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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1903)
AILY EAST WIEOONIAN, PENDLETON, OWEaOM. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1903. Business Cards and Societies PROFESSIONS AND TRADE8, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. PHYSICIANS. nR W. G. COLE. OFFICE IN J ODD building. Office hours, 10 to 12 a. m.,; I , 6 P. m. Telephone red 371. Th MILLER. SI. D.. DESrAIN BLOCK. treat and correct eye trouble, catar rhal condition and Impaired hearing. Olii.e correctly fitted for refractive er tort. Telephone main 1181. DBS. SMITH 4 MNGO, OFFICE OVER fhe Pendleton Savngs Dank. Telephone 80 i rMldcnco telephoue main am H B GARFIELD, U. D., IIOMEOPATHIC phjalclan and Burgeon. Office In Judd lalldlng. Telephone, office, black 78; tea Ideace, Hack 24. nr. D J. McFAULL, ROOM 17 ASOCIA, tion block. Telephone main 031 ; real (mce, black 101. nTTflZ OENDERSON, PHYSICIAN and au'reeon, Offlc In Savins Hank bulld n?. Room 1. office r-hono Main 1111, res. Main 1M1. Oil LYNN K ni.AKESLEE, CHRONIC .',.,1 nervou diseases and dlseaaei 01 onion Judd building, corner Main and onrt St. Office "phoue main 72J ; rea Conrt Ideare, red 2 4 0, DP LfiNA ALLEN DOOND. OSTEOPATH Office 813 Thompson Btreet. nouBe nbots- Red 303, and office 'phone Ulack 1021. mf o KIUBY, PIIYSIOIAN AND S"R tean Office in Judd HulUlliig Room 15, Office Phone Red 1211, Residence I'liono Mala 1421, Pendleton. Oregon. DENTISTS. C A VAUGHAN, DENTIST, OFFICE IN JuiM building. 'Phone, red 71. E A MANN, DENTIST, OFFICE IN AS soclatlou block, over Schmidt's new drug tore. Tlione, reu -n. VETERINARY SURGEONS. UK J CHRISTIE GRADUATE OF THE Koyal Vetcniary College, IMenburgh, Kant land Lite govcrnmcut vcterimry Inspector or Yale district It. C. All domi-Htlc animals treated on scientific principals. Office at Froomc't stable. Main street, opposite Hotel Pendleton ltcilden o phono Main 1311 sKTKMXAItY Sl'ROKON. Dr. 1). C. McNabb, graduate ot University ol I'enu. Werinary i! Spokane (or 10 yearn. Office at Tallnian's Orut ct'ire, I'endletjn, Ore , Phnnc Main 1171. BANKS AND BROKERS. rlRST NATIONAL HANK OF ATHENA, Oregon. Capital, f 5U.UU0 ; surplus and rutin, fO.000. Interest on time deposits. Delia In foreign and domestic exchange. Collections promptly attended to. Henry C Adami, president: T. J. Kirk, vice-president, I S. LeUrow, cashier; 1. M. Kemp, tut. cashier l"HE FARMERS 11ANII OF WESTON, Weton, Oregon. Does a genernl bauk Ine business. Exchange bought and Hold. Collections promptly attended to. It. Jam eson, president ; George W. I'roebstel, rlce-presldent ; J. It. KMgnre, cashier; Ci rectors, G, A. Uartman, M. M. Johns, T. I Price G D. Graw. J. F. Kllgure, Hob irt Jameson, G. V I'roebstel. TOE PENDLETON SAVINGS HANK, rendition, Oregon. Organized March 1, ISS9. Capital. fluO.Ouu; nurplus, flOO, 000; Interest allowed on all tlmo deposits. Eicbauge bought and sold on all principal points. Special attention given to col lections W. J. Furnish, president ; J. N. Nesl. vice-president: T. J. Morris, cashier; J. W. Malouey, assistant cashier. rlRST NATIONAL RANK OF I'ENDLE tun. Capital, $70,00(1; surplus, $9n,0tH); "rtnsacts a general banking business. Ex change and telegraphic transfers sold on Chicago. San Francisco, New York and principal points In the Northwest. Draft fawn on China, Japan and Europe. Makes collections on reasonable terms. Levi An eny, president: V. F. Matlock. vlce-pre-Went; C. II. Wade, cashier; U. F. Johuson, stslstant cashier. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. F HOWARD, AltCniTECT AND SU perlii tendent; makes complete and rell ole plans for buildings lu the city or .coun try liootn 17 Judd building. UhBnf 4 C0LE' CONTItACTORS AND builders Estimates furnished on short f.u work a specialty. Prompt service, bbop on Hluff street near Main. D A. MAY, CONTRACTOR AND DOILD ;'L. K'sIn'i furnished on all kinds masonry, cement walks, stone walls, etc. wave orders at East Oregontan office. S.J'.!0TrMAN' ARCHITECT AND him.p n,eSdent' ,toora 7' wot Boston 8e-rudletou, Oregon, " HKKirT'LASTKUINO AND CE tlraVt?: ' '"nt walks a Bpeclalty. Es' tioiates furnished free. Work guaranteed. stir. mra "aa' s Zehuer's cigar "ore. Main street. I. O. box 104. FRATERNAL ORDERS. DAMON" I.ODGIi Mind.. "u!" '' MKl'TS EVERY UDo iifenlne.'" Sccret Society hall, KU???-.blSck-.. Rl I'endleton. Ore. R.-W. - " "' o.: v. j. l-veyea. C. C, SECOND-HAND DEALERS. DEALER IN SF.CU.D-1 need In M lllerc iu anytuing you I ity Ber.DeS- c2nd hand'f urnltSre. I "'Juices, "no! SS qrftreet! ""'v "KVV ivn I , dranced ii l.,iJ'mw.n brokers ; money a A0? n all kinds of artlriA. U'tri T0N8ORIAL PARLOR8, I rATTiwo ., . . it. : Dei.!-M"Ky I1ARDEH SHOP, "nbp . it i,'uri,-,"ee,ti heat, work- IB0ARD AND LODQING. "the' PJiiySJINGTON HAS PllRniiAUKn Ptrom 00 8,ad to co bar Irlendi and ln9?:r;i. "alta. onvr.. -rrzr. ! street i7 "? auta anu r.. QoVdU u,,'08'? the day or Mr week, o '"i, . ws r-4 week. i.. .. , . . u Dim . .CoitateR' V.rd in :.7o and XN mSFWSW HOTKL IN THK proprietor "'60 Porday. II, l. Milieu, t T'".topatth, ii,rl3a. TAKES YO! H Sol rriU. b i,1 ii,'6,"'. Uod I u. Klcbards, prop OU TO, rtotot INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS NEW YORK LIFK INSnRAvni- rn i mi I.ocal Agent, ofBce In Savings Bank building UAKTHAK ABSTRACT COMPANY MAKES reliable abstracts of title luniia in iim. tllla ounty. Loans on city mid farm prop. Clbj. UU)BHUU IVIIKKII K1QQS Ol TCAl PSMle. Does a general brokerage business. Pays tax. es and makes Investment for nonresidents. Rolorcnce.any bank in Pendleton. a, A. HARTMAN, rres. L. W. IIELD.Sec. O. A. IIARTMANJr., Vice Pres. J. M. 1IENTLEY REPRESENTS THE OLDEST and most reliable Dro and accident Insurance companies. Office with Hartman Abstract Co. JOHN nAILEY, JR., D. 8. LAND COM mlssloner Specialty made of laud flllnpi and proof: Insurance and collections. Of lice In Judd buldlng, room 10. CABS AND CARRIAGES. CITY CAB LINE, RRWIN ItAKER, TROP. Telephone main 701. Office and waiting room, Alta street, next to Savings Hank LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. the crrr livery roard and sale Btable. M. J. Carney, proprietor, for uiiu turnouts, biock Doaruea at r at reasonable rates, Stable 118 Alta Street 0. K. FEED YARD, .!) Aura street, R. II. Patton t Son, Props. Large.comfortablc stalls, plenty of Iced and proper attention given horse. Telephone Red laoi, Livery In con uection. MISCELLANEOUS. MEN'S RESOnT.