East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 26, 1903, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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The Peoples Greatest Outfitters
One of Our Fault
less Fall Styles
Faultless for its neat and ex
treme st3'le, will not go out of i
style soon. Made of the ErgHsh
ki otted Chevoit. strong in con-
struction, workmanship, equal to
the custom garment, our guaran- i
tee goes with il. SELLS FROM
$12 50 UP. With each cash pur-
chase in our clothing department
amountirg to one dollar we pies-
ent you 'with a ticket entitling
the holder to a chance on a $375 t
Hamilton Piano. Mr. Therkel- t
sen's guarantee for ten years goes 1
with it and kept in tune ono year 1
free of charge. t
'special Train Will Be Run From
All Points Livestock Exhibit and
Agricultural Features Will Be
Strong City to Be Gaily Decorated
Chemawa Band to Play. I
If you snjoj' a good article, then fmoke
They are home made and of tbe best tobacco. A. RHODE, Maker
Boston. Mass.. 152 Shawmut Awe.. Oct. 25. 1P02.
Anr I had lieen married abont four months I frit my I
health Erin-rally decline. 1 seemed to Jo;e the liebt step
and dragced wearily along instead. My appetite failed me
and 1 Imt hf-nltli and strength. I wa nprvnti and had
nhnotinn pains through my limbs and itomach while bear
ins: down nains and constant headaches added to my misery.
The menstrual flow liecame more and more profuse and I
m unfit to attend to my daily duties. My husband called
in three different physicians and I took cnourh medicine to
kill or cure a dozen women, but it all had no effect on me whatever, until 1
took Wine of Cardui. In a few days I felt a chanpe for tbe better, my gen
era! health improved and at the next "time of my periods my flow was jiiure
natural and I was in less pain. Gradually 1 recovered my health and strenpth
and am now in perfect health. I tate an occasional doe of Wine of Cardui
winch keeps me well.
I am happy to jrivo
roo tlii I'mlcavement.
Pretideat, Hack Bjr Woman's Club.
Why don't yrtrJyUoT the same health Mrs. flicker has? It is easy to
secure if you take JVjos of Cardui according to direction?. Wine of Cardui
strengthens weak an3Vwon-out women of anyageand assists the mother and
housewife tn bpar ha exairtini? duties. Wine of Cardui makes women fit
for all the dutifrg of womanhood.
It will relievo tbe pains of irregularity, cure falling of the womb,
leucorrhoua, ovarian troubles, and has been known to remove what hy
licians considered daniferons tumors?. Women who use Wine of Cardui
do not suffer at the monthly jieriods. They do not suffer hysterical attacks,
because Wine of Cardui gives them strong nerves freed from the irritation
of female suffering.
A J 1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui purchavd from your druggist
will keep you free from pain.
Marble and Cranitc
Wcuoourown work and guarantee the 'tamest
loweit price. Kitlmatca siren on all kinds of Cut
Stone. We haxi a large stock and wou'a be pltai
ed to have you examine It. :::::::: :
Main Street Pendleton, Oregon
Near O.K. IN. Depot
prays Harbor
Commercial Co.
We Don't Keep Everything
ut ve do keep a good big
rtKk of nice dry Flooring,
Celling, Rurflc ,nd Fn,h(
n all grade. Ala all kind
"I Dlmenlon Lumber, in
cluding Lath and Shlnolea.
Our rtock of Door, Win-
Motlldlna. RllllHInn
" Tr p.per and Apple
" ' complete, and any
ln need of Lumbtr will
wrong In olaelno
order with the
rfly's Harbor Com. Co.
OPP. W: & c. R. Depot
VMBI Iroro as
"rou7hou?yV,Newl7 turnlsbed
15 nti a week! " '
Of all Description
Sash, Doors d Windows
Made to order Building
paper, lime, cement, brick
and sand, wood gutters for
barns and dwellings a specialty,
Oregon Lumber
Alta St, Opp. Court House
if aj JJJ i i J. Ji () i aji taaJ
Teaches a thorougli course
in voice culture, piano and
violin. For information en
quire at
Empire Piano House.
4 ' 1 1 HHI1IH H WHW
Tho great Merchants' Carnival
and Street Fnlr, to bo given in this
city, during the first week in Octo
ber, from tho 6th to the 10th, is now
tnklns on something at Its real shape
and proportions.
J. It. Wilson, tuo genial manager
for R. J, Arnold, the proprietor ot the
Arnpld shows, which nre to bo lead
Ing attractions. Is working indus
triously to get every detail right.
In time tor the opening. John
Halley Jr., who has charge of the
ltvestock and agricultural exhibits,
and who will be general manager of
the carnival, has just returned from
a trip through tho Interior, and re
ports great Interest among tho peo
nli ln every nortton of .no countv
j and adjoining counties, In tho event.
1 Mr. Wilson lias arranged with the
O. R. & N. to run special excursion
trains from Echo, Heppner, Milton,
Athena, Weston, Adams and Walla
Walla, and extra cars will bo run
on the regular trains to accommo
date the crowds. j
Some of the Attractions.
