. Ijist year ho got
oeverai new men are expecteu 10 31 bushels ner aero. A sma field
reach the city during the coming hn the snuth end of tho county Is
week who have had experience on reported to have made a yield this
tho board, and as they are heavy season of 30 bushels tier acre. At
men, the start of the season Is wait, two and a nuartcr cents ier nound
Ing for their arrival. With all the a sxty pound bushel brings a price
material in me scnooi present wip Qf $1.35. Corvnllls Times.
worn oi tne season win oe uegun ami
the team shaped Into condition for
the first battle of tbo season,
Among tho old players of tho
school who are going to make u try
for the team this year aro Sco'.t. wir
lfame, Hartman, Guy Wyrlck. George
Strand, T. Pierce, Milne, Alexander,
Mccarty. Cronln, Pinkham and Jiup-
no. With these as a nucleus around
which to build it is thought mat tno
I cam this year will be a goo I one.
Don't get Impatient, Basler's great
est of all slaughter saNa will start
soon. You can well afford to wait for
It. It will mean bigger savings than
ever offered In Pondleton.
What do you know about ' Dante?"
His "Inferno" has suggested some of
the most noted illustrations of Jbe
age. Come and hear a scholarly lec
ture by Dr. Gowon, upon this groat
poet, next Tuesday evening at the
parish house, Johnson street.
A scholarly lecture on an Interest-
Jne subject Is worth all tho time and
expense it takes to hear It. Two
such lectures will be given at tne
parish house, Johnson street, next
Monday and Tuesday,
Wanted Either sex canvassers,
guaranteed salary $2.60 per uay; $85
per month and expenses, General
agent to appoint agents, Gowell,
room 16, La Fountalne.
Hear tho lectures on Shakespeare's
famous play, "Othello," by Rev, Dr.
Gowcn, next Monday night, at the
parish house, Johnson street.
Despaln & Clark have a sample
safe for sale. Call and examine It.
Refrigerated meats. Schwartz &
OreulJcu Co,
Olymplu beer on draught at Nolte's
A very fine lot for sale. Call at 038
Fall Trade Good
ItlngtMKl unil that's u fact
Hays Mr. Fluiienin to our repor
ter. How do you account for It,
when others are complaining
about the fall trade f (u-kwl him.
Why, I do not know any other
good reason than that the eoplo
have found out that we are ac
tually selling better shoes for the
money or the name iimllty for
' lets money than othern do. It i"
really remarkable how niuiiv
jieople there ore who remaik
about the "wearing ifuallty" of
our shoes. Now that In what we
nay for and you net when you
buy DouglaM or Gloria or Jted
Kchoolhoiue Shot. These shorn
are cold at u price uud 110 one
attempts to underMll them
they simply can't and live. We
have found the leant margin of
resistance to trad and that ac
count for our Increase this fall.
Now wutch u sell shoes. We
carry shoes on live widths In all
foot form lasts hi all leathers,
heights, styles, bIzch, weights,
etc "Bay, dou't that hoy talk
some?" I thought as I went on
my way with a line rulr of the
Douglas shoes on from the
Boston Store
Large line Tooth Hruslies
5c to 29c.
Large shipment Berkshire
Typewriter paper 65c to
$2.25 a ream
New Dolls and Tops from
5c to JI9.50.
GamksI GamksI No cur
few law needed in homes
where these fine game hoards
are used. Strong and ser
viceable game hoards from
ti to J5.65. You can play
from 10 to 100 games on
them. Other games from 5c
to 98c.
Sobool Books and Supplies :
-In our tahleta and comtio-
silion hooks we have placed
a good grade of rag paper.
We have Avoui:i giving fan
cy covets and poor paper
within honkst mauk dooos.
Sleep Sound
Enjoy Your Rest
OUR line of Mattressus,
soft and properly made,
when placed 011 our good
springs, will make your
nights couifortuhlti and pro
mote sweet sleep.
We are prepared to sup.
ply you with Springs, Mat
trcssev and Iron Metis at
prices that will moan a
See us heforo you buy a
V. S 1 1 o b 1 e
Complete flonso Furnisher
Court Street
Walter's Flouring Mills
Capacity, 1C0 barrels a day,
Flour exchanged for wheat.
Flour, Mill Food, Chopped Feed,
etc., always on hand.
turned t'(d, wtdcJIng InrlUtloai, itct
100 eograr! Tlltlua card with plat.
Il.no ; additional card la rutnrt. If ptw
The Leaders
The Unsurpassed
The Always Satisfactory
The Wilaon coal and wood Hoatora. Handled X
S )aru only by ub. Coal Btovoa ranging in price from t
X $7 to $20. Wood etovos ranging in prico from X
$2.50 to $20. Our atovotf aro now ready for your t
1 nonmfi ah V
621 Main St, Headquarters for fishing supplies x . t
. '. . ' wft-Tir:- iv iS