East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 24, 1903, Image 2

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Hats and
Fall and
All the Late
Shapes and
join t. smw ca
729 Main St., Pendleton
One Price Clothiers Furnishers
and Hatters
American plate glass manufactur
ers are preparing to sell their pro
duct much t'lieaiHir In HelRlum than
in America, lone enough to destroy
competition there.
Joseph Kiudler picked tlio lock or
(ho Yroka, Cat.. Jail with a key made
from tho steel rib or his necktie, a
nail from the floor and tacks from his
shoos, and escaped
The United States courts hold that
deeds ot conveyance of nlloted Indi
an lands made without the Inspection
ami sanction of tho secretary ot the
Interior, aru Invalid.
Tho most tremendous, gorgeous,
iliimlioyant and spectacular Chinese
funeral over seen In San Francisco,
was that given Tom Kin Yung, the
military attache, who suicided last
week by turning on the gas.
Oil wells, tanks and derricks are
burning on a vast scale in tho llenti
mont district, Texas. Tills Is the sec
ond wholesale fire there within six
months. Itlval oil companies are
suspected of promoting tho confla
grations. The scientists' predictions that a
tremendous eruption ot Vesuvius
would take place about September
20, wore not realized, aB the old blow
plpo is almost perfectly quiescent, it
Is now In order for some volcano pro
nounced "dead" by the exports, to de
stroy a tow thousand lives and the
reputations of scientific guessers
"The third annual meeting of tho
Northwestern Photographers' Associ
ation is now being held at Salem.
Arthur Frool, of Astoria, lias been
found guilty of forgery, and sentenc
ed to four years In the penitentiary.
Joseph Fiddler, an escaped convict
from Kuroka, Cal., was captured at
(iranl's I'ass Wednesday, and re
turned to prison.
"Weslnr Hoover, n student at Willi-
man College, was "ducked" In a pond
Wednesday, by his classmates, for un
becoming conduct.
A franchise for .",7 years was grant--eil
by the city council ot North Yaki
ma, to tho Yakima Light & Power
Company, Wednesday.
So much ot tho Walla Walla county
pruuo crop has been shipped out In
tho green stale, that the driers havo
suspended work for tho year.
Hurry Ashton, a prisoner In the
Portland 'city jail, took leave ot his
guard on the city rock pile, Wednes
day, and mado good his escape.
i.arry 0. lllalsdell. who was found
utky of assaulting four littlo girls
In a children's home, at Tacoma, last
Monday, has been placed under $3,00(1
The report that another slide had
occurred at Frank H. C.. is untrue.
Tho Associated Press sent out the re
port from Portland, Tuesday, and tho
owner ot tho mines at Frank denies
It from Iiutte.
I School Books
ij School Tablets
f School Supplies
No matter what the boy
or girl Ngetls for use in
school it can be found at our
store. Largest tablets'Jwith
prettiest covers, at lowest
Caps for
Hotel Pendleton.
A S Watt. Portland.
O. It. Hall, Portland.
S. i:. Cnrnold, Portland.
P. M. .Morse, Portland.
O. li. .Miller. Poiiland.
Charles Huff, Portland.
E. II llurke. Portland.
Albert Chan, Portland.
Tlieo. Oentsch, Portland.
SI. A. Jong, Chicago.
Civile Kvnns, Troiltvllle,
.1. J. Lamb.
J. Fred Fisher, Suokano.
A. F. Hye. Portland.
Mrs. J. L. Harper, Portland.
Miss Lota Hays. Portland.
II. C. Long. Spokane.
W. I). Marks, Spokane.
IMw. 1). Duff. Portland.
W. I!. (ilendening. Portland.
J. F. l.ieuallen. Weston.
.Mason. Orunuell.
J. U. Shirk, Portland.
Golden Rule Hotel
Mrs. II. Krebs and family, Spokane.
George Curry, Athena.
.Mrs. T: .MeAiilirt, Athena.
J. C. Stangor, Atliena.
H. A. Grout, North Yakima.
F. hi. Leach and wife, North Yaki
ma. M. .Morgan, North Yakima.