The carnival will open on the
morning ot October 6, with a mag
nificent street parade, at 11 o'clock in
which all tho livestock, exhibits,
Indians, merchants, floats and other,
special features Including two bands
and the animal cages will take part.
Tho Chemawa Indian band, consist
lng of 28 pieces, tne oldest - the.
state, has been secured for tho en
tire week, and will bo quartered at
the fiolrlen Rule.
This band will give a free concert
on tne street every forenoon timing
the week, and will play ln tho main
circus tent in tho afternoons and
evenings. it Is the Intention of the
management to have a special day
for the Indians, if jiosslblc, and 1
cal sports will arrango a program
of sports, with prizes for all the
Tho merchants will have elegant
booths, arranged In front of each
piace of business, yet all the street
will bo open to the public, and
restrictions will be placed upon the
business of the city. There will bo
two balloon ascensions during th
week, and 'other free attrpctior
every day. The large tent belon:
Ing to tho city will lie stretched tip for
the accommodation and shelter for
the livestock, and the main .circus
tent. 100x200 feet in dimensions, will
be pitched on Railroad street, be
tween the O. R. & N. freight house
and the lot on which Shields' Park
was located.
Great Crowds Expected.
I Hotels and restaurants are making
great preparations to handle tho
crowds, and as tho interior country
has been thoroughly canvassed, tho
management expects tho largest
crowd ever assembled In the city
Many people come to Pendleton at
this very time of tho year to trade,
ami this event will stimulate th
country people to come and stay
during the week.
The official decorations for tho
Carnival company will arrive In tho
city early next week, and tho bus!
ncss houbes will be gaily decorated
In tho national colors. Iiauners will
be erected In different parts of tno
city and Pendleton will put on a gala
appearance never beforo seen by
the citizens since tho olt spriuii
from the bunch grass hillsides.
The Free Shows.
Free features have teen provided
for the entertainment of the people,
Including Professor. Carlos Wlldez
in his "Slide for Life," and Professor
Frank Miller. "Tho sky scraper,
Tho Indian band will also bo one
of tho most Interesting free enter.
talnraents In the forenoon of each
The main tent of tne Arnoia
shows Is 100x20 feet In slzo and seats
4,000 people. Tho circus consists of
acrobatic and trapezo performances,
aerial bars, thrilling feats and wond
crful evidences of skill and daring,
Tho side shows are made up of tho
following Intensely Interesting and
clean attractions:
Side 8howa and Menageries.
Tho Wallace Glass blowers.
Tctsuwari Japancso Theatre.
Tho Electric Theater.
Ioretta Twlnns Vaudeville show.
Alice, the Wondor.
Sea Serpent.
Plantation shows.
Scottish Theatre.
Pleasuro Wheels.
So grafters will bo allowed in tho
city during the carnival, and special
pollre protection will be provided
for tho city
The Arnold mcnarcrlu Is com
posed of Bomo raro and interesting
animals and tho performers with tne
circus are high class artists, among
tho number being such as tho fol
lowing: The Hying Victerallos. Tho
Great Do Garros, Tho Travlollos, Tho
Dore Family and Prof. Horn's Dog
and Monkey show.
The Carnival company comes high
ly endorsed by tno cities of the Wil
lamette valley where It has appeared
and with the great livestock exhibit,
now promised, this promises to ho
one of the most Interesting events
In the history of the Inland Empire, j
With special trains from all Import
ant points of the country, and with
the special attractions to be offered
her- during the week, Pendleton may
Justly hope for a large attendance.
Every stockman in tho county, or
adjoining countlos, having any stock
suitable for exhibition. Is kindly In
vited to bring It hoie and compcto
fur tho prizes to ho given. It Is tho
desire of the business men of tho
Tho boHer olftBS ot druggists, everywhere, nro men ot seiontifio Attainments nnd high integrity,
who dovoto their lives to tho welfare of their fellow men in supplying tho best of remedies and
purest medicinal agents of known value, in accordance with physicians' prescriptions and
scientific formula. Druggists of tho hotter class manufacture many excellent remedies, but
always under original or officinal names and thoy novcr sell false brands, or imitation medicines.
Thoy are tho men. to doal with when in need of anything in their line, which usually includes
all standard remedies and corresponding adjuncts of a ilrst-class pharmacy and tho lincpt and
best of toilet articles and preparations and many usoful accessories and remedial appliauccs.
Tho earning of a fair living, with tho satisfaction which arises from a knowledge of tho benefits
conferred upon their patrons and assistanco to tho medical profession, is usually their greatest
reward for long years of study and many hours of daily toil. Thoy all know that Syrup of
Figs is an excellent laxntivo remedy and that it gives universal satisfaction, and therefore they
aro selling many millions of bottles annually to tho well informed purchasers of tho choicest
remedies, and thoy always tako pleasure in handing out tho genuine arlielo bearing tho full
namo of tho Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on tho front of every packngo.