-YOU are invited. Free reading room. Why not loin and get the ad. vantage ot free bath, uso of punching bag and other equipments, including Ilbrnry and read ing room. Terms, l.ou to join and sue a mouth dues. DRESSMAKING I am prepared to do dress making and sewing ul all kinds Good uork" Satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs. I'. D. Mann, aui June street. FOR HALE BOILER AND 4-HOItSE fOrtfcK vertical bleu snced imtrlne Also a irvKirht Generator including till snitch board lnstru nioms ror particulars, call on or address tT.Kii kise, nox:;73, Pendleton, Ore VM. F. YOHNKA WILL PAY TliOMl'T AT tcutlon to all sales and posting bills, Cor respoudcuresollclted. Commission reasonable r. u. box zm. renuieiou DIVORPS LAWS PETER WEST; ADVICE iree; ices, terms to suit; 25 years' experience. uim-ci'uo uurucn i-enuieton, urcgou, Proposals for Fire Department Sup plies. Sealed "proposals for the furnishing ol Kleven lluudrud Feet ol Standard Size Fire Hose, Fle Kirrt Gongs and Twelve Fire Torches for tho use ot the Fire i.epsrtment ol the city ol Pendleton win do received at tne cit) Recorders otnee tn the city ol Pendleton until 5 o'clock p. in., Octobers, W,. tho proposals to stale kind, quality and nrice of articles nroDOicd to be iiirnlshcd. Said bids to 'be opened at the regular meeting ot the council of the city ol Peudloloa to be held on October C, 11DI, at 7:"0 o'clock p.m. i lie council reserve tli right to accept t he bids tendered either lor the whole ol said articles or for a part thereof and aUo uie rignt 10 reject any and all bids. Datei this r:th dav ol September. A. D, IWl, THOMAS F1TZGER1LD, City Recorder, LOSSES ALWAYS MET PROMPTLY By the Fire Insurance Com panies we represent. Our companies, stand first in the world. Hurtford &'ire Inaurauce Jo.J12,259,076 Aillaucc-ABsurunce Co 9,039,903 Loudon & Luncashlre Fire iMuratioe Co 2,M-1,8S North British & Mercantile Co 19,695,974 Royal Insurance Co 22,897,168 FRANK B. CLOPTON AGENT S00 MAIN STREET The Colombia Lodging House I Well ventilated, neat and comfortable rooms, good bed''. Jiar in connection where best goods, are (Served. Main Street, center of block, between Alta and Webb Streets. F. X. Schempp Proprietor Scott's Sgqttl-Pepsifl Capsules A POSITIVE CURE For Inflammation or Gatarrfe of tho Bladder and DUeaoed Kidneys, No care no pay. Our a anteklr and Perma nanUjr the worst cajca of UouorrlMM and CJIoat, no matterof how lo jff stand. Ing. AUolutelr narmlroa. Bold by drugfMta. Irlo 91,00, or by mall, poitpald. 1.00,3 bojiw; THE SAHTAL-PmiH CO., BELLEPONTAINE OHIO. Sold by F. W. Schmidt & Co. t ClrtflVooi'e Find the C0W1IV1ERCE-TRADE THE CATTLE MARKET HAS SLUMPED CONSIDERABLY. Growers Have Faith That the Bot torn Is Reached, or Nearly So Hogs Have Advanced In Price Flour Is Cheaper and Sugar Dearer Many Price Changes In the Pro duce Market. T1r cattlemen are suffering under another drop in the price of their cattle in thef markets here. Last weelt tho price dropped a couple of points? and this week it has fallen still lower. What the end will he cannot bo told, but the men of tho county are of tho opinion that it will not fall much lower. If it does, they will not bo aide to feed and pay for tlie hay that they put into the stoci; before they sell. Some of the men In the business and buyers at that, predict that by the first of tho year the prices will have reached and sur passed the old standard of a few months apo. On tho oilier hand, the price of hogs has risen, and it takes money to get them now. Tills is due to the fact that all of the little pigs nearly were sold out of the county last year, and there was not enough slock to raise from in order to supply the de mand this season. The price is but comfortable, however, and works no great benefit on the grower, or harm on the buyer, Pendleton Retail Grocery Prices. Coffee Jloclia and Java, best, 50c per lb.; next grade. 