East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 23, 1903, Image 8

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fUTK :
Stylish j
Shoes 1
That have the wearing
(uallty and give perfect
sud comfortable (Its are
the kind we handle.
Our special shoes for
boys wiar like Iron.
IDmdinger, Wil
son & Co.
khor of Irrlaatlon Law Finds It
Impossible to Attend Oregon Meet
corge H. Maxwell, author of the
lonal Irrigation act. and executive
ilrman of the National Irrigation
delation, was Invited by the Ore
i delegation at Ogden to attend
meeting of tlio State Irrigation
loclatlon In this city. In Novem
but the gentleman said in view
.Wnvlrma mi.nrFImontH it Wnllltl 1)G
msr.v ....
;;jf;f,;poasll)lo for Mm to arrange
't'Aiiie io come.
'h laxwell lias Just completed a
ni-.JuiHtern tour In which ho snoUo in
kauc. Seattle and Portland, and
Ing to his nbsenco from homo for
; nast month, ho must necessarily
lllno future engagements at pros-
Ho was one of the ablest men
llho congress, and wh.io there Is a
png feeling against mm in Kansas,
J.tliS'lbrado and Calltornla on account
P'Jttfiflils attonmt to merge the Trans-
'iitalsalpnl congress and the Nation
;Jf;!fAlrrlgation Association, yet ho is
iii-tj of tho lenders in the movement
i'.lif ono of tho most brilliant advo
!' it'fs of national reclamation In the
Is posslhlo that tlio author of
ffc! MJUKinno irrigation laws win Do pros-
'Jt 8hlelds' Park Torn Down.
n..t..1.n.l AMn.,ln tht
"uinuiuii miiDiiuu luiuuvtii wi
?ber from the lot formerly occu-
by Shields' Park, today. Tho
era and lumber was purchased
.i.T. M. I-owe. nnd will he used In
VA.f ' frnmo wnrlr nf n nnw dwolllnc.
'iiv'!'ch ho will erect In the near fu
I 'Ftif' on High street, In tin' vicinity
lijfj'he high school building.
!J The Merchants' Cafe.
'eons constantly on hand import-
'flkV-'JIohorv irat, Frankforlers, Ham-
mWi 5 cols' crawnal. crabs, oysters,
ifl&Y kinds of cheese. Hot merchants'
M )h dally from 11:30 a. m. to 3 p, m.
Struck Because a Foreman Was Dl
charged Who Would Not Discharge j nf irrigation,
a Laborer General
Claims He Can Get Laborers When
He Needs Them.
! nnd what of good will spring from It.
. it. trnllai- In unenkhur of the mat-
lor thinks that one of tho chief
points of benefit to this part of tho
stnto Is the enthusiasm that was en
gendered by tho visit and tho com
have returned from Ogden, there has
been much Interest In what was dono
mingling of all of the Irrlgatlonlsts
of tho country. I
Another thing In what tho men
f. thin utnin Hnw thcro In tho way
irrlsatlim. The people of that
Foreman country have taken land not h for-,
tile oy inr as mm ul .. ,
by tho use of water have made one
of the richest districts In tho nation.
Tlio natural advantages there arc not
so many as here, nnd there woro more
problems to overcome. Tho cost ot
Irrigating was greater, and we of this
state have the advantage In every
way. For these reasons the people
of this state should bo ready and wil
ling to belli the problem of Irrigation
In every wuy that is possnne.
Thn best way to hasten tho con
also have a couple of
All of the workme non tho Court
street sower construction unit work
this morning, and as a result the
construction is crippled to soiih ox
tent, though J. F. Sliultz, the general
foreman, claims that tho slackness of
the work Is owing to tho fnct that
the sewer Is crossing Main street to
day and but a few men can ho used
until the line Is once moro strung ,.,. ntin ,,f thn plans of tho ongln
out uloug the sine street. I ,,,,rs atu ,rng tho country under the
Yesterday afternoon Shult.: re lvllk,,. s SC(! thnt there arc laws
(piested .less Ward, the foreman "f 1 ,un,0 ' nH 8oon ns possible for the
tho Court street gang, to discharge ; ,o)l) ()f (.ovornnicnt In establish
a man named Jim Duke, one of the j tho w()r- Any obstacle In tho
shovel hands on the Court street I st.,,.us (,.lt nmv. exists should be
work, as his work was not satlsrac- .,mm,ted. and the way made clear
tory. The foreman refused, nnd ns a . . institution of tho plans of the
result lost his job. Tills morning , ,,()Vcrnmet. Water rights should be
when tlio men camo m wunv mo;
asked that their foreman be reinstat
ed, and when it was not done, they
put their shovels nnd picks In the
tool house und quit.
