East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 23, 1903, Image 5

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Knit Goods
Just received, a large shipment of Knit Goods, in Shawls,
bacques, Bootes, 'Hoods and Capes. Some beautiful designs
in Shawls at from 50c to $1.00 each.
New Shirt Waists
Don't overlook our Shirt Waist counter. It is loaded
down with good values at from $1.00 to $4.50. Twenty
four New Wool Waists received this morning by express.
The latest out in blue, white, red and black Call and see
them at once as the prices we have placed on them will
make them move rapidly.
Lee Teut soli's Big
Corner Main and Alta
City Brevities
,,lo' V C Itadcr?
fresh fruit dally at Martin's,
smokers' supplies at Neuman'B.
See Sharp's artistic wall paper.
Kr li fish, game and poultry. Cas
tle -
For Rent A piano. Apply at this
Kefngerated meats. Schwartz &.
Greulleh Co.
all up 'Phone Main 18S1 when you
wurt pure Ice.
K- w books arriving dally at Fra
riprs book store.
French pattern ureas hats on dls
at .Mrs. Campbell's.
Try the Palm, 221 Court street,
f uuts, candles and fruits.
Kill patterns for suits and trousers
,o display at Seibert & Schulz's.
All kinds of Imported and domestic
(uunhes and clam chowder at Gratz's.
We have fruit Jars and fruit jar
extras, rubbers, covers, etc. It. Itobr
man Look over your house furniture.
c can refinl.sh It like new. Wilson
& Carnlne, 'phone maiu black 104;!.
Estimates g'ven on short notice on
palntlup and paper hanging. Charles
Lane the pioneer painter, 80" Vin
cent street.
Pure crystal Ice don't cost any
more than Inferior Ice, and is so
much cleaner and more healthful.
' 'Plume Main 1881.
Four hundred acres 30-bushel
wheat land, 8 miles out. Level, deep
sol! bin spring runlng water. Price
S4.500 E T. Wade & Sou.
Be Dealt
Too Carefully :
Tlipy arc the most delicate
organs o( sense and if they are
painful and your vision is not
perfect come and have your
eyes tested. Don't neglect
We understand the eyes and
are equipped with the most
msdern instruments for test
ing them.
The Advanced
and Optician ;
New Shipment of Tar key
and Ostrich Dusters
io inch Turkey, ioo feathers special 35c. 14 inch Tur
key, 100 feathers special 50c. 12 inch carriage duster 120 tail
feathers, special 75c. 8 inch parlor duster (Ostrich,) special
i 25. Sisil duster for removing dirt from furniture special 50c.
Our Ice Cream will please you. If you ever had any
better ours wont cost you a cent. Wn will let you be the judge.
OS Htujw from Main Streot towurd the Court House
U C Radcr, M. A.
See Sharp for paper hanging,
Best shoe repairing at Teutsch's
For the best bread, get Rohrman's,
If you want a cab, call up Main
Get your clothes cleaned at Joer,
Buy a fountain pen this week at half
price at Frazler s.
For Sale Alfalfa hay. See Dave
Ingram, this office.
Now rcady-madi skirts arriving
dally at Toutscli
New carpets and linoleums at Ha
dor's furniture store.
Wanted Cook; inquire of Frank
B. Clopton at house or office.
Children's school shoes that wear
and look well, at Tejtsch'r.
Received dally, rresh tamales,
crabs and crawfish at Gratz s.
For prompt service, call up the Mc
Kay Cab Co., 'phone Main 101.
Ml Preferlda, the best cigar made,
U Hees' cigar store. Court street
New pipes, some rare beauties
prettiest line ever shown here. Han-
See Charles Lane about your paint
mg and paper hanging; 807 Vincent
Nicely furnished front room, con
trally located, for rent. Call at E. 0.
Latest books, Crano's and Hunt's
fine stationery and office supplies.
For Sale Good buggy mare, Hue
driver, perfectly safe, at Telephone'
See Wilson & Carnlne about paint
ing your buggies. Cottonwood street,
next door to Neagle Bros.
Don't overlook t.iose lino lots in the
Cole addition. Every block lias a 12
foot alley. E. T. Wade & Son.
Two pianos, slightly used. Great
bargains. Como quick. Inland Em
pire Piano House, near bridge.
We have a loug list of desirable
city and country property at low
prices. We can suit you. E. T. Wade
& Son.
Wanted Man and one or two
teams to haul wood at Meaeham. In
quire of J. .1. McConnell, 019 John
son street.
