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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1903)
i li M :J' u TUMR.4DAV. SEPTEMBER 24, 1903. """ j f lan-M-vK - . am hi t r 1 m i-c r nulla itww .. i i V.i, j.t . ' I ! 'I 1 MM i i .' H i li Ift.jfj: S a n I . nm am wuHUUK MS . ? inrini star Shoes That have the wearing quality and give perfect and comfortable flta are I the kind we handle, our xnpolnl shoes for boys wtar like iron. Dmdinger, Wil son & Co. GOOD SHOES CHEAP. & RURAL DELIVERY ROUTES. jspeetor of the Omaha Division Says ! They Are Highly Successful. in i. x.ll nt ninflhn Kfb. in I ' lector of rural mall routes, of the Jmaha division, is in the city visiting f iends. He was formerly in me w nv nf thn O. K. c IN. nv nirnl mnll delivery IS oe- I11U "U Ml"-'"-"""" . n.nar min .1 Kia?G nu. M V'. Ald Mr. Newell tms morniae. i, J '(.'everywhere It has met with trie SLt'ii.? . oiirress. It may be a broad hF'.',.' t,. ftmrn nm manv coun ii '-y people who believe that it has ,t,nr.nnri the vninp nf their property I ino r. nor nrrfi. PeODW living long the routes can secuie tnuiU ,r,ro rpnrtlne matter, the children . . i ,, nrt it hna increas- I . .... i. tho lottorH which ' ' iey write a great deal, ana iue ; 'luence for good is great. ) n ..rr.i.,. i,nnoflt in tho farmers can .i ' l nt hft ove restimated. Where form ' i rly they would go Into town with a i f.'-ad of produce, ana peruuws um ,! . !ii ble to sell it off, they now manage . return with empty wagons and I '( ill pockets. The reason is obvious 1 ' -they now get the newspapers daily fvnd as mese comam mc m-- I itions they know jusi exueuj roduce to taKe to town uuu n mnrUot is short on any particular 1.1 nnA tt onrl I1R n reSUlt. Il'here is not the least trouble in sell- fag They also learn wnai me -Ipnt nrlpfic are and sell accordingly. Utural mall delivery is a great sue- .' ' ess." 4 i The Merchants' Cafe. ,'f Keeps constantly on hand import 9! d lleberv irst, Frankforters, Ham- IV' mrg eels, crawfish, crabs, oysters, 'Siji kinds of cheese. Hot merchants anch daily from 11:30 a. m. to 2 p. m. ' ' Berlin's sanitary precautions are ' j he most perfect and extensive of 1 J Jiy great city, and Paris' the least I "o. 4HIIIIIIIIIII"'MHH Toilet Daintiness Who is It that does not ap preciate a sweet, delicate odor, especially of the dainty, last ing kind! We have the largest line ot Imported and domestic perfumes In Eastern Oregon. A few of our leading Imported odors are: Azures, La Trefle, Peau d' Etpagne, Vlolette de Parme, Indian Hay. And many more of the same nsJItr In b'llk as well as in fancy package. j! TALLMAN & CO, MIMtHIIIIIIIIMMi NOT GOOD, DELICIOUS IS OUR GOLD MEDAL BUTTER It is perfection in the butter making art. Itis always sweet and good. It is recognized as the best product that conies from any creamery. It is a butter once tried, always used. It is handled in Pendleton exclusively by F. S. YOUNGER & SON lHll NOT GOOD, NOT HERE WHEAT HAS DROPPED MILLERS ARE OUTBIDDING THE EXPORTERS SOMEWHAT. Much Wheat Is Still Being Held .y the Farmers Buyers' Reasons tor the Slump Millers Buy From Ne cessity to Meet Orders Rye Is Scarce in This County. other dron. and iif a i lias as a result the market is tighter than it has been for some time, mi- - nnrtprs are offering 62 cents, wli He the mills will give 64 cents for the common run or tne gram, uuu bltiestem. This is quite a drop from .io thnt hnvo been holding all of the year, and the farmers are as a result relusing io sen .u .i nf thpm are be- ginning to think that the bottom ot things is nropping uui rushed their grain to the market. The reason for the drop Is, accord ing to the buyers, that they are un able to pay so much for the grain for shipment. The selling price of the grain will not allow it. Grain has been too high all the time, and it has come to pass that they are una ble to pay what the farmers want, and have to offer what they can make good on. Millers Buy to Fill Orders. The mi .s of the county have to have the grain to fill their orders and ;1Uters OM Nhlng That