DAILY EAST OREQONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20. 1903. OF A B C' "BEERS t.mous the World Over- Fully Matured. STUDENT OF COLUMBIA J HAS APPENDICITIS. ' J A LITTLE STORY ABOUT COFFEE NEWS MILTON U ( yLUA I IlLA I Ll R. J. NIXON, Mgr. Recovering From Severe Attack of Rheumatism School Has Begun Three Miles North of Town Re moval to Kansas Mrs. J. L. Hayes Mother Has Arrived Frdm Missouri. Sat., Sept. 26 Commencing POPULAR MATINEE SUNDAY I II I ' -The Ordinal Royal Bnnd of Italy," INCREASED TO 55 MU- airl NS- u Esceiieiu ooioims. uutxieu vy iiHiy'8 Knicnien landnwterCAV.EMUiIO RIVELA, "The wonder of the Mu sical Age." .. Milton, Sept. 25. W. S. Mayberry has returned from Heppner, wuero he hns been nil summer doing car penter work. Ho began teaching scuool Monday morning about threo nines north of town. Mr. and Mrs. Tassey Stewart enmo nomo Tuesday morning from l'ort' land, where they had been attending the carnival Mrs. Asa Moore Is quite 111 at her home, and yesterday Dr. Blalock of walla Walla was called In consulta the at' MATINEE Reserve Seat 50c; Children 25c. PRS EVENING $1.00, 75, 50, 25o. WW nvs KOW ON SALE AT FRAZIER'S BOOK STORE; ft! X " J.l " ree oireeT cnienammeni - r m. e i iinfii bimninrr hvnani xiinnuiio ini V LfUlllllfrt UAUUUI WUIIUUIM jj ne iuaKer uociors . . i - e t n .1 .; . 1 t again m xt'TUUCiun turn icw wccks. i uvy arc uuui warvtriuub wuik, inr. t iit wmnrwi M-tTiinm fnn rtmftii or rain i npv an ft - kn chronic and nervous lif'ases. Offices: Hotel Pendleton . v. . i., .j . - :.... . . . .t:t.. c 1 TH COMFORT Are Combined In !"---"---- ECONOMY tion with Dr. Dltterbrnntlt, tending physician. Mrs. Adam Crosman arrived hero , Wednesday morning from her homo I I II.HN at Ia Grande and is visiting her motner, Airs, jonti .Miner. A party of nimrods consisting of essrs. O. U. ingle, il k. waiter and H. W. Black left yesterday morn Inc for a week's hunting in the mountains. Mrs. Anna Forsythe. who has wen confined to her bed with an attack of rheumatism, has so far recovered as to bo able to walk around some. Mr, and Mrs. P. m. Galley took their departure yesterday for Kansas where they export to reside In the future. Mrs. Ada Halter of Wnlla Walla Is here visiting at the homo of Mrs. John Miller. Mrs. Gabriel of Missouri arrived here yesterday morning to visit her daughter Mrs. J. I,. Hayes. James It. !:. Scott of Walla Walla Is here visiting at the home of his '. sister. Mrs. S. 'lorgeson. Mrs. J. U Elam was here Wednes- i day from her home at Walla Walla I visiting her sister Mrs. M. H. Merrl I field. J. W Craildick of Hoppner ar rived here Thursday morning and is a guest of his brother, J. F. Crad : dick. h. G. Barron a former Miltonlte is ! here today from his home at Walla Walla. Case of Appendicitis. , Henry Curtis of Malott, ' Wash,, who came here to attend Columbia I college. Is ill of appendicitis, but it I is thought ho will recover without ; an operation. I Will Teach in Newberg University. Prof. R. W. Joues who has been I here since the first of August in tho Interest of the Pennsylvania Mutual I Ifo Imnraniw Cn lplt VPSterdaV I for Newberg where he has a position In the University. AT THE WHITE HOUSE. People have erroneous ideas about the cup that cheers, but does not incbiate, and it is our purpose to set some of these ideas right. Like the tea tree, if allowed to grow, the coffee tree would attain a height of twenty-five or thirty feet, but it is kept trimmed down to about six feet. The berries grow two in a pod with the flat sides together; except at the top of the bush where one berry forms in a pod. These berries are round and are called by the trade Peaberry and Cara Cola. They are separated from the other berries by running them over a large inclined belt. The llat berries soon stop on the flat side while the round ones roll off. So in buying Ctira Cola you do not know whether ou are getting Guatemala, Salvador, Rio or some other kind, but you can console yourself by knowing that your dealer seldom knows any more than you. After picking, the berries are dried in the sun. This is a time of much worry for the grower as rains hurt the commercial value of the coffee. At one time un crupulous growers mixed small pepplcs with the coffee, but heavy docking by the buyers put a stop to this practice. Coffee is roasted to dcvelope the volatile oil and make it palatable. You may have noticed the little round bubbles of oil floating in your cup. The coffees that are heavy in oil are called of "good body" and are strong and pungent. They leave! the pleasant after taste in the mouth that is much sought after by the connoisseur. A The roasting process is very interesting. The coffee is placed in a large cylin der that revolves around numerous gas jets. At every reolution a sample of the coffee is thrown out in a cup for inspection. At the next revolution an iron flange scrapes this sample back into the cylinder and leaves another in its place. When it has reached the right stage it is dropped into a sieve on wheels and run over to the blower where it is quickly cooled. The operator then thrusts a stove pipe like looking apparatus into the coflee, and in about two minutes the coffee has disappeared to some other part of the establish ment to be put in barrels and sacks for shipping. This pipe draws the coffee up by suction. Some roasters spray the colfce with glucose and inform their customers that it is glazed with the white of eggs. If the customer would stop and think they would know it would be impossible to get eggs enough to glaze one tenth