W. .M. Caldwell. Seattle,
I). J (lardner, Seattle.
Kate M. Moore, (ioldondale.
James Nolln. Walla Walla.
F. II. lleathe, Weston.
(!. 1). Calley, Portland.
W. It. Mcltoberts, Spokane.
K, I.ohaugh, Spokane.
F. I.ohaugh, Spokane.
C. U Downer, Spokane.
1). N. .McDonald. Walla Walla.
It. H. Stoeker. Spokane.
J. O. Perkins, city.
.M. Dlx, city.
Foreign Demand and Price Encourag
ing to Growers.
Salem. Sept. L'l Some low sales
of hops are being made, the price
thus far paid Ix-lng to :;! cents
a pound. There are a good many
samples of tho earlier pick, and mold
Is showing in some of them. When
the hops trom the best yards come
In thoy will be found to bo all right.
The market icmalna steady, not
only locally, hut In foreign countries
as well, and it may bo said that It
has scarcely opened yet. A tele
gram from Ntiremburg, Germany, re
garding the hop situation there, says
the market Is quiet, hut that tho
prices for export are unchanged
The same conditions are reported
from tho London market, there being
little change In tho market quota
tions from thO!,o of tho past 10 days.
How's This?
Wo niter Our- Hundred Dollars llcnaril
fur any cno of ratnrrli th.it ran not lx
cured liy iiiiII'h Cuiiirrh Cure.
I' J. CHUNKY . I'll.. Toledo, I).
We. the linilenlined. lmvf known 1 .1.
limey for the hint 1,-, years, and Mleve
lilni perfectly Iwoornule In nil biiahiess
transaction and linauclally ahle to carrv
out any uMlinttlini nimlo l,y their firm '
VXl Ol'KUAX' W10,'M;U,' '"SKlts.
W.l'.il'lNiJ. K.N.AN .. MAItVIN, Whole
wile nrmaclH", Toledo, o.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Intcrnallr.
nctluK directly tipvn the blood anil mucous
nurraces of the syttem. TojtlmonUhi
ST'iESwi" 7r,c ,HT M,le' M
Hall's Family fills are the best
Farms for Sals,
Wp now havo listed for salo some
of tho best wheat farms and stocl:
ranches in tho county. All tho places
nro well Improved and well supplied
with water. AUo somo very- deslr
ab o city property. Call and get
prices, "
Don't undo the good your vacation
has douo you by drinking poor water
or putting Inforior co Into tho boil
ed water. Ten cents worth of Ice per
day will supply an ordinary family
with plenty of drinking water. lie
Hiiro, though, that you get good ice,
Call up 'phono Main isst and set
Zs Kant.Wa,Cr
Do You Want a Cab?
When you want prompt and rella
The McKay Cab Co.
Prosecuting Attorney of Spoka
n,o r.tnrU- of the nev
Publlshlnq Company Placed on
Assessment Rolls,
ar,r,.on B.llll Hi PfO
Attorney Horace Kimball today 1
., lln,, Ir, flllintV All'II
a. Stewart, author zing and Instruct
Ing tho latter to place upon inu .1
" . n npnii!ii nronor
3cssmeui ions .ia ' , . 1
tho membership In tho Associated
Press held by W. 11. uowics. u.
of tho Spokesmnn-ueviow mm
n,ittmia tho Chronicle
Iltlllotin, and declaring mm im
Hon of tho hoard of equalization 1
striking tho same on me rum
'!, tho lumrd nf onuali.ati
la3t month struck oil' tho franclii
assessments of the hpoitem.;u-
niirnnlKlx tlnniitv Asses
Fred Leghorn, as a residont taxpay
er, demanded of the auditor that he
assess to W. H. CowIoh. owner of tho
properties, a memhorsnl;) in the As
sociated P'OSB.
The auditor asked lUlvlen of the
county's legal advisor, and Deputy
Prosecuting Attorney Mlloi Pomdex
tor repl'ed as follows:
"Statute 1, Bal. makes It the
.!..(. r,f Inn noimtv ntlllltor to place
upon tho assessment rolls any prop
erty which has uoen ommcu
t nnmamnlll with tilO
organization known as the Associated
Press, giving the holder tiro exclu
sive right to publish the press dis
patches of said association within
certain territory. Is property, and as
such, subject to taxation."