3Cc per lb; lower grades coffee, 25c to 15c per lb.; package coffee, and 20c per lb. 3 packages for 50c. Rice Best head rice, 1214c per lb. next grade, 10c per lb. Sugar Cane granulated, best, $0.50 per sack; do 13 pounds, $1. Salt Coarse, $1.10 per 100; table, $2.60 per 100. Flour 11. B., $4.25 per barrel; Wal ters'. $4.25 per barrel. Watermelons, 1525c each, Grapes, 510c pound. I'eaehes, 5e pound, best, 3 pounds for 25c, Snake river. Plums, 3c. Bananas, 40c dozen. Tomatoes, 6c pound. Green corn, 15020c dozen. Green beans, 4 pounds for 25c, Onions, 2V&C Cabbago 3c pound. AnY Time Is a Good Time Now Is the accepted time W have your houee painted or pa pered. A little painting here and there will help its looks wonder fully. Some nice, bright, new wall paper will lend a freshnesi to any room. Our stock of wall paper was never ,nore complete pattern In endless Variety' and every one new and up-to-date In color design. Better come in and let us show them to you and tsll you what It will cost for your whole house or one room. E. J. Mtirphy, 111 Court Street. MEN ANO WOMEN, Cm BlgO (or uonitnrel ttlwiharawi.loilauiniaupna, Irrlutlona or tdceratloru of nuooni membrsnai Wlnlui. and nut aatrii fent or poUenuu. MM by DincrM araeut Id plala ruvL by cxpreif, prepaid. Cut 11.00, or 3 buttlea, VM. Circular neat u tojuwt. ABhv ia 1 b. m uj. ArT OnwwtUMl Vfl S3 Tnitau Coaurla. f7lTHtt.ClUMICnC0 1mcmoiHiuTi,aBli Duke's Sister. Carrots, 2c pound. Green apples, 2c pound, $1 box. Cucumbers. 2 for 5c. Potatoes, IVic per pound. Sweet potatoes, 5c pound. Garlic, 10c per pound. Pendleton Livestock, Poultry and Pro duce Market. Chickens liens, 7c; $1.00 per dozen; roosters, 4 to C cents. Gecsc, per dozen, $9. Ducks, per dozen, $4. IJtittor, 50G5e, good. Eggs, 20c. Choice Deef Cattle, Etc. Cows, per hundred, $2.402.50. Steers, $3,10(33.25. Hogs, live, $5.Gu., 6.25. Hogs, dressed, 7S'iC. Veal, dressed, CSc. Portland Markets. Portland, Sept. 24. A decline of 1 cent a bushel was mndc In wheat quotations today and tho market Is still showing signs of further de clines. Some of the farmer holders are beginning to get frightened that prices are to touch bedrock in tho near future and the sales reported yesterday afternoon and today were quite large. The local Hour market retains its firmness and no changes are reported in quotations. Independent buyers assert that all the big wheat exporting firms along the coast have formed a combine to fix the price of wheat, and then force tlie farmers to accept it. Tho decline of wheat from 82c to 71c the quota tion of yesterday during tho past week Is said to be due to tho con certed efforts of the combination. while the price Is fixed at 75c, very little wheat, it is explained, Is selling at that figure. The mill operators nre still paying from 7Sc to Sic, and are taking all they can handle. Their market is almost wholly