foT th the average, and there will be SetK Tof wheat to the altitude no cases of great Interest. Tho u reached was the fact that the cases are all of a petty nature, rang mils ahaaouarS contracted for Sep-llng from pe ty larceny o horsey ca ; toml.or and October, and had to gei tember ana utiuuti. b , ZpXdtrhthV'gmin. and paid standpoint of a spectator are high for it. The farmers started out j quiet. aT h fife? held & g.nThp .N NOVEMBER. riSinirjStad!N.Kt Meeting Co.umbla VaUey us and pretty near landed us. If they j gatlon Association, hort held on a little, we would have , p..,,,,..! n. A. Hartman. of had to pay what tney asKed, lor e , had to have the wneai. Rye Is Scarce. Rye is a scarce article in the it Tinnld nav a few of the grain men of thi ssection to plant a . ii mi r -rr mill nriK little more or u. iae ",,", hiRt received a carload that It sent to California for. The farmers want ed seed rye and they couldn t get it. They came to me mins ""-j j i. cirlo nf Hallfornla. couiuu i uuu ii - . Now with the freight charges and the price, the stuff costs tne iu ' ' rf lr,r aoed. it WOllld CeillB tt I'wuuu w. . me lueutiD mo .......o - - - Ing it for the reason that most or it has been stored or shipped. There is little free barley in this part of the county. Many of the sheepmen and cattlemen who want the grain for the chop mill are having trouble in get ting what they want. But there Is THE WHOLESOME Crescent Baking Powdei The remarkble increase in contumpt.on (roves iti purity and wholetomenets. ONE POUND 25 CENTS ith a Coupoc Oil and Sweet Spirits of Eden Are guaranteed to cure any caseofRhen uiatistn Money back If they fail. A C. Koeppea t Bros., Agts. for Pendleton NOT HERE seem to be a paying crop, for mere. . - Is not near enough raised in the I Notice to Contractors, county to meet the demand. j Sealed proposals will be received Barley Is More Plentiful. I at the office of the undersigned, room Barley Is Plentiful; at least there 12. Judd building, until Thursday, 1 J f it Irnwn for the use or October Sth, at 3 p. m., for the erec LCSy "v t sWJtta and completion of the Bowman the county, prou.c i n a hotel, situated on Main street, Pen- J,ound0 where 't can L foundC; but dleton Or., according to Plans and liuuuu v v - ir flnri. I snpr float our urenared by C. E. i . MAimtv in Niiir n n n m i i i . . ii tih' to sun- acreage enougn in ... ply the market, provided the count were used as a market. BUYS PACK MULES. 1 One Man Operating Train of 70 Ani mals Between Boise and Thunder Mountain. A scarcity of freighters to take siip-l nl es into Tnunuci ,,. S the serious problems con ran i inp those who are desirous of fiottinfi in pile, into Thunder . supplies before winter seI8 in. y able to secure sufficient mini l.or of freighters to take in his stuff.' U :. r,' ..ootorit.iv inirchnsed 3. Ma.hen'rmo : wt ch win ntmif lrf from Boise within a clay or two for Thunder Mountain with ""'I'J'jf.- -0 1 Mr inrKt;n.nj uu .1. nnlmnlc HH the trail between Thimiinr Mountain, cam Inc supplies for the men ho will keep to work on his properties this win- t?Mr Mackenzie has purchased 120. 000 pounds ol supplies in Boise with in the past 30 days, making about 350.000 pounds ho has purchased so iar'this season In that city. COMING TERM OF COURT. The Docket Will Be Arranged Next Monday as to Civil Cases. i n,nnfn- -t in n't -Ir-rk . UUUUi. v in ui lit lib " " ' Judge Ellis will meet the members of i . i- r ,.nr tlli rl'll the bar in conference over tho civil docket for the coming term or court. At this time the date of trial will be set for the different civil cases on the docket, to meet with the conven ience of the parties to the actions. The docket tnis term is nm uuhi;i nig anu iuibi.. - .(...