Tho auditor In accordance with t.ic
if,r,.ii flin assessment upon
the personal property list or W. H.
Cowles. The board ot equalization,
against the advice o.' tho prosecut
otifirnov fti-ilmiwl that the as-
sossment be stricken from the rolls,
which waa also tioii'3. .
A rurthor demand was made upon
the auditor by Leghorn that ho place
again upon tho rolls, and the aiiuitor
inquired vhotiier it was uis hud "
so do after tho action ot the equali
zation uoard.
In his reply. .Mr. KiniDa 1 says
Til,, nutlmi nf tbn lininl of eiuiall-
zatlon was taken vlthnt't any uu-
tnority wnatsoover on uieir pan.
...nti.n. i...lii 11.I111II1' li.ivnml lliriir
IIIL- UlllllVI UVIU i.iiw.ij
jurisdiction. It was proper und was
your duty to place upon the assess
ment rolls against tho holder thereof
lor taxation that certain contract or
agreement with tho organization
known as the Associated press as
taxable property.
r .nlvlun Mini 1, lu VMIIf lllltV .'fl
forthwith place tho same upon said
assessment rolls."
Employes Want More Pay and Short
er Hours.
tit fl,.l fltir. C..I Ol A
grlevunco committee representing the
p.-ir nroii nf tin, fntlr,i rir,..'it Ji)rtlio!-n
system Is In St. Paul formulating tie-
luaiius which win u piesenieu tu
the inanacoment of the svstem with
in a few days.
The car men have not yot com
pleted tho schedule of tho demands
whlpli thin 11,-nurmt lull It tc atoti.it
that It will Include many minor dc-
manus, wiin 1110 question or wages
.11111 uours aw me imiiuriuui leuiure.
It will be dellveri'd tn tho ro.id Iatt
this week.
President Hill, to whom tho ques
tions between tho road and Itsflremeu
and engineers have been referred.
umiii:i reu wiin 1110 consoiiuaieii
grievnnco committee representtng
these branched yesterday without
result. The men nrnily refused to
compromise. The dispute has been
lv..i,i .11... t. t- tflll ....... ...II..
n..... i,,i.- 111 .111. mil !!.'l iMIIl.tll ,
Indicating that it has reached an
acute stage. Anotuor coiili-nmce
lias lx.'eii called, at which conipio
inlse propositions made yesterday
will be again discussed, "in an effort
to rfi.lfh nrt iinnorclnnfllii.r
The Northern Pacific engineers
and iiremen scheduled to meet in
St. Paul yesterday to present slml-
mi in-iii.uiu.i 101 iiiereuso in pay, will
wait until the iroubles on tho (ireat
Northern give promise of a settle
ment. None of the members of tho
Northern Pacllic commltteo havo yot
reached St. Paul.
Notice to Patrons.
Having rented the retull depart
ment ot my butcher business to Mr.
A. D. Augustavo, an experienced
butcher of Walla Walla, 1 myself will
conduct tho wholesalo part of said
business, and nil persons ltnowlug
themselves Indebted to mo will please
call at tho markot and settlo their ac
counts. Mr. August&Yo also doslres
to announce thnt thn iuiim n,m i.
conducted as It has been, and all pat
rons of the ninrlto will rntnlirsv 41...
same courteous' treatment as hereto-
Tho (! hi ram vnim - 1...
, , J"""b "Hill Willi IOOK
E "?,rlz a?.a 'leslgner ot women's
his own Fedora after a night out with
Will Be Seen at the Frazer Next Fri
day Night.
The furiously funny fnrco coined),
"Where Is Cobb?" comes to the gra
zer theater for one night, Soptcmbsr
2Bth. The comedy was written bj
Louis Eagan. and It Is sure to nttraof
theator-goers who arc always or the
r..- cimntlllnir HOW. "WllOn?