They know that in cases of colds and headaches attended by biliousness and constipation und
of weakness or torpidity of tho livor and bowels, arising from irregular habits, indigestion, or
over-eating, that thoro is no other remedy so pleasant, prompt and beneficial in its effects as
Syrup of Figs, and thoy aro glad to sell it becauso it gives universal satisfaction.
Owing to tho cxccllonco of Syrup of Figs, tho universal satisfaction which it gives and the
immonso demand for it, imitations havo been made, tried and condemned, out there arc
individual druggists to bo found, hero and there, who do not maintain tho dignity nnd principles
of tho profession and whoso greed gets tho better of their judgment, and who do not hesitate
to recommend and try to sell tho imitations in order to make a larger profit. Such preparations
sometimes havo tho name " Syrup of Figs" or "Fig Syrup" nnd of Bomo piratical concern,
or fictitious fig syrup company, printed on tho package, but thoy never havo tho full namo of
the Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on tho front of tho package Tho imitations
should bo rejected becauso thoy aro injurious to tho system. In order to sell tho imitations
thoy find it necessary to resort to misrepresentation or deception, and whenever a dealer passcB
off on a customer a preparation under tho namo of "Syrup of Figs" or "Fig Syrup," which
does not bear tho full name of tho CaliforninFig Syrup Co. printed on tho front of the packngo,
he is attempting to deceivo and mislead tho patron who has been so unfortunato ns to enter his
establishment, whether it bo large or small, for if tho dealer resorts to misrepresentation nnd
and deception in ono caso ho will do so with other medicinal agents, and in tho filling of
physicians' prescriptions, and should bo avoided by every ono who values health and happiness.
Knowing that tho great majority of druggists aro reliable, wo supply tho immonBO demand
for our excellent remedy entirely through tho druggists, of whom it may be purchased every
where, in original packages only, at tho regular prico of fifty cents per bottle, but ub exceptions
exist it is necessary to inform tho public of the facts, in order that all may declino or return
any imitation which may bo sold to them. If it does not bear the full name of tho Company
California Fig Syrup Co. printed on tho front of ovcry package, do not besitato to return tho
article and to demand tho return of your monoy, and in future go to ono of tho better class ot
.1 :4 t mi ii i , !i iii. A..I.I it! !.. i.!.. i! .
uiuggiBiK who win ecu you wjiaiyou WISH mm me ucmui every imng w hip iiuuui.reuuiiuiiiuiiii:i-a.
ANOTHER lot of now style Box Coals lor lad.j; hity'iust cotnu in
and we have the best values to he found in Pendleton.
All-wool Kttsey Coats, stoll front, wide cape, bla:k, all sizes, only ft) 50.
Kersey Cloth Coats, new style, satin lined, 5 00.
Kibbtd cheviot liox Coats, new Style, all sizes, black, $5 oo.
Fine Kersey Uox Coat, new cape, collar, stoll front, Ian color, satin
lined, veiy swell, $1$ 50 and ,14.00.
Fine lot of Chi dren's coats and cloaks, the nobbiest styles and lowet,r
prices to be found in town.
Fur boas, black, iiiodmin size, only 90c each.
Fur capes, fine quality Ittt, well lined, only $ii 75.
Ladies' fur boas, new style, from cjoc up to 00 each.
Our lurs and coats must be ccn to fully appreciate the splendid values
and nobby styles wc are showing
Calico, all colors, 10 yards to one person, 35c.
Muslin, Bleached, 10 yards to one person, '35c.
Outing flannel, 7c grade, 10 yards to one p'etsosi, 50c.
Men's black shirts, double front, 50c value, special .jc.
Men's dark grey suits, good heavy goods, 1(5.98.
Men's grey wool pants, worth ti.Os, special, $1.45.
Missis percale and gingham dresses, all kinds ao per cent .oil.
Hoys' light weight underwear, 'to close out, 19c garment.
The Place for Bargain.
- I
city to make this carnival a begin
nlng for a regular fair each year,
and If proper spirit Is manifested by
all, there Is no doubt about tho out
All persons Indebted to II, M.
Hloon, picnic call nnd nettle theli
accounts. Illacksmlth shop corner
ouonwooii ana leant Alta.
'1 m
I 1905 CIGAR j
The IJeut 5 Cunt Cigar
on Earth
Protect Yourself Impure Milk
Uur cn libeli, inown boire, re cumntee against all Impuritlei. We uto
only the Lest pirt of cow'i milk. Our dairies te kept icrupulouily clean and
the grtateit precaution Is exercised from the feeding of the cowl to the canning
of the Cream, lie aute and ask j-o jr dealer for
Economy Brand
Evapor&bed Cream
Made by the originators and Ijrgeit producers of Kvaporated Cream.
Ever can guaranteed.
i) Save the bands and
get a ticket to the
fj Fair
I Despaiii & OlaiK
S Diatrilmtovij
1 4'
- s -nf- -- - - "
Rheumatism Positively Cured
Jly Oil ami Swctit Spirits pf IJden.
MoneV.back Goods. A.C, KOIU'J'W&
1IHOS,, Sole At'cnts for J'eilillejoii,