(llnarv n(j ana from i ne very Irrl- the Coiumuia Valley Irrigation Assocla- iinn is mnldnsr nlans for the holding of the meeting of the association, ! which is scheduled here lor tne nrsi ...... I. In Vnvomhnr Ak vet 1111 Start has been made In that direction andl, tlie program is a thing about which i nothing is known. Ij As i.oon as the sessions of tho coun- (ii ty court are off tho mind of Judge ' llotrtifit. illl rnnfpr with tnose interested In the meeting of the as soclation and will make arrange ments for the program and the other details of me bcssion. Troutman, architect. Bids will be re ceived for the diffeient brancnes 01 the work as per specifications. Plans and 'si"clficationK can be seen at the office of the undersigned. The owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids. C E. TROUTMAN. Architect. To Attend State University. Robert Cronin, Iter Nell and Mary Itothrock, members of the high school graduating class of last year, left last night for Eugene; where they will attend the State University the coming year. They will be joined at Portland by Olin Arnspiger, anoth er member of the class, who has been working at North Yakima, who will also attend the university. Social Next Saturday Evening. Saturday evening the Woodmen of ! the World will have a social meet ' Ing In the Secret Society hall for he members or inn oraer. tub commu tes which has tho affair in charge promises an interesting time and pro gram, though the numbers on the latter are not as yet fixed. There will be siieeches and music and lunch after the program has been completed. A good time is predicted rannMu RaHv in Rtart H. C. Willis, of tho American Ilaro Packing & Cold Storage Company, has made all arrangements for the nncinn npedpri hv thn nannerv and the work of canning fruit and Amer ican hare will begin about October l. The company has a large number of the hare In cold storage In this city and those who have used them find the meat to be of line quality. New Residence for Minister. J. If. Koontz. of Echo, is In the cltv today, on a brief business visit Mr. Koontz Is erecting a commodl ous residence in Echo, for the Meth odist minister. Rev. Gennette. of that place. From Heroner to Pendleton. Pleasant Howard, of Ifeppner. is in tho rltv and will locate, hero ner. manently. Mr. Howard Is the agent of the Knultable I.tfn Insurance Cnm. pany and will make his headquarters uere irum uuw on. iuuiruuo uumii, uic Ol, Hill' lionaire brewer, has offered a loving cup tuiuvii i ouu lor iuu uesi. uops rmwn in ttiA Arid land nf iht TTnUaH HH HA UN lULROI IlllllWiri JUDGE ELLIS EXPRESSES l SOME VALUABLE THOUGHTS. Parm8 Around Ogden Are Absolute Models and Oregon Farm- ers Should Heed the Lessons They Teach Small Farming and intensi fied' Methods Are the Ideals. . . ..- n u-Mlo thinks that the jmiBP irrieatlonists national " f .t,i, at Ogden was a great thing for tills nauoiuu - - - -- . u,3 "ounu - y In that it will bear good re- j tinin in cuiiiv. It has BU1" h itornst of men of . .L: ,fiihIHtles of the co i Hit ry. and th e j will in tho future S into the conditions here and it may result in the est ablishme of works here that will be a big thing for the state. . The East knows nothing of mo conditions here, and the I'-0801. .iAinrmt nn nt the meeting brought the matter before the people of the country. They told of the conditions that prevailed here ami nut the matter before the country m n new light. The best thing that will a "c. . .m iw the result of the cu lilt" l uiii . interest that has (nlblt. conn. liuiu t "... . been awuM-uu. Men are talking of Oregon and its possibilities who never gave the tnto n thoncht bcrore. ia " - Tlinro nrp IMI1V ODDOrtll itioc hPie hut the majority of them ' . i fr.r n Rlrnrln man or a are iuu iuii,.- " small number of men. It will take money to develop the country nH 1. 1 nocossarv lo uraw ma- i..-..-.- here. Oreaon Farmer Skims. Tim nrecon farmer is a man who ...mno- idon nf his business as a rule. He has been brought up to the Idea that he must have in the neighborhood of a thousand ac.-es be fore he can farm. The Orestin farm er Is a skimmer. Ho is taktns the faff)K'E THE 1 (1 (? PORTLAND 1905 CIGAR The Best 5 Cent Cigar on Earth V' 6 Save the bands and get a ticket to the Fair Despain & Clark, Distributors I Just Received f s My expreh-i a ucw uum-u ui neckwear, scarlet midget four-in-hands, the lattwt craze for both men and women, and a thousand other styles. Wo nan nlpiiHn vnu In under . 