East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 23, 1903, Image 4

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.... .. " I
i Jre
' . , ntirt tin
ii sggss 1
. -' ; i
TTct" OREGONIAN publishing
I'hoiic. Mutu 11
"sniscuirnoN hatks.
imllv une rear by mall
IJallv. His months M
mnll . .
three months liy mnll
niie minim uy man
. J.1.00
. -'.r.u
. l.2.
. .r.o
. .Ii
, l.ftll
. .r.(p
J'".. "'"'.V; i ninll
Weekly. lx months Or moll . . .
Weekly, four monthi b.v mall .
Sem -weekly, one )' ,;
Seml-Weekly. lx months by11'.
Seml-Wcekly, three months by mall . .00
The llust Oresonlan I" on sale ,-it II. II
Klch'i New Stnmls at Hotel Portland anil
Hotel Perkins, rortiami, uresou.
Member ScrlppTjIcKne News Amoclu
San Francisco lliiroau, IDS Fourth St.
Chlntgu Ilnreau, !)0!) Security Uutlillng.
Wnahluztoii. I). C llureau, 501 Hth St.,
N. W.
liiTtered at I'emlleton iiiwtoflce a' leeconil
clam matter.
I, Ife is a Rfiiilual death. There
nto animals ami Insects that die
on tho Instant of the culmlna
llnn ot the purpose for widen
tlioy were created. Succems is
iloalli. and (loath. If you have
bargained with late wisely, is
victory. We hear of the half
Ki-owliis white In a single day.
anil wo liiiow of men who havo
rounded out a life-work in a sin
Bio hour, and of others who
have accomplished between the
risiiiK and settliiK of the sun
what associates spread out
over a lifetime, and then failed
to accomplish. Klbert Hubbard
In Little Journeys.
What better advertisement i "
county can he orteieu w
ors than to say that the tax ev U
low? Would It not he hotter for
Umatilla county to assess an
orty at full face value every e-u.
and make tho levy
Would It not Invite niveau.. , im
manent settlers and homesee kc rs i
publish tho fact t" tlic "'" "' ;
the tax of the county was only 1- oi
15 mills? What man wmi mi
Invest will choose a location whore a
SO-ml.l lax faces him, If "uothe
country of dual advantages one .
IG-nitll tax, or still lower than this.
The high valuation and tho low levy
is the most practical ami bencllcla
method of taxation. It places all
propcrtj on an equal basis, and dis
tributes the burden of Government
dually on all property holders. W ith
tho present valuation of property fix
,.,1 by Mr Strain in this county, an
18-mlll levy wll pioduce sufficient tax
to meet the needs of the county. It
his assessment is sustained by the
county court. It means that the levy
Is to decrease year by year. If the
...., mioses to sustain his assess
ment it means that It will be useless
to make a high assessment on one
class or pionerty If the same i un
does not l"vall In all classes, and
the old levy of 28 to lilt mills will be
necessary again alter this assessment.
IS IU ju- ' ' . . i,
home can be completely
happy without them, yet the
ordeal through which the ex-,,iiict-
iss usually is
rr..:.. ,i.mcrpr and tear
SO IUU 01 SUHC""S v.....j,--
that she looks forward to the : critical
: . ..-.1 i,tiinti and dread.
nour wmi "f
.. . .. . . . . r , crinrn I I' 1 11 v, m- - - ,
Mother's Friend, by its penc ; "fec'iiUgSl and
allays nausea, nervousness, and all unpicabam
J . 1 . . . flirt A
so prepares tne system
i' .1 -t,, -nnccne tnrousi'h
orucai iiiut o- -- - -a rau
the event safely and wth but ?
HfHp sufferine. as numbers 1
have testihed and said, it is
wortli its weight in gold." $i.op per
UHi of druecists. Book containing
crvants of the people and tends to
retard the adjustment of questions
entrusted to men In seml-olllclal sta
I,nf. William H. Unrr. of tho
Canal Commission, has done go-
son-ice to the state by con.ba I .K
the railroad lobby's argument tl at
no one can tell what the liaise
canal will cost." i,..i
No cry could bo more fa aclous-
. can toll what tne can... ...
wo can llx a limit. And rof 11 ri
agrees with Col. Sytuons, jj
gulsheil army,,, onR noer. imt 'ho
limit Ol $1II1,U(HI.HMI IUU...".-
"very generous'
.. , ii. ,.i ..jthn'lfi' was
consider now ,.,.i, DOiuc ui "i "Sb"'-"; i r
made! As 1'rof. iiurr sas. '.' .' ..i,,i.i,, information mailed free
e?"?f - n xiie IUUDFIELD REGULATOR "CO., Atlanta, On
where tne suivi-ys u..u -- ,
rcpilred for estimated cost haw
lien so comprehensive and ho
ongb." These surveys are eheeked
l,v those or United States engineers
aml iovlsed by the hoard of ;.dvlsor y
Ihiglneers. The earlier and von,
Hboral estimate o. elg.i y odd ra
llont, was latter Increased by an un-,
usually large percentage lor hlg u i ,
..!.. .,.i tnr omeniencles, to ' u
1".'... l.'nr these reasons
L"u." ... r"' Z , . n.nstant ini
p.ovement of engineering mw ill ry ,
I'rol Iiurr tniniis n mi
the cost will lull short ol the -sti
male than exceed It.
