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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1903)
DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1903. Hi v 3 i St TmmamWamm,'- PiblUUcd rrerr afternoon (except Sundaj) at IVnuleton. Oresoa. tT the EAST OREGONIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. Tbooe. Main 11. SUKSCKMTIOX HATES. Datlr. oof jpr by mall f.Y0 Pally, alx months by mall r.O Daily, three month b.r mall 1.53 Dally, one month br mall .r0 Dal Ir. mt montb b.r carrier ....... Weekly, one year br mall J.ri Weekly. lx months by mall 75 Weekly, four months by mall 50 Semi-Weekly, one year by mall .... 2.00 Semi-Weekly, tlx month by mall .. 1.00 Semi-Weekly, three months by mall .. .50 The Hunt Oresonlan 1 bo aale at IV It Klch'a Neva Stands at Hotel IVirtland and HoteJ Perkins, Portland. Oregon. Member Script MctUc tlon. Newa Assocla San rranclsco r.urean. -I0S Fourth St. Chlcaco Iturean. 009 Security I'.olklliic. Washington. D. C Ilureau, r01 14th SU X. W. Entered at Pendleton poatnBce as seccond class matter. shirk a part or the burden, will he for a moment considered. Portland Is as vitally Interested in securing more trade, as Eastern Oregon is In furnishing It. There Is a mutual need APASTOR'SWIFE antra o? PELVIC CiTARRR j for the portage road, and there should She Suffered for Yeai"S and be a mutual effort to get It. , - . p ... IHIl IIC1 uac Tfab nupu- less Cured by Peruna. The "man with the hoe" Is every where growing aggressively up-to- date. Thus, somewhere In Maine. farmers are building their own eleo! trie railroad with 15 miles of track to ' , . , .. , ,.... ,i., , KTRS. .VJTN.V li.FLEII.V3tTT, recent ship their products to the market at PnperiBtendwtot lbeV.O.T. V. the least cost and In the shortest headquarters, at Galesburg, 11L, was for possible time, says the St. Louis Mir- ten years one of the leading women Uicrv. ror. They have themselves taken all Her husband, when living, was first the capital stock of the enterprise. President of tho Nebraska "Wcslcyan It is safe to say that they will per-, University, at Lincoln, Xeh, mlt neither of wholesale watering a In a letter written from 401 Sixty la Morgan, nor or sensationally reck- c"n,h street, -VV., Chicago 111., Mr. . . . . ., ' Fleharty says tho following In reganl to less manipulating of share quotations Pernna: J a la Gates. The road Is to be built j Urpd a UvollIe by the farmers, for the farmers and ,ndworklnspartnerotl, has minister, for strictly business purposes. It Is mj. i1slti failed mo a few years ago. I intended to build sidings Into the , lost mv husband about the same time, . . I, I 1 11 T 1 1 1 1 I. imrnc nf i-nrh farmer-subscriber to stock to assure the highest degree of convenience and expedition In j and gradually I seemed to lose health anil snlrit. Mr d a u "liter Is a confirmed invalid, and we both felt great need of ! I Mrs. Anna IU Klcuarty. TMF ONLY GENUINE BOYNTON FURNACES AND HEATERS arc ence in the and business is n guarantee Furnace, if put up by us, will 1 a success. Let us figure with you on heating your home or place of business. GEORGE PHILLIPS Cottonwood Street. f You Cant . If u nve$t youi id teal estate property is bound ta, Here art some bar,, 1 room limit. . . . t cast0' Ma"t 3.3 f M rom house, i i ' I do nn one tln.J 1 ".iiu tasn, 19 ropm house tort $2,650 00 one third caX House and ot 7Cn " I 1 Vacant lots on easv 4o acres 0f alhif, ju.05u.00 4. , 5 ae tract close t, $1, 300.00 t Rihorn&Swa 01 u,c uuu - mimgorator. Mrs. E. L. Urown, 3. Elliott street, . ",hr: r; . ?? W. E. King, a negro editor at Galveston, takes a sensible view of the race question and lec tures his people plainly In the columns of his paper. He ad monishes them that no one will respect them so long as the bulk of them are "lazy, shiftless, characterless and Inclined to copy the vices of the whites while Ignoring their virtues." "What the negro neds," he says, "is work six days In the week and every week In the year." The remarks of Editor King might apply very well to no small part of the "uncol'ed" population. Coming Nation. a very sensible and practical scheme, j -I I , one that should strongly ' I Itself to the attention of prosperous ' and progressive agricultural corainu ! nities all over the country ; Pendleton Is fortunate that she fix ed the dates of her carnival to ex elude Sunday. Walla Walla Is In hot water over her fruit fair. The work ing people, whocannot attend during the week, want the fair to remain open on Sunday The ministers and W. C. T. U. are fighting Sunday open ing and the board of directors Is be tween two fires. This Is a matter that cannot be met successfully, no matter how It Is decided. If the ' worklnc neonle. who desire Sunday 1 scheme "tne or my neignoors aarisca mc .uvhij....