In the Ori ent, except for Binnll shipments which they occasionally make to Sun Francisco. The exporters are hopeful that tho milling demand will soon fail off, and the farmers will be compelled to sell to them ul the combinations price. Tlie farmers, apparently, aro organ Ized, or at least have a general un derstandlng among themselves, bo cause they refuse to sell to anyone hut the millers, who are paying the price they ask. In the meantime the mills ale run ning to their full capacity to supply the Oriental demand, and tho farm ers are said to believe that this big market thus opened to them will con tinue Indefinitely. Bad Corn Prospects. The outlook for u fair crop of Hiigur corn In the Eastern and Central West states is not very encouraging ut this time. Farmers In the corn status have lost money for tho past two seasons on account of tho shortage lu tho crop and the acreage of corn next year is very likely to bo much reduc ed under (hat of this season. Ah there was very little corn carried over during the past few seasons, the market is quite bare of stocks. wheat Export quotations. new- Walla Walla. 7Cc; hliieatem. 79c: val ley. 77078c. Harley Food, $20; rolled, $21(17 22. Wool Valley, coarse to in oil lu in, 1G1UAc: fine, lOtfflG'Ac: EaHturn Oregon. 1015e: Mohair, nominal. 35 37c. Potatoes New. 7(,7Bc: buyors' prices, for shipping. COfllinc per ewt: ordinary, 4B56e sack; sweet, VAe ).er ID. Boston Wool Market. Jioston. Sept. 24. Tho wool market has not changed materially during the past week. Whllo on the whole the market Iiub been quiet, yet there has been a fair amount of business. Prices are strong and manufacturers are uoiuiug on lu the nope of a break, but there does not seem to bu a weak spot In the whole list, Quo tations; Territory, Idaho fine. li& 16c; fine medium HjV417'4c; ineui urn, 18gil9e; Wyoming fine, 1415c; lino medium. lCl41714c: medium, 1819c; Utah and Nevada fine, ICQ 17c; fine medium. nlVAc: medium, 142Uc; Montana, flno choice, 2123c; fine medium choice, 2021c; staple, 20(5'21c; medium and choice, 2122c. TRANSPORTATION LINES. mm Oregon ShojjtLine and Union Pacific Two Trains to the East Daily Tliromh Pullman standard and Tourist letv Ing cars dally to Omaha, Chicago; tourWl Sleeping car aauy to Kansas i;itj; tnronge -unman lourisi steeping cars personally con. ducted) weekly to Chicago. Kansai cut cllnlng chair cars (eli fn o to tho East daily niriat roa Tlmo Schcdulo From PoiuUolou ARMVt rao Portland 8:10 am Portland Special No. 1 The Kail ! ret) a.m. Chicago Chicago Special No. 2 Portland oMOpm 5'V) pm 'ortland ISO) m Mall and Eiprcn No.S The Ea l:iUn The i:mt CMnra Mall and Fiprcu No. 6 l'ortlnno 4:13 a ui l'endlcton I'acicugor Spokane aitfpa no, i Hpokane s:t5m Spokant' Pansongt-r No. 8 Pondlotmi Branch Mixed Train No. It 1:00 p n, 60 p m Wall. Walla Ilranch Mixed Tralu No. 42 Ocean and River Schedule. FROM PORTLAND. All tailing dates sub ect to chauee. For San Francisco Ball every i dayi. 8 KM p. m. IMp.II, Dally except Sandar ' 8:00p m. Saturday i 10:00 p in.) Columbia Hirer To Aitorla and Way Landing!. i KM p. ta. buiKla) Wlllmnotto Hlvor. Goati learo Portland dally, except Bnndty (atnge ot water permitting) (or V lltainetle aut Yamhill River poluti. Leave Leave Klparla Snake Hirer Lewliton tan. tn. Rtparla to U'wltton 7.