Green peppers, oulon pickles, cauli
flower pickles, cucumber pickles, egg
plant, turnips, celery and green t--matous
at Martin's Family Grocery
and Bakery,
Boss has been In the ice business
In Pendleton three years and has al
ways sold the best In the ico lino.
His motto lias been "No favorites,
treat all customers alike."
Did the boys miss you when dis
tributing our MONSTER CIUCU
LAH? You can get one at the stoie
If they did, or if you haven't time to
coniu, telephone to us, or send us
word und we will have one sent to
you post haste. The Peoples Wai
George Peterson, of Ia Grande,
was a business visitor In the city
T. G. Halley was a visitor In Adams
today, where he had a case before
the court at that place.
T. G. Halley was a visitor In Adams
today, where he had a caso before
the court at that place.
Mr. and Mrs. Gay Clark and faml
ly, of Athena, were tho guests of
friends In the city yesterday.
O. R. Ball, the traveling salesman
of the American Type Foundry, Is In
the city in tho Interests of the com
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hagen and
family left this morning for Athena
where they will bo the guests of
friends for a few days.
Engineer J. R, Oliver, formerly of
tho mountain division of the O. R. &
N., has resigned and will locato per
manently in Qulncy, 111.
S. V. Knox, the veteran lawyer and
jurist of Weston, was In tho city to
day and yesterday, having business
to transact beloro the court.
Nat H. Webb, of Walla Walla, was
In tho city today on route to Hpnpne;
where he has large sheep interests
which he Is going to look after.
L. E. Therkelsen and-O. P. Bark
well left this morning for Walla
Walla, to look after their piano in
terests In that part of tho country,
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Root-evclt and
children left this morning for Port
land, whore they will bo the guests of
Mrs. T. F. Rourke, the sister of Mr,
H. W. Stewart left this morning for
Itoseburg, where he will investigate
the advantages of a position offered
him as the cashier of the bank at
that place.
W. M. Pierce has gone to the Gran. I
Rotule country, where ho Is looking
alter the business or his mrje
ranches and starting the vork on the
coming crop.
A. S. Watt, of Portland, tho ex
agent of the O. R. & N is in the
city to assist In the representation of
the tax case that comes before ihe
county court today.
Bert Macy left this morning for
Spokane, alter a visit In this city
with his brother Frank Mary, of the
Boston Store. Mr. Mncy Is employed
in the postofilcc department at Spo,
Frank Buchet, or Walla Walla. I'j
in the city today en route to Bu!r
City 011 a business trip. Mr. Buchet
Is well known here and vlslled w itli
his friends of this town while wail
ing lor his train.
Mr. Carlyle Goes for a Walk With
the Baby and Does Not Return.
Some excitement was caused in Hie
neighborhood of Walters' mill yes
terday afternoon by J. A. Carlyle, of
Baker City. Carlyle has been for
some time separated from his wife,
and tho lady came to this city to visit
her sister, who lives near the mill
Yesterday afternoon Carlyle went
to the house and after some talk with
his wife asked to take their little
child out for a short walk. She con
sentcd, and that was the last that
was seen of the child until this morn
Ing, when Mr. Carlyle was found at
the depot with It In his arms. He
was persuaded to leave It with Its
mother, and peace was once more re,
Who Are the Leaders?
You know how every store claims
to bo tho BIGGEST without tho least
regard to the truth or falsity of the
claim. Well, If you ever were in any
doubt as to which store leads in this
man's town, just get onto the trouble
we have ripped up. By way of expla
nation, let's reminisce a little. Tho
Peoples Warehouse gave to some one
of Its many patrons u parlor set
worth $50 in IS'JO. It has given away
since two round trip tickets to Chi
cago and return for the World's
Fair In 18S3, four bicycles, two gold
watches, two Krag-Jorgenben rllles.
We never had any occasion to regret
having given these articles, and so
concluded tho tlmo was ripe lor an
other gift, but in tho meantime The
Peoples Warehouse has grown and
so must make presents proportionate
ly better, and that's the reason why
on Saturday, October 01st, we are
going to present to our patrons a
S1CD.00 rubber-tired top buggy, a
round trip ticket to St. Ixiuls World's
Fair, value $75.00. and ladles' ' $50.00
suit, or fur coat in tho house, her
own selection, any man s ?zo.uo over
coat In the house, his own selection,
and his choice of any John B, fatet
son hat In the house Now just you
watch the other ones fall In lino and
you'll know thou that The Peoples
Warehouse aro tho LEADERS and
that's a cinch.
Does Not Recover.