Is Cobb?" unlike most of Its Mini.
has a plot ami n consistent, ui v,
I. iilncs on n most COlll'
. tf We oiiillnf ftlUl ClVOS
ample room for the I"''1'!0' 'V'
numerous specialties 01 wu .n". -,i
..f .i.i.inh nro entirely new
I,. ih West. The "Where Is cooih
Kino, tin "i nil.- . , -,,
company numbers among us
. i ,.p im rlovnrnst come-
neis Buvui.ii ui , .
dlans on our stage today, s ch s
Itohert Lawrence. Harry
n " ! v,. novo Harry Pollard,
... 1,1. ii.,i,ih nnnriro tho young-
est and prettiest Ingenue before the
r.nnrerts Have Met
ii.,:.,rcni rivar.
n.t,o-.iii,.ivv Interest will hi' -1'
inched to the approaching appearance
of the Ellory Hand nore uei..u.-v
Is to play on Sunday-quite an Inno
vation in Pendleton. Mr LUery, he
manager of the hand, writes that the
n 1.... n,,ira hv the hand have
niiiiiui.i iv'' '. , . ,
been successful always and partlcii-,
tnrlv so In Cities aim luwun mn."
ii, ....nolo were unite mtaceustomod
to Sunday .theater-going. Mr. Ellery
Is a llrm liellnver in musi-.- us 11
class eivlllzer and holds that many
true Christians should welcome the
effort to Introduce tho element ol
hlgli-class music into our Puritan
Sabbath, thus rendering the day more
agreeable without in any way de
tracting from its sacred chaiacter
This band will appear at the Fra.e.'
next Saturday and Sunday.
..tn i..r.,ni th l..n.w.ill;pr Will
he draw back or will he take the final,
fatal step? A great many people are 111
neril like Hie sleep-walker. Ihey are
diseased. Tte disease is progressing
day by day. The tune comes wueu one
more step aw.iv from health is fatal.
The man who has suffered from indi
gestion or gastric trouoie
foes some ni"llt to a
1 limner ami returns home
to find he lias taken that
last step from health
which cau never 1 tak
en back.
To neglect the cure
of indigestion or some
other form of stomach
trouble is dangerous. It
is also inexcusable. Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery cures diseases
of the stomach ami other
organs of digestion aud
nutrition. It purifies
1 ln blood, stimulates the
Oliver, cures biliousness,
: , .i!-..!.....-. i.ii:
anu cumiiuucs uuiuua
poisons from the sys
tem, nThe prahe I would like
to give our 'Coliltfn Medical
Discovery' I ciuuot niter In
word or deecrilic with kh,
iriitci la-. B AmbTow, JSfl .
of nos 'i Mi&lin St., Hunt
1 iaj.aon, t a. -1 ucu
uith what our phyl?ian& said tva imlijretion
l UOCloreil wiin inc oel Brvuuu uric mil muuu
110 relief. I wrote yon, ami yon ailviicil uie to
me Dr. Pierce' ColJen Medical Discovery. I
took three bottle and I felt so good tint I
ttopped being- cured. I hc 00 symptom or
gastric Iroub'e or indigestion ua.n
11 jou asK your ueaier ior "iioiuen
Millfit TIIm.,11',-1 f lw-Mllii. i-nll llnv
confidence in its cureew do not allow
uiiiacii in irc sniiium uu in lutuiiiiii:
claimed to be "just as i;ood," but which
.1:., . A- e 1 ..f ...i.t .i.
yuu inu not jjk lur aim ui wiueu uu
know nothing,
You can get the People's Common
Sense Medical Atlvher, looS pages, pa-
ner covrrfl. fret liv srltilini' 21 nn.ri-nt
ttamps, to pay expense of inniling only.
Address Dr. R. V Pierce, BuU'dto, N. Y.
Come to us for
Large Stoves
Small Stoves
Round Stoves
Heating Stoves
Cook Stoves
Aii Tight Stoves
Wood Stoves
and Coal Stoves
huts assortment air tij;Iit Stoves
$3.00 to $13,00
W'c will make it worth vottr while
if you will call and inspect our stock
and j;et our prices.