-00n.m Dally Dally Kxcpt Monl Kicpt.Mrn F. F. WAMHLKY. Agont Pendleton WASHINGTON COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD Take this route for Chicago, St Paul, St. Louis, Kan sas City, St. Joseph, Omaha and All Points East and South Portland and points on the Sound TIMIC CAIIU Arrive at Pendleton Monday, Wednes day and Friday, 1.45 p. m. Tues day, Thursday and Saturday, 11. '15 a. m. Leave Pendleton, 7 p. m. Lravu Walla Walla dally,eatt bound, 11 :0u p in Arrive Walla Walla dally,ct bound, 10: IS a. in For Information leitardluir rates and accnni. inodatlon, call on or add,rei IV. ADAMS, Agent l'eriilleton. Oreunn S. II, LAt.DKKIIEAl), 'I. P. A , Walla Walla, Wnthlligtoii VVWvVWvVvVyVVvVvVI How to Sell a Crop and Still Have it. A uruil many f.iiincr carry their crop fur a lout; time atttr hnrvtst waiting lor hii advance In triers. Tlnm- who urnl money can tt a lartft imit of the value ol their crop nut in money ami htlll hold the grain lur tin advance in the following maimer Suppose o farmer Iiuh vkxj huMielii of wheat which lie citn bell ut 65 cent a htuliel; Itt him idi it mid receive fj,a.v In pa inent; then let buy 5,01x1 huHli elt of May wheat and margin it 5 cent a htuhtl. ThU wilt reiiiln: l.ou, He will then have $3,000 to tue u he het-x fit If the price of May whtut goeH uplisr centHptrlttihel he will make f 250 the same an if he had held hi 5,01x1 hmhtrlt of wheat in hU urauary, Yours for coiimderation. Coe Commission Company B. E. Kennedy, Local Mgr. ACKER'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS cure dyspepsia and all disorders aria ng from Indigestion. Endorsed by ihyslclans everywhere. Sold by all druggists. No cure, no pay. 25 cents. Trial package freo by writing to W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo. N. Y. V. W. Schmidt & Co. HOTELS. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Props. The Best Hotel In Pendletoaf and as good as any. The Hotul PcntUcton has just been refitted and refurnished throughout. Phono and fire alarm connections with all rooms. Baths in suites and single rocms. Headquarters for Traveling Mei Commodious Sample Rooms. "IIJ. pig, ' Rates $2 & $2,50 Special rates hy week or mouth lt,XCOIItlll UUIMUO. Prompt JMiilugroom service. liar aud billiard room In conneotioi Only Three Blocks from Depot GOLDEN RULE HOTEL Curnor Court and Johnion Streets, Pendleton, Oregon. M. F. Kolly, Proprlotor. HEATED BY STEAM LIGHTED BY ELECTRICITY Aiiiorlomi i'liiii, nitoijil tofU.OO Ili'l'llllV. Kiii'oiiui l'liui. fiOo, 7fio, 91.00. hiccliil rulitM by week or immtll. Free 'bus meets all trains' Commercial trade xollclted Fine (lample rooni Special Attention Given Country Trade HOTEL ST. GEORGE CORNER MAIN AND WEBB STS. GEO. DARVEAU. Prop. Elegantly Furnished Steam Heated, European Plan. Block and a half from depot; Sample room In connection. ROOM RATE - 50c, 75c, $1.04 THE PORTLAND Y PORTLAND. OREGON Auicricau Ptiti. Si Dcr dav aud udwiM. m llfaitouailcrl fur tuurUtu and cauiwcrcul trT. i! clcra. tJedat ralca made to fuilll and aloft gcutlcmtu. Tbe uiauagcmcut will b pliaiafl t all tioiea to ahow rooim and glc prfcta. A modern Turkiah bathcaUbliabinentlu in kotol. II, C. DOWKKB.Uanain. Conrad Plafzoeder All kinds ol Fresh Meats always on hand. Fine Bacon, Hams and Sausage, i Prices as low as (be lowest 5 l