In anv event we do not 'count
the cost" ol vital nece,sdtli' -New
Vmk World. ; fi.
ml fa
Oiten The Kidneys Are
Weakened by Oyer-Wofk. ;
l'ortlaud has apuoiutcil a commit
tee of citizens I nun the Chamber of
Commerce to Investigate the com
plaint of tho people of Soutiieru Ore
gon, against the creation of the Ro;e
liurg forest .csorvo.
This protest of Uosoburg leclles
tho fact that i.trgo aieas of the pub
lic domain of the state are being
withdrawn from hettlement by means
of thoso reserves and that material
damage Is belli;; done to m.-.ny sta
tions by r nson of thorn.
Tho prolesl says that much cf the
land now set aside in these .orest
tracts. Is capa . r of suppfii.ing a
population, and that the formation
of so many reserves retards settle
ment and hinders legitimate com
merce In the way or shutting ofT the
timber supply or the large mills.
Does the city f Ilosohurs know
that this Is the very object of i'i(
ntlon of tho finest reserve? Does
it not know that those largo timber
corporations, through tho abus,t ol"
tho timber and stone law, have driv
en (he government to tho creation
of these reserved tracts, tor the use
of future generations, and tho pro
tection or tho great water sources of
the mountains? With this very ob
ject In vlow, the government has be
gun to lay an embargo on the abuse-i
of the laud laws, ami to look ahead
Into the iiiture, when other genera
tions will have need of timber, wie.'"
and land, if the largo timber and
land corporations had not put the
munlflciunt laws of the United Hiatus
to such bad uses, the formation of
those reserves In the mountains of
tiio west, would not now be necos
hary. Portland must look Into tho na
ture of the complaints, ami to tho
motives back of them, before sho
can nlford to go to the national con
gress with the plea or the anil-resoive
oconle. The creation of the resone
and tho protection or the Interest !
or the future of Oregon, mean more
The exhibit of livestock and agri
cultural products at the coming
Merchants' Carnival In Pendleton.
..t..,L.U-r. It Is til lit?
!...... ... , s.or1.'tri,,:,ithv Kidncvs Make Impure Blood
"l,c" l"e . ". I . ... ... J.1nl that Ollh
' A, 1 r,n..v to I urinary and bladder troubles were ; to c
couuiies win uiivt- ;
make a display of the wonderful re-;
sources of their Industries, mid that
before the carnival closes those
i. ........ i.t i.umtlier I iv It wlll'organl.e
a permanent coiuuj iuu .,. ,
atlon, and lay plans for future meet-!
Inns. It Is the most remarkable stale
..i- nfl-nli-i Hint ran be follllll Oil tllU
coast, this absence of such an organ-, Therefore, when your kiduevsare weak j
Uation in Umatilla, the groaicst or out o. ,
.u.t in the inland Ihnpire. 1 3 .l m"". ' ucms't fail to do its
One feature of the program for tho j ''"Vymt are sick or '' feel l'lly;'' I
...mi mnolinir , llu (Jl'l'Oll 1ITIKJI
Wllllllf, w(
Free Street Entertainment
Every Evening Except Sundays
I, In the kidnevs.
but tiow modern i
science proves that
nearly all diseases
I Ilmir lieeilllliin'
II... V. -1 i
;,, Hi,, ilisiirder of
these mosv important
'im. t-iilnevs lilter
and purify the blood-
that is incir hoik.
You Cant
If you invest yJ
property is bound tot
Mere are some bar!
5 room house 2 '0t,l
taoi ui eiain St. Jiq
14 room house, t
00.00 one third cash.
19 rut,m House cd
S2,6.?o.oo one HiirjJ
House and lotvJ
Viilni u. . "J1
40 acres of M
5 acre tract c!oJ
M, 300. 00
! Koom to over Tl
i-:i....7.i. .,-, i..Uoot. because a soon
thin Association should be a series v,mr uiduevs are well the win neiii
IV m,.
of talks by the actual Irrigators of U'tlie other organs t" liealtn.
the stato. The veterans who built
the first dllches and leelalmed the
deserts fioni Idleness are always In-
toiesting members or any Industrial
movement, and In this great national
and state Issue, they are especially
needed to stimulate an iuteiest and
furnish giound facts lor future work.
The actual, active irrigators of Ml'-
arid counties should lime a promi
nent place on the program.
The anest of T. A. Wood, grand
commander of Indian war veleraus,
at Portland yesterday, for pension
fiauds. Is not surprising to those who
have followed his methods of secur
ing pensions for disabled veterans.