There Are Others.
As n result, only one of the men
In the gang stayed with bis Job, and
he was a boy. Tho loreman claims
that when ho wants more men lie
will ha-ve all that lie can use. nut
that until the ditch crosses Alain!
street ho will use a small gang and
work them In little space, so as not,
to Interfere with tralllc more than Is
necessary. Every nay now is piec
looked into, the nnnortlonment of the
water over tho land, nnd tho distri
bution of tin- same should ho detor- it?
mined, and all of the details, as far,
as possible, should bo fixed, so that t a
when the time for the government v
to open the work comes there will be ,
nothing to delay the consummation or
its plnns.
W. F. .Matlock, who was also at
the congress, Is of tho opinion thnt
the best thing the people of this sec
tion can do Is to keep tlio matter of i
Irrigation before the state und see
that they keep It before tho national
that hniiy win noi ior-
Large Attendance Expected From
Neighboring Towns Stock Show
Will Be Held on the Island Ex
pected That Exhibit Will Be so
Large as to Require Annexes.
Arrangements have been made by
tlw. mmmtrpinnnt of the carnival to
run excursions over tho O. It. & N,
from as far ns Hoppnor to this city
during tlio week. Mr. J. O'Neal, the
traveling passenger agent of llic
company, was In the city yesterday
and has mado arrangements for tho
reduction in rates and tho excur
sions, The gentleman stated that
from what ho had heard along tho
lino there would he large ciowd3
bore from the outside. It would be
the policy of the company to do all
that was In Its power to ninko ilie
week n success.
Mr Hallcy has made arrangements
In hold the stock show In tho largo
tent on the island. The carnival
.m,inn- will
omniinr tents, nnd should the lar?o
ono not ho nblo to hold all of the ex
hibits, theso can bo used for tho sur
plus. I
Sir. Halley Is now very busy with
tho correspondence thnt tins arisen
nut nf thn coming carnival, and his i
part in bringing hero tlio stock part t ..()r Lifebuoy Bonp for nil hoiieho(i
of tho show. Prom the encourage- U()es wjlt,rt. H f,(mi cllHlnfuctnnt aud
ment lie is receiving, ho will bo nblo cleaner is needed. lu my opinion It
to glvo the people ono of tho best ox- ), nn equal, nnd hnvo used it for the
hlbltlons of fine stock that has over ,m8t two .venrs. Kliznbeth Tornllnsor,
been shown In tho eastern part of tho 1 H217 Mt. Vernon St., Philadelphia. '
stato, I
Used For ftkt
Two Years
It Is with pleasure I recommend
Returned From the Valley,
r Rlntnr has roturnel from
r Otwl T.1filil!nv Pfinn pmiitl fvcll
...in ci, ..,i nrimr. : ".i """"" "
VISIl ill i-limuim -j...- eiUim KM 11, linn i;iict.-iiuiij i ''I'lMllIHt'lHl
valley points. Ho went to Portland )t, ns ft nuperior (llsinfeotnnt for all
to attend a session of the federal , household purposes. It Is espeolally
circuit court In nn Indian InnJ case, R0()( ,, civst.s (,f slokneHs from con-
nnd while in tho valley wont on to tnioiiH diseases. H. I. Clillds, Drug.
Salem, whore lio visited relatives and Kst, Cor. Ferry and Jlelmont Sb..
saw tlio stnto fair. Maiden, Mass. '
Judge Balleray Returned. ,
I. .1. Ilnlloray has returned from n ,
visit to Portlnnd, whoro ho has boon
for tho last two weeks. While away
ho was tlio guest of ox-Governor V.
P. Lord at Salem for a time.
fvH STOMACH (tt.