-, , . '. tntn-PeruML. A bottle was immediate-1 .t mifTorl forsovoral vears with hoj'l- ' j. commend j secured and a great change took BOj)3 brought on by nervous prostration. pacc in uir Ljujincra s j was alo afUIctcd with insomnia, i, . my own health. Our fPPetjtes Jm- d ct Bpintho morning more weary , I" J?dJ&" than when I retired and 1 used ,0 dread cnn mnmvM s. m that we seemed ! the annroach of night. Tcruna camo ICE for assessor of UmaUlla county for opening, outnumber the ministers and another term. There should be no m. Wf: irrnattilivsieians to make this discovery. For forty years he has leen j treating diseases peculiar to women, anu long ago he reached the conclusion that t Toman entirety iree irora caiirmw opposition to him. He has brought fair should be opened, to light enough additional property try the majority rules. in the county to pay the salaries ot a dozen assessors. the members of the W C. T. V the ( Bisection of these organs would not bo In this coun- A suicide club is a hustler for the ' undertaker, and a servant to the cof fin trust. It is bread and butter for the grave digger, new shoes for the florist's boy. texts galore for the min ister, a harvest for the druggists, charity calls for the doctors, and a never ending source of news for the reporter like new women. Into my homo as a welcome guest, and "I would not be without Heruna tor 1 within three short months 1 was lino fen times its cost" Mrs. Anna B. . another woman. I have now enjoyed Fleharty. jwrfect health for over a year, and those What used to be called female diseases I who have suffered as I did will know by the medical profession Is now called j J,0v happy I am." Mrs. K. I Itruwn. pelric catarrh. It has been found by , irs. Esther M.Mllner.De Graff, Ohio, rxperienee that catarrhal diseases of the wrnt.gS pelvic organs are the cause of moritca-es i was a terrible sufferer f rom fcm-ia of female disease. j weakness and had the headache contln- Dr. flartman was among the first or uouslv- j was not able to do my houe m.tfqffi o-roni vli v&inians tn make this I ,". 1 .1 t worK lor in im iuiu jiuniittiiu, you and described my condition as near as jKisslble. You reeommtndi-d Peruna. I took four bottles and was completely cured. I think Peruna a wonderful raw Iclne." Mrs. Esther M. Mllncr. Congressman Thad. M. Mahon, of We keep nothing but pure natural Ice. frozen from pure, clear mountain water. It goes farther and Insts longer than artificial ice. All we nsl; is an unprejudiced trial of our lco. Why not order a case of the celebrated Schlltz, A. B. C. or Gambrlnus for your Sunday dinner? ! 1 t i 1 til 51 Tbone your order to Main 1 t 1 rabject to femalo disease, lie therefore began using Peruna for thc-e cases and fnnnrt It t;n admlrablr adapted to their permanent cure that Peruna has now t HENRY KOPITTKE 1 The Spokesman-Hevlew has found another good story in Pendleton. This time it is an opium joint, with white patrons. Tne last dream of this kind was about a two-headed snak in the Blue mountains. This story shows an improvement in '"? r,rltf nf hnn used exhibited at so many rew t-ngiauu In an Irrigation convention every- fairs during the past years, was kill body is a speech-maker. There ed last week. He was 18 years old. should be no dearth of oratory in the w coming state meeting in this. city. slauhter house. The ox w eigne-.! The subject is one with which every 4 355 pounds at one time and was one farmer is familiar, and the people or the heaviest. If not the heaviest ..,.. , infnrmntlon whirh ox In the country All. ttl&.fuc .mv. --- - - , MM mmmmm Chamberhburg, I'a writes: " fafce pleasure In commendlngyoar permanent Peruna as a substantial tonic and a become the most famous remedy tor MrrA rcmedy.-'-T. M. Mahon. female diseases ever known. Every, ,rf ,.h Vi facto'ry results f nun the use of Peruna, wntoat oncf to lr.Hartmi.u, clving a full statement of your ease tud he will where the women are uslns it and prais ing it. Peruna is not a palliative sim ply: it cures by removing the cause ot female disease. I Ir. Hartman has probably cured more women of female ailments than any other linns physician. He makes these ', rn br iuinr and recommend- 'Jerry,' the big ox which has been ingPeruna, tw pleasfd to give you his Taluable ad vice gratis. t Address Ir. Hartman, TreKldent of TV- Hartman Sanitarium, Coltunbuc, Ohio. ACKER'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS practical men can give. Blnger Hermann writes a letter to the Portland papers on "Leaks in the uenerai u&na uiuce. buu wua w w w... - , they should be stopped. His advice cure dyspepsia and all disorders arts- is empty, for the reason that he had & a chance to put it into execution, and njuggjts. No cure, no pay. 23 cents, was removed by tne department be- Trial package free by writing to W. nf mp Inability or dislnclina- H. Hooker A. Co, Buffalo, N. T. F. tlon to stop leaks, ir Washington rils- iw- Schmidt & Co. patches or last spring were true Its THE BEST THE JlOsT WHOLESOME PROPERLY M1L.L1CD WITHOUT A c-L'PERIOR BYERS' BEST FLOUR The Standard of Excellency. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. Byers, Proprietor. AriY Time Is a Good Time Now is the accepted time t have your house painted or pa pered. A little painting here and there will help its looks wonder fully. Some nice, bright, new wall paper will lend a freshnesa to any room. Our stock of wall paper was never ,-nore complete pattern In endless variety and every one new and up-to-date Ip color design. Better come In anc let us show them to you and tell you what It will cost for your whole house or one room. E. J. Murphy, 111 Court Street. Room 10 over TavW Hardware Stnri. E. D. B0T Has Real Estate for ! DE.TATE.tiJ 11 liiuusauaaescnpUM ranging from 1 n-Hldp!lP in M13 nf A. most modem and W rijuipi eu mansions ij 111 iup limits 01 ut & of Pendleton, and frr'. rann of a few'acm e(KKl ulfalla lain k thousand of ion if wheat land, Call a i Address D. BOYD. IIK Money Backg,gW!s iweet Snirits of Eden fall to cure Rheumatism. For Sale by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Agts. for Pendl'n. The Fret Restaur! D 1 rent VmI ij I Private iiibsMa Tileirant Fnrnislied '. Connection GUS LaFONTAIfitf 633 Main Stmt found on sale at FmW The recent session or the rarmers' congress at Niagara Falls, adopted a resolution favoring government own ership or the railroads. With the itnrL-mm nrcanlzlne against the beer trust, the farmers resolut'ng against the transportation trusts, and the president engaged tn generating nlr at Ovster Bar. to use against all the trusts. It looks discouraging for the poor combinations. There is a growing disposition among a certain class of labor papers .r. ,rnrt m unfair all business insti tutions thatdo not conform to their . . . - . Thin special ideas 01 emuuu... spirit of the press, and the unions, is Identical with that spirit wnich points .v, flnr nf suspicion at every in nocent woman who passes. t is un just, unhealtbful, and only tends to widen the breach between the busi ness interests ot the country and the worklngnien. -m... lent Inn of the O. R. & Company for a reduction of its as sessment was not presented to the a , ..n.iaiizatlon. and the coun- ty court did not unqualifledly sus U,n the assessment or Mr Strain tor the reason that It canceueo raluaUon on deiot grounds and ma terial returned by him. The result however. Is satisractory. and to the . i,rveri all precedents BSBCHBUI "UU " , 1 and the tide or public uuOUng the hign valuaUons In Uma- ttlla county, is duejall the credit UA develop that the people or Eastern Oregon are so anxious for UK, amtructlon of tne por6 . . nrllllnar U niH rj,v.v.v, . . that, wasvset wpeeted. ine state of Oregon has undertaken the construction of this road. The nri.mii will complete it, at whatever cost The people of East era Oregon have mora confidence in ?! .h.n tn believe that this LBH Slave , ... dodge of BorUand, by which she will INDERWEAR 1 1 1 p V S2.00. EE mi 1 11 i 1 I V- . I fQUHUuninLi I HOSIERY 1 W kkY -A I w w nrfTfTM'rlWltlrTir IT ' I 1 IE . , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ) A GOOD No. j offering a More Complete Line of Hosiery and ' . . 4 . -r T(. 10 all-wool Union Suit iu grey or pure white at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 aud $2.00. Underwear than we have ever shown before. This department is crowded with good values in Fleece lined Jersey half wool and all wool at prices that will surprise you. The GORDON DYE HOSIERY can't be beat for wear and is abso lotely fast black. We have them at from tOc to 50c per pair. Notice a few of the many styles we carry in Underwear .. ' CHILD'S Vests and 1'anta in Fine Cotton Jersey Fleece lined, in all styles, 18 to 34 Prices 20c, 25c, 30c, 35c, 45c and 50c. ONE of the Forest Mills goi4 all wool Vests the very finest that money can buy at $i.oo and $1.50 a , garment. Buy the I Forest Mills Un Iderwear and you WE can give you get the best made. the Gordon Dye Hobo at from 10c to 50c per pair. Whether you pay 10c or 50c you get the beBt. Try a Paih CORNER MAIN AND ALTA ' uu..m.mMMU.,u.i.,.mi.uilUllllUimilllumiUlimiMIIIIIUIIUIIIIllllUUIim " t HO 1,1 Oil -- - - i mm 1 inn i n in 11 II Mill 1 1 1 1 11 mymmiiin