It Is unfortunate that temptation suc
cessfully assails men In such posi
tions. It reduces conlldeiroe III the
If you are sick you can make 110 mis
take by first iloctorius your kiilticyt..
The mild and the extraordinary effect of
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the weal
kidnev remeilN, is son re.ili.ed. It
..... 1. :..i.... . r.. lie t.ittiiti-rful cures
siauiis ineiiigin.!-"- .., -
..r 11,.. niMsi .liarossmir cases, anil is soul
nu it merits h all F -K
druKj-ists in fifty-cent (flJjS
and one-dollar s'ef&UsTTc-ljjf-tu.'tles.
You tuav aJs
I, i.-ftt inutile Inlttle llnmof Swamp-ltoot
bv mail free, also a iMinphlct telling 011
him- to find out if vou have- kidnev or
bladder trouble. Mention this pajwr
when writinifto Dr. Kilmer Jt iK
hamton, N. Y. l)j i'tmakean mistake,
but remembet tin. name, Swamp-Root,
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad
dre, llingliamtoit, N. Y on every bottle.
The Quaker Doctors
re .g un 1.1 Pendleton for a fewwecks They are dome; ni.irveloiis woru
cJucand tuinorsrcniovod without knife, blood or pain. The arc
expert spe l.ili-ts in chronic and nervous disca-.es.
Offices: Hotel Pendleton
Wlur. the .an Ik consulted in private 10 to 12 daily except Sundays
11 iiniiimiwTMimmnirT"
For a few days I will offer special low prices on all
wI.cl-Is on hand. t
E. B. E(
Has Real EstateJ
ri Kinds amlded
rillleltllf trnm il
residence tooal
must modern A
in the llmlLt nld
of I'oikI letou, L(J
farm of a fciJ
good alfalfa
tliotlsundd cf d
wheat land. Cil
the ONlH
Liu ini 1
ivANTiiDYotiit oitnnns KOU UN
miivoi! cards, whI(IIu ImtIuiIodh. etc.
100 fujrraved visiting cnnN with pint
M.SO-, aiidltloiml cnida In tiitm. Jl ("
iiinitr1 The ,,rrt,i
Joseph's Academy
Pendleton, Oregon.
R. J. NIXON, Hgr.
One Night Friday, Sept, 25
That Sparkling Farce
One Continuous Litugh from Start to Finish.
-t- 4 . 4. 4, .(
- I - t------i--
For HoardinR and Day Students,
the Sislers of St. Frances of
Classes will he resumed Seple:
Conducted by
bur 7th.
For Terms, etc., Apply to
Piiriuice ilptall
succcs- Let us'
lieattnK vour
the future of Oroiwn, mean more t ,
that city than tho temporary SKA I S 0 N ZX L '!j 1 01 ) A , 9 A . M . Vv izior's Book Store
ltomtfllu t lut ilorlvcil riiim Hie nnir I
atlon t)t :
few sawmills on her
wharves. This question is made a j
commercial one, too otten. and only
in rare lnstniii.es is there any Just,
public spirited ground for objection
to the reservation of the forrests.
There may bo liiJiitlco in tiio nian-j
nuenient of them, or In tho formation
nut In the prlnclplo, never. Tho ere
utlon of those reserves should bo
lett 'to tho chief ot tho forestry, fllf
ford Plnchot, who is the ablest jiulgu
ot conditions and needs, on this sub
ject. In tho United States, and who
studies tho lesorvo question from
the economic, mid not Its mercenary
side. Tho people of Hosebui'K and,
of OrcKon miis bo educated to tho
reserve Idea, It is ono of tho ua-
IoulI questions that Is to receive
RemoveThat Bilious Feeling
You know how it interferes with your daily work, your pleas
ures and recreations it is a Htire indication that your system is
not working right nnd that you need a little assistance take
Beecham's Pills
and you will be well, look well and feel well. You will eat well;
sleep well and you will work well. You not only need the pur
gative but the tonic elt'ccts of Ueechatn's Pills to put your entire
system in good working order. Beecham's Pills come as a boon
and blessing to overworked digestive systems as they correct
the evils and lay a solid foundation of health nnd. strength.
nea a a a i rustea t- nenas
nceciuuu s nus win prove every point claimed.
Are Combined In
Cole's Original Ait
Tight Wood Heaters ot
Hot Blast Coal Stoves
1 hey have proven their real worth.
Hundieds of satisfied people in Pendleton
and Umatilla users of Cole's stoves and
heaters always recommend them to their
friends, Sold only, in Pendleton, by
in Boxes, 10c. mnd25o
Have Yoor Water Pipes Examined and Repaired at Once
Delay will lead tO Kcnnnc l.rAl.n
iMist-class worK guaranteed by
BECK, the Reliable Pltimber.
Court street, opposite the Golden Rule Hotel
A StrW
M. H.
Aeent ft"
J. P. WAll