" a c i- v
FKid that re-
jfOjr- mains imdifrfs
ttd soon fer
ments, cnusim;
pain and dis
tress A (lose of
the jllttiTH. be
fore meals will
insure perfect
digestion and
Dyspepsia and
Tryo bottlo,
All druggUtH.
: cu s ature. so
lous to the constructors of the works. 1 get the appropriations that arc need
ier they have far to go heloro they pd to carry on the worn, ine go
flnlRli their contract, and not much eminent Is now doing all that It can
tlmn in which to make tho distance. ; In the direction of Irrigation, and will ,
If It wero to transpire that more men do moro in tlio years to come If it ,
could not be lind io fill tho places of thinks and sees that the people oi .
the strikers, the work would be de- the country nro anxious for the work1 5,,
layed and the contractors would be and willing tn do their share in car- cp
seriously Inconvenienced. j ryiug out the directions of tho ce:i-
Mr, Shtllts! says that tho reason 1 tral government. The people 01
Ward was uiscnargeo was 111.11 ne i;asiern iircgou hiiouiu eunvmce '.'"
as not competent to run the gang I icnresentatlves at Washington
thev are In earnest about the
WRECK ABOUT CLEARED UP. , and thev will have al of tho assist- (;J
mice that they need. 1-nws should fjj
Company Will Sell Coal to Highest i be made by tho state legislature ami (ti Art r PIPAD
Bldder-Thlrteen Cars a Total ' enthusiasm kept up among the peo- HUO U U H h
, plo of the districts to he henelltPii hv w w
S" , r, (irrigation. i
Fnroninn V. ' llnnnds. o the 0. U. ,
'They Royally Entertained Ladies of i
! the Eastern Star. j
Last night tho gentlemen of the it;)
llnstern Star entertained the ladles
i tlio r .
& N., hilled most of the scrap Iron
and tho cars that were saved from
tlie Cayuso wreck, to Alhiua today.
Out of a total of 1" cars wrecked, 18
are a total loss. Four steel coal cars
wero saved and will he repaired at
the Alblna shops. Portions of two
box cars will also bo saved although
they are badly damaged.
The Best 5 Cent Cigar
on Earth
of the order at the hall. The gentle
men had entire charge of the occa-
Thorn Is nliout 4011 tons of excellent i slon. and did things as they shuuld
coal In the wreckage. That portion have been done. They bought the
of tho coal lying near the tracu will j bamiuct. put It on the tallies and
ho gathered un by the company aud served It. In fact, they were the
brought to tills city, hut a large slaves of the ladles for tho tlmo he
amount of It Is scattered down tho
embankment out of reach, and this
Will ip soil! to the highest blddo-, in
th penr future,
J " Who Is it that does not ap--
feclate a sweet, delicate odor,
,!', japeclally of the dainty, last
it ,ng kind! Wo havo tho largest
j' iine of Imported and domestic
:f erfumes In Eastern Oregon.
X few of our leading imported
' Mors are:
j Aiurea, La Trefle,
f-eau cr tipagne,
Oregon Has More Natural Advanta
ges Than Utah.
Since the sessions or tho Irrigation!
Congress are over anil the delegates I
, Vlolette de Parme,
I j 1 (naian Hay.
,', And many moro of the samo
r luallty in b-ilk as well as
' jancy packages.
Lending Druggists
Ing. After the banquet games wero , a,
played, songs woro sung, and a goner
nl uihhI time was had hv all. Thn ' lJ!!
principal musical feature of tlio eve
ning was a male quartet,
During the evening there was a
bean throwing contest In which the
ladles proved themselves to bo tlio
lienor competitors, .urs. r, a. iiiuiiK-j.
er winning the llrst prize, All of tho ( S
ladles wero given bouquets of cut J
(lowers by their hosts. The affair!
was voted a grand success by all In
Save the bands and
get a ticket to the
Despain & Clark,
Just Received
J-ju uuce
Killed by a Fall.
Walla Walla. Sent. 23. W. H.
I Crandall, the aged farmer who fell
, from a barn loft at his place six miles
i west of Walla Walla a week ago to-
day. and sustained Injuries about tlio 1
1 head nnd body, died nt the Walla
Walla hospital at 1 o'clock this after-'
noon. Kur sovcral days ho has been!