Mrs. Martin Anderson returned
this morning from Hot Lake, where
she has been with Mr. Anderson for
somo time. Mr. Anderson went to
tho lake for tho benefit of his health.
At first It was thought that he had
appendicitis, but later tho physicians
concluded that It was lullammatoiy
rheumatism that was troubling lilm.
Ho went to tho sanatorium at Hoi
Lake In hopos that the waters then:
would benefit him, but nis recuvury
JP 11
Tho head of our Cloak and Suit Dcparlmont visitod all tho loading cloak
houses in tho East, so wo aro able to show what is boing worn in tho fashion
centers. Wo can show you somo of tho gannonta displayed in tho GONGRLSS
of FASHIONS vei:intly hold in Now York. Tailor suits will be in great de
mand this fall. The radical change in tho suit jacket from short to long is
reason enough. Tho straight round walking skirt suit has gained in popularity
and will sell largely. Many fancy materials aro in evidence, especially Home
spuns, Mixtures and tho Mannish Materials.
w: 'ws Muslin Underwear
The new silk waists
Story About Coffee.
"A Little Story About Coffee," hi
the subject of a very Interesting aru
Instructive article which appears on
the sixth page of this paper. Tin
story is written by one of tho most
proficient coffee dealers In the ht.tre
and Rives a detailed description of
the process through which the (ler
rles, which malie the wholesoiiM ind
delicious beverage, pass In being
prepared, converted Into roasted cor
lee. Much thought was given l.i th"
preparation of the story, and It
should bo read by all, as some aplen
did pointers are given,
Fall Trade Good
it I good anil that's a fuct
niVH Mr. Finnerun to our repor
ter. How do you account for It,
when others are complaining
about the fall trade I" atked lilm.
Whv, I do not know uny other
good reason tlinn that the people
have found out that we uie ac
tually eellhii lietterblincH for the
money or the same iiallty for
lets money thun otherb do. It Ih
really remarkable how many
leople tbeie are who rmmik
about the "wiariui? quality" of
ourflioeH. Now that ib what we
pay for and you get when you
buy Douglax or Gloria or lied
Bchoolhouse Shoes. These shom
are sold at a price and no one
uttemutx to uudeibell them
they Dimply cun't und live. We
have found tiie least margin of
resistance to trade and that ac
counts for our Increase tills fall.
Now watch uh sell shoes. We
carry slices on live widths in all
foot form lasts -in all leathers,
height, styles, sl.es, -weights,
etc "Hay, don't that boy tulk
some''" I thought as I went on
my way with a line 1 air of the
Douglu shoes on from the
Boston Store
and Suit
New Suits and Coats
for Autumn
A Woman Chooses here with
l he Certainty of Choos
ing Correctly
New Capes
New Jackets
New Dress Skirts
New Walking Skirts
Children's Wool Dresses
are more beautiful than ever
all. No trouble to show goods.
a a ir in mi lcraic
ft dfthic
I T(D)nDeO;(D)aip
in mi ir-
Tuiklsh Hath, lloynl Oatmeal,
l'liic Tar, Kic Hand milled
sonpx, per Imr 4o or per doz.
Other line values iV to 15c a Imr.
We are agents for two of tho
best grades. Crane's Ktipeilluc
in crMim laid, I lord's Koyul
While III ult the new shapes.
Knvelopes and paper to match.
We handle the leading makes
such u Quo. iliiHsett's, liaviland
Ituyal, Austrian, Ktc
Hear this in mind when you
need poultry and stock supplies
and ask for the International
Poultry and Stock Kood, Use
Kow Kuru for your cow trou
bles. C. F. Golesworthy
127-129 nasi Alia ai.
I Agent for Lee's Lice Killer
and prices within reach jj
ifiiliAilnL A A Aiti AAAAiLA J
l"!"!"!"! I' '1 ' I TTTTT T 11
I f
9 T
J. Cor Main .. AIM M. P.O. I'.llloll, I'nfl
Our specialties are finest
(rcsli and salt water fish
of all desirable varities,
crabs, lobsters, clams and
water dclacacics. Olyin
pia and eastern oysters,
We will serve yon with
the finest oyster cocktail.
Goods delivered to any
part of the city. Prompt
service and nest satis
I A Trial Order is Solicit
Rigby-Clove Ml
uunrsni 1
Manufacturers of thl
Klgby-Clovc Comlbi
Repairs for all kinrfa
Farm Machind
Foundry Work a Speoialj
Cash paid for old oastli
Tho Oregou Dally Journal j
found on sale at Frazler's book.
Is slow,