V. S t r o M e
Complete House Furnisher
Court Street
tho most dreaded and deadly ot all
diseases, as well as pneumonia, and
all Lung Troubles are rolleved at
once nnd cured by Acker's English
Itemedy "tho king of all Cough Curea.'"
jUrCS COUcha Anri inlila 1.. . .1A a.
i a r,,Y?ur mony back 't dlssatls-
In1 IT' I , m .
V . ""lu 4"r tree sample, w. H.
Facts About the American Indian's
Healthy Hair.
Tho American Indian uccustmned
from time Immemorial to go bare
h "a le.l In all kinds of weather, 1b
uovcr troubled with falling hair or
baTheCScioso atmosphere caused by
our "civilized" hcail-gear is conducive
to the breeding ot lullnlteslmal germs
which ills into tho scalp and thrive
on the sap ot the hurt-root.
This true cause of baldness Is of
recent discover- and explains tho
non-success of an "-;'.'." '." re
treated baldness as a functional dls-
rNewhro,s Herplclile Is a direct ox
termmafo0.' of the germ. "UW
tho cnuso and permits tho hail to
grow as nature fiUentled.
Sold by lending rugglsts Send
10c In stamps for sample to H10 Her-
..i. .1.1.. n rwitrn t AlICll ' "
Schmidt & Co., Bpechtl ngents.
Mokl Tea positively cures Sick
Headache, Indigestion and Constipa
tion. A delightful herb drink. Re
moves all eruptions of the skin, pro-
. .1 .... 1 r trtnnnv
diiclng a porrect coiiipiuaiuh
refunded. 2Sc and BOc. Write to lis
for free sample, W H. Hoo kor & Co.,
Hilftalo, N. Y. F W. Schmidt & Co.,
lVseoses nil the soothing
nntl liMtling virtues of our
inttlve white pine eom
blnetl hi a ptilatuhli; form.
It Is unexcelled for
and cents
( er bottle
F. W. Schmidt's
The Koliablu Druggist
fostoflice Illocl. I'lione .Main Sjl
Carryalls for picnic parties, Good
teams with competent drivers for
commercial men. Speedy horses and
hniidsomo rls for evening nnd Sun
day drives. Gentle horses for family
use. Stock boarded at reasonable
rates. Best ot cars ulven t0 transient
stock. Opposite Hotel Pendleton
Thoue Main 101
Oregon. Portland.
Saint Helen's Hall
Home ami Day School for
Blrls of all tiKOH Academic
and College Preparatory courses
us well as thorough Primary
Instruction. Meal situation on
'he outskirts of city of Port
laud. Uusliet hall. tennis,
horseback riding. Year book
M'ut on application.
Made of Mi-
oughljr saturated with
P&B compound. Not
unpaired by varying
temperatures. Does
not evaporate, crack,
expand or contract.
A low priced roofing that can
not be equaled. a ,, j,,.
The Paraffine Paint Co.
SSA Portland, Loi Anol..
tni Denvtr, Colorado,
-I1s.bak at J
V m charRS0i
t'onary business I
PT A CO or,. ""I
5' tn,
TV. I i
siepiione ia
Prompt delivery.
The Cd
A ..... ,,
.Jll.UiJ .
skilled work-m..'!
to tliR appcarancil
tenor or exterijl
nonic, business
other buildinirc i
onlv skilled
only the best
Our paper had
perts and our i J
naner thr
bright ideas ol ill
4 shown in our storil
I C. d: J
Opera HoustB
Let us filiji
bin with . I
Recognized as
and most e:onotl
We are prepaid
tract with yom
winter's supply -
liver coal or
part of the city.
Main Street
Model Light (A
R:4ness Dfl
i...nn.ln,w lunur Ml1
tun ty to tee "V. mSb"
rtolng tollKhtcuthe'K
vehicles aftord one oi
ltemember we have U
- i.. y
clad bub
Outer i' "Sal
eaulcat running wyo"
.Z i . ..nrt rillf ul
w mane, uu; r-"- ,letim
tire et on our liydj4 1
old way, l.t loop V,
cis, ,uopifu ctm
ichmldt & Ca