In n critical condition. His injuries'
consisted ehlolly of concussion of tho
hraln and an Injured back.
Baking Powder
The rcniirluble Increase In consumption
rores Its purity and wholeiomenes.
With a Coupon
Guests of Dr. Berry.
Miss (Jertrudo Hammond and .Miss
Kugeule Hammond, of Walla Walla,
tho sistcrs-ln-lnw ot Dr. W. U Horry,
of the Quaker doctors, nro at the
Pendleton, the guests of Dr. nnd
.Mrs. llerry.
It is perfection in tlio butter making art.
It is always sweot and good,
It is recognized as the best pioduct that comes from
any creamerv.
-It is a butter once tried, always used.
It is handled in Pendleton exclusively by
Knights Templar,
T C. Taylor left this morning for
Albany, whero ho goes to attend tho
meeting of tlio Grand Commandcry of
im- rwiiKuis rempiar, which meets
in nun city tomorrow.
Photographers' Convention.
C, S. Wheeler, tho photographer.
ett this morning for Salem, whero
win aucnu tne sessions of the
muio rnoiogrnphers" convention,
which has Its opening meeting there
imiilj ,
Plain Drunks.
I'o Hillings and John union were
arrested this morning charged with
drunkenness and wore sentonod io
three days In the city jail by Judge
Kltz Gerald.
Will Naturalize.
James Francis Conlan, a nati.-o of
w.uui urnain, touny tiled li8 declar
ation of citizenship with the county
Ilov. It, W. King will sell nt nri.
vate salo, stoves, lurultiiro and car-
Jly exprev' a new lmueh of
neckwear, scarlet midget four-in-hauds,
the latest era.e for
both men and women, and a
thousand other styles.
Weean please you in under
wear, we have It from the
cheapest to the silk and wool or
silk aud linen.
Our hats are here and they aie
beauties, all the latest noveltlei,
cowboy slmpeH with leather
binds, also the panama shapes
which are worn so much in the
When you want anything new
lu furnishings come and we us,
we have Cooper's Underwear,
l'flster's Sweaters, Dents' Gloves
and the lt ot everything.
Men's FuroishlngH.
We will give away, FREE without
money and without price --in Dec, 19o3:
$100.oo in Gold Coin
as follows:
$60.00 First Prize
$25.oo Second Prize
$15.oo Third Prize
Tickets Given with Each Sf.oo
ourchase--We have the largest and best
assorted stock of goods we have ever shown
in Pendleton, bought for SPOT CASH, ena
bles us to meet the sharpest competition
from any and all quarters, and this we will
do. We assure the citizens of Umatilla and
adjoining counties it will afford us much
pleasure to have the opportunity of proving
our assertions. So come and see us before
buying your Fall and Winter Supplies.
We are determined if Good Goods, Lat
est Styles and Lowest Prices will accomplish
it, to make this the busiest season we have
ever had since locating in the city. We
have a competent and affable corps of Gen
tlemen and Lady Clerks who will take great
pleasure in showing you any goods in our
The Feast is prepared, so come and
Thanking our friends for their liberal
patronage heretolore, we remain
iVery Truly Yours
-- 1
We keep nothing but puro
natural ico, frozen from pure,
clear mountain wntor. It goes
farther and lasts longor than
artificial ice. All wo nsk la an
unprejudiced trial of our Ice.
Why not ordor a case of the
celebrated Schlltz, A. B C or
aambrinus for your Sunday
'Phone your order to Main
- - - w ax 1 jL -
STORE WILL HP. hkaiwui).
ters (or (be Big Crowd on Carnival days,
OCT. (, 7, 8, 10. We are making all kinds
oi arrangements lo entertain everybody that
comes. Look over the following lis, and perhaps
yon w.ll see articles thnt you may need before
the show
Hero's Our Winner
black, blue a-t qq
and tan... OliuO
Ladies' Walking Skirts from $1.50 to
$7.50. Ladies' Mercerised Black Petticoats
$1.00 to $5.00. Ladies' Drop-stlioh and
Lace Hose 25 and 50c. Ladies' Knit and
MuBlin Underwear. Ladies' Bead Girdles,
Purses, Combs, Bags, Meckwear and Belts.
f he Big Boston Store
nomo goon bargains.
"tfilSMHMIBB m