of the amount these big roasters turn out. Then again, did you ( ver hear of their disposing of the yolks of the millions of eggs? The ignorance of the people of the true value of coffee has lead many dealers to put various kinds of horse feed on the market and lalel it cereal coffee. If it is so good why label it coffee? The Maine experimental station analyzed the most highly advertised cereal coffee on the market that lays particular stress on its food properties, and after listing each chemical put, they said, "There was less of a food product in a gallon of this cereal coffee than in a quart of akun milk." Pretty thin, eh? In conclusion we wish to say we mike a specialty of Fine Coffees and Teas. We blend all our Coffees, except ourOwl Special. We can give you any taste you want. If we don't get it the first time give us another trial. We would be wise indeed could we suit everyone the first trial, when often the customer does not know just what they want themselves. Our "Mother's Pride," at 25c is a wonder. Years Truly, Owi Tua ilousi. TJ President Cole's Original Ait Tight Wood Heaters or Hot Blast Coal Stoves t They have proven their real worth. Hundreds of satisfied people in Pendleton and Umatilla users of Cole's stoves and heaters always recommend them to their friends, Sold only, in Pendleton, by i t Joseph's Academy! Pendleton, Oregon. the f Boarding and Day Students. Conducted by ic Sister? r.1 c. r? Di.:inoir.i.:. Classes wH be rns, etc., AddIv to SISTER SUPERIOR nd Hie Family Again Washington. Washington, Sept. 26. The force of servants and other employee of tho White House were up to their ears In work todav getting overytning in shin shape In anticipation of the re turn of the president and family from Oyster Bay. During the summer nearly tho m tirn Interior of tho executive mansion has been repainted and many other minor improvements have been made. Much of the furnishings havo been ronovated or replaced, tho fa miliar crystal chandeliers of tho par lors have been made smaller r.r.d nu merous other changes mr.de In lino wtlh the extensivo alterations and improvements begun a year ago. Fearful Odds Against Him. Bed-ridden, alono and destitute. Such In brief was tho condition of an old soldier by name of J. J. Hav ens, Versailles, O. For years he was troubled with kidney disease and neither doctors nor medicines gave him relief. At length ho tried Elec tric Bitters. It put him on his feet In short order and now he testifies: "I'm on tho road to complete recov ery." Best on earth for liver and kidney troubles and all forms of stomach and bowel complaints. On. ly 60c. Guaranteed by Tallman & Co., druggists. Farms for Sale. We now havo listed for salo some of the best wheat farms and stock ranches in tlio county. All tho places aro well Improved and well supplied with water. Also some very desir able city property. Call and Kt prices, BENTJ.UY & HARTMAN. -"-- rXTH2 4 Mighty Slim are the chances of your getting bet ter plumbing work done by other hands than ours. Why bother ex perimenting? We never dlsspjioiut whm Jt Is at all possible to avoid it we always do honest, conscien tious work, and do not charge the mammoth prices about which the coinie weeklies write. For estlmat- WA lQK ou any kind of plumbing on a fdr WUiesa basis, give us the first op portunity. CLARKE & Co, 211 Court Street Acker's Blood Elixir positively cure chronic Blood Poisoning and all Scrof ulus affections. At all times a match less system tonic nnd purifier. Money refunded if you, are dissatisfied. Fif ty cents and $1.00. F. W. Schm'dt & Co., druggists. Pendleton people are loyal to Pen dleton's business enterprises. .That is the reason the Ross Ico & Cold Storage Company have bad to put on two wagons and then can scarcely handle tho trade. Give us your or ders and we will tako care of it if we have to put on four times two wagons. 'Phone Main 1881. Mokl Tea positively cures 8lck Headache, Indigestion and Constipa tion. A delightful herb drink. Re moves all eruptions of the skin, pro ducing a perfect complexion or money refunded. 25c and 60c. Write to us for free sample. W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo. N. Y. F, W. Schmidt & Co., 'druggists. Oo You Want a Cabf When you want prompt and relia ble service call up 'phone Main 161. Hot Lake Oregon's Greatest Natural Wonder Many Acres of Hottest Spring Water on Earth -Marvelously Curative 1 rygm Lake, Orc- gon Altitude 3,000 Ft A Wonderful water and rent cure. A beautiful heulth rwort. Cool In Hummer mild in Winter. Hot Lake Ik to tho West what Arkansas Hot Bprlngs are to the Kast. It is In the Grand Ronde Vulley, on O. It. & N, railroad, 200 miles from Portland. For ages it has been known us the "Dig Medicine" of the Indian. Flow 2,3)0,000 gal lons per day, boiling hot many ucres of the hottest spring water in the world. The water is clear as crystal. The mineral in the water Is lu such perfect solution that no particle of precipitate will fall, even after stanolng for days. - Marvelously curative in dleanes of stomach, bowels, liver, bladder, skin ami blood; also in ilieumutlsm, catarrh, neuralgia and other nervous troubles, ..Every up-to-date convenience und equipment of high-class, modern hotel. Rates; Hotel, 10.00 to 16 00 per week. Uaths, single bath, 85 cents; one week, 1) three weeks 3,60. Mud 4.00 per week. Bit down and write for our illustrated booklet today, It will Interest you, Addrms Dr. G. W. TAPE, Gen. Man., or Dr. W. T. PHY, Medical Supt., Hot Lake Oregon OR INQUIRE OF ANY O. R. & STATION AGENT The McKay Cab Co. I