1 I. - T wear, we have It from the cheapest to the silk and wool or silk and linen. Our hate are here and they are beauties, all the latest novelties, cowboy shapes with leather k.nila ol.'n Ilia nonm BtlltTVM which are worn o much in the itles. When you want anything new in furnishings come and Bf e us, we have Cooper'n Underwear, blister 8 nweaiere, ueau uiuvro and the beat ot everything. SULLIVAN &i BOND Men's Furnishings. ICE We keep nothing but pure aatural Ice, frozen from pure, clear mountain water. It goea farther and lasts longer than artificial Ice. All we aak is an unprejudiced trial ot our ice. Why not order a case of the celebrated Schlltz, A. B. C. or GambrimiB for your Sunday dinner? 'Phone order to Main HENRY KOPITTKE I Se" resTot The products, and boj needs to have, his eyes nenl'-.c.Th0et farms near Ogden are n model of what irrigation will do. If a manta 40 acres of irrigaieu muu t right he has all that he can at - ii ." f.mllv needs, tend to. an im - i,' it is ---.- ; Tho Utah farmers arc farming no. "r Llfeblloy Soap for all hmihoM Intensified system, and arc making.' . a p?1M, dlslnfectnn nd heir property pay them good returns ! ,g neK,e, In my "P'"""" L. . ' .t nrocrnnlnn wants to 5l'.' i niirl have UKeil it for the learn- . .. .hcn The state should seo umi men who are tho pioneers in this "no, Xnrr tnaxe9nRsiS be made as low as possible until they arc on a paying basis and tho, should bo encouraged In ej for from their efforts and the (tin pie that they set w .. .p... u, , turo rrlgation sysiuui ui "". Th anJ.With,?"lr P ,"" invest ""tho country will be changed 1 from i tho des ert to tho garaen '"";;" the Columbia, anil in mosv u i of tho state Interested in irrigation. Is better than that of tho Irrigated belt in Utah, and win ormg suits once it Is under the water. ST. JOE STOKfc j We will give away, FREE without money and without price - in Dec, 19o3: t $ 1 0O.oo in Gold Coin I as follows: $60.oo First Prize $25.oo Second Prize $15.oo Third Prize Tickets 6iven with Each $l.oo aurchase We have the largest and best assorted stock of goods we have ever shown in Pendleton, bought for SPOT CASH, ena bles us to meet the sharpest competition from any and all quarters, and this we will do. We assure the citizens of Umatilla and adjoining counties it will afford us much pleasure to have the opportunity of proving our assertions. So come and see us before buying your Fall and Winter Supplies. We are determined if Good Goods, Lat est Styles and Lowest Prices will accomplish it, to make this the busiest season we have ever had since locating in the city. We have a competent and affable corps of Gen tlemen and Lady Clerks who will take great pleasure in showing you any goods in our store. The Feast is prepared, so come and partake. Thanking our friends for their liberal patronage heretofore, we remain Very LYONS MERCANTILE CO. WE ARE GETTING READY FOR. THE . BIG . SHOW THIS STORE WILL BE HEADQUAR- ters (or ihe Big Crowd on Carnival days, OCT. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. We are making all kinds of arrangements to entertain everybody that comes. Look over the following list and perhaps you will see articles that you may need before the show .. .. Here's Our Winner Fine TAILOR MADE Suit in black, blue aa and tan....vfiuO The Big Boston Store uaCU ' Twrk VpflfC Cdrb i , i . ..unUiir I rrptmuiiHnri i'f; V.VvJr.m St.. I'lillixleli.liiu. ii -. A SUPERIOR DISINHECTANT Ijlfebuoy Soap equal to ll y... I Vcheerfullv reconin.Jbd f'T a superior tlislnfectant for ,.! ri It Is -of rfokiiMi. fron. . ri;a hIsprkps. H. I. t' nuts, lir.- Maiden, Mass FOH BAIjK HY OWL TEA HOUSE Truly Vourw Ladles' Walking Skirts from $1.50 to $7.50. Ladies' Mercerised Black Petticoats $1.00 to $5,00. Ladles' Drop-stiich and Lace Hose 25 and 50c. Ladles' Knit and Muslin Daderwear. Ladies' Bead Girdles, Parses, Combs, Bags, Meckwear and Belts. ! I States. The hops will be exhibited at uio si. Imis world's ra,r.